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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. Updating this now that ive got time to look through the whole thing, all this time the secret exit in TEETH was broken in the stock and midtwid versions, and in the ZMAPINFO only in the miipack version, since I forgot to update where the secret exit went to after I moved Boot Assault/Kick Attack and added Tom Mustaine's cut TNT master levels from the DWANGO wads. I also incorrectly assigned cluster definitions in the mapinfo/zmapinfo for the PS3 campaign. Interestingly, I DID have Virgil's Lead spelled correctly in everything but the ZMAPINFO and the CWILV graphic, and 'Vergil' even carried over to the Xbox version patch, only in the ZMAPINFO there too. This patch is far bigger than all the others ive made, and was also the very first one I did, so im not surprised I keep finding oversights in it, its a LOT of wads to comb through. Sorry for any frustrations, all patches, as well as the individual level ones for Virgil's Lead, have been updated. I would have worked on these quicker if I knew there was a critical bug like the broken secret exit. Is there anything else messed up in there to fix? Also, I'd like it if those CWILVs could have the authour in smaller text, like what you see in a lot of community wads, but the Doom Text Generator doesnt seem to have options for that. Another thing I'd like to do is have the exact correct flat for the text screen, not quite sure what the PS3 uses or what the PS1 version uses.
  2. ...the map or the nudity? 'Yes' 1000 Lines 2 seems to work perfectly as is, all it needs is a DMAPINFO lump for the level select. 1000 Lines 3 crashes instantly.
  3. Flak from Borderlands 3. I died laughing to so many of his lines in the campaigns.
  4. That sounds like 'hOOters' Its present in the Heroes megawad as well.
  5. Thanks guys, I made patches for four 100 Lines megawads yesterday, including creating a '100linesO.wad' which is where all those outtakes should have been to start with. Now the set should be complete. EDIT: It's complete!
  6. That was both the blessing and curse of Mass Effect letting you take one character across three games, with something like 6 full games due to NG+, you got really really attached to your specific Shepard. Mine was a sassy Adept FemShep that was pretty much Chaotic Good in mannerisms. Ending stuff: Some day I need to figure out how to get the face codes off my old x360 copy so I can remake her in the Legendary Edition on PC, my Adept spot is empty and waiting for her return.
  7. The most obvious is the Master Levels designers, all but one went on to work on games professionally afterwards.
  8. I once made the Doom zombiemen in Sims 2, and aside from some punchups with Doomguy whenever they met at a park or shop, they were indeed the 'nicest' iteration of them. They even painted the Ultimate Doom poster as a hobby.
  9. After playing through the russian version of 100 Lines and downloading the Doomworld version, there was a bunch of outtake maps that are now seemingly lost to time due to linkrot In particular, the ones that are missing in action are Memfis's map, Phml's map, Scifista's map, Alfonzo's pair of maps, NoobBait's map, Walter's map, Tuxlar's map and Traversd's map Anyone still have these? I was planning to compile them into an episode. The rest of the outtakes are still up.
  10. Wonder if its the Eternal Doom episode people spotted forever ago in the 'trailer'
  11. I like it enough as a stockpile of 94 and 95 stuff, I just wish it was slapped together with more care, so it actually ended up better than the other shovelware stuff. Ive made my QoL patchs for several megawads found on it, like the 4 WadPaks, New Doom, Illusions of Home etc, and someones suggested jokingly to make a giant Maximum Doom 'patch', which would basically be the whole damn directory with no Doom 1 conversions or duplicates, and missing maps in series filled in. Here's quick throwaway proposal on that idea. Ultimate Maximum Doom: Volume 1 - Episode 1 to 4, tackling updating 9 maps at a time, Heroes style. By doing it episodic, its less commitment and manageable, with however many installments and episodes not set in stone. Get at least one megawad out of it, and it'll be a success :p Could also do 'Ultimate Maximum DM' on the side which spruces up the Deathmatch content (and potentially add SP monsters to make it worth everyone's time)
  12. 'pick this or this' threads with tons of people doing the usual smartass 'NEITHER, THIS' response? check. Ive only had one Xbox console, the 360, while ive owned every Sony system except the PS5. The original Xbox was too much of a dudebro console for me, had almost no RPGs and the few it did all ended up on PC anyway. To this day, the Xemu emulator is useless for me, as the only Xbox game I ever needed to play again was the Doom 3 ports for research into the Classic Doom quirks. Meanwhile the PS2 had the greatest library known to man, which totally overwrote the fact it was the weakest system that generation. The Xbox 360 was bought at a time when Sony was at peak arrogance due to the PS2 success, with the PS3 being astronomically expensive and having less games. Achievements were a thing I had never heard about till I got my 360 and I loved the idea of them, little badges on your account showing what you'd done, and a collector's potential obsession. First games were Mass Effect and Oblivion, both of which knocked my jaw right off for the generational leap, with Bioshock being the third game, also stunning me with the advances since the PS2 generation. Eventually the PS3 got cheap enough to try out, and strange decisions by Microsoft with the obsession with Kinect, and the 9 million dashboard changes, plus having to pay for online play, I slowly converted to the PS3, but never fully switched in this generation, as each had advantages and exclusives With the PS4 and X1, Xbox was at full arrogance and pissed off *everyone*, with Sony pretending to be the good guys and capitalising on that mistake. I too went with the PS4 over the X1 for his, and it paid off, as the X1 never really got any worthwhile exclusives in its lifetime. The one thing I would have gotten it for, is the backwards compatibility with 'upgrades' for Xbox and X360 games. The PS4 kept dishing out constant exclusives that were good. Eventually management shifted and the PS4 went the road of evil again, but I already had the thing and kept using it till my gaming PC was acquired, and the more upgrades it got, the more I just played the PC versions of games. By the PS5's time, the console was once again PS3 priced, and there was nothing exclusive that interested me. The PS5's controller is amazing, i'll give it that, but only first party games really utilised it well, and plugging it into a PC gives almost no support, even stuff like GZDoom couldnt figure out wtf to do with it on a basic level, so bck to the X1 Elite controller I went, the only good thing about that system to me. Ultimately at this point, im PC with Nintendo on the side, as Nintendo systems *always* have special exclusives that only they can pull off, while the other two have games that almost always get PC ports at some point. Its less about system loyalty or perceived superiority (Career PC elitists always make me want to beat them to death with their precious keyboards, the sheer contempt and attitude is always disgusting), for me its now about futureproofing my data. I was lucky in that a PS3 and PSP emulator allowed me to transfer my saves to PC, albeit with not all of the games working right, but my PS2, PS4, Vita saves and progress, all of it is locked to aging consoles that will break down. My PC stuff has transitioned across a LOT of systems, so I rarely lose anything. THAT is important to me.
