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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. The PS3 was the only platform that ever had all classic Doom content in one, as 'Doom Classic Complete'. It had all of the above, along with No Rest for the Living.
  2. How strange. Xbox Master Levels has strings from Plutonia in the automap. Black Tower has 'Level 5: Ghost Town' and Bad Dream has 'Lever 12: Speed', yet Attack reads 'Level 1: Attack properly. Trapped on Titan also reads 'Level 1: Attack'

  3. Ultimate Doom level beta I finished converting them, but im unsure if I did an acceptable job; as mentioned, ive never done anything like this prior All four episodes have at least one new level each, fully integrated near seamlessly (GZDoom's lack of a 'label' field means the map number will stick out like a sore thumb, but this isnt an issue in Eternity or UMAPINFO ports). I also gave E1M1 a proper secret exit to Sewers and touched up some areas of Sewers to undo *some* of the bad 1994isms. We would need a full on DTWID-style remaster project for it and the other console levels to truly improve it, but it does look better in a few spots. I have no idea if Threshold of Pain is now balanced well for Ultimate Doom; the original was all about masses of Hell Knights and Pain Elementals, ive added some more ammo to deal with the conversions of many Knights to Barons, so let me know how it goes (And feel free to edit it for polish)
  4. Got Doom Classic Complete from the PS3 working on my PS3 emulator. Since my PS3 is semi-bricked thanks to a broken wifi/bluetooth chip, its good to have this port 'available' again.

    Also big oof, the bad Doom wiki has better documentation of DCC.

  5. I hope this looks okay. Twilight Descends is literally almost completely textureless when put into Ultimate Doom, so im flying entirely blind. Brother says it looks better than the original, but hes not really a Doomer with decades of memories of E4 style :p You can only set one action per level with MAPINFO. The way it is now, it runs on all ports, thats an easy tradeoff. Also fits the goal of 'what if these levels always shipped with Doom 2?' I added another sneaky level to the Doom 2 wad btw. Look for its entrance in Spirit World.
  6. image.png


    How accessing Sewers should have been done. I should do this for Betray too.

  7. Kaiser made it so picking up the cell pack in the very middle (which didnt exist in the PS1 version) lowers the Mastermind walls, since you cant have multiple death actions in a level unless its Map 7. I only made his non-functioning exit door actually work by removing tag 666 and making it switch activated. EDIT: I updated the wad, now Underhalls has a new and improved method to reach Betray (This does mean I need to rewrite my amusing text screen though..)
  8. Instead of dreaming about something, be the change in the world that you want to see Heres a beta of the Doom 2 console levels integrated into the Doom 2 campaign, including Betray, Redemption Denied, The Mansion and Club Doom, the latter three are all running purely on stock Doom 2 assets now, using Kaiser's ports as a base. I'm sure someone with far more experience can do a much better job, especially since Redemption Denied could *really* do with a gameplay overhaul turning it into a better arena boss map. Betray has had some very minor touchups in a few places too. The Mansion is accessed after Bloodfalls, and Redemption Denied is after The Spirit World, I may make it the first or second Hell map instead however, given how easy it is in its console-accurate state. I beleive @Rudolph and @Tristan might want to give this a scathing gaze to find misaligned switches and other such things (I only found one misaligned switch in Mansion myself). The beta has only a MAPINFO lump to make the new map slots work, so its probably not compatible with DSDA Doom or Woof just yet (I pretty much stole the mapinfo out of the Xbox Doom patch I made and built on top of it for quick testing, UMAPINFO etc will be added later) The Ultimate Doom section is *much* more work and ive only gotten Hell Gate complete with The Marshes half done. Threshold of Pain and Twilight Descends are practically Doom 2 levels in Doom 1, so almost *everything* needs retexturing and rebalancing
  9. Here is the link to the built wad, its a temporary download as the zip has no readme file yet. Its only got the midis in it, so its basically a 'drop and play on any megawad' deal, and the cut tracks are still there as lumps with the same names, GZDoom at least can play them with a console command, dont know about other ports.
  10. All you guys making your crazy magnum opuses Me, struggling to properly retexture the console exclusive Ultimate Doom maps to doom.wad assets only: Theshold of Pain is going to kill me. EDIT: Well, Twilight Descends is almost 100% Doom 2 textures. Kill me now.
  11. image.png?width=1246&height=701


    @Tristan this is indeed far harder than I thought it would be. Hopefully the end result 'looks okay' (We all know everyones going to just hit the lights out switch to hide the ugly anyway :D)

    1. Devalaous






      Club Doom actually looks perfectly fine without the coloured lights and transparencies and with 100% stock textures. Not that a still picture can REALLY show much in the danceroom.

