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About DuckReconMajor

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  1. Thank you for this Arlene I can only give it a 9/10 though i didn't see any first album references? i'm a fake fan tho, i may have missed them also longhair gerard best gerard
  2. 💖 Yeah you used to just throw your stuff on /idgames right away. Making a new thread felt almost pompous, as if the whole world needed to know you made this or that thing. I think the community is too large for /newstuff now. As noted, back then the backlog was almost comically long, despite how hard people worked on those. I almost signed up to do some writeups but i was terrified i'd procrastinate and not get it done in time. But of course now I wish I had. I wish the Downloads/Files/new Idgames frontend, whatever you call it, was working. I think it's really cool, it displays files and reviews neatly, etc. That said, as has been pointed out in the past, Doomworld's /idgames frontend is just a frontend. Have there been other ones made? afaik anyone can make a frontend that could support reviews or any kind of feature. Side note: I get the appeal of just dropping your new level into a doomworld post but I have never found it to be a good idea. Attachment space is for demos!!
  3. MAP07 UV-Max in 9:35 mewo07-0935.zip Video: https://youtu.be/aIoDJdG4SxY
  4. Gave this wad a try on a whim and holy crap the maps are fun. Parts i'd normally cheat through i decided to power through with save games and it definitely was worth it. And the art is adorable! Great work to all involved and happy birthday meowgi!
  5. Very good post. I've seen people absolutely seethe about the existence of infinitely tall monsters and such, but you've written out very well why I disagree.
  6. Also would like to join the queue as a backup. edit: i would like to relinquish this spot to others in the queue. best of luck to all mappers!
  7. Probably don't need spoiler but just in case. You should definitely give wormwood5 a try!
  8. From Smash Bros, where competitive players turn off all the items and play on the most boring stages to remove RNG and see who is the most skilled
  9. I am down for challenges in video games, but I have to really love the game/level first. I play without saves on maps I really want to feel and connect with more. If I am told a map is intended to play without saves, I will 100% honor that. But there's always the chance I'll lose a bunch of progress and move on to something else. And that's fine! It's a high risk/reward proposition, and it won't hit for everyone, that's just the nature of it. Only thing I'd have to point out though is that in this saveless case, 'blind' experience is very hard to throw in there as well. In the aforementioned scenario, where I die and take a break from the WAD, I am not going to put effort into avoiding spoilers. With experiences that are meant to be enjoyed over a long period of time, it's a simple reality that you are probably going to see parts of it secondhand somewhere on the internet. to answer OP question: I think in the future fewer people will try to "final destination, no items, fox only" their way out of RNG in the game. Trying to turn Doom into Guitar Hero is exhausting and i think it burns people out. worm\V/wood is a huge embrace of that and I want to see more
  10. Everyone did a fantastic job and I had a wonderful time! You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't at least give these a try.
  11. incredible! great map great midi Here are a few Skill 2 demos and a Skill 1 (idk why it would break in Skill 1 but i can confirm it works) My successful skill 2 didn't finish because I didn't read and I went looking for the other secret at the end! Congrats on this release! Absolutely crazy for a "first" map
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