BaseDM #6

"Overall the level is great, sure to be a blast on deathmatch Boom, MBF, or Zdoom." - Hakx, DoomShack

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This level was reviewed in DoomShack and it got 8/10 points! Go read the review if you like... It's right here.

This level is designed for BooM!
Unlike any BaseDM level before, this level *will* run even under normal DooM 2, but it is made for BooM!!!

6th level is again a bit larger level... 5th was really small, but this isn't... Anyway it's not too big for 2 players (IMO), but greatest fun should be with 3 or more players... Up to 8 players is possible if you use source port that let's you play with that many players, but it's propably way too many players!
It seems that the level runs quite well even on my old P75... Like in many of my levels, this level contains excellent smooth lightning and a 3d-bridge... Unfortunately the 3d-bridge may sometimes cause some little problems, but nothing deadly serious.

Like most BaseDM levels, this also comes with a demo inside the WAD!!!

The text file



Damn, that rocket will hit the stairs instead of the player...

The poor fellow is dying, but you have to stop and admire the lights :)

The 3d-bridge and a small joke...

Now your gonna die!