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dew reacted to Major Arlene for a status update, So, here I am. This has been a difficult 24 hours, to say the least. I recognize that
So, here I am.
This has been a difficult 24 hours, to say the least. I recognize that moderating decisions haven’t been very popular here as of late. I also realize what’s been flying around has been a lot of misinformation and vitriol. So here’s what I’ll address.
1. I have always been as transparent as I can be about my own moderating decisions. If I ask someone to message me, it’s usually because there’s little sense in continuing to derail the thread the moderating decision was made in. I will always refer people to a second opinion or an admin if they do not find my decision was agreeable.
2. I don’t have control of what other moderators do. I will address a non-public decision (i.e. a warning) as best I can but I won’t always have the answer, unfortunately. We mods talk a lot to each other but we don’t talk about every single action we take.
3. I realize that it is not great that there is no FAQ, public staff page, or rules. This was something that was an issue long before I came on board and there have obviously been some attempts to address this. We’ve been working as hard as we can on it but rule-making on such a widely diverse public forum can be difficult, to say the least. I have said many times in moderating discussion that I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be for people to receive warnings and sometimes not know what actions they could take to prevent being warned in the first place. This is something that will be addressed as soon as humanly possible. It will not happen overnight.
4. I tend to take as hands-off a moderating approach as I possibly can, but that does not mean there will be no consequences for shit-posting or shit-headery. Some people seem to think that any moderation action is a bad thing, and that approach simply does not work for this forum, due to the volume and diversity of members.
Lastly, Endless, I’m going to address you, by saying that despite what has happened, I dearly loved and appreciated the Wadazine and its efforts. I loved contributing to it. I loved watching you grow into an avid reviewer and mapper. And that hasn’t changed. I hope you continue to do well for yourself, wherever your journey goes. And I mean that, sincerely. I can’t say I’m not disappointed at what has happened, but I will never regret the past year of contributions and fun we had.
My door is open for anyone to talk to me, leave me constructive feedback about moderating, how to improve the site, etc. I’ve fielded all kinds of feedback from all sorts of places and people since I’ve become a mod and I appreciate the love and passion that you guys still put into this site and its longevity. But most importantly, I just want to know if something is a problem before it blows up. I don’t want anyone sitting here feeling like they can’t touch me, can’t talk to me, can’t look in my direction because I’ll ban them if they do it wrong- that has never been my M.O. I’m empathetic to a fault and I’ll always do my best to level with people. Just talk to me. I’ll answer, in kind.
dew reacted to kmxexii for a status update, while writing this review I drew upon a lot of the thoughts that I have had about the
while writing this review I drew upon a lot of the thoughts that I have had about the Doom community that started sometime in 2014. it morphed beyond being merely a review of lilith (by @anotak) and turned into an essay on... a lot of interlinked things and concepts.
dew reacted to GarrettChan for a status update, With 2020 almost gone, I hope everybody is doing fine and happy new year in advance.
With 2020 almost gone, I hope everybody is doing fine and happy new year in advance. 2020 is really hectic for me, and I guess it's also for most of everybody due to the pandemic. I really hope 2021 can get better.
One of my biggest achievement on 2020 is getting on the credits screen as a tester of BtSX E2. Therefore, a big thanks to @dewand @esselfortiumabout this. Here's a short story about this:
I'm one of those people who got very anxious when talking to somebody that I haven't talked before, so I usually don't want to ask somebody who I haven't spoken to before about anything. Someone told me I should just ask about this if I wanted to test BtSX E2, but due to this personal problem, I didn't ask. Then somehow dew talked to me about this and I was really happy (TBH, I am still kind of curious why this happened). I didn't do much, so I didn't expect my name on the credits screen, but essel is very nice and fit me in. <3
dew reacted to Grazza for a status update, Cape Washington 22nd December 2008 Click the image for videos.
Cape Washington 22nd December 2008
Click the image for videos.
dew reacted to kmxexii for a status update, idk if i've been vocal about this in the past but while I was regularly updating onem
idk if i've been vocal about this in the past but while I was regularly updating onemandoom I tried to keep abreast of authors who were publicly transitioning so that I could remove all deadnames / update preferred pronounts / etc. in my blog articles. today while casually glancing through doomwiki I saw that Agent Spork appeared to have transitioned and I realized that I am no longer so keyed into the community that I can just casually pick this up. if you have transitioned then please drop me a line on here however you are comfortable with it so that I can scrub my blog to best suit you. I am not a hermit as of yet and must do what I can.
dew reacted to magicsofa for a status update, This was a response I was going to post in the "what do you think about reddit" threa
This was a response I was going to post in the "what do you think about reddit" thread that obviously got closed during the shitstorm. Just leaving it here because I was sooooo offended that the thread got closed moments before I hit the post button. Maybe some poor sap will read it, I dunno, or maybe I'll delete it tomorrow when I realize it was just a stupid rant.
