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Found 23 results

  1. 29 downloads

    An example of how to get conveyorbelt scripts running in vanilla Heretic as well as in Zdoom, Vavoom and Legacy. (Legacy in particular) The map is using the ALLTRIGGER linedef flag to get Legacy to run it's own conveyorbelt script. This obviously should work just as well with Boom based wads for Doom2. The part taken from hcount.wad by Creapis is the mechanic to get it moving. Had it not been for this wad, I would probably not have bothered to even try. The door is there for the sake of Zdoom, Eternity and Vavoom compatibility, where the Voodoo doll will start moving at once. In contrast to HereticP and Legacy where something will only be affected by the current after it's been made to move ever so slightly. The door for the gasbag is there to make sure there's no unforseen issues that spring up on different ports by having two versions of the same action execute. ReDoom - It's tested and works in ReDoom. But since it's still in it's infancy. (like it doesn't even have working teleporters in Heretic) it's working quite differentely. It do have voodoo dolls. But they won't travel on the conveyor belt, so it uses the gasbag instead. Once this is changed however, I have no reason to believe it wouldn't work just as well as in any other port I've tested it in.
  2. I do not agree. Anything that can be sniped can be done so with either the pistol or the crossbow in one-two shots, being either human bandits, gasbags or pitfiends(? the dog-like creatures). Maybe the fatter mutant variant who throws explosive bolts at you but those can be two shot in two crossbow shots as well. Anything that needs a bullet hose; the wendigo and gladiator has spades of health and runs in that annoying jittery pattern so either flamethrower or dakka machine is the way to go. At least what's I strongly felt playing the game.
  3. galileo31dos01

    Horse Shoe

    Horse Shoe is said to be a symbol of good luck and protection, according to a research. It's also footwear for horses, or should I say "HOOFwear" (*insert drumroll fail) ... but what does any of this have to do with the map? Well, that may depend on the user, or whether you watched some video the text file mentions, but if you are like me and occasionally prefer to read at least one complete and, hopefully, charismatic wattpad story review before submitting to the unknown, you'll see that the shoe is indeed symbolic and appears to fit in where your heart desires, which isn't going to be too obvious in plain sight... All rambling aside, this isn't an understated map. It starts humble, with the first of various E1Myounameit references you'll find throughout, pumping shells and bullets into small fry, and soon delves into dangerous toxicity and explosives together, and traps galore that'll wake your ass up, though without necessarily locking the back door most of the times should you please to engage them in your own terms. One of them happens relatively early on, in the form of a sudden firefight as you climb some stairs, with bullet spam and agitation - I probably ate three homing fireballs of low damage on my way out, how lucky! Things don't go too crazy from there on, but remain consistently fun and true to testing reflexes - the brief interlude over nukage that follows is a cool memorable fight that quickly pits you against several perched shooters, gasbags patrolling around, all assisting a much taller guy in the middle, whose stay didn't last as long as I believed it would (shells for days in my case). The pitch-dark room serves as a (temporary) switch to the overall uniform brightness in the map. It's also a good excuse to shave spectres with chainsaw, because why not. Outdoors is vast, letting those ledge snipers become more of a temporary nuisance until you meet the empress upfront, which by then you're probably in a godlike state, provided you didn't leave with claw marks all over your body out of that final twisted Entryway room - the best barons of the map. Speaking of outside, I actually like that little transition to a more open area after fighting through enclosed spaces, it defines the second part of the map for me. If I didn't speak about visuals before, it's because this is where, in spite of looking empty, the scale and AV midi blend the most together (again, for me). Not that indoor visuals were lame or anything, green/tan/gray scheme is usually a neat combination, though maybe it's missing a malfunctioning light or two here and there. Anyways, that'll do this review. Positive experience aside, I'm still not entirely sure what's the 'horseshoe' of the map for me, and I don't care to be honest, but maybe you'll find yours. Just perhaps enter expecting a little more punch than your average classic iwad tribute, remember to pick the right skill setting for your own joy.
  4. Okay finished it, 7:23 for a fairly relaxed playthrough trying to soak in the atmosphere and collect everything. Last bug, there's a soft-lock here, you can't get past them. Had to noclip through them to continue. That operatic Ashes theme was magic, fantastic work by Mr. Weekley. My final thoughts on the game: The Ashes formula is retained and the same magic combination of atmosphere, set pieces and clever tricks are all there, however I could not shake the feeling that the whole lacked detail and polish. You have these top-notch moments like the school, the fun-house, the mall but you are faced with *a lot* of plainness / emptiness throughout and, at least for me, the immersion is broken. Your best work is in highly thematic enclosed areas that twist around themselves in interesting ways, or at least a strong sense of narrative direction that drives the navigation. I hope one day you do an oil-rig. There are whole open spaces in Hard Reset that have little to say for themselves other than some sectors to pad between this one space and another, for example; the open area between main Corden and the building you go up to find the guy for the doc. It's just a convenient outdoor space but it doesn't say anything about the city, Corden or the history of the space and how it's been repurposed. The rail sidings by the exit to Michonne station where there's a water pit that lead off one way in the other game. Not even a gasbag there (at least on normal difficulty). That whole area just before the tube floods and you have to turn the wheel to lower the water; was there supposed to be a big fight there? Any enemies at all? I kept coming across areas that were spartan but not detailed enough to do any environmental story telling; something Ashes is good at when it focuses. The sound design is okay, but not amazing, and there was a general rushed / unpolished aspect to the maps. Many sectors had the wrong sounds, no sounds where there probably should be and there needed to be more variety to the sounds available. In those detailed parts, like the school, there was attention to sound where the designer needed to press lightly against the player but the overall 'environmental simulation' lacked the same attention (i.e. the verisimilitude of objects, environment and scenery) although not entirely absent; I noticed different floor sounds when walking and environmental effects likes echo/reverb. Voice work was okay but never bad, probably held back mostly by the volunteers talking into basic microphones without enough enunciation and force where they should be projecting their voice with clarity. The voice work is mumbly and indistinct, but they did very good given this isn't a professional product. The use of an all-caps font and the width of paragraphs on screen remain difficult to read. Subtitling is inconsistent. The enemy A.I. was a problem. You have at least 3 enemy types that all use the same hyper-skittish A.I. and it gets tripped up on the simplest geometry as well as being frustrating. It is best to not engage and just back off until you kite the AI into a pattern that lets you get straight shots at it. Pacing of fights could be broken easily by noise -- despite going in the side entrance of Choka Cola, one shot and almost the entire building empties itself directly into the one corner. There should have been a deaf sector to separate the atrium from the museum part maybe? Other than the worms -- brilliant by the way, one of the most memorable enemies in any game -- less care was given to careful introduction and narrative build up as there was in the first game. I liked the hard point switch mechanic, made the pistol more useful. The crossbow was way too slow to be practical given the speed at which the basic pistol could do similar sniping duties, I barely used it, and likewise it relegated the explosive bolts to rare, highly specific use. I was definitely feeling the lack of an adequate rocket launcher equivalent. The magic is there but I can feel the fast pace in the mapping, of slapping down sectors and moving on. Better it be finished and released in a rushed state than not; finishing and releasing *anything* is a tough mountain to climb and I applaud you for putting out such an enjoyable and riveting game for free.
  5. New PWADs Played, FYE 2023, part 2 -- Part 1, Part 3, Part 4


    Recommendations welcome.




    Plutonia Revisited CP 2 by various authors

    Notes: RC2. Sequel to the counter-sequel to the original Plutonia 2, again community-sourced. Versus its predecessor, this mapset is more varied in both scale and scope. Though it does feature a number of broadly traditionalist Plutonia-style entries -- i.e. lean and totally action-immediate maps driven by roughneck traps and precise monster placement -- these are contrasted by a generous helping of high-concept or experimental maps wearing a Plutonic skin, and that still do a lot of snarling and gnashing of teeth, mind you, while yet moving in rhythms quite different from the source material (though perhaps not quite so far afield as the aforementioned PL2, granted). Skeptics of the original IWAD might thus discover a new appreciation for its general rough-and-tumble attitude here, as the broad palette of authors deliver an equally broad variety of settings and ideas that all sit more or less convincingly beneath the Plutonia umbrella. One of the most conistently on-point CPs of the past few years.


    Relyctum by BeeWen

    Notes: Full 32 map megaWAD by a member of the now long-defunct Clan [B0S]. Those expecting or hoping for an outing expressly in the Russian (sur)realist vein that made this group of authors famous in the community may find themselves taken aback, as on the surface this is a classically-styled megaWAD using only stock textures and elements that hearkens back to an earlier era of WADmaking. Beneath the surface, however, is a deeply idiosyncratic work with a strong sense of autership and of personal 'dungeoneering.' Huge, labyrinthine levels comprised of complex, interlocking layouts that gradually unfold like puzzleboxes, with a heavily tactile and kinetic slant (read: plenty of elaborate switch sequences, series of lifts, geometry-based traps, etc.). Understated yet rich and truly skillful use of lighting and stock textures that massages the traditional patchwork Doom II aesthetic into something meticulously layered while remaining somewhat ambiguous or theme-agnostic; playing through the game felt like nothing quite so much as traversing a vast, neverending limbonic cityscape that cuts across several different planes of existence, or so I thought. The versional status of this work is currently unclear, but is still unfinalized; no changes made to map names or intermission texts, some bugs and thing-balancing left to be done, etc. (continuous play strongly recommended for most players, incidentally). An unabashedly long and contemplative playthrough that will most appeal to fans of older modes of level design, best savored slowly, a map here and a map there, like fine spirit.


    Hydrosphere by Bri

    Notes: RC3. Six-map campaign set in a clean & shiny hydroelectric facility. Very appealing "summery" sort of atmosphere, bright blue skies, deep blue water and brilliant sunshine contrasting attractively with the mixed tech-and-mortar trappings of the facility and connecting dam. Levels are short and all presented in a straightforward linear-looping fashion, built primarily to be a focused, bloody joyride -- thick clots of zombies and other fodder mill about the halls, ripe to be devastated en masse via buckshot clusterkills or well-placed rockets. Excellent barrel placement and just a hint of spice/sass from deliberate placement of more powerful enemies in positions where they will briefly have the advantage before you inevitably blow them away. Quite an enjoyable romp, proof that a take on casual gameplay does not have to necessitate a 'lite' or reserved approach to feel and pacing.


    Irkalla by various authors

    Notes: 2nd beta. Modern retelling of the original Doom's third episode, Inferno. Seven of the eleven maps are by Stormwalker; similarly to his popular PWAD Flashback to Hell (which was itself a condensed re-imagining of Doom II's campaign), these maps for the most part hew closely to not only the spirit but also the actual form of the original id maps. Featuring all of the same core concepts framed in immediately recognizable base layouts and with many of the very same progression beats, the largest point of digression from the originals in these maps is in the realm of aesthetic, which is more coherently and consistently gritty, gloomy and gothic vs. Sandy's lurid, thematically patchwork and visually chaotic Hell maps. This highly nostalgic approach contrasts with the handful of guest maps, which generally read as looser re-imaginings as opposed to clear remakes; the new riff on the House of Pain is wild and really doubles down on the namesake, for example, and what initially seems a straightforward upscale of the Unholy Cathedral ends up going to some strange and unexpected places. This mixed approach serves the mapset well, preventing things from feeling too familiar, though I did find that the Limbo replacement moved so contrary to the unusual tonality and pacing of the original map that I rather missed the expected lategame diversion. A slice of carefully crafted nostalgia with a certain 'big budget' feel.


    Pagodia by various authors

    Notes: RC1. Next entry in the ongoing Squonker Team/Team Squonker series, this time featuring a futuristic pseudo-Japanese theme rendered in a very eye-soothing (if somewhat range-limited) color palette of soft purples and bright greens, with the odd easter egg centered on vintage anime references here and there (read: they must be old if *I* can name them). General arrangement, pacing and length closely follows the template established by Moonlit District and Mayan Reynolds from earlier in the year, proffering slick, clean, minimalist-modernist layouts housing encounters geared to encourage constant movement, a push further accented by inclusion of a speedier cacodemon and a version of the increasingly popular miniboss-type cyberdemon with reduced HP (which in this case can also be rezzed by arch-viles!). The sixth map was my favorite, featuring some fascinatingly layered geometry and a markedly action-dense layout.


    Nensha by RonnieJamesDiner

    Notes: RC2. Single map taking place in and around the derelict hulk of some kind of industrial apparatus of uncertain origin and function. Quite large in physical size but not long or complicated in terms of playtime (my playthrough was about 20 minutes, and I like to take my time), the map's arc is brilliantly conducted, opening with a scene framing yourself and a single cyberdemon amidst the rusting metal struts of the installation, the scale and apparent emptiness dwarfing both of you. From there, the path leads high and low, in and around the structure as parts of it are reactivated, conveying a striking and exciting sense of visual drama and depth of location to what is, at root, a simple linear progression. Action largely takes the shape of discrete wave-based battles lent flavor by the unusual shapes of the arenas (and dramatic vertical scale of the terrain during the in-between traversal encounters); though violent, thing balance and spacial economy both heavily favor the player throughout, so don't sweat it even if merest mention of the term "slaughter" makes your delicate gorge rise. Fine example of a shortform adventure map.




