1 level.
Wow! This level is extremely detailed and well done! It's also so damn hard that I had to play it on Hurt Me Plenty, so it will provide a good challenge even for those players that don't have life outside of DooM. The level is also very non-linear, which is a very good thing. Just remember that if the level is too hard, just play on lover skills, and I guarantee that you will love the level!
Download: TANTRUM2.ZIP (122 Kb)
1 level.
Uhh... This level got two stars only because it didn't frustrate me more. Only positive thing in it is few good looking places and a bit of challenge (not much). Textures are not aligned at all (or so it seems to me) and the place generally is made of rooms that don't have any logical connection to each others. Oh, I liked the explosion trap though. That was nice.
Download: TEMPLE.ZIP (72 Kb)
1 level, new graphics & music.
Made by John Cartwright.
It's nothing too special but if you want good quality and short not too mind-bogling base-style level that is fun to play... Well, this is it. It's light shooting from beginning to and yet not dead easy. Only weak enemies are included sometimes in (considering the size of the level) large packs. All in all it's a very nice little fun level to play.
Download: COMP_01.ZIP (197Kb)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Pablo Dictter.
Very DooMy level, pretty much in style of the beginning of episode 2... Not very special, not very detailed and not even very challenging. But still a nice one to play, pretty much brings the feeling of the original easyer-end DooM levels. Nothing much more to say about it, the screenshots gives pretty good idea about the style of the level.
Download: PD-BASE.ZIP (82Kb)
5 missions, new sounds & graphics.
Made by Cyb (homepage).
Something fresh here! This level is to be taken half-seriously, it tells about adventures of weird alien, MassMouth, who joins forces of crazy motherfucker called Worm. Not your usual WAD to play, it's filled with humour - good humour. We all know that good humour in DooM has always been almost impossible to do - until now. With combination of Cyb's crack influenced mind (heh) and ZDooM's ACS-scripting and funky features it has been possible to create a hilarious adventure with serious ass-kicking and incredible humour! From beginning to end this WAD will surprise you with stuff never before seen in DooM, creatures and humans talking to you or to each others, machines that grow ordinary demon to humongous size and shrink backbag in really small size, miniatyre size Baron Of Hell that you have to capture alive for Worm. Worm is very interesting creature, I couldnt always be so sure about how friendly it really was, but it's your commander and will give you your missions - by speaking! Our hero is quite extraordinary looking too and makes unusual sounds too... Only negative thing in this level is bats - they are most annoying creatures I have fought against for long time! Lost my nerves with them... Also it's quite damn hard WAD, I didnt test on skill 1-2 but on skill 3 it was already almost too hard in some spots! In fact I have to admit using minor cheating when I ran out of ammo in final enemy and didnt want to start the whole WAD from beginning (I only had one savegame). Play carefully, it's not going to be easy mission! And check out the screenshots if your not convinced yet!
Screenshot mania! <- 10 screenshots!
Download: MASSM.ZIP (4 381 Kb)
1 level, new graphics.
Damn big and detailed level by Justin Madigan, author of DooM News. This WAD is so big that you can't save on it if you run it with normal DooM 2, so to be able to save you should get TeamTNT's BooM. This WAD uses almost every special effect that I know, and it uses them well, although one trick is not done correctly. This level is so freaking big that it took me 3 times the time I usually spend on one level :), and it's so damn detailed that I can only wonder! Not much more to say. This WAD kicks ass!
Oh! One minus! I've found a couple of spots where you can get badly stuck...
Download: BARRACKS.ZIP (394 Kb)
1 level, graphics, music.
The name is Chemical Base, but this is more in sewer than base style... It offers some nice challenge in the beginning (I had to watch my ammunition and health a bit in the beginning) and then it turns more into relaxing blasting off enemies with shotguns... The style is nothing special and not very detailed but it looks good at least. Not bad, not bad at all.
Download: CHEMICAL.ZIP (127 Kb)
1 level.
Pretty well done and quite big level. Some minor texture mis-aligments can be found, and the level is mostly quite easy, but there are few challenging places too... In the beginning you can hear CyberDemons sound and see it teleporting away if you look back, but I didn't found the CyberDemon anywhere in the level... Perhaps I missed some place then...
