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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. I placed that in some of my Unity port wad conversions, specifically for the really old mapsets that predated TFC, alongside the original Doom titlepic. Its neat seeing it again.
  2. I only ever use the Nightly builds of PCSX2 (1.7.4293 as of tonight), as its had a total rework of the UIs and renderers. Performance can vary with the PC, my brother's PC is stronger than mine, yet it has slowdowns on RC1 with the Vulkan renderer, and runs frame by frame on Open GL, while my weaker machine runs Vulkan fine. He had to switch to Direct3D 12 to get it running fast, so there's definitely some tinkering needed to find the best settings for your PC. On the PS3 side, ive only tested Quest for Booty on RPCS3, and it seemed to run okay, graphics seemed fuzzy though, and the water looked off. As for system requirements these days: https://pcsx2.net/docs/usage/setup/ https://rpcs3.net/quickstart
  3. PS2 emulation has been amazing for quite some time, and PS3 emulation is pretty good too. And you've gotten the Ratchet and Clank games backward, all six on the PS2 run near flawlessly on the recent builds of PCSX2 (ive been playing all of them in the last few months), while the PS3 RC games aren't quite perfect yet. One of the more recent daily updates to PCSX2 even added more fixes to some of the RC games, and now the background for the pause and map screen isnt wonky when upscaled.
  4. I got distracted from this, surprise surprise, and likely wont finish this month. I did complete level 15 and 31 just now though, and 15 was fun and had shades of City Heat with its secret exit secret hunt. Map 31 though, makes me want to punch the guy. Those flashing light rooms gave me a splitting headache.
  5. I'm kind of amazed people are actually interested in the Dragon Keep DLC-as-a-game, the sheer amount of hate it got, and still gets, made it seem like an unforgivable crime against humanity. I bought it for something like 7 dollars ages ago and enjoyed it as-is, a smaller take on BL2 with unique levelling and progression compared to the DLC version. It really is a fun little diversion even if you've played the 'full' game to death, as the DLC starts you at level 1, most players started the DLC at level 50 or even higher. As for the sale, I blew my monetary load on Trails to Azure already, so probably wont get anything. Maybe get Trails of Cold Steel III discounted for the eventual time when I beat the other games, but honestly, I am still a few games behind. By the time im done, another sale would have popped up.
  6. Im pretty sure GZDoom already does automatically patch some IWAD levels. I know at one point the broken secrets were automatically removed from E4. I also bound noclip to a key for bullshit like the OP's situation.
  7. Map 12 was pretty awkward, you can avoid most of the nukage poop by hugging the walls, handy for when one of the suits runs out. Yeah I'd die slowly if I had to stand in a river of poop unprotected too. Combat is getting very ho-hum and predictable now, I guess its to be expected from one-man megawads. You get comfortable with the same traps and keep using the same setups over and over. I didn't even flinch at the big brawl with the armour pit, just did the usual and circled around and around till one or two was left. The bit with the cacoturrets was different, what with the items in the drops, and how hell knights replace them on the way back. The mancubus ambush nearly killed me. Map 13 was a neat little 'sense of place' type of map, got the majority of monsters to infight to death. The mastermind was taken down just as easily as the one in Map 4; use the invis sphere in a secret and an SSG, circle around her, and you'll likely kill her without her getting single shot off. Shout out to yet another square pressure pad secret. The road outside the facility is kind of neat, but as always, it makes me wish Stephen put in some detailing in the out of bounds areas, like some rocks and a tree or two. Map 14 is small arena sort of map, a tiny Downtown. Everytime I killed the hordes in the outdoors main area, they got re-established with a monster closet opening up or some monsters teleporting in. Got another ghost monster here, a revenant :( So far the city levels are a step down in the fun, as I expected. So much brown.
  8. From the Doom Wiki: 'Doom II's levels are divided into three "episodes", though these are never named in-game. The sky texture for each episode is different, and an intermission screen describes the progress in story in transitioning between them. There are also two secret levels. There are further story interludes before level 7, before each of the secret levels, and after finishing the game. Old versions of SETUP.EXE give names for these episodes, though this was later removed. The aforementioned names were later reused in the achievements for the console versions of the Unity rerelease.' I changed 'The Space Station' to 'The Spaceport' as Episode 1 is definitely on Earth still.