Oh boy oh boy, this is where it gets interesting. Y'all are about to come to blows over the meaning of freedom of speech and, even better, freedom of memes. Remember kids, all memes are stupid. If you post a meme, it's because you're stupid. It's okay to be stupid, even celebrated here in the USA. After all, our president is literally a meme, a walking one-liner, a simple comedian. A lot of people were wondering about memes on Doomworld in the why did I get a warning thread, and it made me think back to the last time I posted a meme here, which was from King of the Hill. It was stupid. That's the whole point, to be an idiot on purpose, to degrade yourself for a laugh. It's fun and silly. It is never factual or interesting or worthwhile. If there's any correctness about a meme, it's as valuable as a clock that is broken but happens to be pointing to the right time of day anyway. It's as valuable as when someone blurts out the correct answer to a math question but doesn't know how to actually derive that answer.
Most Americans are incredibly stupid and never ever do research. We are encouraged from day one to be as dumb as a brick. I mean just think about it, we have political ads. People running for office get to put videos on TV of themselves jerking off (basically a meme). It should be painfully obvious that any video produced by a political contender for their own campaign is going to be 100% biased and worth less than a rotten porkchop at the bottom of a landfill. Even if there's factual information in that video, it doesn't matter. It is inherently non-scholarly. There are no references, no substantial explanations, no logical proofs, no neutrality, no objectivity, and that is by definition, not by accident. Factual information in political ads is the accidental part. The people who produce them need your vote, and only your vote, to succeed. They need to be popular, not to be right. The ones that are right are usually drowned out by the ones that are LOUD. The ones that lie to the Stupid American People and tell them what they want to hear. Those are the winners in the meme world: The liars, the cheaters, the tantrum throwers. And it is your fault. You listened to it, you took it as fact, and you voted based on it. You took the bait. It doesn't matter if it happened to be a good person to vote for: If you voted based only on their ad, it's kinda ridiculous to think of yourself as having merit. You just guessed and it turned out to be the right answer.
So on to the Karen meme, it is stupid. It's a meme. It's a joke. And yes, it is stereotyping. I know, personally, people who think it's okay to be racist against white people because white people are in power and deserve to be knocked down a few pegs. I can't say I completely disagree. It's a little different to say "fuck you" to someone who is rich and purposely keeping you in a lower position, than to say "fuck you" to someone who is poor and struggling to get to your level. Putting someone down who is already below you is just further bullying, but putting someone down who is above you is fighting for your own freedom and survival, is it not? Karen specifically refers to a highly privileged person. Someone who wants to speak to the manager because a worker looked at them the wrong way. Why do we care about this person? I find myself caring less and less the more I think about it. I can think of classier ways to make fun of them than regurgitating a meme, but then again there's always a classier way than regurgitating a meme. It is indeed a conundrum, a catch-22, because even though the goal is supposed to be equality and equity, it seems like it should be okay in some situations to act unequally toward others. Stealing is wrong...but if Karen has 100 apples that she didn't pick herself, and DaShawn has zero even though he worked hard all day, then I think DaShawn should steal some fucking apples.
Similarly, Donald Trump is an absolute failure who should have been fired long ago. People who latch on to that idea through memery and further regurgitate memes are not being intelligent. They are correct only by accident. But that doesn't make Trump less of a fuck up. The stupidity of people who just say Karen because it makes them feel better is about equal to the stupidity of people who hate Trump because he's angry white (orange) man, which is about equal to the stupidity of hating Obama because he's black, which is about equal to the stupidity of hating liberals because they eat soy. But none of that stupidity changes the reality that white people enjoy, on average, the most security and welfare out of anyone, that Trump cries for censorship on the reg, that Obama was an establishment sellout who helped crush other brown-skinned people, or that the loudest lefties make themselves look incredibly stupid by backing themselves into logical corners so deep that they can't even win an argument against Steven Crowder.
Reddit is awesome because it is a microcosm of the unhinged internet. It is a place that we can learn how not to discuss. As others have said, if you find the right community, you can have actual discussions. Meaning, the rules (official or not) of those communities create a constructive place to share ideas, and those rules obviously are above or at least different from the rules of Reddit. The same phenomenon can be seen in many areas of the internet, with varying degrees of successful moderation from the top. Places like Wikipedia focus heavily on neutrality and being able to back up claims with factual research, and what do you know, that's a much better place to get your information than Reddit. Wikipedia doesn't care about your freedom to speak lies, and that's a good thing. It's pretty amazing to me that people get news from Reddit, I can't see how that's any better than getting news from Facebook. The lesson I get from Reddit is that most users are obsessed with pretending to be right, having a one-up, maintaining their high moral ground while being condescending to anyone who disagrees with them, getting a laugh while actually pushing their agenda. It's like one giant personal insult. I love it. People waving red flags crying about people waving blue flags calling them Karens while crying about being called Soy by the Nazis who cry when their blood & soil post gets removed from the thread about why white people should feel guilty just randomly all the time.