Download: COCTA.ZIP (134 Kb)
1 level.
A very big and mostly well detailed level for DooM 1. There is this one little thing that I don't think it looks good, but the author sais that it's not a bug... Just see this screenshot and you know what I mean. While this "thing" gave me very bad thoughts in the beginning the rest was bugless. This is mostly a very good quality WAD and Yonathan Donners demo for this level on UV really is a nice thing...
Download: ALBILLO.ZIP (592 Kb)
1 level, graphics.
First Justin from DooM News released his level Barracks that was originally supposed to be ID4DOOM level, and now Rick Clark released this level that was started as ID4DOOM level...
Anyway, the design of this level is really good... It looks fantastic! New graphics are mostly quite good, but there was one that I didn't like too much... Also there is a big bug... And exit that isn't supposed to be there in the first room... This level has one big flaw: It lacks challenge... I didn't have any problems with completing this level on UV...
Download: TCRASH.ZIP (168 Kb)
11 Single player & 11 deathmatch levels. New graphics.
These levels are top-quality. Very detailed and good looking. Storyline of this level pack is a very interesting variation of basic "destroy the aliens" theme. Levels are really great, and the new "quakish" textures are awesome!
Download: DARKEN.ZIP (1,62Mb)
1 level.
Made by Pablo Dictter.
Very much like original DooM levels. Unfortunately not exactly hard even though somewhat challenging sometimes and unfortunately not exactly well detailed although often as good as original DooM. A bit small perhaps.
Download: PD-EVIL.ZIP (27 Kb)
1 level, new music, new sounds.
Made by George Fiffy & friends.
Very good and challenging map made with somewhat the same style as DooM 1 Episode 1 was made with. By todays standards it's not extremely detailed level, but it does have more than enough good details and nice look in most places. There are couple of places that could been improved, but mainly this level looks very good... The challenge part is well done, as this level can be really challenging and specially in the end!
Download: 2FIFFY9.ZIP (308 Kb)
1 level.
Made by Nancy
Quite good level... It's first released level from this person and that makes it slightly more impressive. The only weird thing that I noticed was texturing at least in one place... Tech base door just dont seem to fit when the outside of the building is bricks and inside is marble and metal :) Anyway, that doesnt really bother... There is some minor scripting to produce traps and monster spawning and such... The challenge was quite good, specially in the end when the air was full of lost souls, cacodemons, pain elementals and a cyberdemon was roaming around... Spent my last rockets to kill that cyberdemon but then again at that point I had almost finished the level... Anyway, overally a really nice level.
Download: FOLLOW.ZIP (53Kb)
1 level.
I was thinking if 3 stars was a bit too much for this WAD, but then again 2 stars would be too little, so I decided to go for 3 stars... I saw this guys first WAD, and umm... Let's just say that it wasn't good... I gave him some advices and here's the next WAD, and it's a lot better than the first one! I might hint you that you gotta be careful with your ammo on Ultra Violence with this level... I found myself constantly running out of ammo... There's not much ammo boxes around, but luckyly there's a lot of shotgun dudes and pistol dudes so you can collect their ammo after they are dead... Also remember to use your chainsaw for the pink demons or you waste a lot of ammo!
Download: THEGWAVE.ZIP (20 Kb)
1 level, new sky.
Made by Michael "Prower" Reid.
Very well planned good looking level... What I think is quite odd is that Prower has forgotten one of the most important basic tasks of level design: texture aligment! But don't get scared, coz although some walls could look better, the level is still worth of 4 stars even with those bad aligments! In this levels you get face to face with the biggest monsters of DooM and you only have shotguns and chaingun to use - be wise and you can win (hint, see the screenshot). You also face several standard monsters and quite a few nasty arch-viles on your way, but dont let them stop you either... And watch your ammo - I ended up with no ammo in the final room and I had to leave 3 Baron of Hell's alive...
Download: PRWRHELS.ZIP (55 Kb)
3 levels, graphics.
Made by Michael "Prower" Reid.
