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About Me

  1. Bullies took her son, so she murdered those devils, one by one. Her death came with a single amend, she has no choice but, slaughtering more devils. Maria needs her son, Kiritaka needs his mother and so Mother Maria’s next deed shall begun. Mother Maria’s assignment is clear; MERCILESS EXTERMINATION!!! Description: Maria no Jigoku or Maria’s Hell is a small gameplay mod based on Kazuki’s manga Maria no Danzai (Aka Maria’s Judgement), influenced from Doom’s console ports (PSX AND N64), Quake and many works of Skelegant. You’re taking the control of the vengeful, grieving mother Maria Akeboshi (formerly Mari Nagare) instead of our beloved Doom Slayer, she’s not overpowered too much but her weapons does her job. Those devil's will pay for killing your son. Link to the Manga. Itch.Io link: Not yet.
  2. [UNDER RECONSTRUCTION] Old Thread opening: General Use Stuff xINFO Template Files These are what I use to crank out these quickly. Use https://c.eev.ee/doom-text-generator/ to quickly generate CWILV/WILV files and episode graphics. Widescreen Stuff for autoload GZDoom has all this stuff natively, but Crispy/Woof/DSDA requires the user to source them, so heres some pre-configured stuff to quickly widescreen the default IWADS and other officially supported content Multiple IWADs Ultimate Doom Doom 2 Final Doom Heretic & Hexen Also check out my Unity Port conversions which originated from these very patches
  3. a simple chocolate doom compatible dehacked file that strips you of all your weapons (and fists)! WARNING: PAIN GUARANTEED weaponless.rar
  4. Pandora's Wrath, originally titled Gem's Weapon Mod, also known by it's repository's name, gem-doomweps, is a mod I've been working on for the past year or so, and only recently got help with from @Mengo, the guy who worked with @scumhead to make Shrine II. Heavily inspired by Supercharge and Led's Generic Weapon Mod (but directly avoiding ripping them off!), Pandora's Wrath was built to be fun to play through mapsets large and small with, all without becoming stale. The story so far: The arsenal: The powerups: The inventory items: The armor: The options: Mapset compatibility: Finally, the fun stuff: Pandora's Box! Showcase videos! Credits are in the GitHub repository, which is also where you go to download the mod. To download it, click the green Code button, and click "Download ZIP". The mod is able to be run as a ZIP, but you won't be able to access the weapon skins, which are in their own subfolders. It's best to run the mod as a folder for this reason. If I missed something you made in the credits, please let me know! I have no intent of stealing anybody's work, and want to give credit to everyone who's made something that I've used.
  5. I bestow this curse upon thee! As depicted by the title, Amogus.pk3 is a gameplay mod for ZDoom-based ports, brought to you by @Korp and I (credits below). All enemies (except Keen) have been replaced with Among Us Imposters, with new attacks and sound effects; an attempt to mix memes and gameplay. Difficulty is rather increased compared to vanilla, but still remains manageable, and might be adjusted based on feedback. No new maps nor weapons; feel encouraged to load it up with custom mapsets and weapon mods! Screenshots: Works with any of the Doom or Freedoom IWADs. GZDoom is the target source port. However, Zandronum works by leaving the GZDoom-only code in a ZScript lump that should be ignored by Zandronum. As expected, some minor features will be missing in the latter. Tested with GZDoom 4.4.0 and Zandronum 3.0 Lesser testing with GZDoom 4.7.0 and LZDoom 3.87b DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JTucHMwV0_9fKEQOZnQfbeaYKUEKypnA/view?usp=sharing (You can verify the version by checking the version number displayed in the bottom-left corner of the TITLEPIC) Graphics and Music by @Korp - Code by @Alaux Full credit list in the text file and inside the PK3. Please, share any feedback or suggestions you may have. Hope you enjoy! CHANGELOG:
