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  1. I did an asexual flag themed map in an Abyssal Speedmapping Session back in 2021 (ASS52 map07) so I am amused that somebody already jumped on that scheme. Ill see what other theme I can go in on this time, the resource pack looks promising! That said, looking at the instructions set up by OP, this wont necessarily be one month. But if it is, and its during pride month, its basically MAYhem but in June and also Pride oriented, so I cant NOT give something resembling a blessing.
  2. *Takes my truck stop napkin with GAYhem scrawled on it and crumples it up in frustration* Seriously though, love the concept. I'll see if I can throw something together for this!
  3. How will music and mapname be determined? I have access to a list to rival Schindler's of excellent mapnames, if it helps. Also I guess i can do a map.
  4. Thanks for playing, hope you enjoyed the show. I will follow Pottus' suit and talk a little development on this. I made a couple E3 maps in 2011-2012 for this project, but they got moved to another project due to directional changes, both in quality and storytelling, around 2014. I did Pulverizers layout in 2016, and had a lot of Icarus inspiration (I am tickled by this being an antithesis to Ion Flux, never heard the comparison, cant unsee it, but I dont believe I looked at map12 in making this) but the chief concept I drew from was Evilutions Map18 (Mill). For reasons that amount to "drama" I just wanted to make a follow up to Mill using mapping styles conducive to the mid 2010s era of vanilla mapping. Tarnsman was responsible for the aesthetic and a few janky mobility choices in the volcanic section of the map. I just had a grungy techbase with crushers and a power core in the center. During an early (relative) beta somebody noticed the power core looked a lot like the drill in map22 so we moved the mapslot and made the centerpiece that drill (Tarnsmans doing more than mine, probably also influenced the pervasive red and silver look) Ive always valued Doom for its constant need to move around and the recent release of the 2016 reboot was probably where I got the "you gotta keep moving and chipping away at enemies with limited ammo" vibe, and this map is meant to be a resource drain for single playthrough runs and living up to its name for a pistol start. I came from mostly DeathMatch and Capture the Flag mapping, so interconnected rooms, an emphasis on kinetics over combat, and the first act of the map being a loop were all key elements in this map. Act 2 (Getting the Yellow Key to getting the Red Key) is more TNT map18 than anything, minus the switch hunt. Act Three (Red Key grab to exit) was supposed to be a lot more getting the heck out of dodge and dealing with whatever enemies were still left from act one (and Archviles for all you pesky 100%ers) but that got cooled off a lot by revisions. If you thought the megasphere secret was bad in the final product, you arent alone. Beta testers wanted it out but its the one thing I insisted stay in the map because it is a sort of TNT thing to do, with modern understanding of archjumps. There was also a mandatory archvile jump to the exit (which was the power core, implied to teleport you into Hard Wireds bizarre reality as this was originally map24) in a super early version of the map. Less sadistic heads talked me out of it, and by that I mean told me "absolutely not". This map was sort of influenced by Human BBQ, insomuch that you have a lot of running around outside with hitscanners on balconies (and from some mysterious grimy undergound) getting you in an early map, and this was made as a follow up to a very different map01. Xaser did the lions share on getting the cave segments up to snuff in visuals. The indoor (jail) part of the map was originally lined up to be a duelmap for CGI which was en vogue when this map was made (that just happened to be using the TNT2 resource pack). However, a bunch of the CGI folks jumped in on revamping Devilution around that time and I just turned it into a small early game level since it was halfway there as it was. The metallic door bit was my idea but Xaser somehow got that cherry on top with the Easter Egg in there. In its original form the Easter Egg was VERY different (in CGI fashion wed just sneak methods to get the BFG when we played the other map designers) I wonder how much that will screw with the stats once this gets on Doomwiki :3
  5. Revilution was originally Devilution, dont cross the wires on this. But yeah it has and remains a very bumpy ride, and I assure you we are nearing the end of it, at least as close as we were in 2019...which is still close. EDIT: Words are hard.
  6. The new little mermaid was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Not since waterboarding has water been so heavily involved as torment, and every producer on this film SHOULD, frankly, be waterboarded. Yes, I went in because I have an infected tooth right now and wanted to focus my pain on something else, but now my tooth hurts AND I saw little mermaid, so now I'm taking psychic damage.
  7. It's a coincidence. I built what is now map23 as map24 around a large circular structure with a bit more eyeball imagery and aesthetic esembling TNT map18. When doing visual updates, Tarnsman(I think) made it resemble the reactor in map22, upped the red and silver vibes and moved the map to the 23 spot for continuity. I hope someday after the release we can further explore the evolution of this wad.
  8. *Takes envelope marked ASS70 and throws it in the fireplace.*
  9. Thank you all and have the best ass! GOODNIGHT, EVERYBODY!
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