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Chris Hansen

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Everything posted by Chris Hansen

  1. Thank you for playing and providing me with some feedback @TheCyberDruid, @Lerxst_In_Wonderland and @Kor. I’ll take a look at that crate and fix it.
  2. Thanks @Biodegradable for playtesting and showing your support here! Much appreciated! Thanks. I'm often confused over those complevels. I never seem to get it right. I vaguely remember someone once telling me that MBF is -cl11 and that sky transfers are a MBF feature. But nevermind. Thanks for clearing it up.
  3. Hello all. This is "Blood flows where my shotgun blows". 6 relatively short maps for Final Doom: The Plutonia Exp. They've been sitting on my harddrive for ½ year now unreleased. I had plans for these levels, but that never really materialized. If you need to kill an hour on a boring Sunday, then these might just be what you are looking for. Not Plutonia difficulty; I just wanted to use the textures for once. They might be a little unbalanced, but 100% kills etc. should be possible afaik. MAP02 is a bitch! :D They are Boom comp, using MBF sky transfer, so maybe -cl11. >> DOWNLOAD <<
  4. We’ve hit a few bumps and have had to postpone it some months. Our project lead @Steve D wants to release it no sooner than August come hell or high water! Rest assured it’s coming. Thank you for the interest btw!
  5. teaser.png.70ad15708efb5b50e109856c5eac446c.png

    I'm not 100% sure when I first officially released a level, but I'm thinking it was in 1998. 2023 is therefore going to be my 25th anniversary and I've been casually working on an Ult. Doom replacement to mark the occasion. I'm no Paul Corfiatis, so it's not going to be 36 brand new levels. It's an anthology of sorts of previous releases with a few new levels to fill in the gaps.


    Here's the important part! I'm looking for musicians. I've already managed to make a deal with a veteran (though relatively unknown around here) and he's doing a fantastic job! In a dream scenario, I would love to have 4 composers; one for each episode. I need a composer for episodes 2, 3 and 4. If this is something you're interested in, then send me a PM and we'll take it from there.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. continuum.mid


      Honored to be on your list! I doubt I'll have the time to do a full episode, given that my main project completely stalled out due to my university work. If going to do that much work I should probably be directing it at finishing the Double Impact MIDI Pack. But one or two tracks, I think I could do. Please PM if you're okay with that.


      Also: @Varis Alpha used to go by Viscra Maelstrom, and @Tristan now puts out music under his real name instead of Eris Falling.

    3. Chris Hansen

      Chris Hansen

      Thank you for the replies, guys! And thanks for helping me tag Viscra and Eris, northivanistan. Gonna send you a PM.

    4. ClumsyDoomer


      Thanks for mentioning me, I used to enjoy your maps. Alas, I'm not big into midi these years, and not sure if I'll be able to commit for a whole episode. Looking forward though.

