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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. Completed Fragport yesterday night, unlike CC2 (which is at Map 18, several months later) and I can echo the general thought process that like so many other wads of the early periods of Doom, that it loses its stem in Episode 3. Thankfully not to the degrees of something like the Wraith duo, but yeah, those arena maps would ideally have been one map, with two extra 'hell' maps taking 11 and 16's place to make Map 24 seem less random. I get the feeling that 24 was meant to be a glimpse into the demonic corruption infesting that moon base, like a festering layer under the surface, but because its a one-off it just feels out of place. I loved Map 16 and 17, the little mall was great, and the Laser Quest map? Here in New Zealand there is at least one laser tag place with a near identical layout to the one in Map 17; my brother was watching and he accurately pointed out the layout of this random map from his experiences playing real laser tag ('go around the corner, is there a ramp there? holy shit, yes there is!' for example. Not to mention the sniping cubby holes, and even the *barrel placement*. Even the party room with the lineup of health bonuses is something he remembers having a real world equivalent) The moon episode felt a bit less cohesive, with only really three maps letting us explore the moon properly, the rest was arena filler, a hell map, a ride TO the base, and the boss battle and the following escape. Fun fact about the boss map: You can do it pacifist easily. There is a lost soul plugging the exit tube so that you shoot it to wake up the IoS, but if you slam into its ass and wake it up via proximity, it will likely move forward and out of the way, allowing you to drop down into the 'arena' with no monster spawner action. From there I danced around pushing all the switches while dodging archvile flames until only the ones the viles were guarding were left, then I weaved in and pressed those while eating a few blasts, used up the megaspheres and completed the level with 0% kills, 100% items, 100% secrets. The escape was more generous than I expected with its time limit, I rushed and played reckless and nearly didn't have enough cells for the final fuck you of the revenantvile wall. Just barely managed to get through that (as my brother was watching; he was all 'holy shit, I keep forgetting your actually GOOD at Doom' while im like '???', knowing *anyone* could have done that better), and I still had three minutes left, so I went back and killed a group of imps that had evaded my speedrampage, and still escaped with time to spare Episode 1 of Fragport is definitely the strongest part, the journey to reach the city of Fragport was an amazing eventful chain of encounters, with lots of cool moments and memorable maps, Episode 2 quickly gets stale with too many samey maps, and 3 just tried to cram too much into it with not enough mapslots to really portray the moon base well.
  2. Today I learned that par times in mapinfo is extremely volatile; unlike map names or graphic lumps, you cant leave an entry blank anywhere or everything crashes spectacularly. Spent a good 10 minutes wondering why my previously pristine mapinfo was exploding, citing clusters as a reason, and it was just because while testing one map, the others werent fully defined yet.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lonespacemarine


      The wad seems good from this single photo

      I like episodic wads 

      Let me know when it finished

    3. Devalaous


      Its not actually an episodic wad, it just makes Map 33 (normally a command-line only map) selectable on the menu. An alternative version of the patch instead makes it part of the campaign as the third secret level. The other features are bringing the updated 2022 version's maps into the original, alongside the updated midipack and its widescreen graphics.

