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About chexwarrior

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  1. Caves of Qud is an ambitious roguelike taking place in a distant future that I can only describe as being like the Dying Earth stories.
  2. This one looks great, will definitely play it if/when it becomes compatible with dsda-doom.
  3. I also love Hellbound for the same reasons, IMO Doom 2 Reloaded has a similar vibe, give it a shot. EDIT: I should elaborate a bit more: Some of the levels in D2R aren't as good as others and the detail level is more similar to classic Doom 2 (but better I think). Also, if you really want to improve the mood of either megawad I suggest using the PSX Doom soundtrack!
  4. The successor to DoomRL (the DooM Roguelike) is coming out on August 5th, they just released a trailer. If you're a fan of roguelikes (and obviously a fan of DooM) than you should really check it out. Official Website Steam Page
  5. When I first started playing Doom I went through this phase of only playing on UV, no saves and always pistol start. It forced me to get better, however it also caused me to quit a ton of megawads before completing them because I couldn't take playing one hard map over and over again. I finally mellowed out and now I play on HMP, pistol start (I don't know I just prefer this way of play) and I usually only save each time I get a key, but on harder maps I'll also save before a huge battle.
  6. Just finished this on HMP in GZDoom. Really enjoyed it overall! You did an awesome job of adding different mechanics that made the levels feel really original. A couple of them rode the line (and some went over) between original and turning into a sort of switch hunt, however I feel these were in the minority. Overall great megawad! Lets get it on idgames so I can give it a proper review!
  7. Like everyone else is saying the dark atmosphere, especially the music which I think is a lot better than the typical Doom 1 & 2 soundtracks, really makes the game for me. Beyond that, to me it plays like classic Doom albeit missing some of the better monsters which is a shame.
  8. I'm glad you did, this is a great tribute to Doom 64's soundtrack.
  9. Looks very cool, very interested in playing Doom RPG again, its been a long time.
    One of the best vanilla megawads I've ever played a great mix of classic style and action-packed gameplay. Definitely check this one out.
  10. chexwarrior

    Cleimos 2

    A classic megawad that's very much responsible for getting me back in Dooming. A couple of weird levels but for the most part they are very original and fun.
    Just finished this on HMP, thoroughly enjoyed it. Has a very classic feel but it was never boring, a little easy maybe but it had some very cool hell levels.
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