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Chris Hansen

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About Chris Hansen

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    Not the one who asks people to have a seat over there
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  1. Thank you for all the support and love for my project, @rita remton! I am humbled by your praise and very happy to hear that you were having a good time with Hell’s Bane. Sounds like you had an experience that was close to what I had hoped for.
  2. I'm too old to understand anything in this thread... sigh.
  3. Logitech Wingman was awesome. My friend had one and we loved playing X-Wing or Tie Fighter with it. Not Doom though. That was mainly keyboard and a little later mouse also. edit: Just to clarify. My friend had the regular Wingman, not the Warrior model in the images. Can’t imagine it would beat a mouse and keyboard.
  4. Thank you so much for all the videos, comments and nerdy statistics! It’s been a pleasure following your progress.
  5. It could be fun I guess. But I don’t want to be known as the guy who just re-releases old shit all the time. And I’ve done it a fair bit already. You know, like those old rock bands that just keep releasing remastered greatest hits that no one asked for just because they need the money. Also, compiling a megawad is hard and time consuming and I’m not sure I’ve got the stamina to do it again.
  6. Glad you enjoyed "The Remedy" and thank you for the nice words. It's a personal favourite of mine too. I loved making that level, never a dull moment. I got the idea for the secret exit one day and built it. The rest of the level is built around it subsequently. And yes, maybe our newly set free friend is the one who gets to go to another dimension where Flay the Obscene is not quite the same. Who knows... :)
  7. I’m glad to hear the midi composers get some recognition! It is so deserved!
  8. You say that like it’s a bad thing. I most certainly make Ult Doom levels because of nostalgia and respect to the original.
  9. I'd have to dig really deep in my brain then. You see, I already made a mistake in that post. I started out with DoomCAD and a DOS nodebuilder on a 486 25MHz in Windows 3.11! Not Win95 :D
  10. Well, it was Paul who was the leader, but I do think it's safe for me to say, that we didn't implement any Boom features in it. So, all you really need from the sourceport when playing it is something that prevents savegame buffers from exploding and something to prevent visplane overflows. I think that's pretty much it, so Doomsday should be more than fine. I would test it to 100% sure, but for some reason Doomsday won't start on my PC. Trying to figure out what gives. I am a bit curious though as I had completely forgotten about that sourceport. Not many people here on DW talk about it or use it I think.
  11. Much of it has to do with the age of the individual levels. Not all, but much of it. Some of these levels are almost 23-24 years old and were made in super buggy and unreliable DoomCAD. On a potato PC with Windows 95 and DOS. Now, I could write an essay of just how difficult it was to build a level with these tools and I've touched upon it in other posts in the past, but I won't bore you with. It was miserable at times and I am super proud that I managed to make levels that weren't completely useless. The most impressive thing I've made in DoomCAD on a shitty old system is Helpyourselfish. I have no idea how I managed to pull that off back then!
  12. I remember it well. Played it sometimes on what I think was Windows 3.11 and later Windows 95. I sucked at it. And funny you should bring up this thread because I had a pupil of mine today who wanted me to see a game and it was minesweeper. He's 12. And he's insanely good at it! But then again, all he ever does is solve Rubic's cubes in all shapes and sizes, so I guess his brain is wired completely different from mine because I can't solve those either! :D
  13. Forgot to mention this in my earlier post, but I had an absolute blast with that end fight in M8! It had me grinning and smiling like my old ganny when she found her secret stash of liquor! I had so much with that fight because it was so utterly ridiculous!
  14. I am humbled by your review, @Napeyear. Thank you. Also, while I loved making this level I had no idea so many of you would like it. That's really nice and makes it all worth while. Watching the level look and play like it does in your video @Custom Longplay really is an interesting thing to watch. The aesthetic goes from slightly gritty to downright dirty! :D I love that minigun in your mod. Reminds me of my Quake 2 days where that weapon really took my young heart by storm! Cool video and well played. Glad to have helped you satisfy your hunger! :) And thanks for the demo!
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