    Circadian Offset, part 1 by GBTS

    Notes: GZDoom. This ambitious mapset by a new author is essentially a TC in the classical sense of the term, containing no unchanged assets or parameters from the base game, though many of the sprites for actors and props are familiar edits from Hexen and Heretic. The early game establishes an interesting dynamic of a gritty guns-n-ammo type player character, kitted out with a primarily ballistic arsenal that initially feels very powerful, against legions of arcane cultist types with a variety of projectile attacks and notably janky/erratic movements, staged out across long linear levels that remind one of games outside of and in some cases older than Doom. This makes a somewhat sudden (though not unwelcome) shift to arena-based slaughter in a more or less modern pattern in the third map; several of the earlier arenas have player-activated environmental traps which can be used to thin the hordes, while the later and larger ones go ham with piles of pickups and V-sphere equivalents, to mixed results. Level design is the set's main and notable weakness, as the extremely long and geometrically repetitive 'traditional' levels are monster-placed almost identically from start to finish (particularly sloggy in the more mazelike 4th map), and the changed game balance does not always play entirely convincingly in the more conventional slaughter arenas or versus some later enemies, ala the pair of dual boss-type encounters, where the enemies have so much HP even the powerful weapons feel like squirt-guns. Nevertheless, the feel of the core game balance has a lot of personality, and certainly warrants further exploration as the author gains more experience.


    Doom Beneath a.k.a. What Lies Beneath by Esperpento

    Notes: Beta 2. Full replacement of E4 for OG Doom, ostensibly inspired by the original E4M1 in that each of the nine maps contains only 9 blue potions and no stimpacks or medikits (though there are a handful of soulspheres to be had over the course of the game, mostly hidden in secrets). Thematically, the design heavily features bloodred brick, granite and lava (contrasting with the original's signature use of green marble, wood, and lava), with perhaps a touch of Sigil inspiration as well, for a mostly classic (though clean) look that reads as period-appropriate. The very specific and seemingly acerbic inspiration/gimmick behind it belies an episode that is smartly designed and (mostly) well-balanced, with a lot of quality traps and a wide variety of concepts that give each map a distinct character, including several clever framings of cyberdemons and even the spiderdemon as credible and interesting 'boss' encounters. Don't be deterred by the gimmick; played as the author recommends (i.e. with carryovers on skill 4 and/or on skill 3 for the first playthrough), the set is tense but approachable, and remains engaging in its more considered and deliberate style of play.


    Unfortunate Relations by MissBeverly

    Notes: 6-map compilation of what are presumably the author's first finished maps. Reads as a tale of two halves: the first 3 maps use stock textures only and have a very spartan, simplistic aesthetic no doubt familiar to any player given to playing the earliest efforts of others, though the level of geometric abstraction (as in the very first room of the very first map), number of mechanical interactions with and moving parts in the environment, and concept-driven scenarios (as in the second map, which is one long shaft descent with a lot of one-time/missable side paths which seemingly cannot all be reached in a single playthrough) are all far more prominent than one usually sees in first efforts, which often tend to be functional but largely anonymous strings of rooms and corridors. Maps 04 and 05 introduce some vintage-looking spacebase textures and are far less abstract in design, seeming to depict something like an underground bunker, garrison, or lab with more recognizable features, ala dorms, computer rooms, multifloor elevators, etc., before briefly spilling out topside nearby an oddly striking black MODWALL tower of sorts. Map 06 is a kind of nominally functional "boss" map with a few big monsters in a big two-level room painted in a vaguely Giger-esque carapace texture of some sort. Obviously very rough in more ways than one, these maps nevertheless have a distinct feel to them; my overall impression was of the rare specimen exhumed from the vaults of D!Zone, DemonGate, Maximum Doom, etc. which proved to be a playable and complete experience, and will doubtless most appeal to those interested in that particular sort of ephemera.


    Technical Issues by Endless

    Notes: v1.2. Linear crawl through an infested UAC outpost squatting in some sickly-looking badlands. Somewhat constrictive in construction and densely populated, the action scales quickly, though reads as more casual or user-friendly than many of the author's previous maps in this vein (see: Dark Forgotten, etc.) due to significantly greater quantities of ammo available; no need to "save the heavy weapons for an emergency", balance enables a free hand with the arm of your choice at more or less any given point, and the map proceeds quickly despite its monster density as a result. Other than the somewhat conventional visual theme, reads as an excerpt from one of the WADazine Master Collection episodes, with requisite shoutout to that community fixture hidden in one of the deeper secrets. Release thread includes a separate "player's guide" document of secrets and traps, a charming novelty.


    Altars of Madness by myolden

    Notes: RC1. 12-map episode in the modern "gauntlet" style. Concise and to the point, each level in the set is a compact smattering of abstractly menacing cubist geometry with a distinct texture scheme and a single dominant color, which is of course a very familiar approach for this particular sub-genre of mapping, though some of the author's reads on the emotional flavor of certain colors are interesting and serve to create some slightly unusual moods. BGM selections have a rather mellifluous bent, contributing to this impression as well (the mapset is by all appearances named for the iconic Florida death metal album, but there is no midi-metal to be found here). From start to finish, the game is comprised of fast and efficient setpiece fights with a very heavy slant towards CQC and the core principles of crowd management and efficient movement in more or less constrained spaces; though it is unswerving in this particular philosophy, thing balance tends toward the moderate, and less intuitive or high-concept encounters are kept to a minimum, making this a comparatively approachable entry in its field, and thus perhaps a suitable taster for someone new to the style while also offering enough tightly conducted combat to entertain a veteran of the same. Maps 04, 05, and 11 were my personal favorites.


    Dance on the Water by El Inferno, guest map by KineticBeverage

    Notes: RC2. 10 maps (a 6-map 'campaign' of sorts with two possible maps in the 5th slot, and 3 'bonus' maps) gliding ominously through the inky depths of the deep end of the PWAD pool. Stolidly niche and unrepentantly difficult and intractable from the offing, the mapset juxtaposes largescale slaughter with platforming, polerunning, ooze-swimming and other agility-based obstacles, as well as a smattering of other attention-intensive activities (puzzles, scavenger hunts, maze navigation, even a bit of pixel-bitching). Interestingly, while the larger part of the mapset has the unusual/atypical (for the genre) 'campaign' arrangement, each map reads as its own largely self-contained experience both aesthetically and conceptually, with a marked split between the combat-focused maps and the athletic-focused maps, though the author has 'buried the lead' somewhat in this regard by opening with the titular map, where the nature of the danger is oppressive combat on very limited footing. While mechanically intensive foremost, the set is also highly atmospheric, with a number of genre-atypical BGM selections and striking uses of the OTEX resource which range from lurid, colorful visual assault to quietly immersive dullness and drear. Though extremely challenging, the mapset thus also has an oddly contemplative or even poignant quality about it, which makes for an unusual and often disarming contrast.


    DBP 47: Dreamcatcher Apparatus by various authors

    Notes: Final version? Presumably intended as a 'premium' entry in the popular, long-running series, this outing is both quite a bit longer (20 maps) and noticeably more technically polished than the DBP norm. The core theme this time is really not so far removed from the classic Doom II baseline of infested starbases and fallen cities (and the story is likewise the classic "UAC done gone fucked up in Anotherworld" chestnut), though the asset pack in concert with an altered colormap heavily favor muted dreamy indigo and purple shades alongside the tan and metal for a suitably somnolent feel. Seeming to respond to the particularly pronounced public acclaim for Auger; Zenith, the mapping team has chosen to accent the characteristically casual tone of the series at large with a more pronounced peak of action at the conclusion and a couple of memorable gimmick maps to mix things up along the way as well, though overall this lands as a more conventional run/gun experience vs. DBP37 (or, arguably, some of the smaller DBPs between then and now as well). Existing fans of the series will doubtless be pleased as usual, and skeptics or those who otherwise typically prefer something a little more involved will find more than usual to sink their teeth into here, as well.


    Vicarious by ZeMystic

    Notes: idgames. Brief set of 3 short maps by a member of the Squonker team. Stylistically, these would be right at home in one of those projects, offering a quick fix of immediate no-frills action in cleanly textured surroundings. Though the whole set only takes 15 minutes or so to play (if that), the action scales effectively between the start of proceedings and the finale. Visual theme is a gothic castle setting with something of an autumnal look. Geometry is on the simpler side but the maps are pleasing to the eye owing to skillful texture selection; the altered colormap, lighting, and texturing of the third map in particular are subtle but striking, creating a credible "dark and stormy", heavily overcast feel.


    Pocket Slaughter by SCF

    Notes: RC2. Complete 32 map megaWAD of very small, stock-textured, challenge-oriented maps (not all are "slaughter" per se), even the longest of which can be completed in well under 5 minutes of playtime. While a number of the maps do present straightforward flash fights in set arenas revolving primarily around the core genre values of spatial control, precise fire and movement, and crowd management, quite a few of them are more conceptual or gimmick-oriented in design, requiring the player to adopt a variety of non-standard tactics in order to prevail. While the mapset is far less flashy in presentation than some other recent sets in the nascent "micro slaughter" genre which aims to make this general stratum of gameplay more approachable to a wider audience, its focused design and wide variety of scenarios are astutely observed and smartly presented, making it perhaps the best of the lot as a primer for someone who is interested in actively learning the core skills and strategies involved in playing (and appreciating) this type of map.




    What Remains by various authors

    Notes: idgames. Another Team Squonker joint, set in a derelict, lightly graffito'd seabase (read: a traditional techbase, surrounded on all sides by water). While the mapset is even shorter than the norm for this series (5 maps + an outro map), and the general theme is less exotic than that of some other recent entries in same, this is not one to be underestimated, with some fine map design on display. Each of the five maps feels quite distinct, sprawling and meandering just a bit more freely than the very efficient action-forward fare forming the backbone of earlier entries, though the modern, fast-moving tenor of the encounter design remains the order of the day, with an entertainingly brisk, staccato pace immediately presenting and maintained throughout. The third map reads as a bit of cooldown or interlude period (though it's not without traps of its own). One of the most smartly and cohesively composed of the Squonker projects thus far, with particularly strong maps in the opening and closing slots.


    Declaring New Apocalypse by Kan3

    Notes: GZDoom. Release version. 10+ map campaign plus level-select hub and bonus custom arena. Highly atmospheric in slant, this mapset chronicles the journey of another nameless soldier who escapes from Hell to wreak havoc on the eschatological itinerary of the Four Horsemen and their dark master. A base of mostly stock texture assets meets a bevy of new and returning enemies, dramatic dynamic lighting, pointed BGM selections, and clever scripting, presenting fresh and interesting twists on mostly very classic/traditional Doom settings. Each Horseman has a differently themed domain, and each level features a distinct progression scheme and is loaded with secrets, which ultimately reward completionist types with extra features in the "Reliquary" hub domain. Reminiscent of ZDoom adventures of an older mould, but built to a more modern standard, this release offers a refreshing blend of old and new.


    Infection by exl

    Notes: idgames. Seven-map campaign set in a top secret UAC research lab disguised as a water treatmeant plant, by the author of Verdant Citadel, Demons of Problematique, etc. This outing is initially very traditional in its techbase theme and thrust, but features a surprise twist I'll not spoil here, and an uncommonly beautiful presentation, with a gorgeous custom colormap and masterful texturing and lighting choices, married to split-path level design and generous helpings of immediate, early Romero-style combat vs. droves of zombies, imps, and other fodder. Indeed, the entire experience is subtly reminiscent of the classic adventure in the Phobos base in more ways than one, but maintains a distinct identity and never reads as a retread, or even a direct homage per se. Balances well for both continuous and pistol-start play, with SSG only appearing in the final maps; lategame is IMO a little too cell-heavy for opposition faced, but this should not dampen the experience for most players. Quality work from a veteran author.


    Looper Trooper by kos

    Notes: ZDoom. Single map by a new author. A high-concept piece, the basic idea here is that your marine is caught in a timeloop, and repeatedly traverses and re-traverses the same short stretch of some dingey, anonymous warehouse sort of place as reality steadily unravels, more and more netherworld nastiness pours through, and the state of affairs just goes to shit in general. Gameplay has a marked survivalist slant, with ammo and other resources very scarce early on, and much the player's power arc predicated on his/her being willing to explore and thus face extra/unnecessary peril. Complicating this gameplay approach is that there are a large number of monsters implicitly not meant to be killed (most notably the hordes of specters lurking the many shadows, which are meant primarily as a diegetic element and environmental hazard, rather than as normal actors), so some intuition and good tactical judgement are in order. Technical execution of the idea is quite rough in some ways -- all of the many secrets are totally unflagged, and some of the sectors/line actions are very finicky about triggering in a neat and timely fashion, etc. -- but the concept itself is fascinating, and rendered/realized with obvious excitement and ingenuity. A memorable little outing in Doomy surrealism for those who can abide a touch of unconventional gameplay.


    WELCOME BACK by Cheesebone

    Notes: GZDoom. The author's second map for Doom, published 23 years after the first. A sprawling map with well over 1800 monsters present, this sophomore effort reads like nothing so much as a lost or disembodied "map32" from a megaWAD of the Hell Revealed / Alien Vendetta age, comprised of a handful of large, topographically dramatic areas blanketed in monsters and ammo of all sorts, which the player is left to systematically wipe out as they see fit. Visually the map is very clean and elegantly (stock) textured, with a subtle shapeliness which perhaps belies its modern make, despite feeling as though it's modeled on an older style and rhythm of gameplay. Lacking much in the way of pacing per se, the map begins in full swing and insists from the get-go on blanketing even interstitial corridors and the like in creatures which are of little real consequence to the overall experience, and whether this reads as needlessly/clumsily prolonging proceedings or is a welcome/nostalgic quirk of specific genre authenticity is up to user discretion (and there is of course no reason why it can't be a bit of both). The temple area, and its two-stage yard reveal, is the highlight here.