    2. Devalaous




      Tag 666 refuses to work even with MAPINFO for some reason (Kaiser's dehacked pointers also did not work) so I added this little alcove to manually open the exit

  12. Only Sewers did, its midi is hidden away in the Ultimate MIDI Pack. Its titled 'An Eye For (and of) Molecules'
  13. Nope, your wad has the fire skies, Doom 2 textures in the Doom levels, and its for Boom. What im doing is inserting the 5 Ultimate Doom levels into the original mapset, the other three into Doom 2, and stripping out anything that isn't actually in the base vanilla assets. So Hell Gate has the Deimos sky that it does in the Jaguar/GBA release, and all those ROCK2 textures at the very beginning that are from Doom 2 are now METAL2 as an example. Ive seen lots of conversions that mimic the console features and looks, but never one that tried to make them look like they always belonged, so as they say: 'be the change that you want to see' Im sure my conversions will suck as im totally a newbie at UDB, but im having fun doing it myself and thats what matters :D
  14. image.png


    'What do I replace the Williams logo with?'

    *inner shitpost brain has idea*

    'No. Dont you do it.'


    I think im channeling pcorf here.


    But in all seriousness, placing a stock texture there in a meaningful way is currently quite amusing. Had the IoS's nostrils there for a bit, SP_FACE, various marbfaces..

    1. Devalaous


      I have fully un-consoled Hell Gate and The Mansion, renamed the old Hell Keep to 'The Keep Grounds', and touched up the textures on Betray. The little 'deluxe doom' patch idea is going pretty fast.

  15. Its not about the PS1 itself, but more 'what stock music would these levels have, if they had ALWAYS been part of the original game?' Two of the eight levels were reportedly made by American McGee, thus actually id-made, so its a valid question.
  16. It's simple in theory. Take either Kaiser's conversions or the ones from No Consolation, strip all the console textures and decorations, and make them look like they were proper lost levels, using only IWAD stuff (which also means rebalancing Hell Keep (single Revenant), Twilight Descends (two nightmare spectres) The Marshes (SSG replaced, Hell Knights replaced with Barons) and Threshold of Pain (Oh jesus, 7 nightmare spectres, 14 pain elementals *39* Hell knights) I'd likely have Hell Gate right before Tower of Babel, the new Hell Keep after the original (renaming the original in the process out of neccessity; id DID outright replace this map afterall) and Tristan's placement of the three E4 levels Doom 2 on the other hand, The Mansion would best be suited to a normal Hell level, as having map 15 AND map 16 both have a secret level with a supersecret level is bad flow, and sure enough, Perquisite Strata makes it a normal map (oddly, No Consolation made The Marshes a normal level instead). I'd probably put Redemption Denied as after Spirit World, a final showdown with the Masterminds, as Living End has a final Cyberdemon fight, even if its skippable. UMAPINFO and other xINFOs can set up The Marshes and Redemption Denied's boss actions to work in most ports too. I cant see stuff like Crispy supporting a mapset like this. All this also makes me want community midis for the 8 console levels + Betray, in the same vein as how Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Sewers all got brandnew community midis.
  17. Whenever I get around to attempting pure IWAD texture conversions of these levels and inserting them into a 'deluxe' Doom and Doom 2 campaign, imma give these assignments a good consideration Hell Gate has always been a Deimos level
  18. I was given a challenge to 'make the dumb Xbox version in a patch'. While I cant replicate the slowed music and certain sounds being off due to the ports handing of 22050 Hz sound effects, I did indeed add the modified E1M1, the older buggy Sewers with its partime of 0 seconds, and as seen in the spoiler below, the hilarious E1 sky across all 37 levels (Which Activision adamantly insisted wasn't a bug) I gotta say, aside from the classic 1994 texturing, I really do like this level, and its better as E1M10 than it is as its original E3M1 release. It feels like a fever dream, and @Cammy's excellent midi from the Ultimate MIDI Pack amplifies that feeling, I felt lost and alone in those twisting tunnels thanks to that music. Unlike Betray, doing Sewers doesnt leave you overstocked either, all you can get from doing it is a soulsphere, maxed shells and bullets, and a chaingun. I fixed the thing with going back to E1M1 however, since Betray in the same port went to Map 3. I also made a second version for my own amusement that has the skies not broken, and adds the XBLA/BFG dreaded pills as well as replaces the E4 INTERPIC with the awesome NRFTL one; I found the 'DMENUPIC' lump in my Xbox 360 Doom.wad so I decided to use it how Doom 2 used it.
  19. Because I love doing stupid shit in SLADE: I have now made a patch to add Sewers and the edited E1M1 to Ultimate Doom, so that the Ultimate MIDI Pack's E1M10 midi by Cammy actually has a chance to be heard.


