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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. Thanks for that, I wasn't going to request that one or really touch it with a patch due to my extensive history with that megawad, would feel...weird
  2. I like how Eternity still doesn't pop up on any of these port lists. I consider it to be a sort of GZDoom Lite by now, its just sorta stuck in a niche.
  3. stock libraries be damned, those door sounds in PC and PSX Doom are Doom sounds first and foremost damn it!
  4. House of Leaves. Thanks Doomworld.
  5. I'd settle with being able to jump to dodge the attack, like what you see in pretty much every game ever with a groundpound AoE attack, and being able to duck behind things to shield yourself from the blast
  6. The only issue I have with the Berserkers is that you cant do a thing to avoid damage once they have jumped, the AoE goes through walls, hits you if you jump, etc.
  7. The Quake II remaster with its libraries of content is what Doom should have gotten, given its legacy. I feel like the heads of the company either changed or changed focus since then. Doom -> Quake -> Quake 2 has been a massive increase in care and respect for the product each time.
  8. People have bad habits of quoting giant walls of text with pictures and video embeds, and just adding on like one sentence in response, editing peoples quotes lets us trim the fat. I always remove peoples pictures and videos and irrelevant text to what I'm responding to to cut down on the mount of scrolling others have to do, also makes who I'm quoting know exactly WHAT I'm responding to
  9. Its stupidly addictive and if I end up there, I will be reading for hours on end, often spoiling plots of video games ive yet to beat.
  10. 12 GB, '11,890 Files' Who will dethrone me in an instant?
  11. The port was released in a bad state and like stuff like No Man's Sky, the early negativity has hounded it ever since, with what feels like half the information out there all based on the launch state
  12. Ancient Aliens is one of them, but in a cheaty way; there are two types of exploding drones, one replaces the Keen, the other replaces 'bloody mess 2'
  13. Its one of the few things UMAPINFO doesnt yet support: UMAPINFO documentation. I have other types of xINFO formats in my patch templates, so I could make equivalents for GZDoom and other formats if you like, crouch/jump disabling is only in MAPINFO and ZMAPINFO I beleive
  14. Another hospital visit today, more existential dread. Now I have a different type of dread now that im home; its time for my first serious play of Mucus Flow

    1. Kyka


      Hope the hospital visit went well and accomplished what you needed it to.


      Wish you every blessing and good luck with mucous flow!

  15. Oh no. Precarious platforming in a Noisy Velvet wad? NOT AGAIN.
  16. I also enjoy the things Edward, Quasar and Sponge share; in my case its because I myself have worked in the game industry and I understand a lot of what they say and the rationale behind choices. Even if there are decisions I would have liked done differently, I always understand the how and why of what they do
  17. 'g4.11pre-187-g3ddf72104'. Its not a load order bug is it?
  18. I posted it earlier tonight in my patch thread here
  19. I updated Revolution and Rebirth with all the unused tracks in the midipack GZDoom can play them via the console by specifying these lumps. Eternity probably can too. Revolution's unused tracks are playable in all ports in my TV 1998 patch however; I filled out the rest of the soundtrack in the patch for IDMUS use, I tentatively call it an unofficial 'plus' version of the official TV1998 midi pack. I actually use it with Cleimos II, in absence of a midipack for it. Speaking of TV 1998... As usual, its got the DEHACKED/GAMEINFO/UMAPINFO minimums, integrates the midipack, and as mentioned above, adds new tracks to fill all 35 music slots. Also comes with a music-only version of the midipack that can be played with *any* Doom 2 pwad without interference from embedded DEHACKED Mars War The anti-Microsoft megawad; the original release of Mars War, the one Xaser saved from oblivion, had three maps missing due to mappers block, and they were filled in by edited versions of Maximum Doom maps Moonbase and 11 Bones and even Heretic's E1M1. The final release replaced them with original maps. Ive added the edited cut versions as bonus maps for historical interest. Also has a patch for said original release for those that still have it. 10 Sectors Duo This is mostly a patch to bring Part 2 up to the level of the main megawad; like a lot of reject compilations, Part 2 was haphazardly thrown together and tossed out the door, no DEHACKED, no CWILV graphics, not even a way to access Map 31 and 32. So I added some unofficial names to them based off the wad filenames, made CWILVs for them, and used UMAPINFO to set Map 31 and 32 as mandatory secret maps that come after Map 15, like Eternal Doom and Hell to Pay. Since this patch now unbalanced the duo, I backported the DEHACKED/GAMEINFO/UMAPINFO to the original 10 Sectors, now they more closely match as a two-part Megawad. Equinox This old classic has received widescreen graphics, a castcall after Map 13 and unofficial level names partly taken from MtPain27's video. If anyone can fix Map 4's midi, please do so so we don't have to hear star wars-like music for a few minutes then near endless silence :p Doom Junior and Project X These are two really old Doom 2 megawads from a well-known mapper, a certain Mike 'Cyb' Watson, and I hear hes ashamed off these existing like so many are when remembering old early work from teenage years. Map 14 of Project X is one of the 'archvile ghost bug' levels, so be careful with gameplay mods or it might not work. Not sure if its on GZDoom's automatic compatibility either. As these are not covered on the Doom Wiki, I do not know if the classic 'deleted secret sector' bug is present in these levels, I'll do a thorough check later. 'The Best Wad Ever' Like the above, this is a patch for a megawad by a well-known mapper; Matt Tropiano's debut Doom megawad, made when he was only 12 years old. Matt's levels are generally much better than the other guy's maps, and its quite stunning how decent these maps were for someone so young. Its no wonder hes still making great stuff to this day. You can only acquire this wad at https://mtrop.net/level-design-old.php, there is a similarly named wad on the idgames archive that is completely different. The Trooper's Playground One of the many older wads crippled by NWT and requiring a repackage for modern times. This patch fuses the main wad, the deathmatch portions, and the bonus level into one package. I was originally going to port this to the Unity port, but anything made with NWT bombs on it, sadly. This patch was sitting incompleted for over a year, I honestly forgot about it. Suitcase of Gor An incomplete remake of Doom 2, this is Tarnsman's earliest work I think. Ive cleaned up the level progression with UMAPINFO, as it was released incomplete and with empty mapslots. Now you can play to the end without console commands or playing through stock maps. Thanks to my hospital time yesterday, I spent the rest of the weekend playing catchup, theres still more to finish up. I guess thats something for next weekend?
  20. Its actually magenta, not purple :p Does look good though! Now we just need the cyan and white keys, with matching skulls :D
  21. Any key you want really, but I bound it to ] personally.
  22. This is why in GZDoom, Woof and DSDA, I bound noclipping to a single key that I can tap to get out of a pit or softlock
  23. Equinox already got widescreened: The missing graphic for 'Total' was a good find though!
  24. @t.v. Just tested PrBoom Plus with its final version, the UMAPINFO does actually end the game there, you'll need to update it to the absolute final version here
  25. I have hundreds, if not thousands of games to get through on top of my thousands of Doom wads, I alternate pretty often. Ever since I installed Doom Launcher, ive been more focused on finished my Doom wads than ever before, but I still take regular breaks to finish off other things.
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