  9. They would keep their textures, and levels would be adapted, cut, or merged into others where necessary, much like how in Doom 2 in Name Only, some levels had to be moved or adapted due to differences in formats. Essentially the levles would be structurally identical, to keep the 'what if Doom 1 and 2 levels came out in the opposite order?' intact and believable Heres a rough draft. Doom 2 as Doom 1: There are 30+2 levels, opposed to 24+3, so 5 levels must be cut or merged into other levels. Both Doom 2 and Doom 1 had a 9-level expansion, which naturally means those expansions simply get swapped, with the level orders either being moved to accommodate the secret exits, or the secret exits being removed and remade. Episode 1: The Spaceport. E1M1: Entryway E1M2: Underhalls E1M3: The Gantlet (Secret Exit) E1M4: The Waste Tunnels E1M5: The Crusher E1M6: The Pit E1M7: Refueling Base E1M8: 'O' of Destruction! + Dead Simple E1M9: Tricks and Traps Episode 1 in Doom 2 has 11 maps, meaning two have to be axed. The Focus is the weakest map in the first episode in my view, so that is my pick for removal. The other two viable for removal in my book are Underhalls and Dead Simple. Underhalls is iconic as all those Map1 replacement maps end at Underhalls (I always BFG or rocket the guys before quitting, its TRADITION), and Dead Simple is a boss level. Dead Simple can easily be retrofitted as an E1M8 by replacing the mancubi with barons and using the tag to lower the walls to a horde of imps/demons/zombies, and the deathmatch exit can be retrofitted to raise the stairs the arachnotrons would normally raise. But on the other hand, you could attach Dead Simple in its entirety to the end of O of Destruction and save Underhalls from removal. Tricks and Traps is easily the secret map of the episode with how different it is, but it does raise questions about what monsters to use. Are the barons and cyberdemon kept as-is, thus ruining the 'surprise' of the barons on E1M8 and the Cyberdemon in E2M8? The Spidermastermind on The Crusher would be also replaced, much like in the PS1 version. I would say keep barons, cacos and lost souls in E1, and keep the two bosses to their original slots (with cybers remaining in E3 and replacing Masterminds there) Refueling Base absolutely must be in, as it was made for Doom 1 originally, scrapped, then reconfigured for Doom 2. Thus having it in Doom 1 returns it to its rightful place :D Episode 2: The City E2M1: The Factory E2M2: Downtown E2M3: The Inmost Dens E2M4: Tenements E2M5: Industrial Zone (Secret Exit) E2M6: The Courtyard E2M7: The Citadel E2M8: Gotcha! E2M9: Suburbs Episode 2 has 9+2 maps, so you can completely axe the Wolfenstein levels and have Suburbs as the 'secret map with the huuuuge amount of monsters'. Wolfenstein in Doom 1 would require the Nazis to be replaced with Zombiemen or Shotgun Guys, reminding people of the terrible lazy censoring of these levels for the BFG Edition. If using Wolfenstein though, could merge Grosse with it. Industrial Zone already has a secret exit so it is swapped with Tenements. For the original order though, the secret exit can be removed and one made for Tenements Episode 3: Hell E3M1: Nirvana E3M2: The Catacombs E3M3: The Chasm E3M4: Bloodfalls E3M5: The Abandoned Mines E3M6: Monster Condo (Secret Exit) E3M7: The Spirit World E3M8: The Living End. E3M9: Barrels of Fun. Pretty much unchanged orderwise The end cyberdemon will be replaced with the Mastermind to enable the boss death trigger, This map has always played like a secret level. Episode 4 will simply be No Rest for the Living, with all its combat rebalanced around the Doom 1 bestiary and lack of SSG, and 'March of the Demons' accessed from E4M2 instead, requiring a new secret exit in Pain Labs. Doom 1 as Doom 2: With only 24+3 levels, Doom 1 falls 5 maps short of Doom 2's 32 levels, and Hell Keep is redundant with Warrens existing in the same set, so I would propose transplanting The Focus from Doom 2 (A total reversal of what happened with Refueling Base!), which would get retextured to KDITD textures but otherwise be likely identical, as well as lifting console exclusive levels, especially the Hell Gate and Hell Keep levels, as they were made by id for the Jaguar port. There are also the Midway levels for PS1 Doom, the next closest thing we have to fill in the gaps Doom for the Playstation already experimented