Uh... The first part of "The Helios Project" was already great, but this is awesome! Still I noticed at least a few texture aligment mistakes, but that doesnt matter at all... These three levels are good looking, varying from brick to base style. First you start from simple sewers that clearly is part of some kind of base, and then you continue forwards and end up in place with metal walls & floors - this is the base. These levels are also hard - maybe not food for gods, but definately hard enough to keep ordinary DooM Master's on their toes... And let's not forget the good use of lightning either! Also one interesting thing is how the story goes on... After the first level (which is level 6 really...) you get a text screen explaining what happened, and a simple thing like that really can make it a lot better - this is why you should also load the DeHackEd patch that comes with the WAD. Anyway, happy playing :)
Download: PRWRHLS2.ZIP (180 Kb)
3 levels, graphics.
Made by Wim Vanrie.
Humm, I've been playing when stoned again... Anyway, these levels are something! The style is somewhat average quality, not bad at all, but the level design is otherwise really good and gives you scary, freaky and fun moments. For example it's scary in green dark sewers where you cant see so well and you freak out when in some places monsters pop in front of you, or in one point behind you, and you will have lot's of fun when slaughtering those monsters :) Interesting is that you come back from second level to 1st level after finding the yellow key, so it's a hub... A fake hub though, but a hub. Well, play it... I'm going to drink my Kava Kava tea now...
Download: PHPRE.ZIP (390 Kb)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Echo.
This base-style level is good and really challenging... It's dark and simple yet good looking. The challenge is based somewhat on using crowds of monsters but much more on trapping places in nasty ways... One particularly nasty includes heavy amount of barrels and high risk of dying even if you do it right, which is a bit too nasty even... But it's not dead hard, just nicely challenging. Detail level is ok, certainly higher than in most places of original DooM 2 and textures are mostly well aligned too, in fact I think there might have been some minor mistakes but dont even remember that for sure. It's a quality WAD, download it :)
Download: ILLNESS.ZIP (169Kb)
1 level.
A clip from the text file:
It still do suck but I made it "releasable" with some changes in textures and...
NO WAY! This level does NOT suck! In fact this level rocks with it's challenge and style! I have to say that there are few places that don't look that good, but mostly I find this level excellent! Style, challenge, lightning and everything else is "tip-top".
Download: INMCORP.ZIP (83 Kb)
1 level.
Very big level. Well made and detailed enough to look good... Although the author uses Nazis as enemies in this level, it doesn't spoil it, because it's part of the level and fits well in! Actually it's one of the rare levels that has a plot that has something to do with both nazis and hellspawns, and still is good... Only negative thing that I can say is that the beginning of the level can be annoying on UV.
Download: IVORY.ZIP (208 Kb)
A bit better than The Lost WAD #2 I think, but it's not enough for three stars.
Download: TLW_1.ZIP (740Kb)
I didn't like this WAD very much. It was small, and the textures could be better choosed too. There was nothing amazing on it, and I was dissapointed when I finished it, but it's not totally bad (and it has good musics).
Download: TLW_2.ZIP (damn small file)
Way better than Lost WAD #2! After writing about "The Lost WAD #2" I received e-mail from the author, and he said that the second one is better, and the first was "experimental". Well I gotta admit that this was much better (and the status bar is nice too, although it's not very "doom" :) ).
Download: TLW_3.ZIP (around 70Kb)
The Lost Wad series is getting better and better, although it still could be more difficult. I hope that someday these levels are going to be put together to a big wad-file.
Download: TLW_4.ZIP (94Kb)
Now this one was a nice surprise. The lost wad series has just got hard enough, and I can't say much negative things about it... Maybe a few cosmetic things and pistol sound could be a bit different (the sound doesn't really fit for a pistol like that :) ). But this was a positive experience. Almost gave it 4-stars, but then thought that three would be better for this.
Download: TLW_5.ZIP (310Kb)
FINALLY! A lost wad level that deserves 4-stars. Based on the first lost wad level, but made with better quality. Negative point was that it was again a bit too easy... Played it through with UV without having any serious problems... Well I quess that soon they are making a five star wad :). And it was made with a bit of respect to old classic: Wolfenstein. You know what I mean when you see it...
