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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. These are all supposed to be run from the pwad folder, like this: I'd get in all sorts of trouble if I IWAD'ed each one. The only reason Master Levels is different to the rest is because the individual 20 Master Levels wads cant be handed out, hence its a DIY one by legal necessity. Even if said levels are buried inside said ports files.
  2. Given there are literally 1000+ wads in there, you'd have one hell of a time organising that. I can say one thing though; Interdiction Zone and Crossing Acheron would be two of the 32.
  3. It was a fun little diversion, the previous Doom 2 build only included maps up to 32 so I never got to see the 'E5M1' map. The even earlier version of the original Catacombs was neat, albeit totally broken. Clearly we need a 'Lost Episode 2' or 'Lost Episode Deluxe' which has 'Xaserified' voidy maps formed from all the beta versions of maps, can even cheat and have the 'map fragments' like E5M1, SHITMAP, COMM5/6 etc all take up one map with pieces of development floating in a void, heh.
  4. I have a beta of it from Xaser's site (I think thats where I got it anyway) so its not 100% lost. Judging by the wad's contents, a ton of maps had the owners go AWOL or not respond to PMs, so no updated versions or versions at all are keeping that wad from seeing the light of day. Its been close to ten years now, so I don't think it or the Final Doom TWID are ever going to actually show up. Prove me wrong TWID Team :V
  5. Its always the Master Levels stuff that comes back to give me issues isn't it? Naturally I seem to have *not* kept my assembled Master Levels wad on hand, but the dropbox version was made from that initial version, all I did was delete the maps from the wad and leave markers showing where to place them. The built version was working in the port for both me and my lone tester. This is how it should look with Canyon slotted into the right place, for example. I have no idea why it would break on any port, maybe it doesn't like the markers? To be honest, the constant crashing issues with the Unity port with basic vanilla wads for seemingly no reason is why I stopped porting things to it, it became a fulltime headache, especially when there's little to no interest in figuring out how it works and why it crashes, because 'just use community ports'. Even Sponge has shown headscratching confusion over why some add-ons have had problems, and he was one of the programmers, heh.
  6. The best way to take the Maximum Doom journey is via Doom Launcher and its tag system. By cataloguing each wad you can set a reasonable goal of marking each one as complete in time. At least until you start running into the broken wads.
  7. They didn't test a single thing, several maps were converted to Doom 2 multiple times, with each conversion differing or breaking differently, text files went missing, Heretic maps ended up in there, and in one weird case, a Heretic text file without the matching map got on there. The most egregious is pornographic content is on the disc in the form of at least one wad having naked women on the walls, which would have gotten them in huge legal trouble...if anyone even cared about Maximum Doom enough to find it and get id in trouble over it.
  8. Ive had fun chipping away at the content over time, but the Doom 2 side is so heavily flooded in duplicates and bad Doom 1 conversions. A curated 'fixed' version of Maximum Doom that trims the dupes and fixes broken stuff would be neat, but whos really going to bother with that?
  9. I did try to move those rockets, seems they are still bugged. They don't count as items though, so oh well. I fixed the erroneously ambush-flagged monsters in E2M9's outside area, they should wake up with the others now. No monster is actually out of bounds. This stuff is exactly why I prefer to only remove the improperly deleted secret sectors that no amount of console command or cheats can overcome, trying to fix bugs on maps outside of that seems to only generate more headaches, and risks player anger over defiling classics Anyway: The Rebirth This patch is a bit simpler, no xINFO lumps outside of GAMEINFO, and integrates the Midi Pack, adds obituaries and correct Cast Call names for the new monster replacements, and adds widescreen graphics.
  10. Rebirth quality of life patch Adds widescreen graphics by @Quill, integrates the midipack, has custom obituaries and cast call stuff for the three custom monsters, and the option to restore the original MAP30 midi by Vader
  11. Oh hey, I was about to make a integrated widescreen+midipack patch for this tomorrow. What timing!
  12. Hell Keep. So bad that id replaced it themselves with a much better map in the Jaguar port. Nirvana. Bland and so short its over before I know it Baron's Den. Utterly forgettable map that I regularly forget exists each and every playthrough. Even Habitat and Quarry are more memorable and fun than this. The Omen. Whether its after the hardest map in the megawad, or after the secret hard duo, this map always falls flat for me and just sort of....exists. Never enjoy it, nor have I enjoyed any tribute to it thats shown up in Plutonia ripoffs
  13. Birthday time again. Hard to beleive its been 10 whole years since Tristan and Cannonball made a birthday map for me way way back in the day.

    1. ReaperAA


      Happy Birthday Devalaous!!!

    2. Devalaous


      Things not to do on birthday: Get tricked into eating a deep-fried candy bar, as a diabetic

    3. Kyka


      Happy Birthday Devalous. Wishing you every success for the coming year. Thanks for your contribution to the Doom community! 

