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About Fuzzball

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    Senior Member

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  1. Mmmm well I could give this a go- a small map maybe? Put me down then I suppose!
  2. Really got left behind didn't I? :/
  3. Doom palette is fucking ugly, too many blues, duplicates, horrible saturated to black ramps, not enough purples and where the fuck are all the dark reds and greys? Nah- making stuff for it is a complete pain in the ass
  4. Oh boohoo I'm sorry is reporting bullying on a thread seen as bad practise? My bad.

  5. Another new avatar! Girafarig is awesome~

  6. New avatar! :D Still giraffe related of course~

  7. Good now I can post things here and..oh nevermind. :I

    1. Misty


      I was scared too at the first glance. 

    2. Fuzzball


      It's fine though- I'm not allowed to talk about it as I have no opinion clearly.

  8. suicide is sounding nice again

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MTF Sergeant

      MTF Sergeant

      Please go IDDQD!

    3. MTF Sergeant

      MTF Sergeant

      I mean, seriously, please don't do it.

    4. [McD] James

      [McD] James

      If there is ANYTHING you need to talk about, then don't hesitate to send me a PM.

  9. Why do you finish some of your sentences with tildes~~~~~~?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigDickBzzrak


      Oh! Didn't know that, thanks. :]

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      Wait a second....


      ~ can also cover flirtatious behaviour with the opposite sex: you are never ~ with the same sex.

    4. Fuzzball


      Pretty much that first one- if I don't want to exclaim but a full stop is a little too...hmm...abrupt! :D

  10. I joined Doomworld 9 years ago to this day :D ...and somehow I'm still here!

    1. geo



      Let's celebrate.

  11. Gotta try and force myself to leave the house tomorrow to get shopping...hnn

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Megalyth


      Misanthropy is a more logical reason for avoiding the outdoors. Try it today!


    3. SavageCorona


      Yeah just gotta love the classics that stop you from going anywhere outside your own room.

    4. Megalyth


      Just ignore me, I've had a motherfucker of a week so far.


  12. Almost past that 23 hours of being awake mark- I think I should go to bed ;P Damn brain

  13. Thrown away again

    1. geo


      You might be thrown away but at least its not in a dumpster fire. You're free to wander again.


      Oh and for the Thrown Away...



  14. rambling as usual whoo

    aa...good..or not.

  15. I hate this ugly cage so much...I'm too scared to pick up the key let alone open the lock...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Da Werecat

      Da Werecat

      I don't know you, but the things you post here are increasingly worrisome. Maybe get help?

    3. Fuzzball


      It's just 5.43 am no need to worry

    4. MrGlide


      Would you like to talk?

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