I was part of this project, so I don't feel like making normal review of it. Instead
this is a review kind of documentation of Reclamation and it's levels. Each level has
been commented kinda like my small one level reviews and each of them also has a screenshot
for you to see. I have played each of these level with my cousin, Jofa, on -altdeath mode
with 3 minute timer & recorded demos of them. Each level has our frag scores printed
as well, but please notice that in most cases the winner was always the one who used
P200MMX in that match, so basically it never was 100% fair play, but we had fun and
that's the main point of deathmatching! NOTE! If some screenshot interests you and you wan't to see it better, just click it and bigger SVGA screenshot will be loaded!
Level 2: Neighbourhood Watch * Gary Gosson Very good looking and nicely detailed level with short piece of street with street lights on, some nice indoor areas and a truck that you can go inside!
![]() Street, lights, explosion and a killed marine... |
Level 3: War Circle * Jani Saksa - Sir Robin Ehh... First level in the set that is made by me... Well, I can promise that with fast enough machine you should be getting very nice fast paced deathmatch... It's a circle shaped arena with some pillars to block your shooting and some bridges in the middle. Unfortunately the level is heavy detailed and at least with my P75 the slowdown is definately noticable.
![]() Lot's linedefs, translucent textures, big circle shaped arena... No wonder that it may slowdown older computers. |
Level 4: Security Bay * Dale Harris - Cadaver Small level, but your opponent may still get lost for a while if both are running around the level and don't just happen to bump to each others. BFG is a "lucky weapon", since you can only get it by spawning to certain start spot. Not very ultradetailed level, but looks good, although a bit weird.
![]() Big sign... |
Level 5: Dust and Bones * Jani Saksa - Sir Robin Heh... Another level from me... Two different floors... Both are quite large, but the action will usually happen in upper floor (outdoor area), which makes actually a quite compact place to fight with all kinds of structures in it... Bridges, buildings, rivers etc. The BFG is the most interesting weapon to get... You lose a lot of health while getting it, but you also get a nice little flight in the air as a result :) (see the screenshot)
![]() That's the one who took a BFG :) |
Level 6: The Pits * Robert Taylor You could say that there is water in this level :) In fact the level is much based on the deep water effect that BooM made possible. If you are carefull (which isn't easy in the middle of deathmatch) you may be able to lurk under the water without your opponent noticing you and when you see his feets, BooM you hit like a shark :) Small and tight deathmatch level, but can certainly slowdown older machines!
![]() The opponent has already escaped under the water, but his rocket shows even a bit too clear on the screen! |
Level 7: Telesaw * David Wood - Hakx One of the larger levels in this set, but not too large... There are some trciks that you have to learn to get all the goodies. One interesting thing is barrels that are hidden under gooze so that only small upper part of them is shown. These barrels can make extremely deadly trap if you are near them when they blow up! One thing you should learn is teleports and where do they take you. Remember them all and you control the level :)
![]() Many, if not most, of the fights will propably be battled in this gooze. |
Level 8: Helldorado * Jani Saksa - Sir Robin Third level of mine. Small level in a small city... This can offer a lot of enjoyable fragging moments... but only if your machine is fast enough to stand it! This level might well be the most demanding level of the set when it comes to machine power... It's full of linedefs that are used to make the streets look like they really are streets... This level is so demanding that it slowed down my P75 so much that it affected even my P200MMX which in SP mode plays this level smooth as silk.
![]() Ahh, the streets of Helldorado :) |
Level 9: Station 4 * Robert Taylor One of the levels that will propably run perfectly smoothly even on high-end 486's because it's not filled with detail. It's small and fraggy, but you will only enjoy it if you like Double Barreled Shotgun fights, because that's the weapon you get in this level unless your ready to dive in a long dead-end tunnel with plasma rifle in the end of it. Anyway, it's small but still gives another player a chance to escape from other players view.