with Doom 2 monsters in the Doom 1 levels, but they only appeared on UV and felt more like shock cameos to catch off guard players used to HMP difficulty. This time, they will be baked into the whole experience across all settings. Level 1: Hangar Level 2: Nuclear Plant Level 3: Toxin Refinery Level 4: The Focus Level 5: Military Base Level 6: Command Control Level 7: Phobos Lab Level 8: Central Processing Level 9: Computer Station Level 10: Twilight Descends Level 11: Phobos Anomaly Military Base must lose its secret level status, which is okay, as it was barely any different to the other E1 levels, The Focus can only really fit in here, and there is a second gap that must be filled. I chose the PS1 level Twilight Descends to fill this gap as it likely the only map that can fit with the others, the rest of the exclusive maps are distinctively hellish in nature. Phobos Anomaly would likely play like its PS1 version, without the death exit. Level 12: Deimos Anomaly Level 13: Containment Area Level 14: Refinery Level 15: Deimos Lab (Secret Exit) Level 31: Fortress of Mystery Level 32: The Marshes Level 16: Command Center Level 17: Halls of the Damned Level 18: Spawning Vats Level 19: The Mansion Level 20: Tower of Babel Some tough choices here. Fortress of Mystery is the only secret level from Doom that works as a secret level here; Military Base is very normal, and Warrens requires the original Hell Keep for its secret gimmick to work at all. The Marshes from PS1 Doom is a fun 'fight a cyberdemon in the dark outdoors' secret level, the only other option would be Club Doom. The Mansion is a secret level in the Doom 2 portion of PS1 Doom, accessed from The Suburbs that despite its secret status, is rather normal and would end up in either level 20 onwards or in the middle section here. Level 21: Hell Gate (Jaguar/PS1) Level 22: Hell Keep (Jaguar/PS1) Level 23: Warrens Level 24: Slough of Despair Level 25: Pandemonium Level 26: House of Pain Level 27: Unholy Cathedral Level 28: Mt Erebus Level 29: Limbo Level 30: Dis + Icon of Sin Hell Keep just plain has to be axed. Since the hardcoded secret exits have already been passed, there is no way for the original Hell Keep and Warrens to coexist. Thus Warrens takes the place of the old Hell Keep, and id's own Hell Keep replacement for Jaguar Doom comes in, alongside Hell Gate which is normally an E2 level, but has no room above. One could merge Hell Gate and Hell Keep however, and make room for Threshold of Pain for Map 29, a really good PS1 exclusive that served as the Doom 1 finale level Dis can be merged with Icon of Sin, a final fight with a Mastermind before warping off to the cut Doom 2 level to finish things. Could also heavily alter Dis to be a boss shooter level. Thy Flesh Consumed will be a replacement for NRFTL, with all the brutality of the Doom 2 beastiary added. E4M2 was hard before, can you imagine if Romero also added Pain Elementals to that starting horde, and Arachnotrons/Mancubi on the final area to snipe you for the whole map? E4M1 would be simultaneously harder and easier; on one hand, those NIN secret barons would undoubtedly be Hell Knights now, but the hidden shotgun guys that tend to blast you before teleporting out? You KNOW they would now be chaingunners. (Man I spent WAY too long thinking of a theoretical level set and order)
  10. Map 9, I didnt even realise it was literally Volcano Valley from Sonic 3D. I saw the name and thought 'too bad the midipack doesnt have either version of Sonic's Volcano Valley in this slot', and oh the irony.. I kinda liked it, outside of all the health potions making me waste a lot sine I was already at 200 health. I kept thinking of them as drinks to cool down from the heat :p Map 10 is Doom 1 with the Doom 2 bestiary, something I tend to enjoy. I did like how you actually enter the facility, but I do wish the outdoors had *something*, it was TOO barren. I said fuck you to the archvile bit and rocketed them all from the doorway. Map 11 was fun, further reminded me of that past tunnel exploring I did as a kid, while also reminding me of both Hell to Pay (giant sector turrets) and Plutonia's map of the same overall name. The dark abandoned tunnels really needed a lite amp goggle secret. The next episode is promising to be city-based and I dont know what to expect from here. Episode 1 was a chaotic journey across a wide array of areas, so you got a lot of variety.
