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Chris Hansen

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Everything posted by Chris Hansen

  1. Hehe! I live in a relatively small city (by any international standards) but they'll soon be finished with a new Google server park. The first thing they did on the site a couple of years back? They built a very, very big power station on a nearby field! Then they started on the rest :D
  2. I was a bit puzzled by it as well, but after having experienced a lot of desyncing, I experimented a bit and found that -complevel 2 was the best one.
  3. Uploading a new version as we speak. I'm not that good at Youtube, so I'm guessing I have to delete the old one instead of replacing the video. Sorry in advance if I screw it up further! :D Yeah, I can see that now after I did a comparison. Perhaps I made a mistake.. ohh well :)
  4. I'll have a look, thanks for mentioning it!
  5. Hi all I finally finished converting all of Dario Casali's demos of his playthrough of The Plutonia Experiment and uploaded them to Youtube. I don't know how interesting it is since the demos have been around since 1996, but I thought I'd let you guys know in case someone who prefers YT wants to see how one of creators himself would finish the iwad. Like many people I find the iwad somewhat difficult. So I must have learned something that can help me next time I play it, right? Here's what the master taught me: The Super Shotgun is your best friend. Fire at everything that moves! Know where and when a trap springs. Foreknowledge is everything! If there's a door... camp it. Peak around a corner, shoot, retreat. Rinse and repeat until stuff you see is dead. Pick the right weapon for a given fight... eeh, I mean, before a trap springs. Know exactly what corner to lure a horde of monsters into so you can stand above them a kill them with splash damage from a rocket launcher. Infinite height rules! >>> Link to Youtube playlist <<< PS: I still absolutely love Plutonia! The Casalis sure as hell knew what they were doing!
  6. Every update you do for Selaco gets me more and more excited! The videos look awesome šŸ˜Ž
  7. Itā€™s because many of us are old farts thatā€™s been online since before there were trolls and stupid memes and we were raised by an Internet that actually just wanted to bring people closer to share their mutual interests. Sure we can be idiots sometimes but for me personally.... well, like they said in that old movie ā€œIā€™m too old for this shitā€.
  8. It was a tedious and slow proces. I used DoomCAD 6.1 on Windows 95 to begin with. My first experience with Doom was in DOS running from Windows 3.11, if I remember correctly. Anyway, in order to build a level I had to: Place a lot of vertices and connect them. That bugged out sometimes and crashed the program. Edit the sectors height, choose textures and flats and set ligthing. All a guessing game as there were no 3D preview. Sometimes DoomCAD bugged and crashed. Progress lost. Manually calculate x and y offsets using math to align the textures! Yikes. Program might crash losing an hours work on 2 sectors. Sigh. Then I had to start a DOS command prompt and build the map's nodes using BSP. For bigger maps it could take several minutes. Load the newly built map in the game. Could take minutes. Ooops. Forgot a player start! Back to DoomCAD. If I wanted to edit something like the sky texture then I used a DOS program called NWT. It was actually pretty cool. Later I tried XWE which was better and today I use SLADE. And Ultimate Doom Builder of course. It doesn't crash.
  9. Thank you very much, Endless! I think, I speak on behalf of the entire THT team when I say that we really took it very seriously and wanted to sincerely pay our tribute to Ty. It might not be perfect, but I'll be damned if everyone involved didn't give it their all.
  10. Thank you for reading my mind and putting into words exactly how I feel! Well said, sir, well said.
  11. If thatā€™s the case Doomkid then thereā€™s this thread regarding the existence of a DW faq or the most common rules to go by around here. Could be useful to OP.
  12. Then take a look at what Ketmar posted a while back using (an unreleased version of) k8vavoom! :)
  13. I understand you completely and I tend to do the exact same thing. Maybe it's becasue we're stuck in the 90's ;) Lighting can at least impact gameplay and have quite an influence on how the player is challenged. Darkness helps the demons and plays tricks on the player's mind. Bright areas make them feel comfortable and safe, but can be deceiving. On the other hand we have the immense level of detail where, as you say, it can really bog down the gameplay because it doesn't necessarily add anything to the gamplay. It adds atmosphere and creates immersion, but a super detailed ceiling have very little impact on how the player shoots or gets shot. And yes, your screenshots tend to be on the muted side. That's why I always prefer playing on software rendered sourceports. I like the lighting better. I tried my hand at creating a level once that featured lots of dynamic lighting. Every sector was either 112 or less in brigthness. All lighting was produced by dynamic lights. It looked good, but was gzDoom exclusive iirc. And too labor intensive for me, so it stranded in my scraps folder ;) But it looked good and maybe you should give it another go if you have more patience than me ;)
  14. It truly is quite insane and mindbending isn't it! Wow, just wow.
  15. Cool demo! Nice to see that a 17 year old level still garners a bit of interest :) I've converted it to a video, mind if I upload it to YouTube? I'll make sure to credit you of course.
  16. Looks great! Perfect amount of detail for me and the texture usage and lighting is spot on.
  17. Kesler is a fucking legend in my eyes! He's one of those authors from the 90's that deserves some sort of in depth and detailed article in Wadazine (or anywhere else for that matter) at some point. Also deserving of such recognition are guys like Richard Wiles, Malcolm Sailor, Jan van der Veken, Anthony Soto, Derek MacDonald, Nick Baker and Paul Corfiatis just to name a few at the top of my head. Kesler and these guys had me drooling over everything they released back then and it's hard to explain just how important they were to us newcomers back then.
  18. Remaking old levels is fun! I love my old creations, but it's nice to revisit them and use what I learned over the years to improve the concept of the original. I never pretend the original doesn't exist. However, the best thing about the process is that I often go "That is awesome, why don't I do this anymore!" or "Man, did I really do this with DoomCAD in '98 and now I struggle with coming up with stuff in UltDoomBuilder! Shame on me!" :) Anyway, here's an example of a remake. The Unknown Chasm got remade into Chasm Control and then further improved to be featured in Monument. Yeah, that's right! This map has three versions :P Here's something I am working on. Another old map getting a makeover. Don't know if it will ever be released.
  19. While I might not feel as strongly about it as you do @129thVisplane, I definitely have some of the same feelings. I loved Doom 2016 and have yet to complete Eternal. And I donā€™t think I can. Iā€™m just to old and slow. I bought Titanfall 2 super cheap and it rekindled my faith in 3D shooters and brought a smile back in my face.
  20. Thank you for making this for us! I guess I can finally retire Total Commander then (as I used the FTP function in it for uploading pwads).
  21. I've edited and uploaded some files from my old homepage back from when I used to review levels to my website. There are still some dead links that I need to fix and you're very welcome to report them to me in case I overlook them. As a bonus I actually managed to find a few zips that aren't available anywhere else (to my knowledge)! :)


    Check it out if you're curious to get a glimpse of what I was up to some 20 years ago:



    My current Doom homepage is here: https://www.windward.dk/TDR

  22. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/53-editing-tutorials/
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