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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. Probably familiarity at this point. At some point he'll have to upgrade, as things that dont get updates eventually start breaking. ZDoom will never support UMAPINFO and MBF21 too, so its kind of a relic now. I had to make a patch for Solar Struggle because ZDoom couldnt display the custom intermission stuff or the level names, as all Solar Struggle had was UMAPINFO. I feel like hes going to full-on move to DSDA Doom in time though, as it pops up more and more often as his secondary port :p
  2. Always. I have so many games unfinished, and sometimes multiplayer stuff like my Warframe clan takes precedence. I generally play a level a week at the minimum (especially now that I have a stat tracking launcher to give me goals), but there are always periods when I look at the icon or open the launcher and just glumly browse because im not actually in a mood for the game. Sometimes a particular wad will strike my fancy and I'll play the game for days, other times I'll want to play something but have no energy for it. This christmas I planned to do DBP55, DBK02 and finish Whitemare, but only the first on that list will get done, I just didnt have time or energy this year.
  3. Devil May Cry 5, Halo Wars Definitive Edition, Nier Automata, $50, clothes, and a pile of imported drinks and snacks. I'd get myself some games nd DLC off steam, but my debit card decided to expire right before christmas, and everyone is away on holiday now so I might not be able to At least I didn't get covid on christmas day, like last year.
  4. For me the worst parts of ALT were whenever there was a map that was clearly a random guy's map put in to finish the project, you could always tell because ALT was originally an Azamael project and had a sort of singular vision. Some of the other guys that came in, like BeeWen, Archi and Maddzi, clearly understood the project and provided maps that fit in with the strange vibe that Azamael was going with, on the other hand, theres a map by Wraith near the end that has nothing to do with the project and was plopped into an empty slot, ruining the ending of the previous map. His map wasn't bad per say, but it shouldn't have been *there*, as it was a map that was clearly an attempt to build the Spawning Vats building from Episode 2's intermission map, it would have belonged in that project to build the intermission map buildings, if it had ever taken off. I generally enjoyed the entire megawad, but the maps that were just disconnected filler maps really pulled me out of the special ALT atmosphere I actually really like Citadel, even though I had to dedicate an entire day to beat it (8 hours!), I feel like its a challenge everyone thats heavily invested in Doom should go through someday. Especially since it was his final work before...things happened. I'd say its the Mucus Flow of CC1 even. The one thing I don't like is the very end, when your required to do a wallrun glitch to finish the map, as far as im concerned everyone should just noclip that part. Other CC1 standouts are TV's maps, Use3D's duo of epics, Sphagne(?)'s trio and Map 20 by TheUltimateDoomer. I absolutely hated Blood Demesne though, and I think most do. CC2 on the other hand has a lot more 'what map was that one again?' ones that never stick out. City Heat (another UltimateDoomer map, go figure!), Sodding Death, To Hell and Back, Death Mountain and Gethsemane all stood out to me, with most of the rest just 'being there', or of course the 'I want to forget it but I cant' troll map from our badministrator, which makes us crawl inside goatse.
  5. I find a lot of old jank charming in its own right (Hence why I play Maximum Doom sometimes and giggle at the things people used to make), but generally that doesnt apply to engines. Remasters and stable source ports or even just quality of life unofficial patches to make things not crash, have native resolution, and less-ass controls can overcome lots of bad design for me.
  6. I remember when HR and AV were still the staples for people to get past, nowadays they feel like every other modern wad combatwise, just with less 'choreographed dance sequence with explosions' setpieces.
  7. A long long time ago I bought a controller to play Doom with on my PC, and it came with Demonstar SM2, presumably for the people that bought a controller without a game to play yet (or, for people whose games turned out to be unable to support controllers *glares at Unreal 2*) It was hard as balls and impossible to get far in....but the music was AWESOME.
  8. Ive only fought an Afrit once, in Deadwing's early work, and I hated the damn thing.
  9. Are TNT's textures not supported yet? Map 20 there has a lot of clashing and the monitors in the 'office' early on shimmer and warp in strange ways
  10. Its actually my second favourite with all the recent stuff like internal leaderboards for wads youve played, so im not throwing shade or anything.
  11. Ah yes, the 'Doomguy is a hammerhead shark' gameplay mod
  12. Finally finished the first megawad I ever played, after something like 20 years. Quite literally, as it was apparantly released in 2003. (This also dates when I found custom doom content that wasn't on shovelware discs to that year)


