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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. Map 10 *Intermission music plays on repeat* The oddly named Intermission is far from it, with a whole bunch of secrets and fights with revenants and nobles, ending in a cyberdemon fight. Now, a real intermission was Transformer, a quick breather map, or Gene Bird's maps after the various magnum opuses they tend to come after. I had fun with this one, the sudden cyberdemon even had an amusing kill to its name where I missed a crucial BFG shot, allowing him to rocket me in the face and kill me. The BFG ball then exploded behind him and took him out. Death from the Grave! Lets just be thankful Volteface didn't *actually* put the Intermission music on this map.
  2. Map 9 is a ho-hum map that's over before it even really begins, and feels a bit like it belongs in a TNT project as maybe map 1 or 2. Whats most noticeable is who actually made it, Mr GZDoom himself. Its kind of a 'huh' moment, with all the crazy source port stuff he does across multiple projects, its a little surprising to see such a simple regular map from him. Not even any Boom stuff as far as I could tell.
  3. Your not the only one who had a dumb public moment in this thread. Makes you want to bury your head in the sand for a month.
  4. What is a demo? A miserable little pile of inputs!
  5. Map 6 - This is good shit, but it does feel like our first magnum opus syndrome map. Took me forever to beat, but unlike the previous map I had fun doing so. Set up huuuuge infights at multiple points too. The broken secret didn't really affect me, noclip exists to bypass errors like that. Still got 100/100/100 as a result. Map 7 - This is really good with a clear sense of place and purpose. I liked silly little things like the conveyor belts and dropping a key on one of them. Wandered blind a bit though, but thats just because im dumb. One secret is semi-broke and a pain to get. I really liked the trip to hell with the visual effects and then Hell itself having that dark yellow tint; it even affected my graphics mod, which usually doesn't play nice with such things. Honestly, I didnt even realise I was playing a Dead Simple till the hell monsters were revealed to be mancs and arachs Map 8 - After a cool map like Map 7, seeing 'Gene Bird' is a downer that undoubtedly amplifies the negative reception his maps get. That said, once this map gets started, I actually had a LOT of fun with it, and it felt more like a traditional Doom 2 map. First BFG here too, and I used the shit out of it in the ambush by it, afterall, thats what it was there for. Probably my favourite of his maps so far, counting the CC1 maps. I'm tied up in lots of other games atm, including some with timed seasonal events, so I'll probably stick to posting small bursts of maps. I'm not the type to write an essay on each and every map anyway.
  6. Lets see how my memory holds up. Map 1: Fairly normal opener by a very famous mapper, this one will undoubtedly be scutinised more than most just for being a map by 'The Scythe Guy'. It was an alright map, the berserk fight in the titular furnace was the only real problem for me. Map 2: A Boom map for the sake of it, this was a neat little Map 2 with a definite sense of place. A bit too linear for my tastes, but it looked nice. I too searched for a rocket launcher in vain. Map 3: Ive played and made my own SLIGE maps in the past, and I wouldn't have been able to tell this was originally one, so the tuning up was a success. Having two kinda cool maps in a row though, sets up why Gene Bird is a meme. Map 4: I actually enjoyed this from a gameplay perspective more than the first three. Gene's maps are simple but they are undoubtedly 'Doom'. Hes not trying to reinvent the wheel like everyone else. In both CC1 and CC2, ive noticed his maps have an unfortunate effect of appearing right after showstealer maps or otherwise interesting ones, thus the crash back to earth hits harder. There is literally a Gene bird map right before Citadel at the Edge of Eternity, and one after The Mucus Flow, for example. Map 5: Bullshit in a can. I knew what to expect from MtPain's CC2 review, and even playing continuous, this map kicked my teeth in. Its just a little too cruel for a map so early. The windows were a little buggy too. This map exhausted me and made me put the game down for the day. ___________________ As for CC1, I actually played that 'alongside' you guys last year. At the time I was taking an extended break form forums due to the endless dramas they have, and I noticed CC1 was up, and all the raging at Map 6, and the foreboding dread about 29 got me to play it, where I often came back to the thread to see what opinions people had about maps I liked or disliked. I even made a small patch for CC1 that re-enabled the hidden version of Map 24, heh.
  7. map E1M10 "$HUSTR_E1M10" { levelnum = 51 titlepatch = "WILV12" next = "E1M4" secretnext = "E1M9" music = "D_E1M3" Sky1 = "SKY1", 0.05 } This fixes the missing sky in E1M10 for GZDoom, replace the ZMAPINFO's E1M10 bit with this for a quick fix
  8. He's madly updating PCSX2 right now, the daily changes almost always have his name on there in recent days, but yeah, Duckstation is still under development and getting updates hre and there, if youve got the development branch active.
  9. Its likely a mapinfo thing. DSDA Doom relies on UMAPINFO for additional episodes, and it can be wonky at times. EDIT: Yes, Rekkr has no native UMAPINFO support, its all in REKBONUS, which has not been updated.
  10. Oh neat, ive always been behind in DBPs since so many of them never seem to reach a 'final' release, makes me put off downloading them till its clear no more updates are coming.
  11. Duckstation was so good, its UI and systems ended up in PCSX2 when the lead developer jumped to that project
  12. Neither. Im a Battle Network kind of guy.
  13. I do hope 'Fates Path' gets to be a full episode in the 'expansion' ;p I've always wanted someone to complete that.
  14. Crossposting from Steam so its more likely to be seen, E1M10 from the newer REKBONUS has a broken checkerboard sky, I assume its meant to have the same one as E1M3
  15. Duckstation is the only PS1 emulator worth using at this point, its true. It also has full support for RetroAchievements, with both Doom and Final Doom having full sets to earn. Although a few of them are utterly ridiculous..
  16. I don't recall *everything* I played last year, so I'll go by things in my memory that *seem* like 2022 plays @NaturalTvventy @Xaser and @Lutz for NEIS, ive gushed enough about that aplenty in its thread, and ever since beating it its stayed hot and fresh in my memory about how a good modern UD megawad should be. NT and co know I love it, but it would feel odd to not mention them (again) in a thread about thanking people for good mods :p @pcorf for making so many good maps and megawads together with @Kristian Nebula. Ive played a LOT of the content from both, both old (Twilight Zone, 20 Days in Hell) and new (2022 ADO, Zone 300) and everything in between (2002 ADO, Death Tormention Complete Trilogy) the past year, with kmexii's blog leading me t othe more obscure stuff, and ive pretty much never been let down @valkiriforce for a plethora of content that is *exactly* my jam; ive fully completed his Pulse and Rejects wads with some single map stuff like 'id Games Troll' while starting to tackle his gargantuan Doom Core Trilogy and Anomaly Report. I also completed Oceanside, and it was a strangely emotional play, like looking into the memories of someone else, in Doom format. @Enjay for the venerable Enjay Doom, I was astounded by how well it held up even today. I'll need to go though it twice more in Doom 2 and ZDoom forms though :p @t.v. for TV1998 and Revolution, as well as the Community Chest stuff. I revisit Revolution more than most megawads, and the updated version for the Unity port sent me on another trip :p Always a good time. @skillsaw for Aeternum, his second public work, which still is good today, Lunatic, and the first episode of Ancient Aliens. Still plugging away at Episode 2 now and again @Tristan's music still puts a big smile on my face whenever I recognise it in one of the midipacks While I haven't actually played any of his work this past year (I DO have his Claustrophobia maps on hand though..) I'd be remiss not to mention @Kyka simply for being a good supportive friend, and largely the person responsible for me still being in the doom community today. Finally I'd like to thank the collective efforts of @OpenRift, @Terraformer9x , @Arsinikk, @Quill, @NightFright @Scuba Steve, @Nash and the others who have made great efforts in bringing our 4:3 game into the 16:9 and up modern future with some really great and faithful artwork that modernises our old classics. I utilised a lot of it in my Unity ports to make them as well-polished and professional feeling as I could, and offsite users definitely noticed the widescreen stuff!
  17. Now this I didn't expect to see. Ive gotten to Map 8 myself on this and its a recent game, so I may play along this time.
  18. Got infected with covid on Christmas day. Worst gift EVER.

