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About tatsurd-cacocaco

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  1. Map 29 UV-Fast in 22:47 s229f-2247.zip (Youtube) Scythe2 on -fast is completed following HR2.
  2. Map 27 UV-Fast in 23:07 s227f-2307.zip (Youtube)
  3. Soon UV-Fast table in Scythe 2 will be filled. Map 04 UV-Fast in 1:56 s204f-156.zip (Youtube) Map 08 UV-Fast in 4:14 s208f-414.zip (Youtube) Map 17 UV-Fast in 5:45 s217f-545.zip (Youtube) Map 26 UV-Fast in 5:25 s226f-525.zip (Youtube)
  4. D2ALL UV-Max in 4:46:35 This wad has many bugs with many of them ruining the UV-Max runs. For example, six revenants are not teleporting on map 25, where it takes more than three hours to get there. Are these really things that players need to take care of? It seemed very unreasonable. A further serious problem is that map 30 has a significant luck factor. Anyway, I would strongly argue that this run is a valid record. p2all-44635.zip
  5. All maps on UV-fast are eventually done now! Map 15 UV-Fast in 17:21 h215f-1721.zip (Youtube)
  6. Map 8 UV-Fast in 4:12 h208f-412.zip (Youtube) Map 30 UV-Fast in 1:34 h230f-134.zip (Youtube)
  7. Anyway, episode 5 is done. Map 25 UV-Fast in 15:28 s225f-1528.zip (Youtube)
  8. This is really tough one... Map 23 UV-Fast in 15:13 s223f-1513.zip (Youtube)
  9. More undone maps on -fast Map 18 UV-Fast in 11:50 h218f-1150.zip (Youtube) Map 19 UV-Fast in 20:21 h219f-2021.zip (Youtube)
  10. The more I thought it's troublesome to write text files, the more demo files I accumulate. I need to release them for good. Some undone UV-Fast demos Map 15 UV-Fast in 9:01 s215f-901.zip (Youtube) Map 18 UV-Fast in 2:56 s218f-256.zip (Youtube) Map 20 UV-Fast in 8:26 s220f-826.zip (Youtube) Map 21 UV-Fast in 3:22 s221f-322.zip (Youtube) Map 22 UV-Fast in 6:46 s222f-646.zip (Youtube)
  11. D2ALL UV-Max in 2:46:49 rqall-24649.zip TNT NM100S D2ALL, Okuplok, and probably soon Sunlust D2ALL will come. It is very encouraging for me to see so many great achivements from top-level players. I can't do anything this great achivement, but I think I did my best in my own way. Requiem was the first megawad which I touched, so I have a deep attachment to it. Now I managed to do the first achivement of UV-Max D2ALL. I'm going forward more for the 30th anniversary.
  12. Episode movies here Episode 1 UV-Max in 46:37 rqe1-4637.zip Episode 2 UV-Max in 59:43 rqe2-5943.zip Episode 3 UV-Max in 58:11 rqe3-5811.zip I'm glad that ep2 and ep3 are done in under 1 hour. Enemies whcih fail to W1 teleport, trapped when you return for missing enemies, ghost enemies which will never return from out of a map... There are many factors that ruin a run.
  13. Map29 UV-Max in 11:46 (Youtube) rq29-1146.zip
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