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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. Finally, a 'full' pcorf E2. Anyway, got this set up on Doom Launcher. Will give it a proper try soonish.
  2. I got bored in my last game and used console commands to make him go berserk and attack his own bodyguards. Due to his stats, they all fought so long that they were punching assassins for the rest of the dungeon, and I was strolling around with the Emperor's (broken) silver sword, as well as the three katanas. The oblivion intro is a nightmare for serious runs, as you pretty much have to not get a single stat up. Fallout 3 has similar 'takes too long' problems when starting a new game, I lose interest and do stupid shit like blow Dad away with a .44 as a baby New Vegas is much better, you set your stats and off you go.
  3. Bouncing between a few wads. Ancient Aliens on the modern front, chipping away at Vilecore and Death Tormention Trilogy, and occasionally making progress in Doom Core Trilogy.
  4. I have had a look and there's clear differences to be addressed. There are so MANY entries for the SM/Mother Demon to compare though and my eyes blur. @Obsidian was the original Spider Mastermind behind this wad's monster replacements though, iirc, and im probably better off uploading the current version and letting someone else tackle it. Like I said, im supposed to be taking a break from this stuff now (Of course, now I have Scythe to fix and other things popping up, my work is never done) EDIT: Scythe is now fixed. The bugs entirely came about from me splitting it into three episodes, due to the aforementioned post about ultimate Doom's episode woes. They all apply to Doom 2 as well. Now the only bugs in Scythe are the CWILV graphics not matching up, and thats because DMAPINFO has no field to assign them.
  5. The real solution is to port more levels to Forever and experience your favourites in a crazy new way
  6. It was my idea, its an injoke at Tim Willits. In the PS3 release, Bad Dream was made into a regular ending level, breaking the secret exit. The proper fix was to return Bad Dream to a secret exit only, but when you look at how rushed that campaign was, with no starry skies and little thought to the progression, it just feels right that id would have slapped another level in there to plug the hole as a quick and dirty fix, and what better than a cleaned up Kick Attack? Hes known for his ego, and Kick Attack looks and feels like a Master Level without its custom graphics. So it was both the map and the midi causing issues then. Thanks for fixing the map side for me, with the MUS turned into MIDI and the map's nodes rebuilt, it stopped crashing altogether. I wonder if the same node rebuilding will fix Perdition's Gate/Hell to Pay/Eternal Doom or if something else is at fault there?
  7. if you run Death Tormention 1, which is a bonus with the trilogy, you'll see what I came across; The intermission is E1's and without the DMAPINFO's sky and music entries, it was playing E1's music and loaded the E1 sky. I expected the port to see 'oh, the map is E4M1? That means its episode 4!' but nope. The definitions override everything. Whats worse is that if you only define Episode 4, the port panics. Sponge and co were apparently aware of all this; im looking at Sigil for Unity right now, which is a single episode definition, and despite saying 'E3M1' ingame and showing its the sigil_compat version, its actually running on Episode 1; the WILV graphics are WILV00 to WILV08 (Well okay, WILV05 is apparantly typoed as WILV205, oops!) and the E1 intermission screen is hidden by replacing the WIMAP0 graphic with the Baphomet artwork and blanking out all the locations on the map. I can MAYBE get around things by taking that approach, but oh wow that is a lot of effort and pain. So yeah, any single episode wad will actually end up replacing Episode 1. I don't know if the boss triggers will still work correctly for maps on E2M8, E3M8, E4M6 and E4M8.
  8. Thank for the input on the mobile ports. I had honestly completely forgotten that the Unity port was even on mobile devices with custom add-on support, until I spotted those posts on the Unity port thread, so my ports now have more of an audience than I initially thought. I wasn't even going to add Deathmatch-only wads outside of the proof-of-concept official ones, but they were requested enough, so people out there really do Splitscreen DM each other, so thats neat. Working on these has been a huge pain but also kind of rewarding. There are so many wads I wanted to port that had disastrous results, exposing more and more of the Unity port's limitations, and how stunted DMAPINFO truly is compared to the community standards we have today. 'Limitations breeds creativity' though, and its definitely true, with how ive managed to get several classic wads with 'ZDoom features' to actually work, as well as squeeze in extra levels past the hard limits in Doom 2.
  9. Alright, I am done tinkering with this port for now. I would love it if others would look into the work I did and carry on the torch with the wads im not planning to do, but yeah, ive spent so much time hammering away at Slade that my carpal tunnel has been re-aggravated and I just want to sit on my butt and do nothing for once.


    I'll return later to finish what ive laid out in the plans, but until then, long break time.

    1. Devalaous




      One of the add-ons I'll publish once im done resting has the old Credit screen added just because its a classic pre-Ultimate wad :p


      I thought it'd be neat to see it in the Unity port at some point, after decades of seeing the Ultimate version

    2. Bubbabyte


      Lol that's a cute callback!

