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Warcade One (DooM 2)
1 level.
Warcade presents mostly very good old style massacre level with lot's of monsters and a good,
but not extremely detailed look. The level has a 4-teleport main hub, but you can acces them
only in certain order, so you don't really have much choice of way... The main room contains
four mega-armors and a lot of health... You will find it to be most usefull when you come back
to the room and proceed to next place. Note that I raised the stars for this level from
3 to four, just because of succesfully created massacre style, not because the look of level.
Download: WARCADE1.ZIP (179 Kb)
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Warcade 2 (DooM 2)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Sam Ketner.
Very nice looking, and yet simple in detail. Looks generally better than Warcade One, but it
has lost a bit from the old style massacre style... It's still there, but not as well as in
the first one. There is at least one new texture... Look's quite good and is used well through
the level. Definately a good download.
Download: WARCADE2.ZIP (90 Kb)
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Warcade 3 (DooM 2)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Sam Ketner.
The good look of Warcade series is there, and so is the massacre feeling... What disturbs me
a bit is that there really is a LOT of partial invicibility spheres around the level... I guess
the author wanted the player to be invicible all the time... You can't avoid taking those...
This level is shorter that other Warcade levels... Very short in deed, but just as much a
must download as the earlyer ones!
Download: WARCADE3.ZIP (76 Kb)
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Warcade 4 (DooM 2)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Sam Ketner.
Note! Running this level with DOOM2.EXE will not work. However any modern source port should
be well able to run it.
Man, it might be that I didn't find some ammo that I should have found or something, but
this level was hard! Actually it was so hard that I had to play some tricks in the
end with the arch-vile that I had left alive earlyer... Didn't even get 100% kills, because I
just had to run past it to the exit, but I certainly liked it! Just remember that it might be
easyer for you... You might notice some ammo that I didn't notice :) Anyway, the level
also looks very good, and arcitechture is well done.
One thing that is gone is the massacre feeling... Instead of it I now had "holy shit, a big
bunch of enemys and low on ammo" feeling, which is also one of my favorite feelings :)
Download: WARCADE4.ZIP (64 Kb)
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Warcade 5 (DooM 2)
1 level, graphics, sounds.
Made by Sam Ketner.
Note! Running this level with DOOM2.EXE will not work. However any modern source port should
be well able to run it.
Seems like someone else than me also has Strife :) Some sounds of this WAD seems to be picked
from Strife (at least I think so). Anyway, this is another WAD full of really hard challenge,
and very good looking structures! This WAD is again made in pure massacre feeling in mind!
Monsters are everywhere and if your not fighting then your propably not even playing :)
Oh hell, this is well worth of 5 stars!
Download: WARCADE5.ZIP (134 Kb)
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When All Hell Breaks Loose (BooM + DooM 2)
1 level.
Made by genocide (Eric Simpson).
First impression was: "Yuk! Not another fullbrightness level!", but it turned out
when I got inside the buildings that it isn't fullbrightness... Although there are some clear
errors and mistakes, like too bright areas and not aligned textures, the level also offers
a nice city place to kill some demons, and some really nice challenge (at least until you get
some weaponary). Yep, it's a city style level with tall buildings, but unfortunately it has bad
lack of reality... When I fight in a city, I wan't it to look like a city, not like a MAP13 of
DooM 2.
Download: ALLHELL2.ZIP (72 Kb)
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Wildman DM Pack (DooM 2)
8 deathmatch levels.
Made by Rick Clark "Wildman".
NOTE! You need Gothic DM texture WAD to play this DM set.
NOTE! You need one of the popular Source ports to run this level.
Even if you don't like Gothic DM, don't get scared because this pack needs Gothic DM texture
set... I can assure you that these levels are quite far from GothicDM. These levels somehow
remind me a lot of MrDooM 30 deathmatch wad... Perhaps it's the
simple lightning and the texture choices... These levels seem to be a bit large on size
and they are all optimized also to be used with bots (well, with DoomBot anyway. Youghurts bot
seems to suck with these levels). Not only are these optimized for bots, but also it says
in text file that these can perfectly be used with ROKS or Breed DM. Clearly these levels
are made with "-altdeath" in mind... They are filled with all kinds of stuff you can pick up :)
Level 1: This is a sewer level with lot's of green brick and brown slime. It's simply, yet well
detailed level (that means that it runs good on older machine, looks good, but doesn't have those
fancy smooth lighting effects and ultimate detail levels). Medium size and fits best
for 3-4 players I guess.
Level 2: This is more like military base style level... STARTAN textures are most used textures
here... Again at it's best with 3-4 players.
Level 3: This is a broken military base style... Again lot's of STARTAN textures are used...
Contains a lot of broken structures, switches that don't work, lights that blink on and off...
This level is starting to get a bit big even to 4 players (depending on players taste of course).
Level 4: Clearly a nice "little" UAC base for 4 players. Inside places are mostly quite
dark and outside places are as opposite, very brights... There's good fighting places for
every weapon, but it seems that most fights will be made with plasma in the halls or with
BFG in outdoors.
Level 5: Smallest level so far... Also the first one that seems to use GothicDM textures.
This level could be optimal with 3 players... It still seems a bit large for 2, but I'm
not sure...
Level 6: Again gothic style... This one I recommend for 2-3 players... 4 is propably ok too,
but youll gonna have a real blast that way. Very good looking level too, with some
nice details.
Level 7: Wood and Brick. 4 Players feels just perfectly optimal amount for this level...
Don't know what to say, but it's almost perfect DM level.
Level 8: Excellent DooM 1 EP1 style imitation! Couple of outdoor areas and some indoor
halls and naturally lot's of stuff!
Download: WILDPACK.ZIP (296 Kb)
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Wolfendoom: 2nd encounter (DooM 2)
Total Conversion
Please read the big review
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Wolfendoom: Die Führer, Die (DooM 2)
Total Conversion
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Wolfendoom: Operation Arctic Wolf (DooM 2)
Total Conversion
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Wolfendoom: Treasure Hunt (DooM 2)
Total Conversion
Please read the big review
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Woodburn (DooM 2)
1 level.
Made by Sam Ketner (homepage).
I can't say that this is a bad level... Only flaws that come to my mind are the darkness (the
level is a bit dark to my taste) and some mis-aligned textures, but overally it's a good challenging
level that just isn't for my style...
Download: WOODBURN.ZIP (59Kb)