    Ante Mortem Episode 1 by Snaxalotl

    Notes: GZDoom. 5-map episode of what is to eventually be a larger game (as of the time I'm typing this, the first level of E2 has debuted as well). In development for 2 years, the first map is both primitively 2D in design and quirky in atmosphere (it's like some kind of demonic spaceship or the like, complete with strange forcefield-type doors); later maps show a much more developed idiom of rollicking, open combat through, around, and across the shattered remains of a military base nestled in some almost incongruently pleasant temperate hills. Action is the foremost focus, with mixed hordes of demonic troops constantly spawning in waves in the yards and outdoor spaces, or otherwise attacking on script in the more enclosed interiors. The heavy opposition is counterbalanced by core integration of the Supercharged gameplay mod, which, for those unfamiliar, drastically increases the power of the player's arsenal (among other changes); the result is concerted, horde-based, slaughter-lite / slaughter-adjacent action that reads as empowering or even breezy despite the numbers of monsters involved, making this another release in this broad vein which may be more accessible to skeptics or those otherwise unaccustomed to the style. For a player of moderate experience with the style, the warnings not to play on skill 4 are likely to land as a mite quaint, and the occasionally comedic scads of ammo/armor and obvious exploitability of several marquee fights show there is room for further refinement in the design, but the author's facility for relatively seamlessly melding arena-style combat with broadly representational map design, and flare for using dynamic lighting to create a look that is very colorful but also quite tonally dark, make for a worthwhile experience.


    Liminal Waters by DoomRevolver

    Notes: GZDoom. Single map set in an alabaster/cerulean water temple. The clean, fantasy-inclined OTEX texturing combines with the selection of a stock Doom music track for an unusual feel. While fairly expansive in size, the overall scheme of the level is simpler than that of the author's previous maps, the layout being comprised of a handful of large, two-tiered rooms which can be visited in more or less any order. Monsters are perched for harassment fire up above and come in swarms down below, but weapon balance skews heavily towards rockets and plasma, and the grid-like geometry is easy to weaponize, so you're well-equipped to deal with them without too much trouble. Feels like more of an experimental map for the author.


    The Crater by DoomerCheems

    Notes: GZDoom. Though the author refers to this as a "megaWAD", it is only 3 maps long, taking about an hour to play, if not less. It looks and feels like a holdout from the dawning era of ZDoom, presenting a linear, representationally-styled campaign complete with many fellow marine NPCs who give orders and mission details at various points, and with most map developments handled through scripts. The depth and degree of the scripting is the most notable aspect; some NPCs have quite a few lines (esp. poor Norman), environments undergo many shifts (esp. in the chaotic third map), and many combat encounters feature environmental defenses or weapon batteries which you can actively engage to aid you. Though rough in many respects, with some occasionally rather unclear progression and what many would argue are "mandatory" secrets to get you off of the ground in the first map, the mapset offers a very particular experience of a rare vintage rarely encountered these days, and will be of special interest to those who remember the early-mid 00s of ZDoom mapping with fondness.


    Guillotine by Cutman

    Notes: Single mid-sized map, takes around 20 minutes to play, or longer if you get beheaded a few times. The veteran author describes this as their very first "normal" Doom map; suffice to say, the depth of overall experience certainly shows. The level has a clean and classic look, with a desolate Hell-outpost theme of wood, rock, marble, and blood, contrasting large spaces with long sightlines with necked down, more claustrophobic burrows on the periphery. Action starts out brisk, with a slightly devious bent, and maintains this character throughout, featuring a number of memorable traps leveraged from untimely shifts in the environment and a recursive layout which reuses its major spaces effectively throughout. A very worthwhile outing, demonstrating just how clever even a purely traditional Doom experience can be.


    Solar Struggle by various authors

    Notes: "Final" release. Complete 36-map replacement for The Ultimate Doom, authored by a wide variety of mappers from around the community, including many returning from similar setting-focused CPs ala Hellevator, Skulltiverse, etc. Despite the many different authors, Solar Struggle features a remarkably consistent and smoothly progressing sense of theme, style, and even narrative (in the customarily broad/vague Doom sense, mind you), chronicling the protagonist's escape from a prison facility on one of Jupiter's moons at the moment of a demonic outbreak clear through to his journey to the source of the corruption in the solar system. Heavily focusing on realistically appointed techbases and other manmade installations as a broad setting through all four episodes, the traditional theme of demonic influence is incorporated in many different ways to keep things fresh. Gameplay follows suit, featuring a wide variety of both conventional and high-concept approaches to pacing, combat, and map progression, getting an impressive amount of mileage out of the relatively limited bestiary of OG Doom. One of the year's top CPs thus far, essential in particular for devotees of the original Doom.


    The Summer of Slaughter by various authors

    Notes: RC2. Both a "Boom" version and a GZDoom version of this WAD exist; the compiler considers the GZDoom version the intended experience, and this is the one that I played. This is a compilation of 37 (with a 38th allegedly pending) polished speedmaps for the tenth Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping event, most in a slaughter or slaughter-adjacent vein, each ostensibly constructed in a 12-hour period and under some soft structural guidelines presumably intended to make the result more amenable to a pick-up-and-play approach. For the sake of this "deluxe" presentation of the event's produce, it is quite obvious that these guidelines were waived or totally ignored in certain cases. Slaughter is by reputation (and arguably by nature) a rather niche or even 'controversial' genre, and there has been a movement in recent years to "rehabilitate" this image via a growing number of streamlined sets that seek to deliver a functionally authentic slaughter experience while being much more accessible or appealing to genre skeptics and to 'normal' players (whatever that means); this is what I was expecting from this project. Frankly, my expectations were, in this case, quite misplaced. SOS juxtaposes slaughter regulars with mappers who do not typically work in the style, and the mapset cannot be readily pinned down to any one particular take on the genre. These 37 maps vary hugely in length, difficulty, and philosophy, ranging from unabashed BFG-spam dance parties to claustrophobic gauntlet-style outings to long topographical endurance treks to tributes to classic maps from the bloodstained annals of slaughter history, with too many other conceptual diversions to name; sometimes your adversary is a legion of thousands of demons, sometimes it's some tiny red cracks in the floor. The quality of fights and visuals from map to map are both all over the board, with some very 'high highs' and also some 'low lows', and despite an avowed effort to the contrary the sense of arrangement, pacing and general difficulty curve is quite (and quite understandably) chaotic. Nevertheless, any fan of the genre should be able to find something to enjoy here with a bit of browsing, and if you are new to the genre it handily demonstrates just how varied in style and tone the genre can be. Tip: make an effort to find the secret maps, they are surprising in more ways than one.




    Industrial Jazz by Boxyt and Raeg

    Notes: GZDoom. 4 maps by Boxyt, a newcomer to the scene, appropriately featuring what is described as a bespoke "industrial free jazz" soundtrack by Raeg (which, if I am quite honest, I was thankful sounded nothing like what I thought it would from the description). Uses stock textures atop chunky floorplans and a smash/grab, straight-ahead gameplay and construction style to an overall effect I found somehow reminiscent of Aeternum (by Skillsaw). While the soundtrack may be and is certainly presented as the WAD's 'conversation piece', the map author successfully communicates a certain flair and personal style through the use of stock elements used in flavorful ways, with pieces like the freestanding spiral stairway down to the blue keycard in m02 or the ominous marble bridge to the final cavern in m04 standing out as examples of the WAD's paradoxically nostalgic-yet-fresh aesthetic sensibility. Gameplay and overall map progression is perhaps less verve-y, but solidly balanced and certainly entertaining enough for a casual playthrough. A promising debut.


    Actinia by various authors

    Notes: RC2. Short 6-map set (4 main, 2 bonus) in the style of The Plutonia Experiment, by a group of 4 authors from /vr/'s Doom community. Style, pitch, and pacing are on-point and feel authentic to the source material for the most part, covering a smattering of tried and tested Plutonia tropes while looking the part in a simple/practical way. Map 01, probably my favorite of the set, has a nice hot start and good replayability since any of the three keys can be approached first; m03, also quite satisfying, is the mechanical climax, with a very terse thing balance and a welter of traps, some predictable, some not so much. The fourth map is in the Go 2 It vein and, apart from the sassy start, is quite tame and can be taken at a very leisurely pace; m02 is the designated breather map. Of the bonus maps, m32 is an oddball little concept map (esp. the silly arch-vile fuckbox) which is quite small but also rather bad-tempered, like a chihuahua or such. In this RC, m31 is broken and uncompletable in the intended port (due to ZDoomisms), but bypassing this unfolds a map with a dimension-hopping theme and some cute-yet-grim representational detailing (mainly in "our" world) that feels artistically more of a piece with one of Plutonia's "expanded universe" community-made sequels than the IWAD itself, a commendable effort for being someone's very first map.


    Beware of Falling Angels by Albatross

    Notes: Eternity. Release candidate. Another in the author's ongoing series of techdemo-type maps for the Eternity engine, this is a short single map (about 10 minutes of playtime) set in what appears to be a sort of floating terrarium split into two zones, one dedicated to what appears to be "Heaven", the other to "Hell", perhaps curated by some third, unknown power. Utilizes the OTEX asset set, a pair of classic Stewboy tracks, and Eternity features such as portals and reflective surfaces to beautiful effect, making this perhaps the most aesthetically attractive of all of the author's maps to date, with complex sightlines and some creative scenes (i.e. the strange greystone cemetery with glowing green orbs in "Hell") if also perhaps the most thematically conventional. Gameplay once again reads mainly as a formality, offering a dripfeed of mid-tier monsters encountered in ones or twos, though there are a couple of heavier traps and a pronounced climax involving a bevy of cyberdemons and a crushing ceiling. An able demonstration of the distinct aesthetic flair possible in an updated-yet-classic idtech engine.


    The Thing You Can't Defeat by YourOpinionsAreWRONG

    Notes: GZDoom. 7 maps, technically, though this PWAD is really more of a morbid novelty than a mapset per se. To describe it in any real detail would be to spoil the experience and rob it of its impact; suffice to say that it likely won't take you very long to experience in full, and, depending on your age, background, and online proclivities, might be variously interpreted as a simple digital reflection on the toll of time and fragility of memory, or alternatively, a sort of creepypasta. For what it's worth, I did feel that the timing and escalation of the assorted subversions on offer are effectively paced from a very subtle start to full-on collapse, though on the downside where things are ultimately heading is very obvious long before the end is reached, even in what is already a short experience.


    Liquidium by gabirupee

    Notes: Single map built to test a modified colormap (which is quite subtle in effect, incidentally, though no less attractive for it), framed in the modern gauntlet style and set in a kind of dark and dingy space-basement place lit up with a few nodes of brilliant blue and green energy conduits. Very short, but with a razor-thin thing balance and also quite claustrophobic and perilous, most of the five or so encounters present require a very specific strategy and clean execution to survive, though (perhaps ironically) these become easier and easier to read as the map goes on, and they grow in size (such as it is). A bitesize snack for genre fans.


    400 Minutes of /vr/ (a.k.a. 6.66 Hours in Hell) by various authors

    Notes: Final version. Latest entry in a series of speedmapped megaWADs from the /vr/ Doom community. Uses the seldom-seen rfHelltex asset pack for a distinct vintage aesthetic, as well as the new MBF21 mapping format to allow for customizations to the traditional template such as extra maps, secret exits and intermission texts in non-standard places, and so forth. The grimy, dirty, brown/red-scale look of the custom texture assets, the broad palette of authors, and the concepts-first / polish-second speedmapping execution on display lend the game a feeling of something from the dawn of the classical era, a sensibility which often seems to come to the fore in this particular subcommunity's output. As a natural result of the project's core restrictions, nearly all of the 37 or so maps are quite short, and the majority of them have a gritty, back-to-basics feel to the action which allows the various little gimmicks defining many maps to come to the fore without weighing too heavily on the average player, though in the final cluster of maps in particular there are a few far nastier nuggets to be found, suitable to entertain Doom-irradiated sickos such as myself.


    Deezn Uts 1.0 (a.k.a. Prepare For Sauce) by Regular Warren

    Notes: GZDoom; a Boom version exists, but the GZ version is described as the intended experience. Presumably this is so the author can enforce pistol-starts (which, interestingly, more authors, including many newer ones, are becoming more and more willing to do); no other scripting is in evidence. Four clean but very simple speedmaps, each with an interesting title and a different (stock) texture theme. The compact, chunky-sectored layouts are broken up mainly by height differences and a scant few locked doors, and host only two or three dozen monsters apiece, though these skew heavily towards mid-tier Doom II creatures, conveying action-forward minimalism. Presumably this is meant to be rather sassy (or saucy, if you like), though regular patrons of this sort of map should find nothing much to really sweat about, given free availability of heavy weapons and plenty of elbow room. Suitable for a quick no-frills blast.


    Plague Tower Siege by sectrslayr

    Notes: idgames. Single map set in a crumbling gothic spire of brick and mortar, towering over a burning landscape in what would appear to be the carbonized husk of a fallen city. Using stock textures, the author has crafted a stylishly rendered environment with a clever tiered layout taking advantage of hostile terrain, irregular footing, and a great deal of visual interconnectivity to enhance the sense of peril and wring quite a lot of action out a monster complement just over 100 strong (plus an inevitable few from arch-vile resurrections). The map presumably takes its name from the regular incursions of small clouds of gasbags which insidiously infiltrate the fortress through gaps in its damaged outer wall both great and small, but the interior action is engaging as well, a conventional buckshot/bullets start which escalates into larger and more pressing traps at about the halfway point. A quiet release from early in the cycle, but not to be overlooked, as it is a thoroughly satisfying single map with a compelling (and very Doom-y) setting.


