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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. @NoisyVelvet made a really neat intentional hom hallway in 50 Shades of Graytall iirc. Archviles teleporting around, leaving still images of themselves everywhere, left a huge impression. And also left many of my corpse.
  2. I noped out almost as soon as Essel's track started playing. Jimmy's one was unsettling enough, but.. Theres massive storms atm in my country, and the last thing I need is thoughts of this wad in my head while im in bed with what literally sounds like screams of the damned outside (howling wind), so I made the smart decision to swap games before it got too late.
  3. Cleimos did have text and automap replacements, but not the sequel
  4. Theres a patch for ZDoom for Perditions Gate and Hell to Pay that does that kind of thing, ive long been tempted to convert it to a more cross-port one. I actually got started a long while back, but I stopped work on it when I found out Perdition's Gate is extremely unstable and crashy on the Unity port (The DMAPINFO lump was the first thing to be written, and having it be worthless was a dampener on my mood)
  5. Also, you actually begin the wad in 'House 0', its only when you leave the garage for the basement or the kitchen that it transitions to House 1. 'House 0' has no monsters, no items aside from that chainsaw, and only the rooms you can see from outside. In the living room however, the console is the Xbox, so it changes TO a Playstation, not FROM a Playstation. Also from what im aware, House 1 is near identical to the wad version, even has 27 monsters.
  6. I simultaneously love and hate this update. On one hand, managing screenshots is so much more organised, on the other, now I have to go back and edit allllll those screenshots I took of the maps. Also, organising the position of these screenshots is still not too great, have to move each one manually up or down one space, with each move resetting me back to the first screenshot in the list. At the very least, we need a 'sort by map' and 'set last' option
  7. Cleimos II also had a similar bit in its text file. Of course, then dehacked took off and noone cared anymore :D
  8. The 27 enemy version is the wad, not the pk3. The wad is a simple no strings attached house level, The PK3 is the full experience with all the hidden spooky shit. Also, the full version does not work with mods. In other news, I noticed the sounds are a bit...messed up in Underhalls. Along with the player height change and the forced sector Dark Mode, it felt ever so slightly off..
  9. I looked at that actually after failing to find my own way out; IDDT shows there are no exit areas from it. I guess the only way to see Reverse Underhalls is the legit way.
  10. I loaded up 20PAM in Doom Launcher to get a opening shot for its new revamped screenshot gallery. It detected my filthy warping and dumped me directly into the Backrooms, with seemingly no escape. I dont think I'll be sleeping well tonight after being stuck in there for half an hour.
  11. Gotta love how NWT only ended up leaving a negative legacy, as everything using it is, today, broken and requiring all kinds of fixes and pre-built patches. I spent last night and this morning making a patch for Obituary partly due to the stuff in this thread (by sheer coincedence no less; I too ended up with a version that didn't work right, and sure enough, its the one linked in the OP) and the DSDA version does work. My work wasn't wasted though; now Obituary has...custom obituaries! (I added the DM maps and the 'remnant' maps as bonus content too)
  12. Are the tags going to show up on the other sections? They seem to be unique to this spot. Had a look at editing a past thread, and I had no options to assign tags
  13. Regular mapslots are 'filler' that can contain pretty much anything, but due to hardcoded things and existing tropes we have: ExM1, MAP01: Starting map, especially important for the first episode. These maps are pistol starts that set the tone of the wad or episode and *must* leave a good impression. For that reason, Doom's Hangar was the final map created. E1M3, E2M5, E3M6, E4M2, MAP15: Due to limitations, these maps will *always* have the not-so-secret levels accessed from these, thus the mapper must come up with ever new and creative ways to access them, as players will be generally hunting for the secret exit on these maps E1M8, E2M8, E3M8, E4M6, E4M8: These maps will always require barons, spider masterminds and cyberdemon boss fights, and the finale maps are almost always short and quick, so theres always a lot of expectation here for a good finisher. It almost *never* happens for Doom bosses though. ExM9, MAP31 and MAP32: Secret levels are expected to be something 'different' which today often means 'heres the really hard one'. I always look forward to the secret levels just to see what weird things someone came up with. MAP07: The only map where the tag666/tag667 shenanigans work, this has lead to countless arena maps resulting in fights with Mancubi, then Arachnotrons. There is constantly expectations to do something new and unique. MAP29: Usually reserved for the biggest, hardest map in the set, Map 29 is the final regular no gimmick map, and is usually made to be memorable, as a HUGE amount of players just plain quit or cheat on Map 30 MAP11 and MAP20: For similar reasons as Map 29, 11 and 20 mark the ending of the first and second 'episode' in Doom 2, thus many mappers make these maps an epic closer to a certain theme, often with a boss fight of sorts. MAP30: The finale, its pretty much customary for Map 30 to be a short map with endless monsters with some kind of puzzle involving lifts, rockets, timing, and praying a caco wont fly into your face and disrupt your autoaim. Many players hate this kind of map and will outright quit upon hearing a boss spawner, so its on the mapper to either make a really good one, deviate and make a normal map, or come up with something new.