  6. Simple Slots is a simple quickswitch mod for gzdoom, attempting to improve quality of life by making weapons easier to select/use in the heat of battle. I know there are some other mods that attempt to add a last-weapon used button, but I find most of them clunky to use, usually not doing what I really want when I press Q, so I made my own. It's designed to be "intuitive". That is, it should always work exactly how you expect it to. If it behaves in a way you feel is unusual, I consider that a bug and will try to fix it. It should work with nearly everything. I have tested it extensively with Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Brutal Doom v22, Project Brutality, Ashes, and some other PWADs and Gameplay Mods. If you wish to download this mod, you can find it here. A Selaco version is available on the steam workshop. Features: Select your Last Used Weapon with Q, similar to Half-Life and other games with this feature. Weapons can be added to an ignore list, and will never appear as your last used weapon. Some mods like Ashes force-select weapons you may not want, such as selecting the Crowbar when using the Lantern with the Shotgun equipped. This helps to prevent "polluting" your Q button. Weapons must be selected for a minimum amount of time (1.5 seconds by default) before becoming your last used weapon, to facilitate scrolling through weapons. Holster your weapon with H. This is mainly an immersion thing, and is designed for games like Strife or Ashes if you feel weird waving your gun around in settlements, but it's also useful for taking screenshots. Assign up to 10 "slots" with weapons. Hold a slot button to select it's assigned weapon, release it to go back to your previous weapon. Or simply press to select the slot weapon and press again to go back to your previous weapon. Good for things like "Quick melee" buttons in mods that don't have a quick melee attack. Especially useful with the chainsaw! Also good with the SSG! I like having a quick way to select the Pistol in mods such as Project Brutality where the pistol uses different ammo to the Rifle, for efficient long-range sniping. Slot weapons won't become your Last Used Weapon, they are designed to be used for things you switch to when the need arises but don't want to switch to all the time. Each slot has a priority list and can assign multiple weapons, it will use the last added one that you have available. Hanging out in an Ashes settlement with my weapon holstered. Caveats and Future Plans: Since this is written entirely in ZScript, I would love to make a Raze version of this one day, but I haven't modded Raze at all and this would probably require some modification to work. My current understanding is that Raze is nowhere near ready for this kind of mod, but we will see what the future holds. This has not been tested in Multiplayer. It probably doesn't work. I have tried to use correct scoping for cvars etc, but this will likely need extensive changes to support multiplayer. I'm very open to suggestions for this. This may or may not break demo sync, I have absolutely no idea.
  7. VanillaPSX is an audio-visual mod for near-vanilla ports that brings the Doom PSX aesthetic to PC Doom as much as possible. The mod replaces all sprites, sounds (95% in high quality, thanks to Doom 64 Remastered), menu and interface graphics. There is an additional addon that replaces the game's palette with one that is closer to Doom PSX, but it is not recommended to include it together with WAD, which contain their own palette. The mod does not contain DEHACKED files, which means it does not affect gameplay or balance and will not conflict in any way with other WADs that may contain their own DEHACKED file. The mod is compatible with most ports except Chocolate Doom and DOS. At a minimum the following ports have been tested by me: - DSDA - prBoom+ - ZDoom - GZDoom - Doom Retro - Woof! - Nugget Doom - Cherry Doom - Rude Doom - Eternity Engine - etc. If you need assets to create a Doom PSX-inspired map, feel free to use VanillaPSX and include it in your wad/pk3/pke, making sure to specify credits beforehand. If you want the same way music from Aubrey Hodges, there is one wonderful big music randomizer created by @Big_Dorbo. But it only works on ZDoom, RZDoom, GZDoom and other ZDoom-based ports. A small video demonstration (thanks to @RastaManGames): Screenshots were taken in different ports (1 - Rude Doom, 2 - DSDA, 3 - GZDoom, 4 - Doom Retro, 5 - Eternity Engine, 6,7 - prBoom+, 8 - Nugget Doom)
