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Everything posted by Devalaous

  1. I believe Gez came up with it years ago, but the objectively best title would be 'TNT: Microevilution' (pun source) Also, if wads made specifically for the Final Doom IWADs but not made to be 'sequels' also count, there is Heroes Tales for TNT, and Kristian Aro's trilogy '20 Days in Hell' (Plutonia). '32 Hours in Pain' (TNT) and 'One Day of Hellish Revenge' (Plutonia)
  2. You missed the Plutinya Experiment, a 1024 Plutonia mapset. Sadly no TNT variant exists :( As for other TeamTNT tributes, there is Icar 2015 by Eternal, an 11 map set requiring Icarus as a resource wad, published soon after news of Ty Halderman's passing
  3. On a related note, ive been looking to somehow get Doom Expanded's much improved invuln colours as a universal always-on mod, it makes invuln vision not hurt my eyes. Never known how to do it.
  4. The best official ones in classic Doom are easily 'You have huge guts' and 'Shoot at it until it dies', references to the Doom Comic and Ling's fake protip respectively. Both involve killing a cyb with puny weaponry too.
  5. 1.1 is out finally, with the alt lightning guard and all that. I had put the game on hold till the update, and found myself utterly lost and stuck in Wall to Wall, with nothing left to kill.
  6. Speaking of Duke episodes, is there a proper Plug and Pray conversion yet? The only one I know of intentionally carried over the bad parts of the PS1 version for 'accuracy', would be nice to have a native PC version for Raze that feels like an official release someday
  7. Some madmen entirely recreated Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny and the SoD Mission Packs as one big IWAD TC for GZDoom, its kind of surreal playing Wolf 3D with ambient occlusion, GZDoom's movement, modern soundfonts, etc etc. You have to actually supply the files from Wolf 3D, SoD and the mission packs to run it too. @NightFright updated a lot of those WolfenDoom sets for GZDoom, fixing a lot of errors and stuff. I did my own tinkering with one of them to get it working with UMAPINFO for more port compatibility, but I haven't gotten anywhere yet.
  8. There are settings to disable that on every platform ive used that has an achievement system. On Steam specifically, you can turn off that useless overlay and those notifications go poof
  9. My dude, theres an *entire* community out there that painstakingly studies the memory of old games to add achievements to every old system under the sun, and yes, the console ports of Doom are largely supported. I'm not super into this site myself, as I only bother with achievements if my emulator of choice natively links up to RA, but there's been a whole bunch of games with achievements that highlighted easter eggs, strange bugs, or presented a unique challenge I'd never think of. I never saw the bad ending of Abe's Oddysey till I played it on Duckstation and went for an evil run to tick off the final two achievements, and I was stunned to find out if your a total ass and kill the vast majority, you get 'rewarded' by being sent back to an earlier point of the game with infinite grenades. So theres definitely some merit to giving them to older games, you just need creative developers. Its a popular challenge, thats why. People always make up challenges for games to play them in weird new ways, like that ridiculous Stroller thing for Doom. The 'escort a garden gnome a ridiculous length' one was popular enough, it made a return in Left 4 Dead 2, and I had a lot of fun coordinating with my friends to get that thing from the start of the campaign, all the way to the extraction. Its a lot harder than I thought it would be, and we all were cheering on the voicechat when we finally did it. It might just be a 'dumb little picture with words' in menus for the game, but we can all look at the unlocked entry in the menu and look back on that little moment.
  10. There are people that will not buy modern games without achievements to earn, so there's an obvious reason to include them: more money. The unity ports already have achievements on Sony and Microsoft systems, and they were retroactively added to Quake and Quake 2, so its kind of weird that Doom got the short end of the stick, its not THAT difficult to add them to games that didn't have them prior (I helped out with the implementation of Terraria's achievements)
  11. Updated Memento Mori 2 with a fixed Map 26, it had one of those infamous deleted secret sectors that I hate so much. MM2 is absolutely loaded with errors that make 100% unfeasible, its kind of shocking. All but this one you can get by just noclipping though, so if I fixed all the other stuff too, I'd basically have over half the wad replaced. I would like to give MM2 intermission texts at some point, since the Infopack is loaded with mission text for almost every level, but a lot of it is poorly written and theres nothing for the four secret levels, so I dunno. The only thing I havent released is the 1000 Lines stuff, since 2 and 3 are tricky, as they were developed with modern ports in mind, yet still hid the bonus levels via command line BS for no real good reason, so theres a lot of existing xINFO files to navigate through
  12. I wonder if thats why almost nothing I have defaults to Google anymore? Only thing I own that does is my phone, since Android, and I make a point to not use it as no adblocker I have works on it
  13. Drat, no Master Levels for a full set :p Still hoping the Ultimate Doom one gets music by memory and a by-memory recreation of Sewers, like how Betray got one. But yeah, I enjoyed the Doom 2 one and have the TNT one lined up for when my arm heals, now ive got this too~
  14. Only 30 minutes? My dude, it took me *8 hours*, aka pretty much a whole day of play to finish that monster 100% on UV, and I had to cheat at the very end because theres a bit you cannot complete without wallrunning glitches, which I consider the map's only black mark. A shame he never got to see the community's response to his final work. What a thing to leave behind as your legacy in this community.
  15. It feels to me like games peaked in the 'PS360' era, when 'HD' was new. Many of my favourite games came out in that period, and not all that much really grabbed me in the PS4 era, with the PS5 era having...almost nothing that feels new and revolutionary for me. Just yet more cinematic games with a blaring generic orchestra, or giant empty open worlds with a list of a million collectables, predatory FOMO games that even infects singleplayer to keep you 'working' on an unpaid second job, etc. Feels like I only have fun with modern remasters/remakes of older games at this point, like the excellent Star Ocean 2 remake.
  16. It often goes on sale for only a few dollars at least, hard to really complain when its less than a crappy drink at a local shop :p While it could be better, I never had much issues with the port, the rewind was fun and the new lights in the main game was a nice change of pace. If I had a legit issue with it, its that supporting it in Raze requires so much space on my drive, so I cant just sneak out a few files and have the fifth episode there, need to have almost the whole thing installed still.
  17. Both me and the Dean of Doom video on CC1 used the exact same music solution for that, by using MIDTWID to replace the default tracks. Worked out pretty well, but yeah, it could use a midi pack kind of like Rebirth's one, where only some tracks get replaced. Bonus points if the map24 midi has two slightly different versions, with only one being listenable in the wad without outside help.
  18. New personal best for E4M1. I usually end up in E4M2 in a mess, not this time!
  19. Ive got a step up from that; do what the official Quake add-on did, and start up a series of wads where deathmatch-only maps get 'expanded' as if the player was always confined to the DM portion. We could use the official Doom DM maps, Sigil 1 and 2, the four Team TNT megawads, Eternal DM, Crucified Dreams and the Gothic trilogy, to give a good example of a bunch of sets
  20. Aw, no Master Levels section? :p I always found Plutonia's Map 15 to be harder than 31 or 32, catches me every single playthrough. I have good memories of showing off Go 2 It to my brother and school friends when I had Doom 95 though, everyone was always 'how the hell does anyone beat that without IDDQD!?' which lead to it becoming a legendary challenge. First time I ever beat Plutonia, I was nervous as hell getting to it due to that past, then...I cleared it relatively easily.
  21. I found it weirder that the playstation ads in there censored the logo. Legal nonsense rarely makes any common sense to normal people.
  22. And then theres Skyrim players begging Bethesda to kill Skyrim because 'my precious sex mods keep breaking!'
  23. Updated mine to match, generally I'll do so as long as the dropbox link is in the first post :p
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