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XMAS DOOM '99 (ZDooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
2 levels, graphics, sounds, music.
Made by Jonas Feragen (Chrozoron) and Yashar Garizbadeh (Gemini); Exe code by Darkfang.
Project website
What a way to say 'merry christmas'! A partial conversion with winter scenes, snowy trees and
buildings with sloped roofs, imps and soldiers with christmas hats and gloves. And a genuine
snow castle!! Also, it is not only good looking but also quite challenging WAD, at least for
me. Merry christmas! :)
Download: XMAS99.ZIP (451 Kb)
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Xorg 1 (ZDooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics, sounds.
Made by Stian Skjondal (zsignal) (homepage).
Don't trust the screenshot, there is no cyberdemons in this level, just statues
of them... I was amazed by the water where I could swim, but then again at the moment of
this review, swimmable water is a new feature in DooM and will not be anything amazing soon...
Actually this is very simple and basic, maybe slightly better looking than normal, map with
nothing special to offer, but has some good fights and nice piece of challenge in it.
Download: XORG01A.ZIP (117 Kb)
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Xorg 2: Mesusah (ZDooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Stian Skjondal (zsignal) (homepage).
Wow, this is cool level... Simple, but cool... From beginning to the very end you are haunted
by the monsters... Personally I felt very nervous, but that was mainly because at some point I
managed to drop my health to 1%... Anyway, get prepared to swim in same pool with monsters, face
arch-viles and arachnotrons in metal temple, walk in a canyon full of baddies... Oh yeah, and the
level looks good too :)
Download: XORG02.ZIP (152 Kb)
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Xorg 3: Technophobia (ZDooM + DooM 2) ![*](star.gif)
1 level, graphics.
Made by Stian Skjöndal (zsignal) (homepage).
Quite cool Xorg level again... You start at a road, it goes to two directions but it has been
mysteriously blocked so that you cant go anywhere except the building in front of you...
From there the look of level changes a lot through the level but it's all of the time inside
of that building and mostly base style. Except to see several 3d-bridges, smooth lightning
and quite special elevator. Monster & ammunition balance seems to be very good, you have to
be a bit carefull though as if you play carelessly then you might end up using all your
ammunition. There's also some really nasty traps, for example one where you can suddenly (but
not without warning) get killed by BFG blast and one where your in really small space with
two revenants, but I wont reveal any more about those. One thing that I certainly didnt like
was couple places that were almost pitch dark, you could not see much anything there... And guess
what kind of enemies there were? Chaingunners! Damn it, that place I hated! On my P200MMX this
level ran just fine and smoothly, but I'm would not be surprised if I heard that it plays choppy
in some places even with P166.
Download: XORG03.ZIP (196 Kb)