    Aquaduct by Dopaminecloud

    Notes: Short set of two caverns/caves-themed maps for The Plutonia Experiment, plays well both singly (i.e. from pistol-start) or as a linked pair. A tastefully clean and damp, shady naturalistic look with an airy, open feel accents and somewhat tempers the traditionally roughneck Plutonia feel, though the author's monster compositions and usage of sneaky snipers from strange angles certainly feel authentic to the IWAD inspiration, as does the measured but not overly austere balance of ammo and support items. Ends in a big (but breezy) slaughter-lite encounter for a somewhat more modern-feeling cap to the experience. Unassuming but well-made pair of levels in a classic theme gradually gaining more popularity, about 20-25 minutes of satisfying play.


    Of Magma and Meat by Doomax

    Notes: GZDoom. Large single map framed as a loose remake or re-imagining of Doom II's penultimate map, "The Living End." Uses the ubiquitous OTEX resource for a vivid, largely open-air take on the original, which somehow comes off as almost aggressively colorful in spots colorful despite the shell of gray igneous rock making up the map's skeleton. Also includes some baked-in changes to game mechanics/balance for a slightly different feel (i.e. hell knights sling faster projectiles, fire rate and damage of bullet weapons are tweaked, standard shotgun shoots a tighter pattern making it stronger at mid distance, etc.). While the basic structure of the IWAD map is easily recognizable (both in terms of layout and general progression scheme), the author has successfully instilled this remake with its own personality, and it reads more readily as an original experience, as opposed to a hi-def remaster. New, modern action scenes are perhaps to be expected (the arch-vile shaft being the most memorable), but the experience is most defined by the unexpected -- a nice arboretum, a hollow tree trunk with Escheresque properties, and a cliffside pizza parlor to name a few. Not all of the route consistently manages this creative verve (the three-fork segment from the base map is very dry here for instance), but nevertheless, the map successfully stands on its own and is worth a visit, even if you are not normally interested in the 'tribute' sub-genre.


    Stickney Installation by Snaxalotl

    Notes: RC2. New iteration of the evergreen KDiTD tribute-episode tradition, by an author who has been quite prolific this year. Phobos fans will be immediately at home with the bullets-n-buckshot bonanza presented, and all of the other genre trimmings one expects are well-represented too, particularly a generous host of secrets which feel natural to the theme while having something of a subtly modern cast to their mechanisms. Texture schemes and geometry are basically textbook for the genre, but the author has imbued the setting with a personal stamp through some subtle/suggestive representational touches (i.e. the map settings seem to credibly adhere to their names, without ever really breaching "Doomcute" territory) and a strong sense of interplay between light and shadow, with a lot of boldly dark and gloomy areas, a sensibility/strong point evident in the author's work elsewhere as well. There are a lot of clear/obvious conceptual and architectural motifs straight from the original KDitD in evidence, which tend to read as very on-the-nose (and perhaps just slightly cloyingly 'cute') by dint of all appearing in the same mapslot as that being referenced, though the overall logic and flow of each map as a whole is generally different enough to avoid feeling entirely like a straight retread. E1M8 is a notable exception to this, with a more overtly sinister look than the original "Phobos Anomaly", and a quite novel setup for the traditional showdown with the twin Barons. Difficult to pass up if you love the original E1.


    Meanwhile, as Hell Crept Up through the Sewers... by YMB

    Notes: Debut map by a longtime community member, set in a toxic waste treatment facility with a lot of skeletons in its closet (literally and figuratively). Very compact, short-scale, UAC techbase using a broad palette of stock resources in focused, point-specific ways for a moderately detailed look that comes across as quite coherent despite the eclectic assortment of textures, particularly in the upper, uncorrupted levels. A very casual base-crawl experience shows an unexpected whiplash into nastier territory at about the halfway mark, where the smattering of imps and zombies lightly guarding the many small rooms gives way rather suddenly to tougher Doom II creatures bursting from walls and lying in ambush, including several arch-viles. This 0-to-60 pace in the context of such a short level is surprisingly uncommon, though not at all unwelcome.


    Shallow World Episode 1 by Shawny

    Notes: Final version. Eleven maps presented as a loose (and I do mean very loose) retelling of the first eleven maps of the original Doom II, with a slightly different narrative. More of a true re-imagining than a 'modern remake', these maps ooze a character all their own and feature entirely unique/original settings and layouts that have a deep but subtle resonance with the broad themes and certain memorable mechanics from the base game, to the point that I suspect many players would not immediately realize this intent if not overtly informed of it. Beautifully textured with stock resources, the maps present a very distinct sense of style -- these are some of the most posh or 'luxe' starbases you will see -- and an engrossing night-time atmosphere, emphasized by classy lighting and well-chosen BGM selections. Action is stolidly moderate in tone (i.e. accessible to most players), balances unusually smoothly for continuous play (with pistol-starts being ammo-tense but quite manageable), and is skillfully paced and periodically inflected by creative mechanical machinations that riff off and expand on classic map gimmicks from the base game, playfully teasing nostalgia/familiarity while presenting a fresh and original experience. A wide variety of clever secrets are the icing on the cake. Let's hope for another episode of this in future!


    Emerald Ambush by Rook

    Notes: Single map set in a small outpost or guardstation in a lush subtropical area, by the author of the Sucker Punch series. Lack of that series's visual color-coding concept aside, this map would fit very naturally in their midst, providing a short blast of action carefully tuned to be both high-energy and (mostly) low stress, an initial complement of zombified soldiers and fodder demons giving way to incursions by more powerful foes as each key is made accessible. Vertically dense and presenting all of the weapons other than the BFG, the map can be played in many different ways despite its small size -- for funsies, try activating all three key waves at once, and then fight your way out.


    Bleeding Through by Zirbiss

    Notes: GZDoom. Small, often claustrophobic techbase map by a first-time author, in a straightlaced Hell on Earth theme -- this place has surely seen better days. Working with stock assets in a realistic/representational style, the author manages the extremely tight spaces which define most of the runtime fairly well, using small numbers of light monsters springing from ambush and limited availability of healing/armor to maintain pace and tension using a mostly low-stakes set of actors and items. The sudden rapid escalation of player power for the final fight in the abstract bloody basement at the end reads as abrupt and a tad overblown in the context of such a short map, and the action/monster placement there is haphazard. Doesn't spoil the experience, but shows room for growth for an author who is already demonstrating a strong sense of scene-staging -- I particularly like the ominously dark and blasted cityscape (which actually makes up the majority of the map's actual geometry), with demons you'll never meet visible cavorting on distant rooftops.


    Silence by Wilster_Wonkels

    Notes: idgames. Full replacement of the original (i.e. pre-Thy Flesh Consumed) Doom. Includes a custom soundtrack by the author in a kind of period rock/metal/ambient mix vein that does feel like a credible analog to the original game's soundtrack in a tonal sense, if not a technical one. The package is curiously no-frills otherwise; no new graphics, map/episode names and post-episode text and splash screens are unchanged, etc. The author describes the mapset as being inspired by Doom the Way id Did and similar projects, though in actual fact I felt it was much more akin to something like Base Ganymede or the like, i.e. far more reflective of its author's personal/individual style than any believable emulation of any of the id mappers. The Phobos replacement is certainly the most credible in this regard (perhaps because Romero's opus is by far one of the most commonly emulated and widely understood of all styles), while the Deimos and Inferno replacements have little in the way of Sandy's vaguely playful, vaguely sadistic, vaguely daft spookhouse ambience, instead being congested and corruption-clogged labyrinths spattered with blood and buckshot (and impishly-placed crushing ceilings) that, if anything, reads most like a distorted and extra-violent version of Tom Hall's old maps. This is not to say the set is not entertaining, mind you; it certainly is, the author's sense of pacing and clever thing-balancing being the finest facets on display, with the many knife-edge scenarios which (from pistol-start) dominate the third and final episode shining in particular.


    DBP 49: Mausoleum Nefarium by various authors

    Notes: Version unstated/unknown, but this is the most recent update as of the time I'm typing this. Mostly clean, but some significant bugs remain, mostly pertaining to secrets -- ZDoomisms, the possibility of softlocks in m10, etc. This 49th entry in the long-running, popular series is back on brand/back on form after the much-lambasted DBP 48, which almost everyone seems to want to forget. The theme this time is a baroque, hypergothic marble crypt, which makes me think of nothing so much as world realized from cover art from this or that late 90s black metal album, likely published by Napalm Records or similar. The theme is not as exotic/kooky as some often hope for from this series, but as ever, the asset pack is artfully assembled and curated. The singlemindedly milquetoast gameplay of the series is something I've often criticized in past, but in all fairness, this is not so in much of this outing, with a solid middle stretch of the game being surprisingly bloody and action-dense, and thus, legitimately fun. Proceedings do fall off markedly in this regard before the end, beginning with the oddly empty/barren-feeling m08; I personally tend to feel it's backwards for an episode to get cold feet and slam on the brakes when it ought to be racing towards an exciting finish, but most of these later levels do at least continue to look quite nice (esp. m09), and will likely be enjoyable enough for many people regardless.


    Sawshank Lament by Brad_tilf

    Notes: One map of about 15 minutes in length, seems to require ZDoom for proper display/function, but presumably intended as totally 'vanilla' in spirit. This is that rarest of creatures, a chainsaw map (which, if one wants to be pedantic, means it's also a Tyson map). The setting is fairly striking, a kind of crumbling, incredibly decrepit prison or bastille of dusty mortar and decaying plaster, full of the angry spirits of perished prisoners who, it seems, cannot escape their sentences, even in death. Lots of cages, lots of gloom, lots of surprisingly dismal atmosphere. The gameplay is, at least by the standards of most folks who might have developed a real taste for Tyson maps (to say nothing of the distinguished palate of the elusive Chainsaw Map Enjoyer), quite tame, pitting you mostly against a steady trickle of imps, demons, lost souls, and other creatures quite susceptible to being pureed by the Busy Beaver, funneled into you gas-guzzling deathstick by the highly claustrophobic environs, which often only allows passage for 1-2 bodies at a time. There are some tricksier moments, typically in the form of cheeky traps, to add more thrills and bloodspills, however. Ultimately, the atmosphere and sense of setting is probably the map's best and most refined attribute, as opposed to its somewhat lax handling of its niche gameplay conceit, but the notion of an outing where the chainsaw is the primary weapon is nevertheless vanishingly rare enough of an experience that I would encourage most players to live a little and try it out regardless. 


    Curiosity and the Cat by Ravendesk

    Notes: RC2. Single map, stock textures, by a first-time author. The map swims the slaughter/challenge stream, as soon enough becomes apparent, but is oddly and charmingly difficult to 'call' at first without knowing this. The opening shot and moments somehow psychologically suggest something more traditional (I suspect the texture scheme has a lot to do with it?); this soon gives way to what seems to be a strict, slow-crawling austerity/resource-rationing map, which in turn quickly gives way to shit royally hitting the fan, back in that initially folksy-looking opening room. This first big fight, and the vile-swarm in this same room which sends the map off, are both well-done and tactically interesting as a result of the aforementioned tightly controlled and tactically-placed trickle of resources (this astute sense of thing balance being generally the map's strongest/most flavorful mechanical attribute). The mid-level action in the western annex is in a 'zoned' style (i.e. you break into a space already firmly controlled by pre-placed monsters positioned more for defense rather than to swarm you) and does not read quite as well as in practice the moat-dominated design of the room hampers both you and the monsters about equally and reduces the sense of liveliness, but the encounter is not terribly long all things considered and so this does not bring proceedings down much. Somewhat unassuming in presentation and perhaps a mite scrappy in style, this is nevertheless a smartly balanced and entertaining short-but-authentic slaughtermap that avoids the pitfall of confusing brevity with dilution, and it's always good to welcome a new author to this bloodstained fold.


    The Box of a Thousand Demons by thelokk

    Notes: RC2. Full omnibus-style megaWAD by a prolific, newer author (29 'normal' maps, 1 outro, 2 secret, one of which is itself a silent/interpretive art piece). Uses the ubiquitous OTEX resource, a lush, cold-tone custom colormap (highly reminiscent of those in both Eviternity and newer builds of Sunder, though I'm not convinced it's identical to either), and some very dead-on BGM selections from a wide variety of sources to paint a succession of abstract or surrealistic Doom-worlds, arranged in a number of loose thematic clusters, the one unifying characteristic being a distinctly languid, pensive atmosphere that persists even amidst bursts of violence. The mapset will, I suspect, read to many as a single-mindedly challenge-oriented experience, and spends time exploring or experimenting with a broad range of concepts, tropes, and general gameplay styles from the deeper/darker end of the Doom pool -- austerity, platforming, occasional puzzles, claustrophobic choreography, slaughter of varying scales and severities, good old-fashioned Plutonium exposure, etc. -- but I daresay such a reading would somewhat miss the forest for the trees in this case. The actual execution of many aspects of the production (esp. the expressly mechanical) varies in degree of fidelity, sophistication and fine-tuning, but the distinct sense of mood is watertight throughout, and in practice the WAD is usually quite measured, giving the whole experience more of a reflective tone than one of oppression and struggle. The mapset as a whole clearly indicates a variety of influences (some more obvious than others), but by the final third of the game the author's sensibilities for visual art and mechanical design seem to fully find each other, and a distinct voice that stands apart from these influences clearly emerges. For genre regulars, the mapset offers a relatively laidback outing that stands out for its distinct mood, and for intrepid or open-minded outsiders, is perhaps approachable enough as a first foray into a deeper realm of dreams and nightmares not soon forgotten.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LadyMistDragon


      To be honest, I liked Dartagur Dungeon by Doom Revolver better, but that's my persinal taste.

