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Oggi (DooM 1) ![*](star.gif)
1 level
The author of this WAD has certainly done some major mistakes! The first one is that the text
file is not included in the ZIP and because of that I didn't know what level number the
level is and I had to check it with WinTex (E2M4). I then started playing and didn't like what
I saw... In the beginning the level didn't look good at all, but I kept playing and found out
that the level actually kept getting better all the time. It never got really good, but
it got good. From the start to end you will have monsters coming in big groups, which is a
thing that I liked and which you rarely see in any modern games (like Quake). The level is
fairly large and in the end I think that it offers pretty good entertainment although
the texture use in some places is horrible and some places make no sense at all!
Download: OGGI.ZIP (70 Kb)
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Omega 01 (BooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, new music.
Made by Tomi Rajala.
Very good one! It's small and quick level to play and it's kinda simple but it's excellent
showdown of good arcitechture that you dont need million linedefs for, good monster placements,
challenge and fun playability! I would say that the only downside of this base-style small
beaty was that it's really short one but what the hell... You can play it on lunchbreak :)
Download: OMEGA01.ZIP (45Kb)
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One Man Army (DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
5 levels, graphics.
Considering that every level of this WAD has taken about a day to make, it's quite good...
Not many can pull this good maps in day, but I think they author should have used some
more time for every one of them... Specially for aligning textures well. Don't get scared,
there's not any really bad texture alignment errors, just some little ones... Overally this
WAD is very DooMish and although it's not really the hardest one on earth, it can give some
nice little challenge...
Download: OMAN.ZIP (199 Kb)
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Outpost Recon (DooM 2 (/w source port) ![*](star.gif)
1 level.
Made by Tolwyn (David Shaw)
Great one! For some reason my first impression was not good - I guess there was something
I didn't really like about the look of the outdoor area, but really there was nothing
badly wrong with it either. It got better for me when I saw the large installation and
instantly knew that I had to get inside ASAP to enjoy some good old fashioned base-style
monster bashing! And that's what I did, I even left some monsters behind without killing
them (shame) to get inside faster - yes, I like base-style inside areas, and this one was
not a dissapointment in style nor in planning & challenge. First of all it looked good,
it had a certain feeling of complexity without actually getting too complex and there
was loads of enemies and trapments waiting for me. I don't want to reveal any details,
but you read the review, you saw the four stars and you saw the screenshots: now download
the damn level and play it! :)
Download: TOLWYN01.ZIP (128 Kb)
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Overload (DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
16 levels. New graphics.
If you are looking for a deathmatch WAD for 4 or more players, then overload is NOT for you.
Overload contains mainly insanely small levels that are best played with two players. I couldn't
really imagine playing this with three players, because it would be a bit too crowded :)
Anyway, if you like to have a total fragfest with your friend, and if you like well made
detailed levels with good looking textures, then Overload is for you! Although these
levels are small, they are full of detail... Every wall has something and lights are
really well done! Excellent deathmatch wad, if you ask me!
There's only one minor thing that I didn't like... The exit placement! Almost every exit is
hidden someway, and you have to find it before you can exit the level... Oh, and don't even
think about using "timer", because then you won't get to level 31, which is the 16th level.
Download: OVERLOAD.ZIP (727 Kb)