  11. One day I wish for a project that flips Doom and Doom 2 as games, where the Earth is invaded in Doom 1, then the Mars bases for Doom 2. Afterall, why only go episodic when you can also change the balance entirely by rebalancing Doom 2 as a 27 map, 3 episode game with only the Doom 1 monsters and weapons? Three maps would have to be axed though. PS1 Doom already gave a small taste of 'Ultimate Doom as Doom 2' with the UV Doom 2 monsters, would be nice to see that as a dedicated thing. As for Final Doom, I am really curious how the rough 'knock about' gameplay of Plutonia would even be translated to the original bestiary. No chaingunners and revenants to rely on!
  12. Both my posts happened to, by chance, be taken the exact moment a shotgun was picked up in a demo, ha. Eternalguy as I call him, always has the best expressions.
  13. Map 7 is a fun little island adventure, starting in the wrecked ship you drifted in on. Thankfully its not a hot start, and the boat has the decency to wait till your on land before it sinks fully. The island is pretty small, especially compared to the kind of stuff Ive seen Stephen Clark make later. I went right first and took out all the hell knights and imps all over the place, and defused a demon ambush on the beach, as well as taking out a hell knight (or was it a baron?) hiding behind the blue key pillar who would ambush me otherwise. Going left takes me to a 'village' which gives me a feeling that this little island used to be a small tourist spot with a gift shop, a small library/museum, and housing for two, with visitors likely coming on the boat in the boathouse. What is there to attract people on this island? Thats behind the red key pillar. Under the island is an overgrown maze of tunnels with a mysterious room at one end. Honestly, it reminds me of my childhood and these old WW2 tunnels at this one hill that eventually got closed off and sealed. I had very little trouble in here, as its all imps and one caco. The big room had arachnotrons and mancubi, as its a Map07, and of course an extremely predictable archvile. I am calling almost every one of his traps by this point and its only map 7! The way out lead to the corpse of the noble I had preemptively killed, and a pile of dead demons I had also killed, but I wasnt out of the woods yet, because there was a great cacocloud again. Honestly, I kind of hate cacoclouds. Its a spectacle the first time you see a huge swarm of them, but after that its a ho-hum exercise of shaping them into a group to be circled around and letting the air out of them one by one, or in twos if your lucky, and they take FOREVER to get rid of. Once they were all deflated, I took care of any stragglers, restocked, and headed to the boathouse to kill the extremely predictable archvile, open the boathouse (unneeded but immersive!) and headed out to sea. Then in Map 8, well, Jody seems to be a bad driver, because hes sunk another boat. Thats four/five boats hes wrecked! Since im using Project Doom's TNT wad, the ludicrously energetic Metal theme blasted as I stormed the beach at high speed and took care of all the imps and demons on the rocky shore. Like the last map, the boat will only sink once youve hit the shore. Its unfortunate there isnt more to the beach, was hoping for a cave or two and maybe a rocky lagoon. The only way to go is up a little rocky staircase on the cliff that I fell off 5 or so times. Above is a winding rocky trail through the cliffs, with a frustrating amount of magical immersion-ruining pop up monsters *shakes fist*, and a glass pillar in a canyon that cacos are sitting on top of (its likely a level hack to simulate the cacos being in the air already as you turn the corner. All it did for me was cause a laugh as a caco died on top of it, its corpse mysteriously floating.) Stephen really loves his square pressure pad secrets, they are still popping up in his more modern maps like City Heat from CC2. I am so used to how he does his traps in Fragport that at the end I sighed and said 'Hello Archvile 1, 2, 3..' as I revealed the obvious archviles guarding each exit switch. It'll be a while before I get around to the next two maps.
  14. Its a port of a console game that was designed for CRT TVs of the era, its a completely valid request. Many of us have strong memories of playing the game with that specific look, and the software rendered isnt *quite* how we remember the game, since it lacks the scanline look. Personally, I prefer Duckstation with its really nice built-in CRT shader for reliving the original PSX Doom look and feel, PsyDoom is better with its Vulkan rendered as its a blast to play what I grew up on on modern systems at my native resolution
  15. Made a new 'HRMUS' wad for my Unity port conversion and unreleased patch. All the MUS files are replaced with the original midis, presumably fixing the bugs marked on the wiki, and the empty spots where Doom 2's normal music play are now filled, with a mix of repeats, as well as adding four tracks from ROTT that didn't make the cut originally.

