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About Doomkid

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    wadist oldschoolexual
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Hey Kiddo, thanks to your good word I now have RLNDGM.sf2 assigned to my executables. For quite some time I'd been looking for a soundfont that wouldn't completely butcher the Wavetable Synth sound I had composed all my MIDIs around and at the same time allow for playback of those other MIDIs that for whatever reason wouldn't work properly with Synth. Now I can play those dumb Thin Lizzy tracks without flipping to some shitstick font that I would invariably have to switch away from again when a Doomworld composer track loads in.


    So hey, neat! You have a great day now!

    1. Doomkid


      I’m really glad to hear it’s been helpful for you, Alfonzo! I was in a similarly annoying position for ages, felt good to finally find that font.

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