  6. The brotherhood of Ruin by Kristian Aro. I'm not sure whether or not it's vanilla, but I think so.
  7. @Doomkid can help with that I’m sure. Cant wait to give this level a spin! It looks fantastic!
  8. Very grateful for the couple of mentions. Thank you. My list (in no particular order): Paul Corfiatis - I played the hell of out of all his levels back in the day. I think he teached me through Death Tormention to love episode 4 themed levels even more! He also helped me understand DoomCAD and probably more. Richard Wiles - He inspired me to see textures in new, wonderful ways and how to combine them. His settings and architecture always made my jaw drop. Kurt Kesler - I never managed to release any complex zDoom levels, but he was the main reason for the few tries I made. His way of keeping things clean and mean truly amazed me back in the day. I followed him close through all his releases over the years. Malcom Sailor - His flair for creating puzzling and intertwined layouts along with some spectacular looks was something I tried hard to learn. Adam Windsor - I used to download his levels all the time on my old, orange 3.5" floppy back in high school. Ohh and of course he worked on Requiem, MM2 and The Darkening; some of my all time favourite megawads.
  9. Looks like it worked, @GCP! Yay! All I did was add --zstyle to the command line i.e. wad2pic.py DOOM2.WAD MAP01 mywad.wad --zstyle Didn't edit any files. No more angry sea urchins! :D
  10. Yes, that's right. A hedgehog-looking abomination indeed. Thank you for helping me. I'll give it a shot and report back to you!
  11. I am having problems making images of zDoom wads. I think I read somewhere in the readme, that it's a known issue, but also that it can be done. Perhaps you can help me with what to write in the command line to make it work, @GCP (or anyone else who knows). I'd be very grateful!
  12. Finally got it working and it's looking really good! I plan on posting these images for my levels on my website. Thanks for making this awesome program!
  13. Heh! Yeah, well it doesn't get any easier with age, learning new stuff and all :) I understand. It's got a certain charm that you're making levels with WadAuthor and it's super impressive what you've done so far. However, give UDB a shot. It's stable and super easy to use. You don't have to use all of the features. I know I don't! :D Just make a few sectors and ignore all the fancy stuff. You can always learn that later. The biggest selling point here is, that the various versions of DoomBuilder are a breeze to work with and they never fuck things up and screw you over with weird crashes or errors.
  14. Looks good! I'm impressed you've accomplished this using an ancient out-of-date editor like WadAuthor. How come you didn't choose something newer like Ultimate Doom Builder or Eureka?
  15. I use it almost everyday. The best editor by far I have ever used. The first time I used Doombuilder in something like 2004 was a complete revelation to me! There simply was no comparison to DoomCAD. Thank you!
  16. I remember these textures. Have worked with them a loooooooong time ago. They are cool. I don't know if it's him, but Christopher Buecheler has a website (https://cwbuecheler.com/) displaying all his work and such. If you notice the URL then you can see that it contains CWB. I think maybe Chris has a middle name that he just doesn't use all the time and it starts with W. So, in short: CWB are simply his initials. Anyway, why not just send him a message and ask him a few questions? :)
  17. Thank you. But sadly, I still don't think it's the same thing we're talking about. The link to the Wadarchive site contains, as you say, links to two different versions of the pwad: 2 files for Doom and 1 for Doom II. But they are all version 2 of the pwad. What I am looking for is version 1 released a month earlier than version 2. I am starting to doubt it even exists since someone like Doomlover77 or FEDEX hasn't reacted already with a link to that mysterious file.
  18. Where's the download link for version 1 on that page? I too am looking for version 1, but as is mentioned on that website, they pulled it off the Internet. There's a patch for the Ult. Doom version which upgrades the original. But the original isn't there. Or am I misunderstanding something completely?
  19. Worse, actually. It was a laptop! :D That made me spit out my coffee! Thanks!
  20. Those stories are great! Back when I was working in IT, I got a call from one of the doctors at the hospital I was working at. He couldn’t print on his printer and was pretty annoyed. I rushed up to him and quickly found the problem. It was out of paper. One time a nurse called me. The USB keyboard I had given her didn’t work. I went over to her and checked it out. She had put the end of the cable in the Ethernet port.
  21. Apparently my old Flay The Obscene level is a prolapse. Ouch!
  22. Thanks again, Clippy! I really appreciate that you have taken the time to play all 6 levels and post videos of them.
  23. Thanks again for the video, @Clippy! Now, go and buy that lottery ticket ;D
  24. Thanks for the video, @Clippy. Again, it was a pleasure to watch you play. Great reflexes and you really approach the level in a way I appreciate greatly since it's very much just like the way I intended. That made me laugh, thanks! There's nothing I'd love more than to make my very own full megawad, but I'm no @pcorf, so that'll mostly likely never happen. That would also mean releasing 10 Mean Greens and I'm not sure the concept of these levels can be stretched that far. But my very own megawad is at the top of my wish list and something I'd like to do before I retire.
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