    1. Devalaous


      What I picked for the empty slots:


      MAP20: Shards (New track)

      MAP21: Spray (New track)

      MAP22: How'd I Do?

      MAP23: I Choose the Stairs

      MAP24: Goin' Down the Fast Way

      MAP25: Suck This

      MAP26: Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary (New track)

      MAP28: Run Like Smeg

      MAP30: Hellero (New track)


      I think ive matched up the type of level action with the music well enough, giving the unrepeated tracks priority. It will certainly sound better on the Unity port, since you'll go from ROTT midis, to SC-55 Doom 2 recordings at Map 20 and it is VERY jarring.

  16. Neat, 'The Given' runs near perfectly on my PC. I heard it was a problem wad for GZDoom, but not for me. Only the slightest frame drop when turning at a few spots, and even then it was minor.

  17. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter had an irritating save system. The game was designed in a way that you had to restart the game over and over, carrying over certain things and unlocking new cutscenes, and hard progress saves were iirc limited. I never got far in the game as I was expecting a more normal RPG.
  18. This is a much better solution to the Lost Episodes of Doom E3 problem; replace/override the M_EPI3 graphic with a condensed version that fits on the 4:3 space, rather than that oddball M_EPI4 replacement thats been going the rounds all these years. Originally I just plain made a new graphic that shortened it from 'The Red Spot of Jupiter' and it was *still* long enough that Eternity cut the edge of the graphic off, so I redid the graphic with less space between the letters. I also redid M_EPI1 and M_EPI2 just incase they now clashed with the new graphic.
  19. I updated my patch with the map 10 fix, thanks for that! (Credited accordingly too~) I have to admit the 'one map a day' is stifling, I want to blast through more maps in this set after the first 'episode' enthralled me. While I *can* play ahead, I'll lose the memories of all the cool stuff pretty quickly. I guess I should try to catchup on CC2 in the meantime.
  20. There are four things I see as 'cursed'. Doom Bible related projects. Whether its because noone realises the full scope of effectively making a full video game, or clashing personalities ruining the projects, not to mention that without a paycheck, there is nothing but personal interest keeping a big project together. As such, each and every one of them fails inevitably, and eventually the reputation for this both scared off new attempts, and caused 'We'll see about this curse!' bold challengers who quickly gave up. 3D Models and hi-res sprites for Doom. Like the above, people do not realise just *how* much work it is for just one monster, and the results almost always ended up looking like a horribly blurred mess coated in vaseline, or entirely failing to capture the art style that made Doom's sprites so good. The only success I know of, is Voxel Doom. Pretty much everything TNT. Evilution was bought out and the cause of huge amounts of drama and salt, and today it is incredibly divisive with maps like Habitat reaching meme levels of 'its a crime against nature'. Devilution has been in development hell, been engaged in drama, and changed hands so many times that its reached meme status, and has only recently shown signs of nearing completion after something like a decade. Revilution was born from an extremely messy and hostile drama, forged out of broken remnants and depression, and shattered and reforged in a different image after the founders all left the project for various reasons (whoops!). Convilution was meant to release alongside Revilution, as the B-Side maps that didn't make it to the final 32. Instead it became 'TNT Forever', incorporated rejected maps from Devilution as well to the point it may surpass 32 maps, and cannot release until Devilution releases, which as mentioned above, has until recently been considered a cursed project that will never see the light of day. To rub salt into my wounds, TNT Forever now contains almost every map I ever tested, which basically tells me 'everything you ever liked about TNT was apparantly deemed shit'. Finally, theres 'Final Doom the way id Did' which despite a very promising start, was suddenly thrown into the cryopods alongside D2TWID's Lost Episodes to be thawed out some other decade, and most