    3. Demon of the Well

      Demon of the Well

      I also prefer that map, or something like Mortal Mechanism (which IIRC appeared in the first RAMP project, and was also released separately), which are longwinded and more or less traditional Doom dungeon-crawls that one comes to develop a feeling of comfy familiarity with before the end. Liminal Waters is big in terms of space and more structurally elaborate in parts, (though quite stark/simplistic in others IIRC) with all of the floor-over-floor stuff, but to me feels primarily like a map built to practice these features and then monster-populated off the cusp, so that other people could have some fun with it as well, as opposed to the more "DM'd" experience of those other maps. IIRC so far this year there's also "Techseus Labyrinth" by the author, but I haven't played it yet.

    4. Catpho


      The world would be a better place if everyone can appreciate Relyctum the same way you do demon.
      Incidentially, I found the first 9 maps of Relyctum to be very enjoyable on pistol-start. Every map felt like a real piece of work to observe, plan, and beat, but there's a real sense of accomplishment that just isn't the same in many other modern PWADs. Am i becoming a Doom looney, taking highly dangerous drugs to keep the high?

    Hobo comes out with a quality map after a long silence. Intelligent layout; the many bridges and tunnels contribute to non-linearity. Perhaps a bit switch-hunty in places. Combat is mostly incidental, with few traps. Monsters are generally used well, esp. gasbags, which path through the layout to show up unexpectedly. Visually, the color scheme is too busy for my liking--brown/red/bl ue/green/etc. all jumbled together--but the structures themselves work well. Should offer something to appeal to most players.
  6. Guest