  10. Would be nice to see HacX on there, but its too much of a legal landmine. Not to mention that there is no definitive version out there to this day.
  11. Update 5 already!? New additions are Hell Revealed 2 (finally!), Akeldama by @valkiriforce and co, 1000 Lines by @Liberation and co, and finally a complete version of my long-gestating Master Levels project (which does NOT ship with the 21 Master Levels, you MUST complete the wad yourself! I have left markers in to make the construction easier for people who dont use SLADE much. All previous wads have had MUS files changed to MIDI via Slade, due to repeated errors with MUS in the Unity port, that culminated in Hell Revealed 2 crashing on Map 6. Furthermore, all wads for Doom 1 that are exclusively on Episode 2, 3 or 4 are now cancelled due to massive shortcomings with the Unity port's DMAPINFO; unless the earlier episodes are defined as well, the intermission, music, skies, WILV graphics etc are all completely wrong, and unlike MAPINFO, there are no commands to manually set these. Sponge likely never assumed people like me would ever even use DMAPINFO, so I cant entirely fault him for a lot of fields not being present. In the future I will be looking into the rest of Valkiriforce's works (Doom Core Delta, Reverie, Eternally Yours, Vispire and Pulse and the three missing maps from Doom Core that did not make it to Doom Core Delta), Chris Klie's works (Lost Episodes, BF Thud), H2H Xmas since its close to December and it is a proto-cacoward winner, and some of the rest of the requested wads. I will also see about making my own version of 'Works of the Masters' with Jim Flynn, Sverre Kvernmo and Dr Sleep's solo maps, to follow-up the Master Levels campaign wad. Other than that, I am now on an extended break from working on this, outside of fixing errors and finishing up Doom 64 for Doom 2, which only needs the Mother Demon fixed, and looking at that gives me a massive headache.
  12. Hell Revealed 2 fully fixed for the Unity port, finally. I had to convert the MUS files to MIDI as the final fix. Why was anyone still using lossy damaging MUS files that late in Doom modding?

  13. Thanks for this one, its right by Doom 2 on Doom Launcher and the unwide titlepic was beginning to distract me right there with the wide one, heh.
  14. That works, but ive found that the crash may in fact have been because of the music track for Map 6. Did it work for you at all? For me with this level replaced it would load from the level select menu and there would be no music, and if I IDCLEV06ed, the port would hang infinitely just like before I replaced the map.
  15. It would be even better if PsyDoom was a Saturn port. Back to Sega Saturn X~
  16. unknown.png




    Just need to get the Mother Demon to not show Spider Mastermind sprites and this one should be done. All 7 skies present!

  17. Update 4 is out! This is pretty much the Deathmatch update; some offsite Doomers requested these ones. I had Akeldama 99% ready, but theres one small thing holding it back. Alien Vendetta, Hell Revealed, Icarus, Memento Mori 2, Requiem and Cleimos 2 are now updated with widescreen status bars, thanks to Tarvis and NightFright's repository. Alien Vendetta is also updated with PAR times thanks to @brick, and has been further edited to respect Ander's feedback. Valley of Echoes now works without Black Label, but Black Label is still weirdly dependant on the main wad, so its still present in the Midi Pack version. It has been moved in the levle select in preparation for when I can fully seperate it. All screenshots for the updated wads are now replaced to show off the statusbar as well as other things I left out, like pretty much anything ingame for Memento Mori, oops :p @Doomkid I'd like your input on a few things if you don't mind; first off, is there anywhere more permanent that my Dropbox to host these? idgames is likely out of the question, since its largely other people's hardwork thats already on the archive with some internal lumps added and changed around. Secondly, is there anyone/anyplace I could ask to record demos for some of these wads that either have no demos, or old pre 1.9 demos? It's pretty fun seeing the proper demos for the wads that have them, but for wads that dont have any, it can get really messy real fast Third; if hell freezes over and I can get Hell to Pay and Perditions Gate working, and I also port Chris Klie's Lost Episodes of Doom, are those three still taboo to post on the forums due to originally being Disk/CD-only wads? To close out this post, here is a small tease of Akeldama which will be available tomorrow, just got the widescreen statusbar trimmed down, have to add the text screens as one last thing to implement, and a screen of Hell Revealed 2, also with a widescreen statusbar. All HR2 needs is a working Map 6, and it'll be released.
  18. @Mike Stu Hell Revealed for the Unity port now has your updated versions. Thanks again for tackling those graphics!
  19. I have not had any luck on it myself, no. Could you send that wad please? I can release HR2 with it, literally everything else is complete. The fact it even loaded at all speaks volumes Also I just fixed the Cleimos 2 robot, the wad was missing SSWVE0, SSWVF0 and SSWVG0, instead having E/F/G1 to E/F/G8. I duplicated the 1 frame and filled the 0 slot and it fixed the issue. I also duplicated the BOSSBACK to a CREDIT lump. Thanks to Tarvis it also has a widescreen statusbar. All the wad needs to be similar to an official add-on now is some new demos and a widescreen TITLEPIC. Intermission text replacements would also be nice, but the wad never had any, unlike Cleimos 1.
  20. Thanks, I'll see about adding them then. Looks like Cleimos launched broken, the SS replacement reverts to an SS when firing. Seems that any mod that replaces monster sprites is going to be a pain. This one is on me, I was under pressure to get DTWID working and didn't test this one 100% Bonus maps form D64D2 and 1000 Lines are working.
  21. Unlike GZDoom and other ports, the ultrawide graphics people make don't actually automatically cut off on the sides in this port, they need to be manually cropped with very specific offsets, otherwise they warp and wrap around the screen horribly. I don't know the offsets for the 16:9 versions, so I cant crop them yet. I had enough of a nightmare with DTWID's intermission maps that the thought of any more offsets makes me groan I considered Chex Quest myself, since it seems like all I'd need to do is trim the excess IWAD fat off. Then theoretically I could do Chex Quest 2 by overriding the CQ1 stuff by dropping the CQ2 stuff in the wad. This also might enable me to do TNT and Plutonia wads, if I simply modify the one the port comes with.
  22. It *should* be doable. Got a huuuge list already though, and my carpal tunnel needs a break from excessive SLADE typing.
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