  14. As long as vaseline filters arent applied, Doom looks like Doom to me, so I just play on Vulkan with the vanilla or software lighting mode. Brains says its Doom, so im happy.
  15. I only ever got to play Marathon 2 on the X360, kind of odd they only ported the middle game and not the whole trilogy. Was a very weird and quirky game with some very bizarre humour.
  16. The next Planisphere; instead of New York or some city, we get a fictional town absolutely full of hundreds of myhouses to clear out. Bonus points if theres also commercial buildings dotted here and there.
  17. Some megawads that could be widescreened fully or partially with the 'lazy floodfill': Khorus' Speedy Shit (just has a titlepic with plain yellow background), Dimensions of Time (Largely or entirely done in MS paint, would be an easy one), H2H Xmas (The TITLEPIC is another 'single colour background' one), Pulse (its TITLEPIC lump is another one colour thing; its CREDIT lump is more work). On the smaller side: Doom 2 Hellscape by Lutz and Sky May Be for the memes
  18. As requested by @Mr.Unsmiley: Base Ganymede Complete Basically turns it into the Unity Port version. Due to issues with Eternity over widescreen, Crispy and Eternity will default to 4:3 episode name graphics instead of wider names from the Unity port. Theres a little wad to change the episode names to the full widescreen ones for Crispy however. Other ports all use the full graphics.
  19. Here is my patch thread. Base Ganymede hasn't been posted yet, but the patch is at least partially made (Its got all the new automap names, the WILV graphics and the updated maps from the Unity version, I think all that's left to do is check if the map names are present on all the xINFO lumps) and will probably be in the next post there from me EDIT: Seems ive still got MAPINFO, ZMAPINFO, UMAPINFO and the Doomsday definitions to finish, Crispy and Eternity are the finished parts of it.
  20. My first wad (and only wad) was a remake of Icon of Sin with *much* better texturing, with a random deathmatch maze around the whole level that I played botmatches in with the old Cajun bots. My brain farts in most level editors, can envision great things all day every day, but the moment a tool to make things is in my hands, my brain is empty.Insert other media
  21. I have enough content to last the rest of my life. I'm still downloading more. HELP.
  22. @maxmanium @No-Man Baugh thanks to that CC1 titlepic quick edit, its now in my Community Chest series patch. Hopefully the other three can be widescreened someday
  23. I'm not really familiar with how GZDoom does PK3 stuff; it looks hella messy and disorganised to my eyes. Many of these patches have conflicting files, so you cant just throw in the whole bunch; the entire reason why base MAPINFO versions is a seperate file at all is because of conflicts for example. Anyway, my forgetful brain forgot to include four other finished ones in the above post: Crusades (No longer dependant on Doom 95 for its intermission and WILV graphics) SlayeR (Bonus map and deathmatch maps selectable from menus, CWILV graphics made for extra levels) Heroes Tales (Bonus map selectable from main menu, also contains version with MAP33 integrated into the campaign) Community Chest series (CC1: Adds the mystery copy of MAP24 as MAP33, widescreen TITLEPIC. CC2: Map 24 fix, cleaned up DEHACKED. CC3: Cleaned up DEHACKED. CC4: MAP35 selectable from menu, alt version integrated into campaign. All versions: Widescreen statusbar)
  24. @Rudolph here you go. I needed a good long rest to finish up SUDTIC/TEUTIC. Slaughter Until Death (E2M2 and E2M9 fixed, general UMAPINFO support) The Evil Unleashed (E3M2 and E3M5 fixed, additional graphics restored, general UMAPINFO support) Ty Halderman's Sacrifice (E1M3 fixed, ends after E1M6) Doom Core, Doom Core Delta, Reverie, Eternally Yours (The Doom Core Trilogy) (General updates to all four wads, adds the cut levels from Doom Core back to Doom Core Delta, widescreen statusbar for Reverie) Vispire (General QOL stuff, ends mapset at appropriate time) Pulse (General QOL stuff, ends mapset at appropriate time)
  25. I ran into some issues, so the next pile is smaller than I expected, but: 2002: A Doom Odyssey: Tenth Anniversary Edition (Enables E5M1 and E5M2 on all ports; re-adds the old E4M1 as E5M3; adds unused music track from Pcorf's 2002 ADO midi folder as E5M3's track. Also contains patch for the original 2002 ADO!) Death Tormention: The Complete Trilogy (Enables E2M10 and E4M10 on all ports, adds E1M9/E2M9/E3M9 from Death Tormention II as E1M10, E2M11 and E3M10) Eternal Doom (Widescreen assets, integration of Cybersweeper and Credits map, optional episodic version) Hell Revealed II (Widescreen assets, general UMAPINFO support) Cleimos and Cleimos II (General UMAPINFO support, custom obituaries, seperation of Cleimos 2's campaign and DM levels, widescreen statusbar. Also contains patch for original Cleimos)
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