    Designed for DeathMatch. Layout inspired by Dead Simple Level #7 of Doom][. Best if used with DM2.0 option All weapons present except the Pheonix Rod. Center room has a high ceiling with 4 pillars for flying space. Hint: Put those GasBags to Good uses!
  7. go to hell version 2 (1998) by Michael Krause Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 9 An early Boom map that didn't do much for me. I know objectively it's noticeably better than a lot of what we play for these adventure but the randomly-applied Quake sound replacements (why do imps have human-sounding screams when they get shot?) and dull brown atmosphere just wore me down fast despite some pretty decent combat for 1998. (That's basically me saying: you get the SSG early and you get to do a lot with it.) Grade: 5/10 Military Station (1999) by John Cartwright Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 9 This map one-ups our previous contender by putting the beloved SSG in the very first room. Too bad TTS (time-to-ssg) isn't the only measure of a Doom WAD's quality. The rooms here are beautiful but they're also very flat, with windows that force you to take constant sniper fire. The no-cover arch-vile fight, in particular, can go fuck itself. Fortunately you can run past it straight to the last room if you're lucky, ending the map in only about 5 minutes and limiting the amount of time you have to spend listening to D_RUNNIN. Grade: 3/10 TekeN (2022) by Peccatum Mihzamiz Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: dsda-doom, complevel 9 Mihzamiz says they "tried to make a map that might be convincingly seen as a map made by John Romero", which in practice just means that it has all the SIGIL stuff. The eyeball switch, the jaggedy architecture, the chasm crawl, a fight in a prison bar maze, etc. It certainly doesn't play like a Romero work, partially because it's too derivative and partially because it's way too short. But as homages go it's a nice one, and certainly the most fun I've had so far today. Grade: 6/10 Underground Passage (2000) by Pritech "Ice" Mistry Play Settings Difficulty: Thou art a smite-meister Source Port: GZDoom I've played some pretty difficult, puzzle-y Heretic WADs for the ER/iWA. This isn't one of those. It's just a good old fashioned slaughter-fest. It's not afraid to throw high-tier monsters at you early on but if you know your way around Heretic's items and make smart use of infighting and broccoli barrels (er, "gasbags") you'll have a good time. Aesthetics are uninspiring but about on par with the original Heretic for the most part. I had a good time. Grade: 6/10 BETA: One Nerd And His Doom (2004) by Tom "Hyena" White Play Settings Difficulty: Ultra-Violence Source Port: GZDoom Apparently the second in a trilogy of jokeWADs by Hyena, best known for making over a fourth of the maps in the legendary Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid. Or maybe he's best known for writing the "No, John, YOU are the demons" fanfiction under a pseudonym. Either way, you get a sense of what this guy was all about. This particular adventure is all about finding Linguica and was co-authored by such luminaries as Nanmi, Tom_D, Silverwyvern and even Espi. It's got as many of the new-indecipherable Doomworld inside jokes as you'd expect but is still somewhat playable as a WAD, for once, although the behavior of every weapon and enemy has been changed. Mancubi now spawn lost souls on death, pistols now fire several hundred rounds a minute, etc. My only criteria for jokewads is: did it make me laugh? And sadly One Nerd And His Doom did not. I was amused by the new weapons, like the "fist" shown above or a chaingun that seems to be unchanged but fires a BFG shot whenever you try to switch to another weapon, but most of the humor relies on the word "butt" and I found the overall experience too janky and frustrating to be amusing. For example: you're supposed to escape the first room by stacking mini-zombiemen as shown in the screenshot above, but good luck getting it to work right. Better to just give up and IDCLIP imo. I didn't even make it to the end because of a softlock that occurs when you try to switch to the BFG (in fairness, the readme warns you about this; but in fairness, I don't care.) I had trouble deciding between all the stupid screenshots I captured so enjoy a couple more below. Grade: 2/10
  8. Gotta be brief but here are the rest. Final thoughts coming shortly. Map29 “Gehenna” Seeing Yumheart’s name scared me, but PRCP2’s map29 is not as murderous as map20. Combat is wide open and consists of numerous pop-up monsters, snipings, and teleport ambushes… hard but not as tough as seven time-released cyberdemons. Footing is tricky at times and you really don’t want to slip off the wood/stone fortification most of the map takes place in (how the wood hasn’t burned to cinders is beyond me, demon magic is powerful). I particularly like the vile/chaingunner ambush at the plasma, a lethal trap to guard the critical weapon. The arena fight for the red key with the three archviles is a good warm up for the grand finale, which takes place in the lava moat surrounding the central structure. Three cybers, a formidable gasbag cloud, arachnos, and pinkies teleport in while the rocky pillars lower to provide us with the supplies to fight them. We get a BFG and many radsuits so it’s more stress relief than challenging, though random rockets can ruin your day as always. Once everything is dead head to the exit located to the northwest to leave. Gehenna looks great, plays great, and is actually kind of short. I appreciate that Yumheart held the difficulty back from what it could have been and appreciate even more the penultimate level not being a massive epic. Thank you. Map30 “Shattered Nightmare” And we have our IOS map. Death Bear gives us some good fights but the ending is still an IOS and thus I did not have a good time. The initial cramped arena and the slaughter in the (good-looking) outdoor area precede a red cavern with an icon setup that you’ll like if you enjoy IOS chaos and find frustrating if you don’t. The lifts that allow you to shoot the eye switches needed to open the central column are time delayed, allowing monsters to accumulate and preventing a quick clear. What results is a very RNG heavy maelstrom of mayhem that is as likely to result in facerocketing off some stray idiot as it is a victory. I’ll commend Death Bear for concocting something legitimately interesting but this is not what I wanted to see to finish an already contentious megawad. Edit: I just realized I never did the secret maps. Fixing that before final thoughts Map31 “Steel Mill Zone” The first secret level and the lone solo entry by project leader Josh Sealy. I’ve played this one a couple times and sadly it is among my least favorite maps of the megawad. There are three reasons I’m not a fan. 1. Its long, Steel Mill Zone is a contender for the second longest map in the set after Deep in Naraka (with Plutonium Rust and Rules of Nature). 2. Its navigation unfriendly thanks to a complex design and unclear progression. I mentioned in map21 that I sometimes like and sometimes don’t like this trait and this is an example of seeing it as a negative 3. There’s damaging floor everywhere. This is the primary reason I’m against the complexity in design. Mazes, long runtime, and hurt floor mix about as well as ammonia and bleach, producing a map that’s frustration and fatigue overshadow its strengths. There’s a lot to like about Steel Mill Zone, superb atmosphere, highly skilled interconnected layout, some sizzling fights (love the double vile pit drop on damaging floor)… Take away any of the above three reason and my opinion of Steel Mill Zone would assuredly be positive. Unfortunately, all the wandering around in blood acid wore down my enthusiasm just as much as Doomguy’s footwear. I almost always enjoy Joshy maps (I’m unironically a big fan of Poison Ivy 2) and think this one tries to do too much. At the very least it was smart to put it in a secret slot, the TNT homage definitely fits there in a (ostensibly) Plutonia wad. Map32 “Orestruck” Cannonball’s orestruck isn’t a Go 2 It reference but it is a violent slaughtermap I was happy to see following Steel Mill Zone. The entirety of Orestruck consists of big brawls interlinked by quick-playing connecting segments. Right away we grab an SSG and drop into a big cavern with an army bearing down on us. We get an invul but save it if you can. There’s two in the map and they’re best used for the two ending fights. We get plenty of ammo but management of heavier munitions eases Orestruck’s difficulty. Make sure you have rockets for the blue key ambush, you won’t reach the archviles with just the plasma. Same thing with cells following the BFG fight, a bunch of viles teleport in upon your return. Have even more cells for the baron/PE arena to the east, if you can’t drop the vile and the elementals quickly you’re a goner. Finally, opening up the yellow key (and taking it) unleashes actual hell, I’d recommend bailing immediately, running for the teleporter in the lowered pit, and BFGing the crap in the way before rushing for the invul that is (hopefully) still available in the center. The final battle takes place in a circular nukage pit around a metal drill that challenges the player to clear the arena before radsuits run out. I could do without some very annoying chaingunner placements but otherwise like the setup. The second invul greatly simplifies the encounter, you won’t have the full time but can charge the viles and wipe out most of the revs immediately. After killing everything (including the cyber/viles revealed by some switches) we’re done. A tough but fair slugfest that’s tons of fun, Orestruck is exciting, good-looking, and has a great name.
  9. Map18 “Enclave” I remember this one. “Anon’s” Enclave is a memorable level, challenging the player with slow but dangerous hostilities and menacing atmosphere. We start out quiet (in an area that looks like a bunny with iddt) and have two paths. Both lead to an SSG and both are viable but the right/east path is more streamlined so I prefer that one. Combat is similar to map16, incremental and with small ambushes but the gameplay is more advanced. There’s a lot of areas that can kill us, starting with the trap in the east SSG room that suddenly puts us in front of a firing squad with mid-tiers at our six. A quick note: Without secrets ammo is very tight. It’s especially important to find the trove of resources released by a switch near the yellow bars. The yellow key is up the stairs and isn’t problematic to obtain. The red key (found by jumping off and heading west) is tougher, mostly because of the annoying sniping revenants that are a pain to dislodge. Ignore the blood channel leading north for now and circle around to the yellow bars, which takes us around the red key pond on a route to the blue key (it might be better to kill the revenants from this direction, I’m not sure). After some close-range hell knights and a tricky drop down fight we get one of the harder encounters of the level, a small blood courtyard with a vile/pinkies facing away and a mancubus to our side. Try to get him to distract some pinkies or the archvile to make room and be careful about stumbling over the blue key, it spawns hitscanners you really don’t want around while the vile is up. With all three keys we can head downstairs through the red bars and take care of the enemies down there (pretty good fight). Afterwards ascend the lift leading east and prepare for Enclave’s pièce de resistance, a wicked looking auditorium that continues the mainline maps’ difficulty escalation. Two cyberdemons (one a turret), two squads of boneheads, a bunch of monsters (including hitscanners) seated in the bleachers, and some scattered snipers. This finale is pretty hard, the hitscanners inflict withering damage and the revenants swarm the west side of the coliseum where you have cover. I find its best to dance around the deadly eastern side for a few seconds to draw out the revenants then start circle strafing, there should be enough room to avoid getting cornered (and don’t hit the switch until the area is clear, it spawns gasbags that gum up the arena even further). Enclave is an advanced map steeped in ambiance that reminds me of Plutonia 2’s Buckets of Blood. My primary complaint is that it has the HR 2 aspect of playing poorly without secrets. While I prefer The Wolf Hour’s gameplay (and runtime), Enclave provided satisfying combat, excellent visuals, and a thrilling finish. It’s one of the highlights of the wad for me, currently sitting in my top 5. prcp2map18.zip Time: 15:32 Kills: 229/229 Secrets: 3/3
  10. Map21 “Spaceborne” Ironclad IN SPAAAAAAAACE Consistent with the last level, we arrive in the cargo hold, aka crate maze. Interestingly, all of our weapons are here (some in plain sight “secrets”). I found navigation to be a little awkward, though the Tyson fighting for the guns is one of the better starts we've had. Once we have all the weapons, head south into engines to get the red key, a much easier process than the engine fight in Ironclad. It accesses the elevator in the center, which is actually a weird teleporter emulating traveling up a deck, again like in Ironclad (though this one can softlock you). We now discover Spaceborne plays like its sister map in reverse, going up instead of down (though that doesn’t matter in space so… whatever). This floor has a tight knot of rooms: Rest (in the recreational sense), bog, baggage handling, galley, and bridge. The combat has some ammo deprivation aspects to and the revenant ambushes serve as jumpscares, which I imagine appeals to some and not others. The doomcute is lacking compared to Ironclad though, I got little enjoyment out of murdering the small crew in the galley or the two viles checking bags. In general, the Tyson-lite aspects are the thing I’m finding interesting right now. The bridge has the green key with which we can elevator/teleport to the final area. This fancy looking place appears to be the luxury seats/first class for the passengers, with nice seats, a bar, and a gift shop. Rushing in is a terrible idea, but we should have ammo now so play cautious with the vile and hitscanner parties to avoid trouble. The bog has three archviles (surprising but not dangerous) and the by now very dead horse joke lost souls. Pick up the blue key and exit the spaceship, thank you for choosing FAC for your flight today. While the compare/contrast with Ironclad is obvious, Spaceborne doesn't really play at all like its oceanborne sister. Ironclad was an action movie/spy thriller with tons of humor, this map is a Tyson-ish level with standard Fragport doomcute. It didn’t upset me in any way, but it failed to replicate the sense of whimsy I loved in Ironclad, which elevated that map significantly above its gameplay. Put another way, this one is average, and a decent overall start to the third episode. Fast Monsters: Cramped Tyson combat with fast is an acquired taste I have not yet acquired. fragport21_fast.zip Map22 “Tech City” Stephen can’t resist his city maps, as we follow Ironclad in space with a return to Fragport, but high tech (I wonder if we’ll get a space urban decay map). Deboard and enter the spaceport, where we kill some hapless people in a waiting area no doubt minding their own business reading magazines. At the desk take the elevator first, we have the classic Fragport “know where the guns are” situation here. Exiting the building brings us outside into… space Fragport. It has the same tropes, spiders in alleyways, wide open area, side buildings with doomcute, keys, and weapons. The difference is, it’s space Fragport, so we get space textures instead of brown. It… makes a huge difference. This same style area feels new and fascinating, which if anything else displays the importance of aesthetics. Combat is straightforward, as long as you find the guns. There are two gasbag clouds that attack after grabbing keys, the first one (red key) being more hazardous thanks to the pain elementals included. A mastermind and a cyberdemon also spawn in the main square (separately), neither of which are much of a problem. In general, most fighting takes place in side areas, various small rooms accessed from the outdoor area. Nothing really stands out encounterwise but the doomcute is at full throttle, with the apartments and their occupants to the north specifically getting a chuckle out of me. Once we’ve done the required legwork we come upon a building called “The Company” with a bunch of chaingunner board members. The blue key spawns the cyberdemon and after your business dealings with him go to the far west of the map to exit. Tech City felt like a step up from the last map, and I think Stephen was having more fun making this one. The Hexagon bar with the dance floor, the apartments, the groovy look of the outside, the various lovable "we're in space" elements like the little spacecraft car. It adds up to a level I enjoyed playing. The gameplay isn't interesting, and I really wish the cyberdemon had a bunch of friends along for a nice slaughter at the end. Given we're at map22, I'm starting to wonder if the gameplay will ever pick up. Fast Monsters: I was going to complain until I read this comment, which made me realize this is exactly what I was doing. I could take it slow and have a mostly painless 20 minute attempt, but I didn't turn on the fast parameter to play it safe, so I tried to move quickly and took a ton of deaths instead. In light of this, a good level to try with fast on. fragport22_fast.zip
  11. Map13 “Pipe Factory” Yay, city map Not technically a hot start, but the opening is definitely heated. We’ve got three chaingunners shooting the breeze with their backs to us and making a sound alerts a number of mancubi, arachnos, and shotgunners on the factory floor. The northwest has little sheds containing weaponry, which we’ll need to fully clear out the starting area. I also like the doomcute here, the little numbers are just for flavor this time and the desks remind me of the office space in TNT’s Central Processing. Head up to the control room and grab the red key, triggering a refill of the factory floor. The spastic teleportation actually makes this encounter surprisingly unpredictable, and I’d say its pretty good as a result. Head outside (which you don’t actually need the red key to do) and see a wide open fenced in area, with a couple buildings, a guarded entry checkpoint, and a mastermind patrolling the grounds. She’s just an ammo sink (though I like Ralgor’s tactic of dealing with her) and the gate guards are two viles, who are a bit annoying to take out but reward you with a soulsphere and megaarmor. The red key lets us progress into the “big hole”, which is a building with a big hole in the ground. I was so certain of an ambush when I jumped down to grab it that I was actually annoyed there wasn’t one. What’s the point of this pit dammit? Give me my positional disadvantage skirmish! Deal with the pinkies outside and head into pipe storage, which Stephen actually tried to make look like a pipe warehouse (I appreciate the effort). Nothing strenuous in here, but head back outside for your actual key fight. A bunch of stuff ports in, including two viles and some gasbags back in the factory. Not much to say here, good old-fashioned infinite real estate smackdown. Just save some plasma for the pain elementals or they could become a problem. Once you’re finished use the blue key to access the roof. Before we leave we get a very rude archvile to waste time with followed by… another very rude archvile to waste time with. This is a fine map. It has a good start, a couple fun fights, and the buildings are nicely detailed. The outside area isn’t, but that’s par for the course in this wad. The two ending viles get a ten yard penalty flag but otherwise I have no complaints. Meets expectations and is solidly in the upper half of the wad. Fast Monsters: I’ll continue to go with recordings and a couple brisk notes - The viles at the big brawl felt like dudes keeping onlookers away from a street fight, they wouldn’t let me get close until the demons had mostly killed each other - Fast pain elementals can go straight (back) to hell fragport13_lmp.zip
