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Chris Hansen

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About Chris Hansen

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    Not the one who asks people to have a seat over there
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  1. Hmm, I think I just stumpled across an old thread that pretty much gives me a date on when I made the shift from DoomCAD to Doom Builder! I wouldn't have guessed that was over 20 years ago... holy crap.




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steve D

      Steve D

      Yeah, you've been here 20 years. Another 10 and you should be able to retire with a pension. ;D


      The Doom community is a good one. It's funny for me to think that I started mapping in '96 but was never actually part of the Doom community until I joined DW in 2010. So that's 13 years for me. Too bad I never got to know Torn or sargebaldy or so many others. The good thing is that plenty of new people are joining all the time, though it seems to me that many of them are longtime Doomers who finally decided to get active. Indeed, many are experienced and accomplished mappers who've been doing it for years.


      So thanks again for your post. That thread was a fun read, and as you can see, I really got a kick out of it. :)



    3. Fusion


      I lurk a lot, but don't post often. Still waiting for a Doom VR Multiplayer port :P PS Hi Chris!

    4. Chris Hansen

      Chris Hansen

      Holy shit! Hellcore’s last and only surviving Lost soul! Hi Rob 😊

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