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Yonatan Donner and Haggay Niv
Doom2 - Map01-11
This is the pre-release of Hell Revealed.
Besides multitudes of minor changes, Map01 and Map09 were replaced for the final release.

Ultra-Violence 100%
Map01 2:46 Donner
Map02 4:57 Donner
7:17 Donner
7:49 Donner
9:25 Kaplan
Map03 6:31 Donner
8:56 Kaplan
Map04 5:27 Donner
6:31 Donner
Map05 14:10 Donner
Map06 16:22 Donner
Map07 5:26 Donner
Map08 15:00 Donner
Map09 11:19 Donner
Map10 9:45 Donner
Map11 21:34 Yichie
22:39 Donner
25:17 Donner/Yichie
 single-player demos
 Yonatan Donner / Edo Yichie / Yohay Kaplan
 average rating - 2/3/3
 These are included in the .zip file.
 It is weird to see Yonatan Donner favor the single-barrel over any other weapon.
 Yonatan Donner -- 1:15:20
 rating - 3/4/4
 An 11-level demo.

ratings: Speed(1-5, 5 is fastest) / Overall Quality / Difficulty of run

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