  12. Map09 “The Pit” The second time I’ve played “The Pit” in as many months and I haven’t touched an IWAD. Brown, bony, and brutal, The Pit’s sparse texturing hints at its exacting nature. Your resources are calibrated as to require efficient ammo use and the traps are fiendishly executed. You do get a lot of recovery items though. The brown opening room leads to you a brown outdoor area with walkways around a caged megasphere. While there are no secrets, you can get this mega right now by opening a wall at the southwest (kill the revenant in the cage first, that’s not a telefrag). To begin progression, head to the red key room, which has a number of problematic ground enemies and two bothersome revenants on the platform with your prize. It’s a reasonable opener but the real danger is grabbing the key itself. Bars lock you on the tiny key platform (for 30s) and hell knights port in while a bunch of ammo sink pinkies roam around the lower floor. I have… no idea how I survived this blind. My best description is that I could keep the knights on the teleporter spot by moving in and backing up, letting me deal with them one at a time. With foresight this fight isn’t a threat, you can strafe over the key back through the entrance (or camp the teleport spot). Don’t forget the stealthily revealed rocket launcher before you leave. Next, we go grab the blue key and trigger nasty moment #2. The walls drop to reveal a bunch of pinkies, imps, and a vile while your exit is blocked by a metal slab. Playing blind I had the chaingun out for this highly telegraphed ambush (fastest weapon) and was fortunate in that the vile didn’t run in front and annihilate me. Staying at the key spot is probably a bad move, but I suspected this fight was cheeseable and it is. My second playthrough I edged onto the key platform which triggers the ambush but not the slab, so I just ran back to the hub and door camped them filthy casual style. Side note: I almost ran out of ammo here blind and I was already playing cautiously, you REALLY need to watch your stock. Alternatively, just remember you have the rocket launcher. After some more grinding we come upon some cages with green torches under a building containing the plasma. This weapon is critical, but hitting the switch to get it unleashes nasty moment #3. You can tell where the attackers will come from thanks to two misaligned walls and I would recommend having the RL out and promptly obliterating one of the two monster closets then using it for cover. Plasma in hand, return to the hub and got through the blue door to advance to the yellow key room, which houses a cyberdemon. Goatboi and his minions aren’t too hard to deal with, but the gasbag ambush upon grabbing the yellow key is a different story. I prefer using the plasma to hose down the four pain elementals first, its dangerous to use the RL while they’re still up. If you’re a bit confused (maybe it was just me) at how to leave, jump into “the pit” in the hub and head through an opening southwest to…ugh. To finish, we must traverse a 20% sewage maze that from the automap looks like it constitutes almost half the level’s total acreage. Interestingly, you can head here right from the start and it looks like you can try to reach the exit with no keys… the yellow key just opens the megasphere and radsuits (possible inspiration for AD_79’s Virulent Well?). Regardless, enter the labyrinth with the plasma out and move quickly, the clock is ticking. Alright, it’s not *that* bad… I’ve just had enough with nukage mazes. The area plays fair as Angelo provides several backup radsuits sprinkled throughout and the initial megasphere easily absorbs any leak damage. My main complaint is that this place makes The Pit extremely max unfriendly… if a couple monsters escape your notice you have little time to hunt them down. Overall, The Pit is Jefferson’s most mature work thus far, lacking in technical issues and strong in encounter design and ammo balance. The maze isn’t to my liking, but that’s a preference issue, albeit one I doubt is uncommon. The entire level reminds me of Plutonia 2’s Filth and the map openly display it’s Plutonia influences on its sleeve in general, both in texture use and combat design. If it wasn't for the stupid maze it would be in contention for my favorite so far.
  13. I've had a bit of vertigo the last couple days. I'll try not to fall too far behind while it clears up. Map06 “Central Command” Here we have quite the ambitious work, a sprawling complex of hitscanners that reminds me a lot of Memento Mori’s Twilight Lab. It also feels kind of like a Drake O’Brien TNT map, with its nondescript executive name, abstract hallway shootouts, and sizeable monster count (though not his customary grandiose ending). Our starts continue to escalate, this time eschewing the empty beginning room to stick you on a balcony outside a large lobby with some chaff enemies and three approaching cacodemons. Hitscanners occupy booths just inside and patrol a walkway in the back, constraining the player with suppressive fire. Killing the cacos from the windows tends to get me hit, but I found that quickly clearing one of the booths works pretty well, allowing me to run in there and take cover. From here there are countless routes you can take in this massive, nonlinear morass of whiteness. Tons of small optional rooms, hundreds of enemies, and switches everywhere that probably do something important. I’ll briefly go over what I’d recommend for an initial route. 1. First, go up the west lift, head north past the walkway you were getting sniped from, and enter the first door on the right. There are two small doors to your left leading to a little room shaped like a bullet containing security armor. Important for the early grind. 2. Next, go north into a dark room with quite a few enemies and go through a door/switch sequence that obtains the SSG. You’ll also snag the yellow key on the way back. 3. Finally, head back south to the long walkway above the entryhall, take a pit stop for the backpack (through the easternmost of the three doors there), and head northeast into the crate area. Clearing out this place nets you a berserk, a lot of ammo, and most importantly, a plasma. From this point you should have the armaments to proceed however you like. To get to the next part of the level, you will need the blue key, found in a well-defended bastion to the far west of the map. This place is a bear to break into but the worst part is raising the bridge. First you have a gasbag swarm (you’d better have the plasma for this) and afterwards you must jump in the damaging nukage and use your psychic powers to locate the tucked away radsuit before you die. Then you have two rude ambushes that net you a rocket launcher. I’m really getting annoyed at the RL placements in this wad, that weapon should absolutely have been provided before the long range caco/PE fight. Also, if you can’t seem to reach the blue key it’s because you haven’t done the mess of switches in the rooms to the south. Just hit all of them, I don't know which ones actually let you get it. With the blue key in hand head to the east and up the lift to start the Computer Station part of this map. I personally find this area a bit of a clusterfuck. There are enemies all over the place and its easy to take cheap hits from cacos and the bothersome hitscanners on the overhead platforms. You can’t really camp, most of the monsters won’t pathfind to your location, so you need to get in there. There's a megasphere up top, but getting to it requires wading through most of the opposition on the ground and if you haven't picked off the hitscanners up there you'll get reamed upon taking the lift (have your plasma out). All of this adds up to a room I like. It requires aggression and gives the enemies a substantial but not unfair tactical advantage, which is better design than the blue key room. The last section of the level leads you to the red key and is actually pretty slaughtermapish. You engage large groups of chaingunners, pinkies, and pain elementals sprinkled with revenants in some pretty tight areas. I’d save all the cells you can for this as the plasma is a lifesaver here, particularly during the pinky swarms and one very nasty switch ambush you won’t forget. Once you have the red key, backtrack to the Computer Station area and find the little red switchdoor (?) to leave. Central Command is an impressive behemoth but ambition and risk go hand in hand and there’s a lot in this map to criticize. Three major areas (the blue key room, the red key room, and the Computer Station section) are contentious and likely to provide wildly different amounts of enjoyment depending on the inclinations of the player. The nonlinear layout does not mesh well with the overwhelmingly white visuals and the keys, while needed for progression, feel like afterthoughts I barely remember picking up, which I consider a substantial negative. Then there are all sorts of little things, like inconsistent nukage floors and the various texturing errors. I also got softlocked by complete accident while fighting in the red key area. I strafed over the cell pack and into one of the PE chambers, which I then had to idclip out of (I'm not resetting for that). Finally, special mention has to go to the borked secrets in this map. Initially, I had no idea how to get them, having only found one on the crates and none of the remaining five during either playthrough. I thought I knew where three of them were as there are little slits with enemies above them that you can hear (and I was at least able to get maxkills because you can hit them with the chaingun). However, as it turns out you can’t get those three at all… and the other two (in the CS area) become inaccessible once the monsters leave, which happens well before you get to their location. This black mark is exacerbated by two not secrets that absolutely should be… a blue armor in the blue key nukage (good for the making it to the CS megasphere) and a hidden lift in the red key room leading to some snipers. So overall? This one is a big mixed bag and unsurprisingly I have mixed feelings for it. That said, the positive moments outnumber the negative ones. I liked the majority of the combat, the layout, and the sense of flow, with the red key part in particular playing at a blazing pace. There are too many quibbles for it to be my favorite map so far but I do think it's a good one, and is placed well in the wad. I'm sure this won't be the only epic in TNG and hopefully the next one will be more polished.
  14. Map04 “Country Side” We notch the difficulty up in this baddie laden compound, which has the feel of a remote military installation in an autocratic third world country. This is also the point I determined Angelo really likes his pain elementals, which are now making regular appearances in multiples. We begin in our stock opening room with an SSG rudely placed behind bars, just out of reach. My blind run was quite arduous because I went to every other part of the level before I got to it, and I’d recommend not doing that. Anyway, we open the door to fight the latest instance of ye olde hitscanner party and…. YOW, THAT’S A LOT OF ENEMIES! Play to get someone’s chaingun here or you might run out of shells and drown in a deluge of pinkies, chaingunners, and imps. After that we have a split path and I’d advise taking your gaze off that tantalizing soulsphere until you have the SSG (or at least armor). Approaching it triggers a lock-in fight against some former humans and a large clutch of pinkies with very limited maneuvering room. This fight can be done with a moderately stocked chaingun so actually hold on this fight is super cheeseable if you just beeline for the stairs in the corner and camp the top, which the pinkies can’t cross. Still, you can’t go any further without the keys so only do this if you want the powerup. Going left takes us to the rest of the level, which puts the player under a fair amount of pressure for most of their stay. Wherever you go there will be revenants, chaingunners, or pain elementals harassing you from all over the place. The door leading south should be your first move as it gets you an SSG and a secret megasphere, but the open layout leaves you vulnerable to hits from everything in the titular countryside, as well as cacos in the odd lava courtyard in the center. Said courtyard houses the megasphere which isn’t too hard to find, but triggers more gasbags. Don’t practice your pointe technique trying to dodge everything on this tiny platform, you’ll feel foolish upon discovering you just jump off to teleport back. Trust me on this. Now with a super boomstick (and some rockets) head north to reach the barren outer area. I like the design here, the spartan detailing with the outer wall and the barred windows really brings a sense of bleakness and militancy that cements the vibes the level is giving to me. There is a small outpost (another theme I’m noticing) housing the yellow key, which unleashes another pinky ambush (you have the SSG right?). You also have I think three pain elementals among the enemies here, which sucked to kill with crappy weapons during my blind run. Much better with the SSG during my second. To finish, you have this lift which leads to a darkened room behind the red door we saw earlier, containing the red key, revenants, and a pair of barons. This encounter is incredibly awkward, and your options are to either lure enemies down the lift one at a time, or just ride up there and hope you don’t get clobbered before you can nab the key and open the door. If you can sneak past them this is a great use of your rockets but still, my pick for weakest part of the level. Now with all three keys go deal with the pinky ambush (if needed), head down the stairs, and clear out the mess. Three key doors and four chain chumps later and you’re done. Country Side is a good map. It’s got a properly presented theme, a busy start, good enemy placement and ambushes, and rewards route planning. My immediate reaction was to call it the best map so far but after some thought I think it has enough weaknesses to make it close. The lame red key fight, the pointless enemies in the toxic pool, and the potential for a lousy blind experience. Regardless, I liked playing it and playing it again and I’ll tentatively hold that its improvements elevate it a bit above what we’ve seen so far. Edit: You can beat this level in under fifteen seconds if you sneak along the shadows before the exit switch and trigger only the walls opening up (which happens just before the trigger that blocks the exit). With some pinky luck you can then move around the exit trigger and hit it to leave.
  15. Bah, brutal end to the week. I’ll try to catch up a bit before the Superbowl. Also, reading some of the comments on TNG was intimidating but I’ll continue with my personal rules (pistol start, two playthroughs, UV with all kills, saveless) for as long as I’m able to. Map01 “Entryway” Upon loading, er, Entryway we are immediately presented with a familiar face. The split liftdoor from E2M1! Fortunately, we don’t repeat the marble hell techfusion. Instead, we get… Brown brick and stone. Honestly though, I like it, it looks like classic 90s Doom II and the overcast sky is atmospheric. Anyway, combatwise, the opening area with the pool has your basic shotgunners and imps along with a pair of revenants trying to gank you from behind barred windows. I’d take these guys out immediately, their homing projectiles like to sneak up on you at random moments. The red key area to the west has some fodder enemies and a pain elemental I rushed in to kill after clearing out the initial imps. There’s also a switch that opens a secret you will want for the optional “section” this level has. The red door to the east opens the path to the exit (where the revs are) and three hell-knights port in (one at a time), giving you some more shotgun practice. At least they aren’t barons. If you haven’t killed the revenants, you’ll do so now and don’t forget to grab that secret megaarmor and soulsphere. Our opening act concludes with another split door and a bunch of shotgunners, leading you to the exit switch. Or does it? While you can absolutely leave now and go to map02, you’ve probably noticed there are over 100 monsters left, even with all three secrets (which are all found in one area. I see we’re still doing that). Investigate the ending rooms and you’ll find a weird series of lowering walls leading to a mancubus, an SSG, and a teleporter to… Entryway part 2: Electric Boogaloo Upon taking the (one way) teleporter you arrive in a room with a rocket launcher, shells, another SSG, and a berserk pack. Before continuing I’ll just say that even without the other comments, it is quite obvious this was intended to be a separate map that ended up getting glued to the first one for some reason. It’s gameplay certainly gives a pointed warning to players the otherwise tepid opening doesn’t, so maybe that’s part of it. Alright, while the secret Entryway also opens into a large room with a (blood) pool, Jefferson doesn’t play gentle this time. The initial mancubi are whatever, but the lowering walls revealing a PE with support followed by an arch-vile entrenched in pinkies (and more gasbags coming behind you) should send the message loud and clear. Mr. Hyde is here, and you had better be ready for fights that are pretty darn advanced for 1997. Case in point, the third “wave” of enemies here puts substantial pressure on the player to down the vile before the PEs and cacos complicate the encounter. My blind playthrough I took a ton of damage (wiped out my soulsphere and megaarmor from earlier) and my second I chose to use my (very limited) supply of rockets to destroy the pinkies and archie ASAP. Got me to respect this wad’s combat real quick. The level absolutely does not let up from here and after some shotgunners I came upon a pillared room with a vile and two barons encased in invisible walls. Using see-through barriers to telegraph future adversaries hadn’t caught on yet in the 90s, so it’s neat to see it here. It’s done pretty well actually, giving a “when do they get released?” paranoia that isn’t relieved at the first switch. Continuing up the stairs, there are some rather aggravating shotgun guys and a sequence that ends with a switch that actually does release the earlier enemies. Deal with them to obtain the blue key and proceed to the final part of the map. My blind run I received a nasty shock upon opening fire on the hitscanners behind the blue door. There were howls all around, hell-knights teleporting in, and an arch-vile making his way from the left. Upon getting attacked by what was clearly a second vile I backed down the stairs in a bit of a panic and moved to the west, trying to split the attacking squadron in two using the upper level. This strategy… worked. Three hell-knights and an arch-vile made it down the stairs and I was able to pick off this isolated group using the pillars for cover. The remaining vile and his knights were then manageable enough to win the attrition battle. I gotta admit, even with the clumsy transition between “levels” this was a heartening start. The two nasty, well-designed fights in the secret second part are like a bucket of ice water to the face. Now I REALLY want to see what’s coming later.
  16. "Three Guns Challenge" by Astro X: RL+CG+PR. Favorite concept was the early RL vs. spectre mobs in blue rooms. It's so hard to spot those in software mode, and the way the gameplay was designed around this mechanic was both interesting and something one can only really do with RL being the player's only weapon at the time. I ended up either trying to rely on hearing, or running far away so they couldn't realistically reach me and spamming rockets. My favorite bit of the plasma rifle stretch was this one minimalist encounter that primarily involved a cyberdemon and a ledge archvile that could run freely (and thus not be easily killed). The RL-PR starts feeling more conventional again later on, but it's still clear how encounters were inspired by that mix. The whole back two-thirds of the map is dominated by these encounters in which fleets of cacos and groups of revenants and even the occasional cyber shows up and yet it doesn't feel grindy, which is the whole "normalization" effect, and there's a radsuit-cyb setup later on that probably wouldn't show up in a "typical" map that gives out SG -> PR. "Cramped Dodging Arena" by IcarusOfDaggers: SSG+PR. The ammo worked out fine. Could be tighter in cells early*, but the current setup still enforces a style of play where you prefer to leave the turrets alive, even as they constantly barrage you, in order to keep enough cells to handily dispose of the ground-based infiltrators. And that keeps a constant continuity to what would be a more discrete set of encounters otherwise. The excess plasma at the end allows you to mop up everything without relying on the SSG for cleanup sniping, so that's not a big deal. * "Lunar Something or Other" by Omniarch: RL+SSG+BFG. The Syringe moon theme looks good. I wonder what a mapset of it would look like. Its grimy look would be a good contrast to the more familiar clean and shiny Lunatic moon. Combat is solid all around. This combo of weapons plays very conventionally, but without the chaingun and shotgun and with measured ammo supplies, I chose to tolerate some tricky snipers (like the exit archvile, which had partial line of sight of some arenas for the entire map) for the entire map. There was also an incentive to leave monsters alive a bit longer, if I could tell they'd end up blending into another wave of the action, for extra infighting. "Big Fucking Guts" by gabirupee: berserk+BFG. Brutal and cleanly made. Feels like a Ribbiks JQ2.wad-style map, but much harder. Berserk + BFG is a neat combo in general, the elegance of such greatly contrasting weapons, and how much each BFG shot really counts when your only fallback is getting up close and personal. The first mechanic is archvile distraction/"infighting," which sort of gives you an idea what to expect here. The imp squatting on the BFG and the lack of even a shotgun means you can't save easily the berserk for health, as tempting as that might be. 2-shotting the cyb in a cramped space, either with the help of the revs distracting it or not, is the key to the last part playing smoothly, and due to that I didn't use the berserk much past the opening, but that is fine; this map is brief enough that even that one use counts for a reasonable % of the action. "Sphinx Lowering" by Nefeibeta: SSG+RL+BFG. Cute homage. The Balls of Steel map by David A. has ignited some curiosity in me of very direct homages like this. I would not use Stardate 20x7 as a direct base, though, because some of the assets in it were commissioned for it. Every encounter is intense and challenging, but honestly the only part I had any serious trouble with on UV was the exit because shifting from a pentagon to a rectangle means it's a lot easier for the viles to spawn in with unavoidable line of sight of you. More than the other SSG-RL-BFG combo, this one plays like a very regular map -- in this case it's the gauntlet type where SG/CG might go unused and PR might be ignored if it exists if it's clear a BFG is coming. The chaingun pickup simply not working is pretty funny, though. If I had to pick a favorite encounter, it would probably be the RL invasion, or maybe the big gasbag cloud + cyb pairing before the exit. That latter one has a neat tension where I didn't have enough ammo to simply nuke the horde of fliers, so I had to kill the PEs without getting rid of all the cacos that the cyb had to handle instead.