![]() Is there a single level without that logo? Don't dream! |
Level 10: UPM Death Factory * Jani Saksa - Sir Robin Again one of my levels (I promise, there's only one left after this :) ). This level is placed in a large factory area... Special features include as perfect sloped floor as DooM can possibly have, unigue long jump with fast conveyor belt to get BFG, Large wind tunnel after getting plasma rifle and random teleporter with 5 different destinations. Although the level is very large you propably will bump into your friend soon as it's possible very quickly from one place to another in this level.
![]() The player is not standing on anything. His flying fast through the air because of a very fast conveyor belt. |
Level 11: Eye on You * David Wood - Hakx This is quite interesting one, but not propably a level that you wan't to spend more than 5 minutes in. Don't get it wrong, it's really good level, it just gets somehow boring after 5 minutes (at least for me). Well, you have to learn what the switches do to use them properly... That might be hard if your playing 3 or more player game and haven't checked the level before, but in 2 player game it may well be done. There's switches to lower or raise platforms and a switch to teleport you away... Specially usefull is to learn to raise the platform to BFG 9000 and then teleport in front of the platform.
![]() Those barrels could be mighty dangerous if the other player wouldn't be fast enough to get away. |
Level 12: Harvest * Gary Gosson This level looks smaller than it is... There's a lot of deep sludge in the level and it makes it harder to find your opponent that he could be under the nuke or out in the dry and you don't know it. Most fights in our game happened under sludge, but for some players it may be different... In the beginning (on skill 3 -altdeath mode) the players get partial invicibility spheres, which means that in the beginning of the game they will propably not see each others :)
![]() Sorry, no killing in this picture, but look at the view!! |
Level 13: Slaughterhouse 5 * Jani Saksa - Sir Robin Your getting bored to see my levels? Don't worry, this is the last one :) This time I have a little metal base-style building with 2-floors and a small outdoors area... Specially the way you get the BFG is something new (again)... Also a trick that I did is that on skill levels 1-2 the level is slightly different... The BFG teleport is closed and there are stairs to where the BFG should be (on skill 1-2 there is no plasma weapons). Talk about BooM effects? :)
![]() The opponent was just released from the BFG trap. Too bad that he didn't get a chance to use the BFG because of the rocket that just blew him to orbit (heh).
Level 14: Nexus * Gary Gosson This level is small and extremely fraggy! There are elevators that you can use to get things, but they are slow and usually players will choose to just pick items & weapons from the ground. This is not true all the time... Ocassionally players try to get up with the elevator and sometimes they even succeed :) The way you enter the level is quite original and speedy and so is the level itself :)
![]() Eat my "blue stuff"! :) |
Level 15: Watchtower * Paul Fleschute - Moe A nicely detailed quite large wooden fortress, or a watch tower as it says in the name... Offers some quite fraggy situations, but also a lot of escaping and seeking for the other player.
![]() Ach! Point that thing to me stupid! |
Level 16: Warchild * Gary Gosson This level shows a couple nice tricks that are used long before BooM came out in other 3d-games (Duke, Quake, Quake 2). Those are the water streams and wind tunnels (Quake 2 has both). However in other ways this level doesn't have anything to do with Duke or Quake :) This level is quite small and fraggy... And not only because of the wind tunnels it's also speedy. Definately one of my favorites in the set.
![]() Try the other one! You just get spitted back when you try that one :) |
Level 17: Rockin' * Paul Fleschute - Moe This level is very different from most levels in the set... It's placed on very rocky area and is made of one open place and several tunnels... There's also a waterfall and a lake that can give some cover if you dive in the water.
![]() Let's paint the water in red. |
Level 18: Circle of Death * David Wood - Hakx This level has a central area surrounded by really fast going conveyor belt. Not much to say, but the fast conveyor gives a nice touch in deathmatch :)
![]() This is the central area. Up there is the halls with the conveyor belt. |
Level 19: Catacombs * Steve Noonan - Funkymonk Very detailed and quite dark stone-made level... Very dangerous place to use a rocket launcher too... I lost couple frags by killing myself with it (dough). This level also has very nice smooth lightning.