    Then I went and did the same for Doom 2 and Betray, because why not?

    1. Devalaous


      I'm even making a damned alt to replicated the bug of the E1 sky being used for all 37 maps. Too bad I cant also have the busted music and slowed down sounds for a proper 'Xbox Doom TC' patch, heh

    2. Devalaous




      Is this an acceptable explanation for humping a random wall in Underhalls to reach Betray? (Using C1TEXT just to keep an eye on the letter spacing, ingame its a custom cluster/INTERTEXT depending on port)

    3. Devalaous




      @Tristan does this count as a Doom 2 warcrime?

  20. I ordered House of Leaves today as a result of this wad. Was gifted physical money for my birthday, found a good use for it.
  21. Well, I converted this to Doom 2, and had to devote half a day to listening to each track over and over while considering each Doom 2 stock level; a large amount of tracks didn't match up, like E1M7 being a quiet spooky track, which would end up on the short boss level Map 7 if thoughtlessly converted. 37 midis sorted through, for 32 mapslots, so 5 tracks were cut but left playable via console commands. I feel like im gonna get roasted for the cut ones :p Title Screen: Doomguy and His Angry Band - Ivan Stanton Intermission: Beating the Demons - Myrgharok Story: Ammo Count 00 - STILES Map 01: Stricken Commission - Bloo Map 02: Dread Factory - MFG38 Map 03: Unknown Realm - Palitoman Map 04: Happy Destruction - Bloo Map 05: They're Going to Suspend You - TrialD Map 06: Behind Closed Doors - Bloo Map 07: You're Winner - Lippeth Map 08: Trouble in Sight - Bloo Map 09: Escaping the Darkness - Myrgharok Map 10: Halls of Wandering Spirits - Myrgharok Map 11: Good Luck - Bloo Map 12: Lost in the Abstraction - Keagan Dunn Map 13: Forgiven Heretic - McJerb Map 14: Swamp Ass - ZeMystic Map 15: Ant Farm Melee - Lee Jackson Map 16: Siege Mentality - NeilJohnRips Map 17: World of No Sorrow - TrialD Map 18: Let the Wicked Be No More - Lippeth Map 19: No More History - Cammy Map 20: On a Sea of Lava - Myrgharok Map 21: Desolation - Ivan Stanton Map 22: Mother of All Doom - Myrgharok Map 23: NM100S Pistol Start or Perish - MegaSphere & Cammy Map 24: A Search for the Soul - Xulgonoth & Bloo Map 25: Darkness Continues - Bloo Map 26: A Compact Hell - Sego Map 27: Eclectic Death - Peccatum Mihzamiz Map 28: The Eternal Emptiness - Myrgharok Map 29: Path of the Pale Horse - Lippeth Map 30: Dethrone the Tyrant - Manniacc Map 31: An Eye For (and of) Molecules - Cammy Map 32: Cookie Fangs - Cammy Unused due to lower mapslot count: D_INTROA A Guitarist Shreds in the Forest and No One is There to Hear It - Ivan Stanton D_BUNNY Arrival of the Demons - Ivan Stanton D_E1M3 Toxic Sludge - Chilpillwill D_E2M1 Pagliacci's Going to Town - TrialD D_E2M5 Rat Men's Station - ZeMystic D_E3M9 Mouth for Secrets - Ivan Stanton D_E4M4 Vitamin B6 - Lee Jackson I really wanted to swap out the titlescreen music for INTRO_A since its pretty much never heard (hence its amusing title) and use the intro track as a regular level track somewhere but it doesn't quite loop well for that, which is a shame. The 5 cut tracks were largely due to not quite fitting in with any levels in my head, which is natural given how different Doom and Doom 2 are. I had the most trouble assigning tracks to Downtown and Nirvana, as the former needed a good 'free roam romp' style track and I'd already assigned most of the tracks by then. First track I assigned was 'On a Sea of Lava', my favourite track in the whole set and oh so fitting on Gotcha due to its....sea of lava :D
  22. One thing ive always wanted is for these console levels to be have the console textures fully replaced by stock IWAD ones so they fit right in with the others, where you could slip them in where they were on console and still have them feel like they belong. Most are pretty much already like this, but 'not quite'.
  23. I think Gotcha! from Doom 2 In Name Only had a siege concept.
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