Anyway, my point is, name-calling is always offensive, and as a teary-eyed liberal gender neutral BLM snowflake who doesn't believe in money, it doesn't really bother me that much. I chose a long time ago to deflate the name-callers by accepting their names with grace and humor. If someone calls me a faggot, I say "thank you very much." If someone calls me a Karen, I ask to speak to their manager. On the other hand, I'm white and my penis is also white, so I have little to worry about other than potentially being assaulted for my appearance. Maybe the best way to end identity politics is for you to stop being so offended. Look at Reddit and laugh at the children pooping in their diapers. Or wade through the diapers and find your niche, your choice. I agree that the bland design and the karma points are probably bad choices by the website itself, but for the most part it seems like people's complaints about the website are in fact complaints about the people. Reddit might be part of the problem, but I'd argue that the participants are the bigger part. It's just that online, their fear of face-to-face confrontation is diminished, and so you get to have a look into their most controversial thoughts. Maybe that's a good thing, because it will help you to realize that those are actual people in real life who vote based on those opinions, who eat up memes like it's actual food for thought, who can't muster up the courage to say "I was wrong" regardless of the political flag they hide behind.
dew reacted to yakfak for a status update, You MUST distribute this WAD including this file, with no modifications. You must dis
You MUST distribute this WAD including this file, with no modifications. You must distribute this file in every electronic format (BBS, unlabelled russian torrent magnet, steam code, Diskette, rewindable DVD, CD, novelty USB drive, shouted binary) and include this file intact.
dew reacted to yakfak for a status update, when you incorrectly think you have a civilized opinion
when you incorrectly think you have a civilized opinion
dew reacted to Major Arlene for a status update, I graduated and the Cacowards are being posted tonight? This day keeps getting better
I graduated and the Cacowards are being posted tonight? This day keeps getting better.
dew reacted to Decay for a status update, Ever since status updates got hidden I forgot they existed Finally wrapped up Progres
Ever since status updates got hidden I forgot they existed
Finally wrapped up Progressive Duel 2 after a very long fine-tuning processing time and expansion from 5 maps to 16 + a hub, and 2 of the original 5 got chucked into the bin. If you don't want to bother checking out the topic, here's the pack directly or perhaps a screenshot gallery will suffice. Onto the next project, whatever that may be. Should probably start working on NeonDM or close up Hexecution, but a single-player pack beckons I think.
For those who ignore the multiplayer forum, recently a MP centric discord has been set up as a hub for the major MP ports for all game modes (DM, CTF, Cooperative, Survival), MP focused projects and events, check it out if you are interested in playing some wads online with people or just want to have a chat (got about 70 people in so far, far more than I expected!) https://discord.gg/gsVSHGK
Now that the zandro team-deathmatch tournament has concluded, perhaps its time to run some pick-up, 1 night duel tournaments....
dew reacted to Megalyth for a status update, Earlier today I bought some DVDS for my son, and when the cashier scanned one of the
Earlier today I bought some DVDS for my son, and when the cashier scanned one of the Dino Dan DVDs, the cash register required my birth-date. I guess when they say "for ages 3 and up" they fucking mean it.
dew reacted to Grain of Salt for a status update, While you were posting on doomworld, speedrunners tasted wine behind a waterfall and
While you were posting on doomworld, speedrunners tasted wine behind a waterfall and cried into a shaman's arms discovered a new trick.
dew reacted to antares031 for a status update, Happy 72nd National Liberation Day of Korea. Regardless of the recent political &
Happy 72nd National Liberation Day of Korea. Regardless of the recent political & diplomatic issues from the inside and the outside, my country shall stay strong and determined for the possible upcoming critical situation.
dew reacted to kmxexii for a status update, SlayeR by Richard Wiles (review posted 08/11/17)
SlayeR by Richard Wiles (review posted 08/11/17)
dew reacted to Mordeth for a status update, These last few days I've been exploring moving linked edge portals - at last. Now tha
These last few days I've been exploring moving linked edge portals - at last. Now that I've got this working, creating an elevator as a box with a solid 3D floor and 3D ceiling that can (seemingly) travel between two portal planes seems to be theoretically possible. Until now I've been doing this with 3DMidTex elevators, with the same basic construction as used by the lift in the Vaporware demo. Remaining but crucial roadblock: the different edge portals for the elevator versus the edge connecting the two planes each require space, and I still need to find a solution for them not to interfere / overlap with each other before this can become of any practical use in an actual level.
On a whim, I've also been working on a proof of concept for jumping hotspots. Placed on eg a raised platform, these invisible mapspots signal to a passing monster that it is possible to jump down here to the floor below. It only does so if the monster is jumping-enabled and its current target is actually situated on that lower floor. This still requires a lot of tweaking to make the jump look right - not to mention sprite work. It is even possible to use this technique to make monsters crawl up or down structures (like pillars) to reach their targets. Up to now this is basically just exploring the possibilities... not sure if I will end up using this.
dew reacted to esselfortium for a status update, By popular request, all of my songs from Back to Saturn X episodes 1 and 2 are now fi
By popular request, all of my songs from Back to Saturn X episodes 1 and 2 are now finally on BandCamp! Yours for free or for any price of your choosing :)
dew got a reaction from Doomkid for a status update, Best anime girl avatar on the forum. No contest.
Best anime girl avatar on the forum. No contest.
dew got a reaction from MarsHappyNation for a status update, Best anime girl avatar on the forum. No contest.
Best anime girl avatar on the forum. No contest.