  8. a small, hopefully compatible with most sourceports D64 graphics pack inspired by DBP64 - The Vast Silence. includes full and lite versions, full changes textures, music, as well as the wolfss, bossbrain, keen doll and MBFDog. lite lacks these features, as it's intended to be loaded with mapsets that have way more custom resources or clashing artstyles. both full and lite include support for the ancient sourceport Skulltag, specifically for it's monsters, weapons, most powerups and props. this also comes with two addons: EvilMarine4SS, which replaces the WolfSS sprites with Footman's old zombie marine, and his sounds with Quake 1's enforcer. MeatballCacos, which replaces the D64 Cacodemon design with a 64-styled version of the classic Doom Caco (armless, spiked) using Thief666's HD sprites as a base. !! does NOT come with custom maps, this is a graphics/sounds ONLY wad !! I've tested this with Nugget Doom, Woof! and Zandronum, I've been told it works with Crispy too, hope it works with as many ports as possible. Feel free to use this as a resource in your own projects as long as full credit is given to me AND the contributors listed below: known minor issues: - offsets are a bit bad, but it's so minor idrc enough to fix that. DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1leUVsYPkxbI4UEGIVajmWZK6KEwAg_9C/view?usp=sharing SCREENSHOTS: GENERAL CREDITS: - Midway: D64 assets - HorrorMovieRei: original D64 skinpack used as a base, made the 'live stick' sprite - DrDoctor: misc. custom assets used for textures and props - Craneo (Me): many custom graphical assets, compiling, frankenspriting the Mastermind, Chaingunner, WolfSS and player crouching + a lot of props GRAPHICAL CREDITS: - BigStronk: DeathMachine D64 fonts, D4T blood edit, polishing shotgun, supershotgun and plasmarifle sprites a bit - DBThanatos: D4T blood - NMN: Radsuit sprites - WildWeasel: I used his abandoned/incomplete Doom 64 patch as a base for Patch64 - Cage: Weapon reloads, some textures, stained glass motherdemon sprites - DrPySpy: Revenant and ArchVile sprites - Stefano: porting DOOM ETERNAL D2Guy (used for mugshot), D64Guy, Daisy (used for menu) models to Gmod - Freedoom: some similar-yet-different textures used to replace base Doom ones - Ittrav: Icon of Sin texture base - Scalliano, Gez, fenderc01: PSX Doom fireskies - Ceeb: Quake 1 textures rip - Formgen: Wolfenstein Lost Episodes textures - Nash Muhandes: Dog sprites - OSJCLatchford: new TNT/AV DOBWIRE texture base - BLASPHEMER: new flag/banner base - DrDoctor: new SP_FACE texture, bald shotgunguy base - Immorpher: Morph64 Bald Shotgunguy edit - AtomicFrog, Immorpher, Nevander, Molecicco: skybox texture pieces - BLASPHEMER: new flag/banner base - ItsNatureToDie: stained glass base - Zrrion the Insect: stained glass demon key texture - Mark Quinn: fists Marine used on the D64 marine stained glass - Amuscaria: hanging tyrant, used for the hanged cyberdemon in AV - DooMAD: StalungCraeft Knight Sentinel mural texture SOUND CREDITS: - GEC Team: Icon of Sin sounds - ZioMcCall: BDv22 Brutal Wolf SS sounds - Snaxolotl: Absicion OST - Jay Reinchard: Title, Intermission and D_E1M1 themes - Marty Kirra, DrPyspy: ArchVile sounds - Secret found sound from Quake 1 FRANKENSPRITE SPECIFICS: Commando Credits: Midway, DrDoctor, Immorpher, Footman, Atomic Frog, Vader, Xim, Korp Mastermind Credits: Midway, 3DRealms, Immorpher, Sgt_Mark_IV, DrPyspy WolfSS Credits: Id Software, Midway, UnTrustable, Captain J, Revenant100, DoomJedi, ItsNatureToDie, PSTrooper, Immorpher, ringman, clubey Crouching player credits: Id Software, Midway, TommyGalano5/TG5 SKULLTAG-SPECIFIC CREDITS: - DrDoctor: blind pinky, nubaron, imp with mouth, many prop bits, railgun, timesphere - DrPyspy: skull on haste sphere, archvile statue sprites - AtomicFrog: Invisibilitysphere sprites BFG10k credits: Midway, TypicalSF, Amuscaria, JuninhoRPG, Craneo GrenadeLauncher credits: Midway, Amuscaria, OSJCLatchford, Yukiherz, Craneo Minigun credits: Craneo, Midway CREDITS MAY BE INCOMPLETE OR INNACURATE, PLEASE NOTIFY ME FOR ANY MISSING NAMES. ADDON CREDITS: Classic Caco Credits: Thief666, Charles Heathman, Midway, Craneo, Immorpher D64 Evil Marine made by Footman/SteelPH, sounds from Quake 1's Enforcer. CREDITS MAY BE INCOMPLETE OR INNACURATE, PLEASE NOTIFY ME FOR ANY MISSING NAMES.