  14. I found it very amusing that my brother, a staunchly anti-Doom multiplayer FPS game addict (Destiny and its ilk) heard about this and was so interested he actually tore himself away from his online games and played the whole thing, and wouldn't stop talking about the wad for HOURS, he even set it up on Doom Launcher and everything. If a non-Doomer had this strong a reaction to it, I might be able to get friends to try it. I doubt it though.
  15. Doom 1 & 2 XINFO Template.zip Here we go, this is what ive been using for quick and easy xINFO editing for wads. Knowing human nature and my luck, there will *still* be some horrible typo in there *somewhere*, but ive made these through a mix of scouring documentation wikis and other people's works. Has starting points for Doom 1 and Doom 2, in all the above mentioned sets. Some day we need a nice little app that generates this stuff automatically. EDIT: being the idiot I am, I forgot to wrote half a damn sentence before clicking 'post'
  16. I have personally been following Sigil's standard of MAPINFO (for older ports), ZMAPINFO (GZDoom, has a cleaner syntax than regular MAPINFO and is as far as I know, the sole xINFO that can force pistol starts where needed and disable the text screens), EMAPINFO (Eternity only; it differs from all the other established standards to a frustrating level) and UMAPINFO (DSDA Doom and Woof are the main targets ive been writing these for). I have a template wad saved with almost all the fields empty with all of these already filled out for both Doom 1 and 2 that can be easily edited, so I can crank out new patches in less than a day if I focus. Its also good to have an embedded Dehacked for Crispy Doom, I also add a little GAMEINFO lump for ZDoom-family stuff UMAPINFO should be all thats needed in theory, as the U means 'universal', but, haha, good luck getting every developer to support it.
  17. Map 33 to 35 is only really a problem with older ports. Theres little excuse not to make them functional with an embedded xINFO lump in today's day and age. Ive been making a *ton* of patches that make those bonus Map 33s selectable from the main menu in pretty much anything but Crispy (which has no xINFO support of any kind, but *does* load maps past Map 35!) and Eternity (which does have episode selection support, but its the most complicated thing ever and totally unlike all the other standards, I cant figure it out as it seems to be undocumented on the wiki, last I looked) I wish more people would do this, embedded xINFO lumps don't interfere with anything (unless its Doomsday which tries to read both MAPINFO and embedded DD_DEFNS lumps at once) and it stops having to mess around with commandlines or using cheatcodes
  18. The only ones I'd want to see is Lost Episodes, Hell to Pay and Perditions Gate, the three commercial packs redone as another *type* of 'commercial' 'what if?' pack
  19. Songs which seem to be infinite? I do believe 'Infinite' from Tom Mustaine matches the description!
  20. Thanks for reminding me, given how its titlepic wound up in 2002 ADO's first release without the text and Chris Harbin and pcorf working together on Death Tormention and this, its something I also gotta play.
  21. "E1M1" "Late Arrival" "E1M2" "The First Base" "E1M3" "Entering Security Sector" "E1M4" "Exiting Security Sector" "E1M5" "Hunting Giants" "E1M6" "Warped Outpost" "E1M7" "Twitch" "E1M8" "The Incredible Machine" "E1M9" "Power Generator" "E2M1" "Demonic Concrete" "E2M2" "Haunted Research" "E2M3" "Ganymede's Core" "E2M4" "Ultramarine" "E2M5" "The Ground Became Ash" "E2M6" "Hellish Cabaret" "E2M7" "Synagogue of Doom" "E2M8" "Strut" "E2M9" "The Abandoned Temple" "E3M1" "Cursed Complex" "E3M2" "Monstrous Regiment" "E3M3" "Amduscias" "E3M4" "New Constructions Ruined" "E3M5" "The Lost Dimension" "E3M6" "Volcanic Habitat" "E3M7" "The Keys To Hell" "E3M8" "Spellbound" "E3M9" "Extraction Nightmare" Here is the list of new mapnames, if someone more capable than me would like to edit the Doom Wiki
  22. Unless im thinking of something else, it finally has level names for all 27 maps! Episodes are still unnamed though.
  23. I was nervous, and the imp was a little too rough, despite my insistence on 'Hey, Not Too Rough!' It was over far too quickly, and I felt bad, only to learn most people apparently finished in 30 seconds.
  24. Now that ive finished the soul-crushing part of testing three different full campaign patches and almost-uncountable single level ones, took a while to play the campaign version properly as a sort of 'welcome back' test (My chair broke shortly after I finished this, and ive been PC-less for over a week). I like to think my third option for the soundtrack works really well, despite not being made for these levels. Cammy's track I assigned to Titan Manor in particular worked really well, had a blast playing it to that track Unfortunately that wont really work; not only am I a GZDoom main, im a filthy controller user, having grown up on PSX Doom. Not only am I *completely* unfamiliar with the entire systems involved in that kind of thing, my movements wouldn't look very 'id-like' :p
  25. Any of them most likely, it adds levels 22 to 32 on top of the existing 21 level wad, however it has been made. As long as all 21 Master Levels are in the correct PS3 order slots, it will work. I even put in the starry skies in the patch to ensure xINFO applies the correct skies Personally I've used the patch with the BFA Edition constructed wad, the official PS3 wad, and a handmade one that I used for the Unity port
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