    4. Lonespacemarine
  3. It must have been updated since I originally downloaded it, as my source file never had a titlescreen lump, oh well (I originally made this in its prototype form right after the midipack released). I'll add it whenever I get around to updating the single level files with un-widescreened graphics, as I'll need to update the 31 midipack files in there anyway. Also need to update the soundtrack readme to credit 'Jakub Majewski (KUBA18i)'. My original midipack download had this as a lump in the files, which also complicated the lack of titlescreen music Master Levels for Doom II - 25th Anniversary MIDI Pack By MegaSphere 18 - January - 2021 01_Are We Really Doing This D_RUNNIN ATTACK.WAD Attack 02_Guess We Are Then D_STALKS CANYON.WAD Canyon 03_Don't Fall Lmao D_COUNTD CATWALK.WAD The Catwalk 04_Treasure Hunting D_BETWEE COMBINE.WAD The Combine 05_Fist Urethra D_DOOM FISTULA.WAD The Fistula 06_Shepards Tone D_THE_DA GARRISON.WAD The Garrison 07_Death by Enriched Bagel (by Willy W) D_SHAWN MANOR.WAD Titan Manor 08_Waltz into Mancubus Fireballs D_DDTBLU PARADOX.WAD Paradox 09_Ejipt D_IN_CIT SUBSPACE.WAD Subspace 10_Inescapable Pit Time D_DEAD SUBTERRA.WAD Subterra 11_Wank City D_STLKS2 TTRAP.WAD Trapped On Titan 12_Locrian Trap MIDI D_THEDA2 VIRGIL.WAD Virgil's Lead 13_Not Club Doom D_DOOM2 MINOS.WAD Minos' Judgement 14_Archvile King D_DDTBL2 BLOODSEA.WAD Bloodsea Keep 15_Icon Of put this map in the Bin D_RUNNI2 MEPHISTO.WAD Mephisto's Maosoleum 16_Slaying at Night D_DEAD2 NESSUS.WAD Nessus 17_Catnip Forest (by Bloo) D_STLKS3 GERYON.WAD Geryon 18_Invisible Ledge is DUMB D_ROMERO VESPERAS.WAD Vesperas 19_Erecting The Black Tower D_SHAWN2 BLACKTWR.WAD Black Tower 20_Grinding Teeth D_MESSAG TEETH.WAD The Express Elevator To Hell 21_The Tit D_COUNT2 TEETH.WAD Bad Dream 22_Arse D_READ_M Message Text 23_DOODOODOODOO D_EVIL Ending Screen 00_Palate Cleanser D_DM2INT Intermission But yeah, there is always, ALWAYS, some small thing missing or broken in these patches , every time I think I finished. Its a curse, I swear. EDIT: For a quick fix just open the wad in Slade and copy the D_READ_M file and rename the copy to D_DM2TTL
  4. For some reason, Peter never actually made a title screen midi for the pack, despite making one for the intermission, cast call and story screens. The bit your referring to in the text file is actually for the MIDTWID version. (I see I missed crediting someone, I used the TRAKLIST lump in his midipack for crediting)
  5. I got off my butt and finished the project properly. There is one very painstaking fix still needed, and that is simply to replace 16:9 graphics with 4:3 versions, as I keep forgetting that Eternity and Doomsday are behind the times and don't yet support 16:9 assets. New to this version in particular is the addition of Jim Flynn's Interdiction Zone to pair with Kick Attack/Boot Assault, and prototype versions of System Control and Processing Area, this rounds the wad off to a full 32 levels. Interdiction Zone was in Maximum Doom all this time, so technically it was always distributed with the Master Levels; by including it, all of the designers now have at least three levels represented. One thing I'd like to add is demos, so that DSDA Doom and Woof dont have awkward recordings of Doom 2 levels placed in Master Level, but im really not a demo scene type.
  6. END1 Patch


    Fragport Patch (Previously posted in the Megawad Club)


    Hell Revealed and HRE1 Patch


    In the process of properly packing up my often-mentioned and never seen quality of life patches to release them into the world so that its not just me benefitting from them. I have these three ready right now, the rest need to be zipped up with readme files written, others still need tweaks and testing. My earliest one for Anomaly Report needs to be re-looked at too.


    (Paging @NaturalTvventy for any input on the first one :p)

    1. Devalaous


      (I almost guarantee one of these will have some embarrassing flaw that ive overlooked via a typo or something, happens almost every time!)

  7. Hell to Pay explodes the Unity Port instantly on loading any map, and Perdition's Gate only runs the first 10 or so maps before everything goes imps up, so they'd likely need to be rebuilt from scratch to be official add-ons, even IF they get the rights.
  8. I actually backported that sky to END1 in a small patch, since END2 replaced all four skies with it; thus if you loaded both together to play all three episodes back to back, they would all have the starry sky. So I figured it was your intention all along :p It definitely makes the infamous graveyard level much better.
  9. I enjoyed watching that, and was expecting the bashing of the lazy filler E3 maps. Perdition's Gate and Hell to Pay will always have a place in my favoured wads, but yeah, Episode 3 in both wads really suffered. On another note, while watching some of his other videos afterward, I will be bumping up Good Morning Phobos by @sincity2100 on my 'megawads to play' list. Ive even begun making a patch for it that integrates the V1 exclusive content that was in MtPain's video (And Crispy Doom CAN run all four bonus maps with said patch loaded! I expected it to bomb on 'Map 36', as adding the three cut maps bumps it to 36, one map past the usual limit)
  10. That starry sky reminds me of END2
  11. Finally got off my ass and finished Crystal Maze after dreading it for weeks. Softlocked myself in the castle siege because I had no clue what all the numbers everywhere were for, had to re-read the text file to know I had wandered into one of the challenges and took too long. Turns out you can cheese some of them by just running back to the entrance after doing half of it, handy for 100%ers that might panic over killing all the monsters in one of the challenges. Had to come back to this thread to figure out the 'use the coloured bars' combat challenge one though. It was a frustrating map, and nigh impossible without reading the included file. Might play the GZDoom remake someday though.
  12. Holy shit. Not only did I beat AV's Map 32, I also finished Hell Revealed Map 12 to 15, then Map 31 and 32 today. Most of these maps I never dreamed I'd be skilled enough to beat. Sucks that it took two decades to get good enough though :D

    1. Kyka


      Well done. :)


    2. Devalaous


      Of course, now I have to finish both megawads fully (or at least, up till Map 29; the IoS is bullshit impossible in both)