have long since forgotten about it. I used to love TNT, but due to the above stuff and how much drama ive found myself dragged into, now its unlikely I'll ever play a TNT project without a groan and heavy coercion. Hexen and Strife projects. Heretic sees a lot of action because its similar enough to Doom in all aspects. Enough so that most of the Master Levels designers back in the day had already tinkered with it and made levels for it. Hexen and Strife on the other hand are much more involved games. Both have large hubs, inventory systems that are much more involved than Heretic, and Hexen has three classes to balance for while Strife has the huge conversation system to take into account, with voiceacting and portraits and so on, as well as stores to buy things, and stat upgrades to plan out. Its all far too much for the average mapper to take in, and to this day there has never been a full Hexen megawad outside of Deathkings, or one for Strife. Chex Quest is similarly unloved despite being simple in theory.
  21. The classic PWADS 'Serenity', 'Eternity' and 'Number One Kill: The Next Generation' can all be widescreened simply by using the graphics done by Scuba Steve and Nash; The first two use the ending frames from Doom's E3 ending (PFUB1 for Eternity, PFUB0 for Serenity), the third uses TNT's BOSSBACK as an INTERPIC. Infinity, the third of the Inity trio, uses the same image as Eternity for its WIMAP0, but with the bunny removed. Since Scuba has the 'PFUB1' graphic widescreened, you could edit the bunny out and thus have Infinity widescreened as well. Ive patched the xINITY series and TNG using these graphics
  22. Not sure why you'd go to such lengths when you can type idclip, bypass it, give it the middle finger, type it again, and carry on with your day. I bound a key in GZDoom to 'noclip' just for frustrating stuff like this. EDIT: And to actually contribute to the topic, the extremely infamous Citadel at the Edge of Eternity is 'fair' for almost the entire level (fair as in, I never got frustrated even though it took me *EIGHT HOURS* to finish), and then the final thing is a goddamn lift you apparantly need to wallrun to reach in time, which is a disabled exploitive bug in a lot of modern ports. It is the reason I bound said button.
  23. Map 5 was pretty fun, although only three of the buildings really felt like actual places. I cracked up at pissing off all the zombies in the bar, taking out the tough rude bartender (cliche much?) and being a rude ass and mowing down people in their bedrooms. I fully predicted the revenant horde trap and the archviles, Stephen is relying on the same tricks too much so far. I ended up with a ghost monster thanks to the archvile behind the green door, that was interesting. Map 6 was glorious great fun, storming a ship and killing all its occupants, going below deck via teleport shenanigans, and ultimately blowing it up. I was highly amused by the very british terms, like the Bog for the bathroom. My patch kept the british spelling edits that NightFright's ultrawide status bar undid, as this wad is highly british in nature. Its a crime to undo that :p I was also amused by the officer's quarters being occupied by hell knights and barons. They must have claimed those rooms for themselves, how conceited. The mess hall was a great 'holy shit what have I walked in on' moment. Bonus points for the skellies dancing on the bar stage (Can I call them hookers, on account of their mean right hook? No? Aw.), complete with makeshift speakers, and the archvile bartender who probably served some nice flaming drinks. Minus points for another dumb popup monster.
  24. Romero's Tech Gone Bad is another one, whole level is surrounded by lava and has more than a few drops into nukage.
  25. Seems like RoC really means 'Really obnoxiously Cursed'. I have been meaning to play Realm of Chaos as I enjoy older mapsets, but the lack of level names, music, and most importantly, all those MBF21(?) bugs that occurred thanks to quirks of the mac editor have put me off. With how much of a remaster this is getting, I'll likely end up playing both versions, just to fully appreciate the changes. I think I'll wait till this is out though, so I can play both versions with the new soundtrack :p (especially since its all Cammy, and the Cammy tracks were some of my favourites in past midipacks)
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