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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. The biggest problem with H-Zone for me was the strange use of D'Sparil as a regular monster every now and then. One day I hope the community interest in Heretic will grow to a point where remake/remasters of the H-Zone stuff is feasible, I like a lot of the maps so far, but a whole lot of polishing is needed on so many of them.
  2. This did it, thanks a lot! Didn't expect a response this quickly either :D How I like my Doom and Quake: Sharp and pixelly. The CRT filter gives both my brother and I headaches UNLESS its on my Switch OLED in handheld mode, so unfiltered and un-CRTed is the only way I can play it on PC
  3. I still cant disable the texture filtering in Quake 64, why is the option hidden now? At release I could turn off both the CRT with a console command, and the texture smoothing, now the filtering is forced. Is there a console command to disable it?
  4. image.png


    GZDoom 4.10.0 lets me give obituary strings to *anything*, so ive updated my in-progress QoL patch for Scythe 2 to give Evil Marines and Afrits brand-new death messages. No longer will the Marines be Nazis in marine armour that cant sit still, and no longer will Afrits tell you you simply died.


    I should do the same for Scythe X in theory, but at the same time, the custom monsters only appear on Map 10..

  5. DBP19 and DBP31 are pretty damn great. Although to be fair, DBP31 is most appreciated by NZers and Australians. Still, it cracked me up constantly. We need a christmas mod with the same amount of class and polish as Pirate Doom, its tiring seeing the same old ancient H2H Christmas sprites from over 20 years ago with all the creative talent we have here.
  6. So I could give Scythe 2's Afrit and the Scythe X monsters obituaries this way, for example? Neat. I'm not at all familiar with LANGUAGE lumps though yet. Also since my last post here, I now have Cleimos 2's robot, Herian's machinegun zombie and Plutonia 2/Requiem's ghost nazis now with custom obituaries :D EDIT: The above examples by Gez, alongside the ones on the wiki, work in GZDoom when in a DEHACKED lump, you have to remove the "" marks from the sides though
  7. This is extremely helpful, thanks! Going to use this for all those wads out there with a custom monster replacing the SS (Cleimos 2, Herian etc) and stuff like 32 Hours in Pain where you play a specific named character (Thanks to Pyroscourge for the hint there!)
  8. Would this work with the original three episode Heretic? I got a copy of the 1.2 wad recently and it might be fun to get some use out of the older IWAD with this
  9. Thats pretty neat. Should make a version for the original CQ1 IWAD too!
  10. Alien Vendetta updated again to include the .deh that some versions came with, largely so the text screens are replaced. Let me know if it actually plays nice with the DMAPINFO lump, if it doesn't then I'll have to incorporate them in the DMAPINFO lump, which means the secret exit text has to be axed due to Limitations™ The original release version also got its native .deh EDIT: I've also given Valley of Echoes an unofficial par time so it doesn't feel as out of place; I took the DSDA UV-max record and added a couple of minutes (17:34.09 'rounded up' to 20 minutes, aka 1200) and 1200 is close to Demonic Horde's 1620 partime and Dark Dome's 1160 partime. I hope this is acceptable.
  11. Been making a few patches today to enable more hidden Map33s as menu options in various megawads




    Kind of unfortunate that all ports with episode selection screens break in style for Plutonia 2, but it is what is.


    I think I'll also include an alternative that integrates these bonus maps as an extra map after Map 32 for continuous play, will stop the immersion break with PL2.


    (Also now added Woof to my port list, which is where the above menu comes from, as it feels better than DSDA Doom for my 'UMAPINFO' port for testing)

    1. Devalaous




      Its a simple little thing, but it beats command line nonsense/console commands/cheating


      I have this working in GZDoom, Woof/DSDA/PrBoom+ and Doomsday, each using their unique xINFO standards. Eternity can support it in theory, but examples in other wads looks stupidly complex and headache inducing. For now ive just defined them internally in EMAPINFO so they function properly when played.

    2. Devalaous


      I gotta admit, I love making GAMEINFO lumps for ZDoom/GZDoom/Zandronum with these patches, using colours taken directly from the titlepics

  12. I think its best explained as the age old problem of 'you don't appreciate what you have until its gone'. Unreal has, until now, never gone anywhere, its always been available and affordable, and freely purchasable on all kinds of platforms whenever someone felt the itch to get it, or in my case, get digital copies to replace the old obsolete CDs Then Epic swept the rug out from under us all, delisting them without warning, unlike other companies that give out a warning and notice that you have x days to buy it or miss out To add more coal to the fire, Epic is very very disliked by a lot of vocal people due to aggressive business decisions and exclusivity deals with very poor support, and here they are apparently trying to drive their reputation down even further. They are basically poking embers with a stick and reigniting the fire for no reason.
  13. Completed Whitemare as the first 'christmas wad' this year, and gotta say I hate that IoS map at the end. Its never fun having the 'firing lane' swarmed by 100s of monsters that screw up your aim, while your knocked around like crazy.

