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Everything posted by Devalaous
oh neat, so I can get my own copy of Malice and...Shrak was it? on the addon list? Playing the various 'unofficial add-ons' in the official remaster sounds like a guilty pleasure
Winter's Fury - 10th Anniversary Update
Devalaous replied to Pieruskwurje's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Like you said, its somehow been 10 years, and in that time ive managed to get a modernish PC (I9 9900K CPU and Nvidia GTX 1660 Super) that has laughed at all that ive thrown at it, so I should be good this time! I'm going to laugh if I still cant get full speed though xD -
Doom Launcher - Doom frontend & database v3.7.4 (12/2023)
Devalaous replied to hobomaster22's topic in Doom General
It was originally forcibly creating a Screenshots folder in my Duckstation screenshot folder in My Pictures, and after I relocated the pictures and nuked that folder outright, it forcibly created a new screenshot folder in a nearby folder (The folder that No Man's Sky generates when you take photos ingmae), and if I delete THAT it regenerates the entire folder structure, with the old Duckstation folder INSIDE IT. Theres something really screwy going on with GZDoom itself here. -
Doom Launcher - Doom frontend & database v3.7.4 (12/2023)
Devalaous replied to hobomaster22's topic in Doom General
Yep, I have stat tracking again, and the saves are being recorded again without the alt save directory setting. Screenshots arent appearing, but I fixed that by setting that random folder GZDoom made as one of the 'Screenshot Capture Directories' in the overall settings; with that done, all screenshots are recording again. -
TNT 2: Devilution (Final beta released)
Devalaous replied to Marcaek's topic in WAD Releases & Development
It does indeed have the older Devilution opening map. (Or at least did when I had access to one of the earlier builds) -
Widescreen Assets Pack and Appreciation Thread
Devalaous replied to OpenRift's topic in Doom General
Now go do ALL the other DBPs for a full set. *gets punted out of the forum* Anyway, ive been making wads out of the later widescreened materials all afternoon, and I also made a widescreen patch for Chex Quest 2, since GZDoom's automatic widescreen doesnt apply to a PWAD like CQ2 Keep the graphics coming *thumbs up emote* -
*shrug* DMAPINFO looks fine, Doom Builder gives no errors, so im guessing its Yet Another Problem with really old mapsets made with ancient editors. All 6 run fine so you should at least be able to pistol start them. This shit is exactly why I largely stopped this stuff. Things break and crash for no logical reason. Someone else is starting to look into how the port really works, so these hiccups may come to light eventually. Until then, go into the really old mapsets with the knowledge things may explode at any time for no discernible reason And yeah, Sacrifice and Lost Episodes of Doom both use pre-Ultimate Doom titlescreen and credits, from Nash's GZDoom widescreen stuff. I feel its fitting for any old Doom mapset pre-Episode 4 without custom titlepics to have that setup I poked around at Sacrifice and rebuilt nodes and cleaned up some errors in the remaining 5 maps, so maybe that'll improve things. I doubt it.
Doom Launcher - Doom frontend & database v3.7.4 (12/2023)
Devalaous replied to hobomaster22's topic in Doom General
I eventually got Doom Launcher to pick up the new save location by utilising the 'Alt Save Directory' setting, but the screenshots no longer get tracked (they are now sent to a random folder in My Pictures that I cant seem to manually set myself, for me they are showing up in my PS1 Emulator's screenshot folder. wtf GZDoom devs?), and stat tracking is now seemingly not working (which is the biggest reason I use Doom Launcher!) -
Doom Launcher - Doom frontend & database v3.7.4 (12/2023)
Devalaous replied to hobomaster22's topic in Doom General
@hobomaster22 The recent GZDoom updates (4.9 onwards) have entirely changed the save system; as such, stat tracking and save management and all that is now not working. Figured this was worth mentioning. -
I have been doing a lot of non-keyboard and mouse things for a while, due to a mix of Doom interest waning, frustration with the many many arbitrary limits of this port, modding fatigue, and carpal tunnel flare-ups So after a long hiatus, here is a tentative Update 6 that might need testing. Much of this was already done, just needed some final touches and to be organised on my Dropbox. Ultimate Doom: Fava Beans by Sean Birkel and Ben Gates Incineration by pcorf Sacrifice by Ty Halderman and Robert Taylor Doom 2: Suspended in Dusk by Espi BF Thud! by Chris Klie Icarus Tributes by Eternal, Memfis and Valkiriforce (Icar 2015, Icarumem and Starcove in one wad) TV 1998 by Thomas van der Velden (Includes midipack) Zone 300 by pcorf Zone 400 by pcorf Valkiriforce's remaining Megawads: Doom Core & Doom Core Delta Reverie Eternally Yours Vispire Pulse Doom 64 in Doom 2, and 'Works of the Masters' (Combined works of Jim Flynn, John Anderson, Sverre Kvernmo and Tom Mustaine) are still giving me grief, but I havent given up on them yet. I am also still waiting for approval from a moderator over linking Lost Episodes of Doom; the conversion is already done and it is live on my Dropbox, but I'd rather make sure its okay to link before posting it on Doomworld.
