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  1. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Searcher for a status update, Anyone thats a fan of Myhouse-style brain-twisting and gut-wrenching unease should ch   
    Anyone thats a fan of Myhouse-style brain-twisting and gut-wrenching unease should check out Dead Island 2's first DLC, fittingly called 'Haus'

  2. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Searcher for a status update, Finished Talosian Incident, running out of 90s megawads now. This one was far more do   
    Finished Talosian Incident, running out of 90s megawads now. This one was far more doable than most megawads, never too big or too long, no magnum opus syndrome at all. I had to IDMUS on Map 14 to replace that lame stock track, and it loses points for the 'I ran out of ideas/steam' Cyberdemon wall at the end.

    Also, woo, yet *another* wad with a downer ending.
  3. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from elf-alchemist for a status update, Finished Talosian Incident, running out of 90s megawads now. This one was far more do   
    Finished Talosian Incident, running out of 90s megawads now. This one was far more doable than most megawads, never too big or too long, no magnum opus syndrome at all. I had to IDMUS on Map 14 to replace that lame stock track, and it loses points for the 'I ran out of ideas/steam' Cyberdemon wall at the end.

    Also, woo, yet *another* wad with a downer ending.
  4. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from elf-alchemist for a status update, Recovered enough to be able to play again, as long as my arm is propped on something.   
    Recovered enough to be able to play again, as long as my arm is propped on something. Finally finished Memento Mori 2 over the last week or so of short doom sessions, thats another classic megawd off the bucketlist. Only got Requiem and Eternal Doom left on the pre-2000 list now, I think.
  5. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from ReaperAA for a status update, Lost the use of an arm today for a while, so im not going to do any work on the littl   
    Lost the use of an arm today for a while, so im not going to do any work on the little mods I do till I heal
  6. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, FINALLY got a hold of Wolfenstein 2009 for PC! Been trying to get a PC copy for years   
    FINALLY got a hold of Wolfenstein 2009 for PC! Been trying to get a PC copy for years, since my PS3 died. Now I just need Singularity.
  7. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Endless for a status update, My steam profile is complete.   
    My steam profile is complete.
  8. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, My steam profile is complete.   
    My steam profile is complete.
  9. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Searcher for a status update, Today I successfully polished a turd. Ported Sewers to Doom 2 for a Unity Port episod   
    Today I successfully polished a turd. Ported Sewers to Doom 2 for a Unity Port episode with the console maps mixed with some beta ones, changed out all the Doom 1 textures to Doom 2 ones, and slightly improved a few spots architecture. Nothing drastic, as that changes the map's identity too much. Its still ugly, but ever so slightly less so :D

    An actual pro would have to remaster it to really have it look like an IWAD level.
  10. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from RaRu Des2122 for a status update, Today I successfully polished a turd. Ported Sewers to Doom 2 for a Unity Port episod   
    Today I successfully polished a turd. Ported Sewers to Doom 2 for a Unity Port episode with the console maps mixed with some beta ones, changed out all the Doom 1 textures to Doom 2 ones, and slightly improved a few spots architecture. Nothing drastic, as that changes the map's identity too much. Its still ugly, but ever so slightly less so :D