  13. I set up a 'now playing' tab on Doom Launcher to try and focus myself on certain mapsets, as a reminder of what ive set myself as a goal. Some of these I have already beaten in the past, and are being replayed to track the stats on Doom Launcher My list right now is: Alien Vendetta Hell Revealed Memento Mori II Ancient Aliens 2022 ADO Sigil BF Thud Master Levels (as a 32 Map megawad) Vilecore Winter's Fury 2022 Whitemare 2 Slaughter Until Death Black Hell Infinity Sacrament Icarus Fragport Eternal Doom Community Chest 2 Doom Zero Doom 2: The Way We Remember It DTWID: Lost Episodes Cleimos 2 The majority of these are running custom made quality of life patches (widescreen assets, UMAPINFO, bonus maps integrated into the main set, etc) that I'll probably one day post on DW; motivation to do so is usually pretty low though.
  14. So many years ago, when new to Doom mods, I found Doomworld's top 100 feature and downloaded away. Alien Vendetta seemed one of the best, but with stuff like Dark Dome and this, I thought 'theres no way I could ever beat that on Ultra-Violence' 20 or so years later...I have done it.
  15. There was a bloodfixer for ancient aliens, it appears to be broken; gibbing one of the recoloured Strifeguys causes huge issues and results in an immortal unkillable alien after you. Aside from that, I use the main bloodfixer almost all the time now.
  16. I can only really speak for that one guy, but his general excuse was to avoid any *possible, conceivable* threat over this one official calendar where the artist retained the rights to his OC that he drew on several pages, he insisted that the only solution was to buy it all outright and own it then stuff it in the vault, just in case, 'its easier that way'. It was kind of a shock to me, as his public face on the forums was the nicest caring developer you'll ever meet, but it was all just a PR stunt; behind the development company chatroom stuff, he was all cold efficiency and not a ray of happiness. No wonder those two companies violently parted ways over Otherworld. And yes, I got a job there thanks to stuff here on Doomworld; My testing of various wads back then, my role in co-founding TNT Revilution, and my astounding knowledge of thier game and how things worked got me an offer to work on the 1.3 update. Corporate BS led me to leave, and I'll never willingly work in a company again as stuff that goes on in there usually goes against my principles.
  17. Not only is it a no, but they dont want to do anything with the IP, but also dont want anyone ELSE doing anything with it. So Alice is just going to rot forever, the classic corporation problem. I *MUST* OWN IT, BUT NEVER USE IT! I actually got into a heated debate over stupid shit like this when I worked on Terraria, one of the other companies my employer partnered with had a dude with that same view.
  18. Those shader updates used to be silent, at some point Valve decided to make them visible and now they confuse everyone constantly.
  19. Yes, it was 4.10.0, and it seemed to be that very same issue.
  20. I wasn't a fan of the second level as much, the start was too hot for my liking and it felt too 'long' for Plutonia, but I did beat both in the end. Just carving a way out of the initial clusterfuck of the second level was a nightmare, mostly because one of the revenants aggroed a pain elemental, and all its skulls kept floating off to me in a corner while trying to get rid of the roaming archvile.
  21. Tinkered away at those old Master Levels patches of mine. Now the combined version is a full 32 map megawad. 21 Master Levels, 7 Rejected Master Levels, 2 pre-TNT versions of the levels that were known to be rejected from the Master Levels (not the exact versions that were rejected, but they still predate TNT), a asset-stripped Kick Attack, and one of Jim Flynn's levels that was on the Master Levels disc to round it out to 32. Now all the ML authours have three maps minimum.


    Now I just need to copy all those changes twice more, since I have alternative soundtrack versions.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Devalaous


      I released a beta copy ages ago, never got much feedback so I kind of..got distracted by everything else. Only today found out that the UMAPINFO for one version was full of bugs.

      I think the new version is good to go....but just watch as its STILL got typos somewhere.

      Ive even got an exception in there now for Eternity, since its the only modern port I have that hasn't adopted widescreen graphics. Had to make a seperate TEETH CWILV just for Eternity -.-

    3. Devalaous


      Here is a current version without the 'MASTERLEVELS.wad'

      It is tested (and designed for) with GZDoom, Eternity, DSDA Doom, Woof and the final PrBoom Plus. There are three versions: The regular fix has the Master Levels MIDI Pack integrated, the S version has stock Doom 2 music, and the 'Mid' version has a soundtrack selected manually from the MIDTWID midi pack.

      (This is still considered a beta, I expect things to still be broken *somewhere*)

    4. Devalaous


      I'm now completing what ive put off for over a year, the update of the single wad patches to the standard the combined version now has. This particular format is GREAT for Doom Launcher, and has been what ive tested them all on.

  22. Been trying to configure a new install of GZDoom on my brother's computer, as he'll be moving out soon and wont have me on hand to set things up on a whim anymore. For some odd reason, his GZDoom will not save his monitor's native resolution (He has an HDR 1440p monitor) and resets to 320x200 every single time its exited. The only way around it that ive found is to set the ini to read-only, which throws up an error every time he quits. Anyone have an idea on what might be going on, and how to fix it?
  23. I actually made a similar one myself, based on my Unity Port conversion. I just...tend to not actually upload mine. (Mostly because the moment I do, I find ive broken the whole damn thing with a missing character or some other code error)
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