  9. Smooth Doom MBF21 (or SD21 for short) is a recreation of the original ZDoom-based Smooth Doom using MBF21 and DSDHacked, therefore making it playable on a handful of ports outside of the ZDoom family. SD21 comes in two flavors: the standard edition features not only smooth animations, but also some of the original's optional fanciness features, such as extended gore, extra particle effects, bullet and shell casings, extra decorations and alternative death animations. If you want none of that extra fanciness, though, you can instead get the Classic Edition, with smooth animations only. If you fancy, a black gloves addon compatible with both editions is available too! Gameplay-wise, SD21 should be fairly close to vanilla -- probably even more so than Smooth Doom itself -- but not identical. More on that further down the post. While I can't really show off the animations with static images, I can show you the fancy effects: More screenshots: All screenshots taken in Valiant: Vaccinated Edition. Note that this isn't an exact recreation of Smooth Doom; apart from obvious limitations, other general changes and/or improvements have been made, such as tweaks to the animations and particles, and I'll gladly continue to improve it based on community feedback. As should be implied by now, SD21 requires an engine with MBF21 and DSDHacked support, such as Woof, Nugget Doom or DSDA-Doom. Of course, due to the heavy usage of DeHackEd, it is prone to run into issues with mods that have their own DeHackEd patch for anything other than string replacements, but it might work in some cases (for example with Scythe 2 and Hydrosphere). Most pre-release testing (that is, playing through the entirety of Valiant VE with the mod) was done on Nugget Doom. Before reporting any bugs, please check the KNOWN BUGS section of the info text file. Lastly, while the intention is to keep vanilla gameplay intact, you still need to use Complevel 21 (MBF21) which will affect a fair bit of things. Due to that and some other factors, SD21 SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR DEMO RECORDING/PLAYBACK, generally speaking. Alright, that's all. Here are the download links: Smooth Doom MBF21 (file updated 04/Aug/2023) SD21 Classic Edition (file updated 04/Aug/2023) Black Gloves Addon (file updated 27/May/2023) As always, all and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Have fun!
  10. There are already many mods that replace standard PC music with console music. But I didn't like something in each of them. So I made my version, the BEST version. This mod is made from parts of others because I a̶m̶ l̶o̶s̶e̶r̶ wanted to take the best from each. The tracks are properly sorted to their corresponding levels from each IWAD (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, The Plutonia Experiment, TNT: Evilution). Levels that aren't included in PSX Doom use the music order from PSX Doom: Master Edition. I also made two versions: Mid Quality - original tracks (Medium file size) https://www.mediafire.com/file/u2dvdcim2ffok2b High Quality - 20th Anniversary Extended tracks (High file size) https://www.mediafire.com/file/5k8jk22frob1p5l This mod is based on a mod made by CantSleep - https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1126495&hilit
  11. im reworking some skins from realm667 (i dont know who made the skins, credits goes to him who start first), they dont received some polishiment and full 8 rotations sprites, that annoyed me, so i start redoing his work to look better for players to enjoy it. took me one week to finish all of then, and im planning to make skulltag weapons too as well. (PS: i forgot the minor crouch sprites i made it)
  12. Alright, Doomers! I made this new little weapon pack that is mostly inspired by Led's Generic Weapon mod and Simple Weapons by Joblez. Featuring: reloading, dropped casings(when firing) and mags(when reloading). Compatibilty: Should work on ZDoom 2.8.1 (untested) Zandrodum (mod designed primarly for this source-port so it's obvious that it'll work) GZDoom (same reason as Zand) LZDoom (same as above) DOWNLOAD BETA! - Beta version, with placeholder and unfinished stuff! DOWNLOAD V1.0! - Full release! DOWNLOAD V1.0B! - Hotfixed! Screenshots!
