XMas Deathmatch 1999

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Released to celebrate the christamas of 1999! A christmas present to whole DooM community! Not many textures were used, mainly just snow. I do have small part of this level (that you can see, but cant go there) dedicated to DooM 1's first level. Should be recognizable although made from ice and water. Now the level is a small outside area, broken bridge, large open cave, river. All except water, teleport and a building are made of ice. The level fits best for 2-8 players, in fact it only has 8 starting points. 8 might be a bit crowded though and not playable on altdeath. Oh and skill levels are implemented, so read about the in text file to check what kind of deathmatch you want to play!

This level is also compatible with bot's, tested with ZDooM v. 1.21 using 3 bots. Disadvantage is that the bots can get the plasma rifle, but it's still fun to play against them.

This level should run just fine on high-end 486's and low-end pentiums!

The text file

XMASDM98.ZIP (136 Kb) (Source port needed)

Download light version:
XMDMLT99.ZIP (90Kb) (not as detailed, source port not needed)


A nice view from broken bridge to other side of river.

View from one side of the cave.

View from other side of the cave.

A nice outside view.