    An actual pro would have to remaster it to really have it look like an IWAD level.
  11. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from SleepyVelvet for a status update, It saddens me that (as far as I know) noone did a TNT 1024 project to match Plutonia'   
    It saddens me that (as far as I know) noone did a TNT 1024 project to match Plutonia's.
  12. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Kyka for a status update, Doomworld making me buy things, fml   
    Doomworld making me buy things, fml
  13. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from ReaperAA for a status update, Doomworld making me buy things, fml   
    Doomworld making me buy things, fml
  14. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Berubaretto for a status update, Doomworld making me buy things, fml   
    Doomworld making me buy things, fml
  15. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Kyka for a status update, Another hospital visit today, more existential dread. Now I have a different type of   
    Another hospital visit today, more existential dread. Now I have a different type of dread now that im home; its time for my first serious play of Mucus Flow
  16. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Berubaretto for a status update, Spent most of the day in the hospital, was hoping to finish and publish more patches   
    Spent most of the day in the hospital, was hoping to finish and  publish more patches today from my backlog.
    Doctor reported 'nothing sinister' in my system,  all I could hear was the Doom track Sinister in my head.
  17. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from RaRu Des2122 for a status update, Spent most of the day in the hospital, was hoping to finish and publish more patches   
    Spent most of the day in the hospital, was hoping to finish and  publish more patches today from my backlog.
    Doctor reported 'nothing sinister' in my system,  all I could hear was the Doom track Sinister in my head.
  18. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Mr. Alexander for a status update, Forgot to mention it, but I 100%ed Hell Revealed on Ultra-Violence recently. One of t   
    Forgot to mention it, but I 100%ed Hell Revealed on Ultra-Violence recently. One of the my Doom bucket list accomplishments finally ticked off. Over the decades ive constantly seen the crazy shit in the wad, far far above my skill level, and known about all the other similar wads that used its difficulty as a baseline, to the point that HR was seen as practically a rite of passage. I'd try and try again and back out due to the insane nonsense of Post-Mortem and so on, and always put it off, as there was always some new wad closer to my skill level coming out that I'd play. With Doom Launcher's stat tracking, and my QoL patches needing testing, I finally had the proper excuse to make myself really try to get through it once and for all, and my skill level HAS grown enough for it to be a fair but beatable challenge. My music selections for the levels that had no ROTT music also fit like a damn glove; hard to believe most of the well-known maps from the set had stock music. They were SO much better with ROTT tracks blasting.
    Also, since im a controller-only player, I don't feel the trolling guilt over unleashing a port of HR to the Unity Port-only players, if HR was on the consoles too, it would be beatable :p (Fuck Map 30 though)
  19. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, Forgot to mention it, but I 100%ed Hell Revealed on Ultra-Violence recently. One of t   
    Forgot to mention it, but I 100%ed Hell Revealed on Ultra-Violence recently. One of the my Doom bucket list accomplishments finally ticked off. Over the decades ive constantly seen the crazy shit in the wad, far far above my skill level, and known about all the other similar wads that used its difficulty as a baseline, to the point that HR was seen as practically a rite of passage. I'd try and try again and back out due to the insane nonsense of Post-Mortem and so on, and always put it off, as there was always some new wad closer to my skill level coming out that I'd play. With Doom Launcher's stat tracking, and my QoL patches needing testing, I finally had the proper excuse to make myself really try to get through it once and for all, and my skill level HAS grown enough for it to be a fair but beatable challenge. My music selections for the levels that had no ROTT music also fit like a damn glove; hard to believe most of the well-known maps from the set had stock music. They were SO much better with ROTT tracks blasting.
    Also, since im a controller-only player, I don't feel the trolling guilt over unleashing a port of HR to the Unity Port-only players, if HR was on the consoles too, it would be beatable :p (Fuck Map 30 though)
  20. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Berubaretto for a status update, Forgot to mention it, but I 100%ed Hell Revealed on Ultra-Violence recently. One of t   
    Forgot to mention it, but I 100%ed Hell Revealed on Ultra-Violence recently. One of the my Doom bucket list accomplishments finally ticked off. Over the decades ive constantly seen the crazy shit in the wad, far far above my skill level, and known about all the other similar wads that used its difficulty as a baseline, to the point that HR was seen as practically a rite of passage. I'd try and try again and back out due to the insane nonsense of Post-Mortem and so on, and always put it off, as there was always some new wad closer to my skill level coming out that I'd play. With Doom Launcher's stat tracking, and my QoL patches needing testing, I finally had the proper excuse to make myself really try to get through it once and for all, and my skill level HAS grown enough for it to be a fair but beatable challenge. My music selections for the levels that had no ROTT music also fit like a damn glove; hard to believe most of the well-known maps from the set had stock music. They were SO much better with ROTT tracks blasting.
    Also, since im a controller-only player, I don't feel the trolling guilt over unleashing a port of HR to the Unity Port-only players, if HR was on the consoles too, it would be beatable :p (Fuck Map 30 though)
  21. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Endless for a status update, Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see   
    Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see Nash's UW assets at work.
  22. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from OniriA for a status update, Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see   
    Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see Nash's UW assets at work.
  23. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Mr. Alexander for a status update, Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see   
    Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see Nash's UW assets at work.
  24. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from ReaperAA for a status update, Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see   
    Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see Nash's UW assets at work.
  25. Like
    Devalaous got a reaction from Berubaretto for a status update, Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see   
    Brother got an ultrawide monitor, I got it configured for Doom and finally got to see Nash's UW assets at work.
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