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About deathbringer

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    Pretty boring, and below-par for 1997, feels more like a 94/95 wad. The area between the buildings is huge, and sparsely populated. There's a lot of monster closets, some creatures teleporting into the outside area would have kept things interesting. There's a "secret" computer map, which comes in very handy for navigating the switch hunt.
  1. I was on another board i only joined about a week ago and they had a thread dedicated to finding the best incident on that board in the past decade, which was all well and good but of course all the references to "LOL Dronegate" went right over my head.

    Anyway, it got me thinking about a similar noob-confusing thread here. A few contenders:

    Username - a bizarre flame/troll that warranted a front-page news post!

    Doom Rampage - OK, primarily conducted on this own website, but it was still pretty hilarious.

    Nazi Aufersheung - Remember, being mental makes your wad immune to criticism!

    3DFX Studio - Or whatever they were called, idiot makes "grab it all" resource-stealing EDGE wad with Resident Evil and Duke stuff, then claims he has permission.

    Hardcore_gamer's video tutorial - I still laugh at that thread

    Hardcore_gamer making a dumpster "cough on fire"

    Hardcore_gamer wondering if a spam mail was "a trick of a virus" and then REPLYING to it

    Fusion Unleased - How can you "unleash" "fusion"? Whenever i asked he seemed to skirt around and avoid the issue, waffling about how it's a sequel to something so the name is OK.

    The Blood community - The twat from the above one turned his hand to making a Blood "mod" in EDGE. He then did some anime-style concept art to it and caused the Blood community to start spouting furiously crazed homophobic and xenophobic rants. Said community then came over here to "expose" shit about him none of us cared about.

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    2. sgtcrispy


      Ichor said:

      Action Doom and the hype surrounding it

      darknation's comics

      The Green Pile

      The Imp Encounter

      dwforums series


    3. darknation
    4. Reisal


      Speaking of darkdave, since he couldn't upload the files himself, he asked me and I did. Now I find the hilarity and bawwing in his last thread quite amusing.

      I liked the NewDoom hack and the Hokuto No Doom things silly in 2009. Dunno about 2005-2008 since I wasn't here at that time (self-imposed exile while Losered for posting stupid shit).

  2. I bought one of those super-cheap digital "DV" cameras off Ebay (this one, to be precise: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=370053496023& ) and it arrived today.

    It's pretty decent, for £2.99 anyway, but when i was fiddling with the zoom it developed a purple line down one side of the picture when recording/taking photos (when in menus etc it isn't there, so it's not the screen). I suspect it's something to do with the chip that senses the image, and wonder if anybody knows a way i might "re-set" the chip, if that's possible? or am i stuck with the line?

    (one odd thing i have noticed is that if i use the zoom it "goes past" the line, ie the line moves further to one side and on maximum zoom it can't be seen)

    1. Bloodshedder


      A defect or debris on the CMOS sensor. It could be taken apart and cleaned, but it has to be put back together spotless. It also should not be attempted by someone without dexterity.

    2. deathbringer


      Ah well, i might just put up with the line, don't wanna bugger it just before the festival. If it survives (unlikely) i'll have a go afterwards and know how to keep it working for next year... the line does seem to be getting slightly fainter on it's own... but that could be my imagination

  3. deathbringer

    EDGE Roadmap

    Over at the EDGE website, ajapted has posted a "roadmap" of planned future developments of EDGE. The major items include LAN multiplayer, a new scripting language, and slopes. Read it here.
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