Doom II Version.... ================================================================ Title : Quicken5.wad Author : Ryan Haney E-Mail : (any comments would be enjoyed) Others by author : TheBig5.wad (not proud of), Quicken.wad, Quicken2.wad, Quicken3.wad, Quicken4.wad, and a few more Description : This is my newest and best Quicken Wad ever. It contains all of my previous levels (with changes) and 4 new ones. Contains new textures, pictures, level names, status bar, sounds, and AWESOME DM LEVELS. The staus bar is a very cool one that I made using a well known one and doom graphics. All of the sounds are serious in nature and really add to the feel of the game. (Check out how great the single shotgun sounds now, you'd think its better than the double) If you only like playing dm then Quicken5 may be too intense for you, BUT IF YOU CRAVE PLAYING DEATHMATCH THEN QUICKEN 5 IS A MUST PLAY WAD!!!! Playtesters' Results: SCORE Awesome DM levels - 2,3,6,9,10,13 8.5-10 Great DM levels - 1,4,5,11,12,14,15 7.0-8.4 Okay DM levels - 7,8 5.5-6.9 Lev.1 - Welcome War This level was added due to the number of people asking me to make "one of those simple, big levels" that have become popular on the DM circuit. So thats exactly what this is with a little added spice of my own. Has a very cool welcome area and the actual fighintg area is simple , but great in DM. Be sure to step into the sign to get to the real DM area. I made this a little smaller than in Quicken4 and gave it a sky. Lev.2 - Blackfrag This is a complete remake of my first blackfrag level. It is like a figure-eight level with a hallway circling the whole thing. Windows allow easy finding of enemies and weapons 5-7 take a little time to get. I made 5 easier to get and made it look better overall. This level has got to be one of the best testers of real deathmatchers and has been play tested by some of the best around. Lev.3 - Teknique (Playtesters' Favorite) A cool looking level with a lot of attention to detail and some added halls and rooms that make it much better than before. One of the draw backs of the original was that the fights were more of massacres than deathmatches because all of the weapons were easy to obtain and most of the rooms had only one way in/out. Well, that has all been fixed making this somewhat like map01 of doom2. Check out the awsome "super fast" door at the end of the main hallway, great in BFG & Rocket fights Lev.4 - Rockon A small rock looking level with many cool details and good weapon placement. No changes except some lighting and color of the slime and fixed the respawn bug. Seems to be a great BFG fragging level. Lev.5 - Deathpan A small wood & panel looking DM level that leads to some very cool and very fast frags. Again, a lot of detail is put into this level and although the design looks simple, it makes a rock'n DM level. The only change is the shotgun hall way is bigger to allow for more action, and and addition hall way from the plasma room to the open area. Lev.6 - MetalGear A medium wood & metal level that is great in deathmatch. Weapon placement is good and look for many good frags near the bfg teleport. Looks really cool and the local playtests have had great reviews. Play it, you'll like it!!! Lev.7 - The Abyss A medium big brick level that is very dark in atmosphere and has many cool new DM ideas. The weapons are well placed and there is sense of luck to it as some weapons can only be obtained a certain times. The biggest feature though is the deep abyss in the center of the level that allows many of your kills to fall helplessly to their death. This allows for some of the coolest frags ever in DM as you see you buddies fly out of the hallway and in to the abyss. I made 7 easier to obtain and tried to speed it up alittle. I now consider this one of my weaker DM levels. Lev.8 - Ash of Death (Marble Massacre) A medium ash and metal level that used to be called Marble massacre. I changed the textures to a more darker feel and added some extra walls to make it not as open of a level. Has some really cool looking areas and only 6 & 7 take time to get. I also consider this one of my weaker DM levels. Lev.9 - REEF IT!!! This is by far one of the best levels i've ever made and ever will. Includes many different altitudes for fragging and many textures that make it look really cool. It is suitable for any numbers of players and again 6 & 7 take a little time to get. The local playtest call it one of the most intense they have ever played. Lev.10 - Plumett Attack (Author's Favorite) This is one of my newest additions to my Quicken wads, and contains some of my best work yet. It has great texture design and a few cool lighting effects. In DM this level really rips, as it contains many altitudes for fragging and just enough space to keep things interesting. Weapon placement is good and going to get the BFG is a great adventure (in a good way). Also contains one of my "Hyper doors" from my Quicken4 - Lev.3 wad. Enjoy!!! Lev.11 - Map1 Redone This is my first and only map01 redo. Added some teleporters and stairs to open it up a little and made the outside have a purpose besides getting the single shotgun. Doesn't produce the same intensity as the original, but it still rocks in DM. Lev.12 - Ground'M This is a very unique level that uses my "frags out the window" idea in a much better way than in The Abyss. Basically looks like some kinda castle/tower thats in the middle of nowhere. Red telepoters take you directly up while silver ones take you across and up. Be careful when going for 5 or you'll be sent outside. Lev.13 - Grayskull Besides the battlerooms, this is the fastest wad I have made. Contains many of my "speed doors" and probably my best weapon placement. Has many little nooks and crannies that add to its intensity, but don't take away from its speed. I would say this is my favorite level, but its just too new for me to be sure. Teleporters are abundant and both strategy and skill are needed. Lev.14 - Battleroom Probably the funniest level I've ever made that is great for both serious DM's or building your DM skills at close range. Is simply two rooms connected by one huge window and two doors. The only weapon is the dbl. shotgun and with four players the average life span is about five seconds. Try playing this level for a while and then go back to a normally sized DM level and you'll see vast improvement in your aiming and shooting ability. Lev.15 - Battleroom2 Another very small level that has the same feel as the original one. Is one big room seperated by four big squares which makes it basically a crossing of hallways. The double shotgun is the main weapon with a rocket launcher in the middle. Again, great at building skills, especially the all too important "mouse 180 swing". Additional Credits to : Makers of DCK and WinTex, and who ever in ID software made map01 of doom2 in deathmatch, The Dweller for the best dm levels ever made and for his inspiration in wad making, and the makers of The Last Resort for their textures and ideas. Also to Chris, Clay, and Jay for playtesting and to any other of you playtesters who e-mailed me. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map : 01 through 15 Single Player : Only to check it out. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : No (should be played in DM 1.0 and skill 5) New Sounds : Yes (only serious ones, mostly weapons) New Graphics : Yes (textures, pics, status bar, level names) New Music : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : New Levels from scratch except the beginning area in map01 is from The Last Resort Wad and map11 is a map01 redo. Build Time : About 40 hours Editor(s) used : DCK, WinTex Known Bugs : None I could find. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use these levels as a base to build additional levels, just give me and my wad credit. You may distribute this wad in any fashion, just include this text. If you take my sounds or graphics, please give me and my wad credit.