  17. Hey there, glad you two are enjoing the wad! @Nihlith Thank you for the video, your absolute refusal to usa time bombs was amusing. Never tought of transporting gasbags from a room to another, it gave me a couple of ideas.
  18. I had stuff come up that sapped a lot of my energy, so sadly I won't get to the 27-30 writeups on schedule, or probably anywhere close, but I'll try to edit them into this post later in October and @ the authors just to make sure that isn't totally missed. (I thought 29 was a sick map and also added it to my favorites list.) Overall, I have two main takeaways from Skulltiverse: - It's a community project with more unity than usual. The shared flexible space restriction, the motifs such as the blue-skull key device, the defined episode themes, and even the recurring mappers who had their own signature styles and preoccupations showing up in different contexts, all helped it jell more. It might not be perfect there, but a project where everything was made in one week is, at least that way, supposed to be a total mess. And yet this wasn't. I have always had a soft spot for looser community projects too, but if there is one underexplored area, it's that middle ground between unified private team projects and "everyone does their own thing with the provided assets and loose rules" community projects. I've felt that throwing down a simple restriction or very general concept, while it can lead to good places, can be somewhat of a toss-up, but more starting with more defined ideas -- a specific mix of story, theme, concept, assets, gimmicks, and limits might more reliably lead there. - The entire roster is full of promising newer mappers, whether they joined in 2020 or more like 2018, and whether they had their strongest maps here or somewhere else. I would be happy to try whatever they make next. And even among the few people who've been around for much longer, Moustachio made my favorite ever map of his this year in the WIP Ray Mohawk 2. I'm glad I voted for this last month. * 27: "Last Ruin" by Muumi If the void theme is something that been explored a lot in Doom, then Muumi in some of their maps have been exploring versions of it that are far from rote. This one, rather than the more common abstract take on it, is a slice of the Earth long after ruin. The cities have crumbled, and giant edifices stand in the abyss. For whatever reason, they are all facing this city, which is a small husk of not much note, so I imagine they probably aren't stationary towers or portals constructed specifically to watch it. Rather more chillingly, they might be living entities that move at a glacially slow pace and have taken an interest in it. This might be a world where even small fragments of life are exceedingly rare. Whatever went down here, this cozy bedroom has escaped ruin, and it's either amusing or harrowing to end up here after trekking through all the devastation. "Last Run" is a clever map both in its visual and encounter design. All in all, this map is a small package that oozes that feeling of being well thought out, and some traits start to stick out in the gameplay: Most of the bigger encounters use a chaotic mix of both fragile monsters and mid-tiers, with the main threat being getting overwhelmed by the mid-tiers -- which peaks in the very cramped BFG encounter -- but in the meantime a lot of weaker monsters get involved as either dangerous threat themselves (especially chaingunners) or in a enjoyable "crunchy kills" role. Encounters often consciously have multiple layers of threat: for example, in the first vile encounter, seconds into the battle, imps start porting in to keep you off balance. Later in the main courtyard, the first mob of fodder, cacodemons drift over for support. Archviles are common. The most dangerous are probably the three in the yellow key region. If you let them chase you through the ruins, that encounter can be tough, but trying to be more aggressive against them and immediately start hosing them down while blocking the chokepoint can work very well. (Minimizing hiding against archviles is often a good tactic, because every time they stop to attack is time they won't spread out in more dangerous configurations.) This pattern recurs; the last group that revisits at the end is one you want to BFG-spam down very aggressively before they get out of hand. And there is quite a bit of repopulation going on. That courtyard is home to at least a few fights, one cyber showdown, and when you think there can't possible be anything left after you deal with that port-in of archviles in the start area on your way to the exit portal... 28: "Void Hydroprocessing II" by Rivi the Warlock This cuboid marble castle with strong blue highlights reminds me a lot of Water Spirit by Manbou, and the overall look with its gridbound nature is definitely one way to use every inch of the project's map space limit without looking like you're unnaturally straining for it. I played the earlier version of this map and thought it overly harsh, giving me the feeling of "My First Challenge Map," where the desire to make things difficult greatly outpaces the nuance and knowledge with which that is done. But this update must have been dialed that down substantially -- notably the archviles in the yellow key are stuck spectators that aren't alerted as the barriers raise and lower. (I'm not sure if that is a bug or not.) In a few places, infinite height is still awkward. In the start scenario, you're forced to leave HKs behind, and later these block the more intuitive way of dropping back to the exit, which can be painful if you forget they are there. And after ditching the HKs and entering the first real fight, you should probably platform across to grab a weapon unless you want to dance in the pool with only a pistol, but the monsters in the pit can easily block your drop back down if you aren't careful. But it has improved noticeably from that version I played. My favorite encounter this time around ended up being the caco-gasbag swarm at the end, which is quite a sight and a fitting climax with just how relentless it is, the way the meatballs and tomatoes keep floating over the fortress walls for an eternity. As far as tackling it goes, you definitely should kill the two cyberdemons that spawn up top as quickly as possible. Then the main ideas become: 1) ignore the other two cybs in the lower pool (these will infight for you and are mostly intended to prevent you from fleeing to that pool); 2) constantly BFG spam the fliers -- don't worry about getting super efficient shots, because there is tons of cell ammo and plenty of rockets as a fallback; 3) most importantly, constantly pick up cell ammo near the pillars so you don't get stranded amid a crowd of fliers with an empty BFG. Calling that a "fight" might be an understatement; "event" describes it even better. 29: "World's End" by 7Soul I don't understand why this theme is so appealing to me; it's just boats...wait that answered my question didn't it. 7Soul's void shipyard makes me ask, "why are there so many boats, and why are some of them just floating out there?" and every major event happening in and around a boat starts to have an amusing regularity to it. It's also well crafted, made out of a lot of chunks of material that fit together in a very coherent and visually appealing way. There is very little downtime. Every major encounter is intense, the highlight being the last one with the BFG, which is a joyous mess. It's also a fight where partial invisibility can be counterintuitively helpful. You wouldn't think to want one with two cybers around, but the cybers are distant or sheltered, and the blur spheres encourage lots of useful infighting through wayward cyb rockets hitting unexpected monsters. Throughout the map, the gameplay has an undercurrent of deliberately using slight awkwardness -- note the platforming across the pillars in the first area, and then through the crates in the darker boat interior, and the last fight's BFG placed in a really tricky spot where grabbing it right away is risky. Offsetting this awkwardness is a very generous health balance, with a centrally accessed mega later you can save entirely for the main fight. That combination of peskiness and a forgiving nature really works; the balance lets you really lean into the hardships without being too annoyed by them. As a bonus: the way this map is assembled coincidentally makes it good fun for random silliness that I like. One of my favorite things is to BFG-push the cybs off the edge of the map (the lower one is a lot easier of course); the teleport lines carry it to the start location, where it's stuck, which allows you to finish it off by telefragging. I also had so much fun platforming up to the other boat cyber and finishing it off with a BFG up close that I threw down a save there and kept repeating it for fun (it took a while for me to fling the cyb off the boat, and as you can tell I was very excited about that :P). Through all of this, "World's End" was a fairly unexpected contender for one of my top-3 maps in the set. (I say unexpected only because it's not a map that immediately might jump out at you compared to the set's standouts; it's obviously, even at just a glance, a decent-looking map.) 30: "An Eye for an Eye" by ViolentBeetle The closer is ViolentBeetle's last, sort of a grab-bag of concept fights and slaughter fights in another cross-shaped fortress. This is what all the portal and realm-hopping has been leading up to. We finally get to meet the big boss. Would you be surprised to find out it's a...well we'll get to that later. A series of intro fights set the stage with part small-scale combat gauntlet and part (the non-grindy parts of) Hell Revealed 2, interlaced with cool little effect where the void itself opens up to new areas, like the world materializing around you. When you're done, the layout opens up into a pair of key wings. The west-wing red key grid area is one I found a down note, despite its interestingly scripted environmental hazard. It's sort of a clumsy, overly tight space to fight in (you're mostly hanging back in one or two spots and pumping out rockets) -- and when I realized the ceiling crushers would only do 30 damage instead of crushing you permanently, that area lost its sting because the crushers also then protect you from monsters while you're squished under the floor, and you can drag in enough health and armor to not worry about the damage. The east-wing yellow key encounter is creative too: a hilarious clump of lost souls provides interference while you are tasked to take down four stationary archviles before the barriers that encircle them lower and remove all the cover you have. This time around I didn't go in with much plasma, so I had an exciting moment near the end where I had two wounded archviles with the barriers just about touching the ground, and finished them off at around the same time with the SSG. The main showdown is an entertaining Icon of Sin bout for my tastes because it doesn't fall back on an overly tricky sequence at the end that clashes with the rest of the gameplay. It's mostly just "kill stuff quickly and leave." There are some cybers (two of which make another really surprising entrance, thanks to good use of a delayed trap) and a big mixed crew of monsters, along with the steady repopulations of the Icon of Sin -- and all of this forms a meatwall that you have to clear out to press four switches in order to gain access to the last platform. The impulse might be to clear them out in a panic, but that is a mistake. Efficiently matters more than speed early on. Spamming BFG might be intuitive, but there aren't quite enough cells to sustain that for long, and you can easily end up having to take out a cyberdemon with a much slower weapon before gaining access to the platform, and that lets many Icon spawns potentially gather, and exposes you more to the other scary threat here, which is potential telefrags. At first I was sort of irritated by the possibility of the spawn cubes telefragging me with no floor markers indicating where those cubes might go -- but then I realized it actually feels a lot like the boss's attack here, which is fitting. Once you've cleared everything out and gain access to the platform, you can easily fire three rockets to defeat the last adversary. Finally finished the rest (I had to avoid writing burnout, but I wasn't planning on sneakily abandoning this :P). @muumi, @RiviTheWarlock, @7Soul, @ViolentBeetle
  19. Oh, hi. Heh. maybe i do, maybe i don't. Can't remember ahahah. But i hear they could be releasing something again soon(tm). Tbh, i'm not complaining. I like mapsets that kills me on sight, i tend to lose interest quickly, so killing me or putting myself on a disadvantageus position work for me, so difficulty is fine as long it is not a "swim with the whales" type map (i could not put even a dent in that one). Just hope this does not come off as a negative, i really like this episode. About the darkness on M6: it is unfortunate that voodoo dolls does not work well in vanilla heretic, otherwise it could be fine tuned to look much better, as the idea in itself is fine and good. If i remember correctly, one can activated a doll standing on a strong wind by pushing it. A unreliable but effective way would be using gasbags, by exploding one so that it does minimal damage (but still move it) or maybe using something like a generator to attept moving the doll (not sure if this work, should try it).
  20. E1M8: The final map of first episode, and a pretty tought map both for the layout and the boss monster, the Iron Lich. Now, the Iron Lich is the most hardest mf in the game: imagine if a Baron of Hell (or a Cacodemon, since this is a almost flying monster) have a fireball that breaks into other fireballs when hit the player and also a fireball wall and a Archvile fire-attack... that keeps attacking you. Isn't this a wonderful enemy, guys? Yeah, this fucker is hard as you expect. And think to you have to meet this giant skull A LOT, especially on episode 3 iirc Also the level itself is like Phobos Anomaly on steroids, with damaging lava lakes for all the level, lots of monsters like a massive group of undead warriors at the start in the one of the few safe sections that is not surrounded by lava, joined by a big group fire gargoyles. Hit a switch that activates the middle section with nitrogolems and respawning explosive gasbags, activate the last switch that opens the arena with the bosses, pray every God of Parthoris to get out alive and you'll be rewarded by a final horde of monsters that comes out when the bosses dies, then cross over a final large lava lake that leads you to the exit and then you'll be gretted by reaching the titular Hell (or Hell's Maw, like the map title) section of the game, horray!
  21. Although a mere record could puncturing my gasbag is unable to cause meaningful damage to the Graf, the fact that it is an Iron Maiden record causes the airship to explode instantly. Iron Maiden can now write a sequel to Empire of the Clouds.
  22. I played this a few times last month, on HMP, and then on HNTR and UV (which combined were about as long as my HMP playthrough, due to knowing the map). It's generally a good time, if you can run it, even with a slightly choppy framerate. Some random thoughts: The union of "high and low" stands out to me as one of its coolest, most endearing traits. There is some grand and impressive architecture alongside... sector beds, diskettes, and vending machines. It is a Seriously Designed Impressive Map that is relentless with playful and silly ideas, which are too numerous to count. "Whoa that's cool" was echoing as a mental refrain while playing. It felt like wading a stream of consciousness of the mapper's wacky ideas, which is not normally a thing you'd associate with the "professionalism" of modern design. It even has a lot of one-off "special monsters" that appear and are never seen again. I think a lot of people, before playing, will guess this to prize aesthetics over gameplay (and playing on too high a difficulty setting or without lowering lots of visual fx won't correct that impression). I think aesthetics are definitely the strong point, but a lot of the aforementioned cool ideas extend to creative fight design too. In Ar Luminae are a bunch of combat setups you're unlikely to have seen anywhere else, along with plenty of strong bread-and-butter usages of the Supercharge roster. The additions to the slightly older Supercharge weapon roster were really enjoyable, especially that railgun, which is my favorite implementation of one ever and seems so simple and obvious now but, yeah, of course it's great fun as a supra-BFG weapon that can nuke anything in one or two hits. Doomspheres, of course, are amazing. My impression on difficulties in a way that is relevant to the entire Doom player base, not just more regular players: HNTR is a solid default for people who are comfortable with the median difficulty of modern wads like Valiant on UV, and generally don't want it much harder; HMP is a good "challenge" option if you don't mind pushing far past that, but still want it manageable; and UV is the "Hard Challenge" option that not many should go for even with great hardware. There is no shame in ITYTD either. Relabeling the difficulty names to better capture the actual difficulty of play was a good choice. Some (personal) criticism: - Despite the fights all being at least adequately designed, the quantity grated on me at times. The last fight in the YSK area (after the stomper showdown) was probably peak "Why?" in my playthrough -- it is relatively easy (and can be cheesed), doesn't have much going for it conceptually, and is also time-consuming. The crystal skull key leadup was also bogged down with undifferentiated fights involving a lot of circling and clearing turrets. This impression extended to the non-UV difficulties too. I could understand the endurance factor being a baked-in part of UV's challenge, but I felt that lower skills could have benefited from a slight reduction in combat relative to UV. (Also tying into the notion of excess, I'm also in the camp of the boss fight generally feeling like work.) It's not all bad. Sometimes it worked well (like the earliest lava region fight); sometimes it was even essential (there had to be like 3 or 4 fights in the gasbag void). If there's a thing I could point to in the cases I got exhausted by, it's that the fights didn't build off of one another or follow a satisfying arc; it felt like more "press button, get fight" many unrelated times, paired with meaty fights. - I didn't think its form was to its benefit. Going through Ar Luminae was like playing a set of hub-linked maps, rather than the megamap that it is. Progression unfolds largely as sequence of unrelated clusters of goals, without much free-form combat in the intermediary spaces. You even return to a hub region numerous times. Obviously the answer to "why is this one map?" is that it it grew uncontrolled beyond all previous plans in a quick span of time, but yeah, regardless of how or why, it still felt like a con and the root behind a lot of its performance issues. The idea of such a huge map is cool but has limited value in itself. Overall, I think the sorts of issues I/others might have with it will probably prevent it from taking a seat in the pantheon of household-name all-time classics. But falling short of that doesn't displace it from much wider company as one of the highlights of a given year, and many people will still love it -- its audience will just be narrower, especially until hardware and port optimization catches up. (The experience has also improved meaningfully since the versions that the pre-December playtesters in this thread played.) Quick rundown of favorites (probably not a lot of surprises here):
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