Diablo 2 has a similar sort of community, from what ive always seen. All conversations about the game are about hardcore endgame Hell-destroying builds with over the top minmax, and before respecs were added, you were expected to suffer through the early game with a perfect endgame build in mind, you were insulted and laughed at if you ever put any points into Dexterity or Energy, or tried any builds aside from tried and true endgame stuff, and there was NO tolerance for not having perfect item drops. You had to have ultra specific items that were all nigh impossible to get. Ive never been able to get fully into the game due to these attitudes. Part of that attitude has dropped with Resurrected having 'infinite' respecs, so now you can play through at least normal and nightmare with fun unique themed builds 'how you want', without the bullshit of being a mage that can cast only two or three spells because no Energy. Ive been playing as a lunatic barbarian that screams at enemies while dual-wielding throwing potions with high Throwing Mastery to make them crit and replenish, BECAUSE FUCK YOU I CAN, and because I can reset everything later.
You would have to merge TNT and Revilution into one wad, as the Unity port doesn't have iwads in the traditional sense. Pretty much all Final Doom IWAD mapsets are 'incompatible' as a result, but may work with a lot of wad surgery. And after all that, it may still not run, Plutonia 2 didnt!
DOOM Unity Port WAD Development and Information Guide
Devalaous replied to Arsinikk's topic in Doom General
Very strange. Your DMAPINFO for 200 Lines Massacre looks no different than what I originally had for Memento Mori 2, Alien Vendetta and D2TWID, yet Map 33 onwards shows up, and apparantly you got the secret exits working. For me, Map 33 has never once showed up on the episode selection, and any attempt to access a Map 33 has crashed. Even when utilising the ML1 trick, Hexsoil was never reachable via an exit switch, nor could it transition back to MAP03. Similarly I could not integrate Valley of Echoes into the regular progression, nor could I emulate MM2's Secret Operations original behaviour of going to MAP03 once the two extra maps were done. I would try again to see if things can be more 'accurate' but ive screamed at SLADE enough with those unofficial add-ons; they work as they are and ive gotten no complaints over bugs, so eh. The only real use I would have for Doom 1 having the extra map slots working, would be to have Death Tormention Trilogy and 2002 ADO having all maps, instead of cutting some out. Episode 5 wont have an intermission screen anyway, it appeared once in DTWID Lost Episodes testing, and it was a black void. -
DOOM Unity Port WAD Development and Information Guide
Devalaous replied to Arsinikk's topic in Doom General
Is this why Perditions Gate/Hell to Pay/Eternal Doom don't work? Thanks for looking into all this btw. For a while it seemed I was the only one trying to understand the port, and im far from knowledgeable about all of Doom's limits and mechanics. Did you actually get Map 33 onwards to work? Nothing I ever did got them to work, resulting in some hackery by utilising 'ML1 to 'ML21' to get extra maps working. In Ultimate doom, I found that any map outside of E1M1 to E4M9 would load, but crash the port upon hitting an exit switch, no matter the formatting. -
Winter's Fury - 10th Anniversary Update
Devalaous replied to Pieruskwurje's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Every time ive tried to play this, my computer has never been strong enough. Now after more upgrades, we have another GZDoom version and another Winter's Fury. Will the curse still be present.. Aside from that, the bits ive managed to play over the years have always wowed me like no other mod has, and passing this mod around to a few people that DID have beefy PCs, got a whole lot of them back into Doom for a time. Lets see if I can do it again :D -
The price for quiksave was all the secret mudokun puzzles etc getting MUCH harder and utter bullshit level. I recently went through Abes Oddysey on Duckstation, with achievements enabled, and I got all 99 saved without much difficulty. Without quiksave cheese you had to do all those puzzles in one perfect go and it felt way more rewarding when you finally got it. I have to play the game again and kill something like 75 of them for the last two achievements, should be a fun catharsis. New N Tasty is perfectly fine btw, my main issue was the controls werent 1 to 1 with the original. Soulstorm, the reimagining of Exoddus, is where things went screy. We will never have the Oddworld Quintology, the artist types behind Oddworld are just way too picky.
I swore I'd never have a need for the original PS1 Doom again after playing PsyDoom. Then I found out Duckstation has achievements for Doom and Final Doom...