    @Doom_Dude I finally got through all of Vilecore :D (With the proper map order too; ironically the final map being swapped for the second secret map by mistake was probably for the best. Battle Hex is much harder and has four Cyberdemons (who are fought in pairs!) and a Spider Mastermind, was quite a lot harder than the titular Vilecore level.)


    Played the set with the TNT Midi Pack, fit quite well aside from the Map 32 track.

    1. Doom_Dude


      Oh hey, cool you finally finished it. lol I released it in 2000 and there was a tiny update in 2003, so that's why the archive says 2003 on there.

    2. Devalaous


      I have terrible focus and succumb often to 'megawad fatigue', so over the years I'd always get a certain amount of maps in, get distracted, then my saves would be gone or something else. I first played it on Doom 95 of all things.


      It took Doom Launcher with its stat tracking and wad management to get me over the finish line; seeing the bar raise from 10/32, to 22/32, etc, would keep making me load it up and get a few more levels done.


      This year ive finished three megawads off my bucketlist, now I just need to finish Eternal Doom and Memento Mori II.

    3. Doom_Dude


      I tend to not play a lot of maps, so playing through an entire megawad can be a challenge. I find when I get in the Doom zone, I tend to prefer making stuff rather than playing. I also tend to go through long stretches of Doom burnout, so that doesn't help.


      I'm finally getting the urge to Doom again.


      Have fun with MMII and Eternal Doom. I should replay those as it's been awhile.

  13. DBP07, DBP19, DBP31, DBP43, DBP55 and DBK02 are a great set of christmas things. Theres also H2H Xmas for an old classic christmas megawad from the 90s; some of its maps are brutal HR-style stuff. Christmas 'lite' stuff, I'd recommend Whitemare 1 and 2 (The christmas theme is still there but its subdued in favour of 'winter'). For more modern stuff, you can find plenty in the new releases.
  14. I meant in the link in the first post, the Doom Wiki page. But yeah, I got through Heretic's entire 48 maps earlier, just wondering if there was a better way to play, its currently just on Default for Heretic and Hexen.
  15. I like how that comparison of ports doesn't have DSDA Doom, despite it practically being one of the most popular ports these days. for GZDoom however, is there a recommended compatibility for Heretic or Hexen to use for them? Somehow I doubt Doom or Doom (Strict) is optimal.
  16. On a similar note, I'd love for source ports in dev builds to auto-update like my emulators usually do.
  17. Crisis City's music is one of the best things to come out of that game.
  18. I don't think the original Dante's Gate ever showed up on Maximum Doom, which is kind of strange. Thus ive never actually played the Doom version.
  19. Never forget the single armour pickup in the nukage in E1M7, also a Romero map. I wouldn't be surprised if that trolling bonus was the reason maxers 'cheat' and don't go for 100%ing all three categories.
  20. The wad has a TITLEPIC, HELP1, CREDIT, SIGILIN2 and SIGILEND lump inside it
  21. Played through DBP09 recently and had a lot of fun with it, nice to see a sort of sequel.
  22. Ive had this on my autoload in GZDoom forever, dunno how you've managed to get a wad to not work.
  23. So, @dobu gabu maru's UnDINO presented a problem for me; while I have no interest in playing the old versions of the maps, I have ALL of the interest in the fifth episode. So I've made an add-on patch for UDINO that adds Thy Content Cut for all 44 maps in one. It takes the graphics and music for it from UnDINO, and adds the hilarious TITLEPIC as an end of episode graphic, and ive generated some WILV graphics for the levels (I do not know how people add things like authour names in different fonts and sizes, so my WILVs do not match the rest of UDINO. If whoever made UDINO's makes a set for E5, I'll swap mine out with theirs) As a bonus, since I'd already made it, I included the udino midi wad in the download, and added the four music tracks from E5 to it
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