Download: TLW_6.ZIP (380Kb)
One level. New graphics, sounds and music.
Now this IS a good level, but not as good as Lost Wad #6. This one wad wasn't too easy (like some of the other Lost Wad's have been). The reason for not giving 4-stars to this level was that it should have a bit more detail and size. When I arrived to the exit I was thinking "already at exit?", and I didn't see anything very special detail on the level, so that gives this "only" three stars.
Download: TLW_7.ZIP (238Kb)
2 levels.
Made by Joe "Recidivus" Becht (homepage).
Well, the first level certainly is original... It's divided in three parts... The first part (Dead Island) is small and weird looking, yet still it seems like it could been one of original DooM levels (if it was bigger and a bit better done)... The second part (The Underneath) seems to be cool looking, yet simple, weird underground basement and the third part (The Necropolis) is like a small town or village and it contains a boss enemy.
Some shots of the second level!
Umm, now for the second level, which actually is kinda bonus level... The level name is "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (notice the "LSD") and this is what it says in the text file:
...an incredible drug trip experience.
So there... This level contains weird places and texture usage and overally trippy structures (Like the weird carpet & bed in one room). I would guess that this level is at it's best while played after smoking pot, taking acid or something similiar :) Unfortunately this time I didn't have a chance to try it that way...
Download: JB-RECES.ZIP (98 Kb)
1 level, music.
The first level of Prower's level collection, seventh... It's very small, but it's the first level, so it may be small... The detail it very good. I liked the columns and lights very much. Check it out!
Download: PRWRSV01.ZIP
1 level, music.
Again, small but very good looking base-style level. This one offers more challenge, but not really very much. Anyway, still very good start for level pack.
Download: PRWRSV02.ZIP
1 level, music.
This level blows earlyer "Seventh" levels off! This time it offers damn hard challenge, good looking places and everything that makes a good DooM level!
Download: PRWRSV03.ZIP (89 Kb)
1 level
Umm... Pretty small don't you think? Well maybe these "Seventh" levels are all meant to be small? But this level ends just too early for me... It just started to feel good when I pushed the exit button and asked "was that it already?". Anyway the level looks very good and give a if you don't find one secret it gives a good challenge on UV. Then again if you find the secret (which is very easy), the level turns out to be too easy...
Download: PRWRSV04.ZIP (26 Kb)
1 level. Music.
Ahh! Better than earlyer Seventh levels! This level is to be used with BooM, but it doesn't offer very much use of the BooM engine. Still the level seems to be very good looking... I was a bit dissapointed for the challenge it gave... No, it wasn't easy, but for some odd reason I excepted it to be harder. Never mind, just download this diamond!
Download: PRWRSV05.ZIP (72 Kb)
1 level.
Uuuu... Lot's of Arch-Viles here :) This level is a weird stone base... At some points the stone walls are broken and pieces of metal show through the holes and so on... This level gives a very good challenge and if you like ArchViles, well take this level, it has some of them :) Not very big level, but not very small either... Also has a still rarely used "sloped floor" effect.
Download: PRWRSV06.ZIP (51 Kb)
1 level, graphics.
This level is certainly dynamite... It looks good from the beginning to the end... A bit of the same style that Final DooM's TNT episode had, but more detailed. The challenge is extremely hard (I'm speaking of UV level naturally) and at one point I had to bash a Hell Knight with my bare fists, *without* berzerk back, so be carefull and don't waste your ammo! The level structure is also quite unique... You move around one certain place a lot and walls close & open so that each time you come back to it, it's a bit different again. Totally cool level indeed.
Download: PRWRSV07.ZIP (171 Kb)
One level. New graphics.
Very good and well detailed sewer level that offers nice challenge. Maybe a richer use of textures would make it even better, and more BooM effects would be nice too. Anyway this is a very good piece of art this way too!
Download: TSEWER.ZIP (193 Kb)
1 level.
