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Landing pad (DooM 2) 
Way too small, and textures are badly aligned, but it was nice hard challenge
(yeah, I think that hard is quite good word to describe it).
Download: LAND.ZIP (39Kb)
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Lavacity (ZDooM + DooM 2) 

1 level.
Made by Marten Mellberg.
This WAD says it needs ZDooM 1.7c for playing but I dont know what - if any - ZDooM features
there is, I certainly didnt notice any. You need jumping though but that's implemented in many
source ports... Anyway, it might have some minor ZDooM 1.7c or later, just in case. Anyway,
this WAD isnt particularly good, it has bad texturing in many places, doors that look like
they are as high as the building itself although they only open 128 units high... Fights are
nice but not spectacular, also the level structure isnt the possible but with better look
it might just be very enjoyable. Dont fall in lava, falling in lava means death. Death is no
Download: LAVACITY.ZIP (68Kb)
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LC-Tunnel system at planet Tee Hoo Cee (DooM 2) 

1 level.
Made by Jimi.
This level was previously released as "The Demon Castle" and won some
contest (according to text file) so I had high expectations. Unfortunately
I was let down... It's not a bad level at all, but certainly not contest
material either. The level design is not bad looking, in fact it looks
quite nice, but nothing spectacular. Biggest turn-off on this level is that
it's way too repetative, the corridors look too similiar through the level
and the monster placements get quite boring after a while too. Another thing
that bothered me was the use of nazis that are normally used only on bonus
levels and do not fit into regular DooM maps, let alone some of the hanged
Keen characters on one corridor. However at least for me it offered a nice
challenge and as said, it does look good (but nothing spectacular). Ok one.
Download: LCTUNNEL.ZIP (24Kb)
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Legana Caravan Park (DooM 2) 

1 level.
Made by Mark Grundel.
This WAD author has potential to become a good one, but this level barely gets 3 stars... The
level look really empty and the challenge seems to be based on a big bunch of monsters now
and then, and the level never really gets challenging enough for me... Really, should I have given
two or three stars?
Download: LCP.ZIP (24Kb)
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Lodge of the Undead (DooM 1) 

1 level, graphics, music.
Made by Dan Patanella.
A bit challenging piece of fighting... Some new graphics, but generally has nothing
very special to offer... It's a hunting lodge in the forest, and it's full of monsters...
Download: LODGE.ZIP (39Kb)
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Looney Tune DooM (graphics add-on) Unrated
graphics & sounds.
Made by Looney2ner (homepage).
This is a review of graphics add-on, a level is avaiable too if requested though.
I dont normally do non-level reviews, but I owned this one to the author and may his
plans of making actual looney tune total conversion come true!
Mixed up feelings... The sprites of this WAD are excellent and could be used
as a base for a great total conversion but... The sounds are nasty because there
is speech. And you know what happens in your mind after hearing same speech
million times in 30 minutes... I would love to hear some cartoonish yells and such
when killing those toons, but speech? Naah... Also the texture side is quite wrong,
instead of making textures that could be used to create places that you see in cartoons
the author has filled some flat graphics with pictures of toons, which is not
that brilliant idea. Better would have been some rocky cartoonish mountain textures,
cartoonish city textures, textures that you could use to build a cartoon world and
the sprites only would act as toons. Anyway, I know that there are folks that enjoy
this kind of things to spice their DooM experience... I dont, but I would love to
play well done full blown looney tunes total conversion (that might become true
in future from what I've heard).
Download: LTD.ZIP (3422Kb)