    1. Kyka


      Nah. There is way worse than that.


      That said, get well soon!:)

    2. Devalaous


      The 'death phase' lasted two days, now im just suffering with the nastiest cough ive ever had with, a total lack of appetite, and random muscle pains. At least the 16 hours imprisoned in bed with alternating 'freezing, overheating, freezing, overheating' with short naps inbetween is over, had a migraine through all of that too.

    3. Kyka


      That sounds awful. Get well soon. Also, happy new year for 9 hours from now (my time.)


  19. https://s.team/y22/kcggptm?l=english I expected Doom and Doom 2 to feature there a lot, since I tested *so many* things for my Unity port project
  20. Not with its original co-op, no. I'm surprised noone has gotten that working after all these years (Unless this has changed in the last few years) But with the sheer quality of PCSX2 these days, its not exactly hard to play Decay's original form on a PC. My brother and I are now playing it (with a small break to post this) on my PC with a wireless modern X1 controller each and the whole thing is ridiculous smooth and playable. Ive not seen any frame drops or anything, and the port's menus are super quick as well, unlike a lot of console ports. Funnily enough, when he saw me playing this port, he asked why im not playing Black Mesa, since I own that and its 'far better'. Reminded him of the Decay coop campaign, showed him how smooth and well aged the game looks, and got him to play with me as he had nothing better to do, and he quickly changed his mind. And now hes impatiently waiting for me to post this so we can resume
  21. Because it has exclusive content and might be the HL thing they grew up with. I owned it on PS2 only myself, but I could never get my brother to sit down and play the coop with me. He just wanted to DM, all the time. EDIT: This thread prompted me to load it up with PCSX2. Plays pretty well and looks fine.
  22. Funnily enough before this thread popped up, I was imagining a Lost Episode 2 with the Doom 2 cut stuff I mentioned, and a neat map with the void gimmick where the little fragments of maps in the alphas and betas all got assembled together, like they were torn apart and left floating in the void. 'Extramap' from the 3DO source has a small piece of E2M5 floating off to the side, so kinda like that I guess. Ive always had a huge soft spot for lost alpha/beta maps in games.
  23. There is a few for Doom 2 that can be found in the beta of sorts that Romero released, Entryway had an entirely different start, Crusher is almost an entire new map, Dead Simple is entirely different (and unfinished), Downtown has docks at one side instead of deadend alleyways, and the most important one is that instead of The Catacombs, there is an entirely new map with slight shades of Spirit World, but the geometry itself is almost totally unique, its the highlight of that entire old map dump for me.
  24. Like so? AA was designed with episode resets in mind, so the ending maps for each episode wont be recorded in GZDoom naturally, I recorded the end of Episode 1 by using changemap map10 in the console to warp from the end of map 10, back to map 10, saving the stats of the final map. In your case, you could enter changemap map11 to travel to the next map with inventory intact, although its technically cheating and will throw off the balance. Always use changemap at the very end of a map after youve maxed out the stats, if you want the full statistics recorded; the command basically simulates an exit right there and then, complete with intermission
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