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Everything posted by skogsto09

  1. So by saying That translates to me beeing the big problem and living in my own world? and what I'm saying there is not valid and reasonable. Well that does not make much logical sense to me at least.
  2. Demo was suggested in the context of capture video more easy. I was put out there as a friendly advice. Alongside with updating the iwad of the game. And I can quote myself saying that over and over again. The way you phrase yourself is note worthy though.
  3. I just adviced him to record a demo as it would be easier to capture his videos from that, rather than the method he uses. Along side with updating his game. Not sure how that turned out to be insulting or worse.
  4. Never mentioned my demos at any point. In my quote above here, can you honestly not see any valid points here ?
  5. Then that might be the reason why you have not understood whats going on here. Before making judgements its a good practice to either ask for a different explanation which you will understand better. Or just let us know English is not your first language and that some misunderstanding might occur.
  6. No. I gave you an explanation to why it will not count in any official context. But its all ok as a personal achivement. All I have ever done is to give you advice, such as updating the game and record demos to capture your videos from. I am not sure how you interpret that as insults in a negative way.
  7. Everybody includes me just as much as everybody else mate. So I sorta think you should expect to be quoted by everybody. If not then "everybody" might not be the best word to use.
  8. That does not matter, what I just told you is still just as valid.
  9. Your run does not count in any official capacity, for many reasons. You are using save games and play outdated version of the iwad and miss a demo file. If you want to play like this and label it as a personal achivement like you have done, then thats totally fine and no problem with that. You have been given some advice to consider updating the game, and maybe record demos for the sake of making a video easier from that. That`s all there is to it really.
  10. You don`t know whats up because you don`t actually make any effort into reading either. Its been stated that demos are useful in his case because it allows a playback within the sourceport, which you can easily capture video from. Thats where the demos thing comes into from my stand point at least. I am not sure why this is so complicated to comprehend?
  11. Where exacly are you getting this from? He has been given advice to record a demo so he can more easily capture his videos from there. He has been adviced to update the iwad to the newest version, so he can continue playing and ensure compatibility. How do you interpret that as a way of minimize his personal achievement?
  12. The reason why game companies patch games is to fix issues\bugs from one version to another. Its why we all play v1.9 instead of 1.666 or some other versions of the iwad in between. Without source ports you would also have to deal with .exe changes in how the game actually plays when using different versions. I am not sure what your point is to be honest? ...you can play however you want and ignore everything I or others have said, there is no problem with that either.
  13. Nobody said that. Updating your game to the newest version was a friendly advice from me. Also making a demo so you can easily capture the video from that rather than the method you have used was also meant as a friendly advice.
  14. Yes, ID Software offical game version of doom2 is v.1.9
  15. Thats ok, but he needs to tell us then...so perhaps things can be explained differently.
  16. You are not answering my question. You have been told by many why you should play the newest version. So I do not need to repeat what you have been told already.
  17. I did, and I asked you this quote: "How can you notice any changes if you don`t even have the newest version of doom2.wad to compare with ? " Didnt get any logical reply to that.
  18. Then you have played an outdated version of the game since you was a kid I'm afraid. Seeing you are not aware and don`t spot the differences between the versions. It should be time to patch your iwad. You have been given alot of useful advice, everything from making it better for you to capture your video from a demo file. To playing the most recent version of the game that will ensure compatibility and no issues. Its up to you where you decide to go from here.
  19. How can you notice any changes if you don`t even have the newest version of doom2.wad to compare with ? Also, if you start to actual read what I have been saying...I have adviced you to record a demo because it will make it alot easier and better to capture your video from. So it was a friendly advice. As well as making sure you at least update the game to the newest version.
  20. The levels are modified between the versions. Map02 is...map03 is etc. They do not look as in the 1.9 version the rest of the world has been playing for decades. So its why I encourage you to get the newest version of doom2.wad.
  21. "I can tell from you first video on how underhalls is designed. " Levels are designed differently from earlier versions of the iwad.
  22. Yes, and I advice him to record a demo so it will be easier to capture the video he wants to share from there. I also told him that he is using the wrong version of the actual .wad file. Levels are designed differently from one version to another. Might be useful to know before he invest more time into playing the wrong version of the game, don`t you think? The guy does not know how the demo system works, if he knew he would use it to just capture the video from it like everyone else does. He would also then quickly get feedback that he`s demos would desync because they were recorded with the wrong iwad version. All it takes is to include "source-port.exe -record demo -warp 02 -skill 5" and you will have the resulting demo.lmp file to record back and capture video from.
  23. I think you missed my point here, you are using an outdated version of doom2.wad. I can tell from you first video on how underhalls is designed. Changing source ports won`t change or fix that.
  24. Well, exchanging demo files have been the way of sharing doom accomplishments since 1994. Its the foundation of speedrunning, and there are strict rules that apply to it. Also playing back the actual demo in your favorite source port would be a much better method to just capture the video itself. Rather than how its done here. So there are many reasons as to why you should record a demo file. Before you start calling everyone a loser, you should make sure you understand things more in-depth than you apparantly do.
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