  13. I always felt that Map 33 in D2TWID making fun of Betray by Michael Bukowski was in poor taste, turns out its a bit worse as it wasn't intentionally made for that reason. I did enjoy Hexsoil though, but it definitely wasn't meant to be played so early in a campaign. I suppose its better here in D2TWID than in Lost Episodes, which still hasn't surfaced.
  14. This is pretty much exactly why I didnt like Doom 2016, felt like I was playing something for edgy teens and dudebros, the kind of people that show up on here, demand every mod be compatible with Brutal Doom, then get laughed out the door Doom 3 I didn't like for other reasons, stuff like how weak the weapons sound and feel, no real definitive port to my tastes, etc.
  15. Thats actually really helpful, as like a lot of people, I too assumed skill 4 was the equivalent of UV
  16. I'm not sure how I feel about getting neon floating doom penis on Valentine's Day....but given my love for the DBP/DBK's boundless creativity, I'll give it a pass.
  17. I don't really remember much of Fava Beans aside from it being an okay levelset. What stuck out to me was the extremely abrasive authour, and the fact he did nonsense like upload Fava Beans to the archives a second time under a different name HR has many unforgettable levels by comparison and made a much bigger mark on our history.
  18. Another one for Heretic: Fate's Path being completed as a 9-map DM episode with singleplayer gameplay. E6M3 would have its exit restored from its previous incarnation as idmap01, and the remaining 6 maps would all be deathmatch-oriented arenas and short maps, that have singleplayer content much like the existing 3 maps. It could potentially also be backported to the original Heretic.
  19. This has been in my head for years, but I want to see Switcheroom taken to a new level and swapping entire games. Imagine Knee Deep in the Dead, turned into City of the Damned from Heretic and vice versa, with each game's unique systems in play (E6M3 would have the *easiest* conversion :p) Imagine Doom 2's 'episodes', turned into Hexen hubs, with Hexen's hubs turned into regular Doom 2 starport/city/hell levels without the fancy hub system and full of demons Chex Quest and KDitD swapped!
  20. The better half of the levels were made by the same guy that later made 6 of the Master Levels, kind of like a preview of what was to come in a way. A lot of the levels of his from Lost Episodes also ended up in his Doom 2 megawad, BF Thud, and they stick out like a sore thumb, since most of his original levels in BF Thud resemble the original Doom 2 level names. I like Lost Episodes in a way, its very primitive at times but fun enough if you don't mind '94 stuff. It does take a nosedive once Bob takes over, and the final level is a slap in the face. Klie is on record saying that Lost Episodes is pretty much free to share and post these days, hopefully it ends up on the archives someday for a permanent home From what I understand, the commercial release was thanks to a loophole, you were buying the book which had the levels attached as a bonus, instead of buying an unlicensed game. As such, it isn't actually an add-on with id's blessing, unlike its 'cousins' Hell to Pay and Perdition's Gate. I'm guessing it got id's attention though, given Klie was brought into the Master Levels project, where he made 12 maps for it, his last Doom content before moving on to newer games. I made a QoL patch for the original here, and also ported it to the Unity port A community remaster of Lost Episodes would be neat. Klie is reachable, and has an account on DW. If it ever happened, I'd like to see the Klie portion touched up to more closely resemble his Master Levels output, with stuff like the silly cyberdemon pit changed, secret levels added by either mimicking his style or backporting BF Thud levels to Doom 1, and for the Bob Carter portion to be brought up to Klie's level of visuals, with that one missing level from his works added as the E3 secret level. Some new graphics based on the book cover would also be great.
  21. DBP64, and its Doom 64. A match made in hell.
  22. Here I thought this was about the Eden by Mal Blackwell, that dude that went on to work at id Software
  23. I am 156.9% gay for Cammy and Tristan's music
  24. The Wolfenstein TC is great, despite its bugs. All 123 maps, trackable on Doom Launcher, with all kinds of small QoL things like floor and ceiling textures, an automap, counters, and the ability to play the old Wolf midis with a soundfont like Arachno is just great. The only thing its missing is the SNES/Mac/3D/Jaguar campaign, and im guessing those are coming someday, given the hidden TESTMAP with the functioning backpack, flamethrower and rocketlauncher from said ports. The high score table is broken like every other 'Wolf in ZDoom' implementation ive ever played, sometimes enemies patrolling breaks and they march stuck in place, and it frequently resets some of its settings, but aside from the bugs, it feels even better than ECWolf.
  25. Given how common dance and pop music and stuff like Das Boot is in Maximum Doom era wads, I guess the 'rock and metal' obsession was something the community grew into.
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