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About DuckReconMajor

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  1. it hurts :(

    ice bag is being a jerk and dripping all over me, too

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AndrewB


      General anesthesia for wisdom teeth is pointless. You might as well do it for a normal extraction for all the benefit there is. In my experience the wisdom tooth extractions were painless under local, and that includes the one that was buried sideways underneath the gum. The only other reason to be asleep is the crackling sound that vibrates through your jaw when the dentist is breaking the tooth into pieces. The extraction is followed by several days of dull, aching pain. That would be the correct time to be comatose.

    3. Csonicgo


      AndrewB said:

      The only other reason to be asleep is the crackling sound that vibrates through your jaw when the dentist is breaking the tooth into pieces.

      That's a DAMN GOOD REASON.

    4. Sharessa


      Yeah, that's a pretty damn good reason. Same reason I really don't want to watch Marathon Man.

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