![]() Darn... Why can't I hit you from such a short distance... waah... |
Level 20: Rocket Seppuku * Robert Taylor Suicide warning! The only weapon of this level is rocket launcher and that may result to increased suicide danger :) The level also has "central pit" where you should avoid falling into because it takes a moment to get up from there, and gives your opponent time to prepare.
![]() Missed me!!! |
Level 21: Wasted Effort * Ty Halderman Intresting level indeed with laser beams, conveyors, rocket launcher delivery systems and all... Medium size but gives more frags than some small levels do.
![]() Eventually I *will* hit you before you can order that rocket launcher! |
Level 22: Brain Candy * Gary Gosson This is small and fraggy base style level and definately one of my favorites! I must mention the BFG... It looks like you could just pick it up, but it's too far from you so you have to use a conveyor belt to move in into another room where you can pick it up. Very cool in fact...
![]() We are in the room where the BFG is available and my opponent has just picked it!! |
Level 23: Habitat * Tommie Quick - Fatal This also happens to be one of my favorites because of it's small size and heavenly look! It's mostly made of wood and light brown stone, and textures are used very professionally to make this level look cool without the need for so large amounts of linedefs that it would slow down computers.
![]() Look at the marble stuff in ceiling and how the bright lava outside fits to the level really well. |
Level 24: Symmetry Halls * David Wood - Hakx As the name already states, this level is symmetrical. It's also small, and I happen to like symmetrical small levels :) It's made of brick and has two dark halls, two teleports that teleport you in the opposite side of the level and windows where you can jump to outside where you can get a BFG.
![]() Argh, where's that weapon... I hate it when I run out of ammo! |
Level 25: Speed * Steve Noonan - Funkymonk Again a very good looking and fast paced stone made deathmatch level from Steve... Even a slight opportunity for making telefrags exists :) This level also contains a small underwater area.
![]() Whoo... Gotta watch out for that rocket! |
Level 26: Nobodies Hero * Gary Gosson This level is a real techno base style fragfest palace! Well, what else could I say... Well, I let the screenshot talk... Notice the steam in it :)
![]() Someones smoking something up there and you wan't a war??? |
Level 27: Cataclysm * Tommie Quick - Fatal Yet another small techno/base level with interesting weapon placement for rocket launcher. Be carefull when you get those blue armors because the other player can hear it quite well :)
![]() This is the kind of base level where I like to kill my friends! |
Level 28: Final Solution * Gary Gosson First this level might look small, but it has a big underwater area and that kinda doubles the game area size since there is "under" and "over" the water parts... Most fights will propably however happen underwater, so I wouldn't say that the level is too large. In the middle of the game arena is a nice but dangerous place to get plasma gun and if you are lucky a supercharge sphere, but lot's of frags also happen there.
![]() Sink in the deepnes, sucker! |
Level 29: Ethereal Mansion * Tommie Quick - Fatal Masterful wood and brick design... I would say that this could well be the best brick level on the whole set! Includes several halls, wind tunnel and as already said, good design.
![]() Ehh... Nice comment, uh? |
Level 30: Drop Zone * Steve Noonan - Funkymonk I don't know, but something in this level reminds me a lot of bloodlands, TeamTNT's first deathmatch WAD... It might be just my imagination though, but anyway this levels design is quite unigue and very good. And it's small and fraggy too :)
![]() Quite neat looking, eh? |
Level 31: Frag Factory * Steve Noonan - Funkymonk Steve has really used conveyors in this level... It's my favorite style again - the base style. Bodies keep flying in the air and it's more than possible that in the end of game some of those bodies belong to another player :) A slight possibility for telefrags also exists.
![]() Ach, this is my death... |
Level 32: Death Paradigm * Richard Jaspars - Styx Good looking and not too big level for fragging... Getting the BFG is sometimes quite dangerous as the other player can follow you into teleport if you aren't careful and that way he can get a nice telefrag...
![]() Eat my afterblast! |