Obscure, Hardly Known Bad Games/Guilty Pleasures.
Devalaous replied to mrthejoshmon's topic in Everything Else
The definition of a hidden gem that is janky, totally unknown to the point that even gamefaqs and retroachievements have little to no data on it, and very beloved by a small group of people that gave it a go back in its day. Back in my childhood, this game was one of my favourites on the system,although I could NEVER finish it without cheating. The plot is nonsense; A zeppelin, called the Nautiflyis iirc, is carrying a mystical green pearl off to some far off land to heal some sort of plague, thats never really talked about further, and Bad Shit Happens, and the ship crash lands on top of a stupidly giant tower, and the pearl is stolen and the captain abducted, while the player character, one of four (six if using cheats to unlock two secret characters) crew members is sent out to go explore the area and find parts to repair the ship. The tower top is kind of like a training area, albeit almost nothing is told to you; there is an INSANE amount of secret pickups and tricky jumps in the starting area alone, and its very likely that you will use up all your lives trying to get them all, because the controls are very janky. This game is HARD because of them, and save points and extra lives are very rare. iirc you can only use each save point once too. This is why I had to use the 99 lives code, a LOT, to beat the game. Careful exploration of the starting 'tutorial' area, 'Level 0' as its called ingame, reveals an ENTIRE hidden area full of items and collectibles, and basically the rest of 'Level 0', you can even meet the other crew members you aren't playing as here, which is basically the only dialogue they ever get, and completion of the level will get you the first piece of the 'Psykey', a key with one piece well hidden in every level, that forms the Psygnosis logo; its used to unlock a secret develop room in the final level of the game. Ive never seen it, sadly. Progressing to Level 1 proper, starts the real game off, and from here on out your exploring insanely varied levels of the tower, each one its own unique crazy ecosystem, full of secret areas, insanely well hidden items that only the most skilled players will get, and the whole way you have to locate pieces of the Green Pearl's containment device, canisters of Gas to refill your airship's baloon, and if you can, the aforementioned pices of the Psykey. You also obtain EXP from every monsters you kill and every object you break, so you'll be kicking and shooting the shit out of EVERYTHING to increase your stats; pumping the ponits into Armour to take less damage, Magic to learn new spells and obtain more mana, and to level up existing spells (almost all of which are secret item pickups) and weapon skill, which allows you to upgrade four different weapon types, with all six characters having different maximums in armour, magic and weapon levels, so noone plays alike. The bruiser of the group for example, has maximum armour but almost no magic skill, and his most common weapon is the flamethrower weapon; the opening levels are frustrating because he has to use the rapidly draining flamethrower with almost no ranged attacks, while the mage will have ALL of the health and mana pickups swapped, and start off with an electric weapon instead, which is great against machines, but terrible against people and objects. What always captivates me though, is how alien and surreal the game world feels. Level 1 and 0 are the ramparts of this great tower, rain, wind and a pitch black night, with plenty of giant bats swooping down to attack, hints of a great industrial underbelly, and the lowly grunts of this hostile race that took the pearl littering the area, with traps and turrets and a rock golem boss. Level 2 meanwhile descends into a chaotic industrial nightmare, full of rusty machinery, smashing pistons, half-finished (or damaged?) robot guards lying on what look like operating tables, who spring back to life to shoot you from their tables, as if determined to still be useful to whoever made them then abandoned them. Later levels include a great prison, a biomechanical jungle, a great kitchen with razor blades and grinders and horrific implications of what happens to the prisoners, and so forth. After every level, the plot is continued not by your character, but from the viewpoint of the abducted captain, who is going on his own adventure. Overall the game is probably my most well loved 'hidden gem' ever, and I love it despite its MANY flaws. Its now available on GoG, the PS1 and PC versions are largely identical. I would highly recommend the 99 lives code to get much enjoyment from the game, due to the very awkward controls. -
It has a sequel called Black Hell, in case youve never heard of the followup.
Widescreen Assets Pack and Appreciation Thread
Devalaous replied to OpenRift's topic in Doom General
Very small request here that should be pretty easy; could someone please do Zone 300 and 400? Got them lined up for unity port stuff -
2022ADO ... Released! (now on idgames)
Devalaous replied to pcorf's topic in WAD Releases & Development
This is why it took me over a year to finish No End in Sight, played it in short bursts to keep the fun going longer. -
Fun gibbing oddities in the actual game: The Demon can iirc take enough damage to actually gib, but lacks the frames to do so. While the Cyberdemon, as pictured, suffers an extreme gibbing death, as its normal death. I suppose you could also say the pain elemental is always gibbed too.