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  1. This is a true fact I am stating right now.

    So apparently some people wear shoes in their house...and even their room? D:
    What kind of thing is that? I guess it's a cultural thing that ranges from country to country but here it's usually take your shoes off when you get in etc.
    It is a little cold though so maybe I will put some socks on...Hmmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Deleted_Account


      Is the sock meant to keep the clock warm?

    3. Cupboard


      very high socks are sexy. On a man, perhaps it is not quite so attractive but it depends quite a lot I wouldn't rule out a sexy man in high socks

    4. NeedHealth


      Piper Maru said:

      But do they listen to Bach?

      You bet they do. Japanese people are a stranger bunch. They are fascinated, oh so fascinated by everything... German. Every year they gather famous singers at some arena or stadium and do a live sing-a-long of German classical pieces and everyone in Nihon stay up late to watch it. I think Tatsurd-cacocaco can vouch for this.

      The best part? they manage to sing in German like a a native as far as I can tell. Go figure.

      This is the live sing-a-long that they did after or during the Fukushima incident, where they sang "An die freude". 10.000 or so Japanese singers crammed into a middle sized stadium going bonkers singing like they spoke almost native German.

      I'm not wearing any socks either because my feet need to dry off after wearing shoes all day.

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