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Chris Hansen

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Everything posted by Chris Hansen

  1. 7 posts in a row with that animated avatar... that is... really something, isn't it.
  2. IDDATASS - makes all cybers turn their back on you
  3. Your screenshots looks absolutely fantastic, @Matt Eldrydge. Amazing levels of creativity with colours, texture combinations and lighting!
  4. Hmm, I think I just stumpled across an old thread that pretty much gives me a date on when I made the shift from DoomCAD to Doom Builder! I wouldn't have guessed that was over 20 years ago... holy crap.




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steve D

      Steve D

      Yeah, you've been here 20 years. Another 10 and you should be able to retire with a pension. ;D


      The Doom community is a good one. It's funny for me to think that I started mapping in '96 but was never actually part of the Doom community until I joined DW in 2010. So that's 13 years for me. Too bad I never got to know Torn or sargebaldy or so many others. The good thing is that plenty of new people are joining all the time, though it seems to me that many of them are longtime Doomers who finally decided to get active. Indeed, many are experienced and accomplished mappers who've been doing it for years.


      So thanks again for your post. That thread was a fun read, and as you can see, I really got a kick out of it. :)



    3. Fusion


      I lurk a lot, but don't post often. Still waiting for a Doom VR Multiplayer port :P PS Hi Chris!

    4. Chris Hansen

      Chris Hansen

      Holy shit! Hellcore’s last and only surviving Lost soul! Hi Rob 😊

  5. Sounds good, Bobby. Send me a personal message and we can discuss it further :)
  6. It’s a bit of a mix. Some tracks are tailored to the levels, but most have been made with an episode in mind after which I assigned them to a level. It’s been quite a puzzle but the midis are so Doomish that it wasn’t after all that hard to find a suitable level to assign them to. I am looking for music that sort of resembles the original Ult Doom midis. There’s plenty of room for creativity though.
  7. Progress has been good on the last map before all 36 are complete. I am aiming for a public beta sometime in November if all goes well. I am still some midis short before we have a full OST for this megawad. The team of composers have done a bang-up job and I am super proud of them! But the ones who are left are faced with a daunting task of making 7 midis which is too much to ask for. Therefore, I am looking for midi composers willing to help out so that we can 36 brand new tracks for all levels. Spread the word and report back to me in this thread or via a PM. Thank you.
  8. Me too. I took the hook, line and sinker! :) Had time to check out the map.
  9. Found the pwad on /idgames just in case you forgot https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/s-u/uacdi There's not a whole lot to see here. A pretty basic map when it comes to appearance and gameplay. You should focus on fleshing out the next map more as you seem to understand the more interesting features of an advanced port such as GZDoom. I mean, you got a lot of interesting things going on with all that fog and light and even some doomcute little details. But that doesn't make a interesting map in itself which leads me to the gameplay department where it severely lacks any bite to live up to the mood set by all those GZDoom effects. The traps are okay, but since you hand out powerful armor, health and ammo left and right, there's little opposition in those lower tier enemies. Continue doing what you do, but don't be afraid to give the player a true challenge. Other things I noticed: - Mark the doortrack textures at the doors as "lower unpegged". - Clearly mark locked doors that requires a key and generally don't give the player the key before he's seen the door. And two keys in such a small level is a little bit over the top.
  10. I like your midis and I was wondering if you would be interested in composing one or two midis for my Ult. Doom megawad? There's still a few tracks missing across episode 1, 3 and 4. I've already got a great team of composers but it is a lot of work for them trying to compose 36 original tracks, so a little help might be a good idea.
  11. No End In Sight? One of the images sort of matches your description of a cross shaped platform in nukage.
  12. What prfunky said. Your screenshots look amazing!
  13. Thanks for the support and encouragement guys. Much appreciated! Episode 1 of Hell's Bane is not 100% CH Retro and the remaining maps have had work done to them, so not a complete waste of time :) I'm very happy and proud of those maps and despite their oddities, I still think they are good. But things have changed in 20+ years, so I needed to change a few things in order to meet the demands and expectations of today's players. We could get away with unaligned textures, too much ammo, too little health or lazy item placement and various other shortcuts back in the day. Not today. Players today are used to quality stuff, so level designers need to be very aware of bugs and how the level plays today. At least in my opinion/experience. I've never ever spent so much time meticulously going through a level as I do today and I also need at least 3 play testers to help me. Releasing 20 year old levels today as they were then wouldn't work. At least not when I try to at least bring something new to the table despite Hell's Bane being a 90% greatest hits album ;)
  14. They look kinda cool and I think you show good creativity. But something is just a bit off about them. Can’t quite put my finger on it 🤔 Maybe it’s the choice of texture or maybe it’s the background/sky. Or a combination. They seem very high tech but it seems to be a more hellish setting (screenshot 2). And maybe they are a bit too close together. And in the first screenshot they clash with the sky. So yeah, not exactly sure or very useful, but those are my thoughts. If you can use them 😀
  15. If that’s what it’s worth then I’ll buy it! I thought it would be worth at least $200.
  16. A lot! Don’t sell it cheap. Looks absolutely amazing.
  17. Please remember, that unless you're making a 3D map in something like UDMF format, what you're trying to do won't be successful in good old 2D Doom format. For starters: Where would you're door go when it opens up? Into thin air? Or when it does open: Do you enter the green marble structure which is solid and therefore can't be entered in the first place? I don't mean to be rude, but I think you're missing a few missing pieces of vital knowledge about Doom mapping. We can help you, but watching a tutorial or two and maybe also researching other maps might help you better understand the basics and especially the differences between an advanced format like UDMF, a Boom map, a limit removing map or a vanilla map.
  18. The plan is still to finish it before or around Christmas. But I don’t have the spare time I used to have, so take it with a grain of salt. And no, nothing has changed. Everything is currently proceeding as planned.
  19. A little status report. Progress has been good on E3M6 over the last month or so. Still very much WIP but I think it's ok to post a couple of screenshots: 12 levels still need a midi track, but the musicians are hard at work and have a couple of new tracks in the pipeline, so that number will probably get smaller soon! You guys rock! Can't thank you enough! NotMuchNormal has sent me some stunning artwork not long ago, so each episode will have a unique piece when you exit the boss levels. He really came through and I can't recommend him enough. I won't show them here, you'll just have to wait and see :)
  20. No problem, don't worry. You're not obligated to post the wad file just because you have a question for it. It was just an offer, nothing more :)
  21. This topic should be moved to "Editing". There's nothing with what you are doing per se. Anything goes really when it comes to designing levels. It's more a question of how real or immersive you want the world to feel for the player. There's another - somewhat more elegant - way to achieve this effect. I can show you if you want. Send the level my way if you're interested.
  22. Don’t think I ever played it but this might be interesting to play: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/p-r/pc_wdoom
  23. @Arrowhead and his very comprehensive list to the rescue!
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