Made by J.C. Bengtson (SailorScout)
Some times it so that 3 stars is too little and 4 stars feels like too much... That's exactly the case with this level! This is SailorScout's first level, and it really is a good to be someones first level! Hell, it's good even if it wasn't :) A part of this level is certainly taken and re-shaped from one DooM 1 episode 1 level, but that just makes everything cooler :) There's a lot blue doors, but basically when you get the blue key you can exit the level... But why would you left that cybie alive? No way that such a best shall be left there...
Download: UAC_CNTR.ZIP (74 Kb)
Trinity is the first (and at this moment the only) good WAD that I've found that is based on a school. Trinity is top-quality WAD with some wall-textures that are actually scanned photos from the walls. Trinity is medium size WAD and it's not very suitable for fragging fast deathmatch, but for single player it's just nice experience. Too bad that it's only one level.
- DooM: TRINITY2.ZIP (302Kb)
- Patch for Ultimate DooM: TRINITYU.ZIP (6Kb)
- DooM 2: D2TRINTY.ZIP (304Kb)
- Heretic: HTRINITY.ZIP (346Kb)
6 levels, sounds, graphics, music.
Made by Shams Young
These levels are in no way special, they are made with same style and same textures and one might get very bored to them. There didnt seem to be much texture aligmentings done and the challenge was at best only a bit hard and boy did I play careleslly... However this WAD seems to have it's good side as somehow I didnt get bored to it and I actually got addicted to it while playing it... I dont know why, maybe it was the the easy gameplay and large areas which let me run around and kill all monsters pretty carelessly and feel like a good player or something... And some of the new sounds really did fit in. It surprises me that I actually liked this... If I had to judge from screenshots I would propably call it boring and give it one star, but somehow I enjoyed it... However I wont guarantee that you will like it... As I said, I dont understand why I did and still I would not play it again.
Download: TORMENT.ZIP (350 Kb)
2 levels, music.
Made by Paul Corfiatis
The screenshot is from very special situation where two barons fight each others because of an engine bug.
Well, well... Paul has made a base level that totally rocks! Or two actually, but the other one is a hidden secret level... Anyway, these levels are really succesfully made with the original DooM episode 1 look and feel, so that alone makes then rock... And I shall not forget that the levels are also challenging and fun to play... I rarely mention about music in the levels, but this time I just have to! The first levels music is just the ordinary stuff, good but not astounding, but the secret level - it's hilarious!!! Anyway, I recommend this to everyone and specially for episode 1 fans :)
Download: PE1_TOX.ZIP (82 Kb)
1 level, graphics, music.
Made by John Cartwright.
Note, dont confuse this WAD with The Unholy Trinity which is a school level of outstanding quality.
This level is nice and quite small, challenging and compact base style dark WAD with several buildings and some really nasty chaingun guys. Be carefull, it's not the most difficult WAD on earth, but it took me several times before I got it through without saving (normally I dont even try to play levels like that though) which is great fun with small levels. This level is just the right size for playing it through without saving, any larger would be frustrating to start over again... Try not to find the shortest way to exit, find the secrets and go every place through to find armors, health & ammo, there should be plenty of it if you find it all.
Download: TRINITY.ZIP (255Kb)
Read the big review!
1 level.
This level itself is quite good, but because of the extremely lame sound effects in this WAD, I almost dropped it to two stars! This level has a center area with three teleports on it... All teleports lead in different places, and only one teleport is usable at the time, so you have to go through them in certain order... One thing that I'm still thinking is that why does the author give you invulnerability sphere on UV in the place that has CyberDemons? Ok, so it has three CyberDemons, but any good mouser should be able to blast them into pieces with extremely easy circle strafing! I didn't even touch the invulnerability... On lower skill levels this sphere is a good idea, but not on UV.
Download: TWILIGHT.ZIP (269 Kb)
10 level Total Conversion.
Read the BIG review!
Shit! The text file says that this WAD can get really bloody. Well, after reading the file I was excepting something really hard, but actually the level was easyer than some of DooM 2 original levels! Also the level is mainly ugly, and there are some mis-alignments on the walls. Bad, bad, bad... But it was kind of a hard, and I didn't bore to death.
Download: TYHALL14.ZIP (97Kb)