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About Doomkid

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    wadist oldschoolexual
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Kid named Doom

  2. Star Wars Doom Levels


    Hi Doomkid, I recently watched your Youtube video "7 Classic DOOM Mods from the 1990s!"  I created those original 4 Star Wars Doom levels 30 years ago (yikes), and thank you for the kind words you said about me and my work.  It was all very time-intensive, to put it mildly!  


    I had actually been half-way through creating a Star Wars Wolfenstein mod when Doom came out, and once the tools became available, switched gears to a Doom mod instead.  Somehow, I still have my original SW Doom files including a few more levels I never quite finished - Death Star Tractor Beam and Vader's Super Star Destroyer.


    As far as I know, there was no actual lineage toward Lucasarts' Dark Forces, but my levels' popularity at the time may have helped show there was an appetite for a Star Wars FPS.  You mentioned about possibly creating a video focused on Star Wars mods, and if you have any questions or would like to interview me, let me know.

  3. Hey, I'm going to be compiling everything we have so far within the next few days, posting it, and getting the ball rolling with fixing up the existing maps as much as necessary to have it released before the end of the year. I appreciate the bump, I needed it to catch t.v.'s post!
  4. idk what you guys are talking about, there's no bugs on doomworld on my end
  5. Well, I've never 100%ed map15, and there may be one or two other items that can't be accessed throughout the game, but I've definitely killed every monster and found every secret in Doom2 multiple times. Still my favorite game of all time. I don't think I've ever 100%ed Ultimate Doom.. I probably should, I love it almost as much!
  6. I would have a harder time dealing with all the weird constructs of modern life without toking a bit to give me a minor mood boost. I don't really feel the "need" for it out in nature, or doing an honest day of physical work, or doing something else relaxing and/or productive and enjoyable. However, dealing with paperwork? Car troubles/traffic/etc? Bank account related garbage, house insurance bullshit?? Fuck all the stress that accumulates from that stuff, lol. A little weed in the afternoon helps me out with that as well as physical pains, so I do use it. Also I don't want to start a big debate but there's been plenty of studies done on how carcinogenic weed is for the average user and I think the idea that a moderate smoker is guaranteed to get cancer is pretty openly silly from both anecdotal experience as well as various studies, both old and new. Not that it isn't at all carcinogenic - it is, in the same way everyday exposure to traffic fumes is carcinogenic, or any other number of things we encounter every day - but the idea that we're going to have people with holes in their throat because they used weed is just.. funny, to me, because it's not going to happen. It's been used by a solid chunk of the population generation after generation. There's been a rise in usage with legalization, but keep in mind - people were absolutely under-reporting their weed use before it was more culturally accepted. The polls as they appear do not reflect this known phenomenon.. Long short, very few people who were not geared to like things like weed are suddenly going to fall in love with it because it is no longer illegal, and unless you're smoking 10+ joints a day (which literally no one is), not using a water filter, let alone vaporization or edibles.. You are not gonna get cancer from it. Ask the people who are 60+ with those little voice box things what they smoked that caused that to happen. I guarantee it's not going to be weed, lol.
  7. Look, this is REALLY starting to get out of hand. Some things need to be clarified: A hot dog is a dish consisting of a grilled, steamed, or boiled sausage served in the slit of a partially sliced bun. The term 'hot dog' can refer to the sausage itself. The sausage used is a wiener (Vienna sausage) or a frankfurter (Frankfurter Würstchen, also just called frank). The names of these sausages commonly refer to their assembled dish. Hot dog preparation and condiments vary worldwide. Typical condiments include mustard, ketchup, relish, onions in tomato sauce, and cheese sauce. Other toppings include sauerkraut, diced onions, jalapeños, chili, grated cheese, coleslaw, bacon and olives. Hot dog variants include the corn dog and pigs in a blanket. The hot dog's cultural traditions include the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. These types of sausages were culturally imported from Germany and became popular in the United States. It became a working-class street food in the U.S., sold at stands and carts. The hot dog became closely associated with baseball and American culture. Although particularly connected with New York City and its cuisine, the hot dog eventually became ubiquitous throughout the US during the 20th century. Its preparation varies regionally in the country, emerging as an important part of other regional cuisines, including Chicago street cuisine. The word frankfurter comes from Frankfurt, Germany, where pork sausages similar to hot dogs originated. These sausages, Frankfurter Würstchen, were known since the 13th century and given to the people on the event of imperial coronations, starting with the coronation of Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, as King. "Wiener" refers to Vienna, Austria (German: Wien), home to a sausage made of a mixture of pork and beef. Johann Georg Lahner, an 18th/19th century butcher from the Franconian city of Coburg, is said to have brought the Frankfurter Würstchen to Vienna, where he added beef to the mixture and simply called it Frankfurter. Nowadays, in German-speaking countries, except Austria, hot dog sausages are called Wiener or Wiener Würstchen (Würstchen means "little sausage"), to differentiate them from the original pork-only mixture from Frankfurt. In Swiss German, it is called Wienerli, while in Austria the terms Frankfurter or Frankfurter Würstel are used. The term dog has been used as a synonym for sausage since the 1800s, possibly from accusations that sausage makers used dog meat in their sausages. In Germany the consumption of dog meat was common in Saxony, Silesia, Anhalt, and Bavaria during the 19th and 20th centuries. Hot dogs occasionally contained it. So yeah, anyone claiming otherwise will be banned on the spot. This is NOT up for debate!!!
  8. I think it was probably 1998 when my dad downloaded Doomed 2 Die for me but I wouldn't recommend it these days, lol. Around 1999-2000 I found the following wads online, I just made them a zip so it's easy. They're all from 1998 or before iirc: https://www.mediafire.com/file/srk1fzaziaqil6i/90s_wads.zip/file Has Simpspons Doom, Area 51, DoomCity.. All humble creations in the modern era, but in my opinion some of the best offerings from that time. There's a lot more good stuff from this era out there for those who care to hunt, but this is the stuff I actually played in the late 90s.
  9. I just want to ask why it doesn’t show which post(s) or action(s) caused your ban when you get  banned, because if I am being a jerk, tell me what thing a did that classifies me as a jerk. Just asking. No intent to be rude. I have already gotten a few of you mods mad at me. I don’t want to make it worse. That would be a death wish.

  10. Jeez Douglas, telling people to delete DOOM.wad from their hard drive to play it from their hard drive?! Get it together, man! ..We'll accept your apology this time, but you are on short notice.
  11. No problem! I have my wallet right he- ...uhh...
  12. Although it's not animated, you do need to shoot two more walls in Map28! I suppose that makes it special, it a way.. It also was one of the few maps that had two alternate beta versions! (https://tcrf.net/Development:Doom_II:_Hell_on_Earth_(PC)#Early_Progression)
  13. Since no one has addressed this, "moo" doesn't mean this at all, lol. I think any connection there you've observed is coincidental. It's a random utterance, the rhyme and reason for when and where it's used IS that there is no particular rhyme and reason for it - at least that's how I always understood it.. :)
  14. Holy hell, the bots are out in force lately! Spam accounts, spam threads, giant viewcount bloats caused by what is essentially DDoSing with requests.. Between DW's own internal errors building up more and more and the weird spam "attacks" it's such a headache, so please forgive me for being absentee lately. Hopefully things get cleared up soon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Xenaero


      Time to install some new crushers

    3. Doomkid


      @plums there should be a "flag as spammer" option on their profile!

    4. plums



      there should be a "flag as spammer" option on their profile!

      Not seeing it, are you sure it's not a mod only option? Or am I just blind?

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