    1. RastaManGames


      Do you gonna do 2nd Whitemare too?

    2. Devalaous


      Yes, but not right away. I want to break it up with the christmas DBP that released a year ago (Last year I did H2H Xmas, Xmas Doom, DBP07, 19 and 31)

  14. I do like how the mod changes the player to Elliot, wonder how it does that? Would neat to use that on a lot of older mods that set the player as a distinct character, or even for Hexen in a mod where it automatically changes your name depending on class Also some small observations that, uh, would have been more relevant ten years ago, each weapon seems to serve a purpose moreso than the original arsenal so far, the SSG replacement is not a be-all end-all replacement and feels weaker in general, but better at close range (I love, LOVE, launching enemies backwards with it, especially the ice cacos, they go FLYING), and the regular shotgun seems to be a hard counter for ice mancubi, I am regularly completely stunlocking them with single shots. Im also regularly finishing off things with the pistol when the shotgun's RNG makes things not die in the 'right' amount of shots. I also like how the ice brood generally doesn't infight with each other (aside from ice lost souls charging into other ice monsters), makes the new breed feel smarter and more unified than the primitive 'regulars' that are still present
  15. Its always been autosave only for me. A manual save will also record all the previous levels beaten, hence why I changemap e1m8 at the end of E1 instead of just saving. Then once the map reloads with my inventory intact, I save game as say 'Episode 1 100%' (New save slot, not overwriting), quit, and then the final level's stats will record, and I have a save I can backup to regain those stats if need be. I actually had to do part of that recently thanks to the big GZDoom save location transfer issue. Spent a whole night reorganising hundreds of saves.
  16. For hubs in GZDoom you have to actively trim the older statistics, or as I like to do, delete ALL the statistics on the final level, use 'changemap [x]' to travel to the same final level your on after maxing out kills items and secrets, thus generating an autosave, then quitting. Every hub level's most recent statistic will then be recorded, all in numerical order. I did this with Hexen and Daedalus after getting frustrated with the many duplicate statistics Changemap is also the only method to track the stats of the final level of a wad in GZDoom.
  17. Here you go For those that feel so strongly about the start point, you can simply make your own little patch that only changes the start point if you like, then just autoload it with Devilution like we all used to autoload TNT31 with TNT.
  18. Snapshot_290.png?width=1275&height=701


    My partner has been building a Doom 3/2016/Eternal inspired base for last few months.

  19. Goddamn do these weapon replacements *feel* good. Also the jumping and crouching being organic feeling is nice. Also as a headsup; make sure you disable the textured automap, leaving it on reveals a lot of mapmaking tricks and can run a lot of immersion. EDIT: Minor typo in the obituaries: 'Elliot was shaterred by an Ice Mancubus'. Should be 'shattered'
  20. Herian 2 was my first ZDoom wad and introduced me to a whole new world of Doom experiences, so this is a neat thing to see. Played a bit and it definetly has a ton of ambience and foreboding. Would be interesting to see the first Herian retooled too, that one was MUCH rougher.
  21. Running super smooth so far, and I swear all these tooltips and unobtrusive tutorials werent there last time. Buuut its been a long time. Gonna try to get my girlfriend to play it, wish me luck. Like so?
  22. Kyka: Suffering in gargantuan mazes, lost for days on end.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Devalaous


      You should rectify that! It takes less than an hour to UV Max the original CQ1 and CQ2, likely the same timeframe on the remasters inside CQ3

    3. Kyka


      Really? Is that all.


      heh another gaming feat accomplished, with only minimal effort? sign me up. 


      Is there a way to get chex quest legally?

    4. Devalaous


      Chex Quest 3 is freely downloadable and has remasters of 1 and 2 included, im pretty sure the original CQ 1 and 2 are also freely downloadable


      For a freebie game that originally came inside cereal boxes, its stupid good fun for just 5 levels per episode.

  23. Did the official Wolf 3D port on x360/PS3 have proper strafing? I completed all levels in all 6 episodes with maxed kills, secrets and treasure (aside from the aardwolf maze level, fuck that) years and years ago, and I feel I wouldn't have done that without proper strafing
  24. I mean that I actually own a few of those add-ons, I think I extracted ISOs off them after my computer lost its disc drive. Would be nice to 'install' them onto the Remaster, but I have no idea how I'd do that.
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