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About termrork

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  1. inspired by all your great answers I would also go for AV, simply imagine loading map20 in '94. except of some larger areas it might have worked for the hardware too and for sure would have blown people away. what fascinates me (and that was one reason to create this post) is to see when the wads suggested were actually made. astonishingly most of them are quite old ~20 years or older. anyone has an idea what the cause of this is? nostalgia? lack of people creating vanilla compatible wads today?
  2. Like, imagine the pwad in question would have been published by ID instead of doom2.wad, which pwad would have caused the highest WOW effect? No matter if it is because of technical advances (like OS bridges) or because of gameplay or something else. Of course this pwad has to be vanilla compatible and also playable on the hardware back then.
  3. oh wow, congratulations! I cannot imagine how much dedication, passion and crazyness you had to put in to achieve this, hats off! some really close and scary calls in the run. one can see a that you have put safety over speed which is understandable in that run and map30 for sure you were really surprised it worked at the end :D!
  4. damn awesome run looper! map22 was scary ;). any ideas on improving the route? i.e. by taking more risks but being a bit faster such as an AVJ into map25 exit?
  5. @kgsws works nicely for me! I would really like to use this for a wad. But is there currently a way to record demos? I fear like having to load a map which does not load a real map will not allow you to record a demo and play it back. am I missing something?
  6. the most important technical thing you already achieved, you can make it consistently to map30! definitely this is frustrating as hell, I cannot imagine making an awesome time in doom2 in an D2 run and map30 ruins it... similar stuff (although not so much luck based, more skill based) happened to me with an AVJ.wad map32 run, there the most difficult part as you know very well is directly at the end and getting there usually takes >30 mins (in the past). dying there always made me to stop trying that run for ~2-3 days. nevertheless, after that period I always felt like trying again :). long story short: you are already able to consistently run the thing, if you will try it a few more times I am sure you will be able to do it. but if it angers you too much, make a break and wait till you have fun running it again. I would try to see the path as the goal, like if you enjoy running no matter if you will set up a record, then do it! if it is only fun if it works out, I think it is way too frustrating... for example: I like to run doom2 in D2 UV although I know I am nowhere near the world record (really, by far xD), but it is nevertheless fun for me trying it :)!
  7. I am a simple man, I see an AVJ map, I am looking forward to play it >:)!!!
  8. damn that is crazy! crazy categories for crazy people :D! If the most difficult map on highest difficulty is not difficult enough :)!
  9. lets see when the first program making maps passes the turing test, namely humans cannot distinguish whether the map was created by the program or a human. also when do we see deep oblige using a neural network ;) ?
  10. cute loading screen :)! about specifications and conventions I personally would go for the easier implementation
  11. in terms of speedrunning I would say currently the top 2 players are looper and ZM. Actually I enjoy watching looper's demos way more because of his excellent execution. At the end the time matters though :)! When it comes to the greatest of all times I think it is a really difficult question. How can one compare the achievements of these giants compare to the giants in '98 as pointed out for example Thomas Pilger? Also different hardware and software limitations would have to be taken into account. Also different knowledge etc. etc. Imo it is barely possible to implement a fair measure. Let us praise all the wonderful speedrunners that give is such a joy with their awesome speedruns! The order of their skill is not that important imo.
  12. Looper you crazy beast!!!! Congratulations! Damn barrels o fun was scary with the LS! also I was always wondering whether you feel the tension towards the end when you know it is a good run. now I know yes you do! incredible to play like this with that much pressure!
  13. this is beyond awesome! imagine a future with a list of wads which are actually mods... you will not have to create a new source ports for your crazy ideas! I will mess around with it for sure! also I made a little video about snake.wad and demo.wad (spoilers inside). you will be able to see it when it is fully uploaded (in ~1h, I will sleep now):
    For map 32 there is a patch: http://doomedsda.us/ lmps/1480/avj.zip
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