  13. The Failmage of Finland is a slightly unbalanced, slightly gimmicky Ultimate Doom/Doom II gameplay mod that I made over Spring Break, primarily to refamiliarize myself with GZDoom and DECORATE. It serves as a partial successor to Adventures in Moth Sorcery, another mage-themed gameplay mod I made in 2022. This mod replaces our boy John Stalvern with a catboy mage named Clarence, who casts messed-up and illegal magic spells he created instead of approved spells by the Magic Consulate. He also sucks at casting the spells as they like to backfire on him, and also resorts to regular firearms when angered. Weapons are (mostly) replaced with spell books that teach you surprisingly sadistic spells, which are (mostly) powered by mana instead of ammo. The items and powerups are also replaced with a blend of magic artifacts and random junk that fits their effects. It's definitely one of the gameplay mods of all time! Download! (v1.1) In case it wasn't clear from the first paragraph; unlike AIMS, this mod is GZDoom-only. I initially tried to make it in DEHEXTRA, but gave up after a day and switched it over to GZDoom. In addition, it's advised to only play this mod with mapsets that leave the player and weapons untouched. Think TNT + Plutonia, Hell Revealed , Eternal Doom, and so on. Though if you're a gameplay modder like me, you probably know this by now. Screenshots: Weapon Replacements (Spoilers?): Questions and Answers: Q: Is this an April's Fools prank? A: Kinda! While the release date is intentional and the gameplay mod itself is non-serious in nature, it is a genuine, polished mod with a decent amount of changes. (Well, as polished as a mod developed in nine days can be!) Q: Why did you follow up your Cacoward-winning total conversion Austrian Avian Association with this shit? A: Good question! Q: No, seriously. Why did you make this? A: To test my abilities, and also to de-rust my GZDoom and Decorate skills. Q: Hey, the Knochenhunds from AAA are in this mod! Are all of your major projects (Darkworld, AAA, AIMS, Failmage) set in the same "Mundyverse?" A: You'll get the answer in my next Doom project :) Q: Will you be making another "speed-coded" gameplay mod next year? A: No.
  14. WW2: Inferno campaign is a gameplay mod based [obviously] on the great second war. Currently, most mods based on the second world war, are based on the wolfenstein games, (not bad), but of course I came up with the idea of creating a mod similar to games like battlefield. This mod contains, and will contain, the main weapons of each army that participated in this war, such as the USSR, USA, Germany, UK, Japan, etc. It is also intended for zandronum source port, so it has a death match and cooperative support [Experimental]. I hope u like it :D comment your opinions or suggestions here or on my Discord channel, Credits in menu game. See my progress here: Discord invitation!! Download section [updates automatically]: Download base file Download tanks file!! Manual [outdated] PD: It's very important to read the manual, it's outdated I know, but is very useful Screenies: Videos:
  15. GZChaos - A random mutation mod Download here on itch.io (Requires GZDoom 4.11) Every 30 seconds, the mod will roll a mutator. This is visualized by the green bar on top of the screen: https://imgur.com/a/jrwrGyZ And whatever it rolls, you must deal with: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_FarIhm3LaaHUOmkqm36kB92V1AFhplkZiHTHMG_oPE/edit?usp=sharing Is this mod fair? Lol, no. This mod is meant to mess with you. You are here to play for the punishment. Okay, but seriously, this is down right cruel. Can you do something about it? You're free to air your grievances here, and I may consider them. Is this mod stable? I can't promise that. Due to the nature of this mod, I can not promise that any and every combination it rolls will still allow progress, and some effects are purposefully made to screw you over. However, I will put in effort to make sure the mod never crashes.
  16. Hey guys, as some of you may know, back in 2017, I had received an email from a gentleman who informed me about a documentary talking about his life as a blind gamer. His name is Toby and I had the pleasure of getting to know him since. His story had inspired me to create an accessibility mod for him and others who have a visual impairment. For some time, I had been working on a wad that would allow those with a visual impairment to navigate Doom levels. Even though this mod does cover a good amount of the basics like weapons, pickups, wall bumping, and other audio queues, I feel there is much more work that is needed to perfect this project. I'm no expert in ZScript, however, I feel this scripting system may be what is necessary to make this mod more capable of aiding visually impaired players. If anyone would like to contribute to this project (scripting, ideas, suggestions, etc.), your help will be much appreciated. Thank you. -Alando1 I would like to give thanks to: Toby Ott - For inspiring the project. dansg08 - For creating the "Gaming Through New Eyes" documentary. Jarewill - For the Audio Feedback Compass System, Health & Ammo Stat Checker, & Event Handler Scripts for doors & switches. Illegally Sighted - Contributor and project advisement. SightlessKombat - Contributor and project advisement. Proydoha - For the optimized drop-off detection system, accessible menu, optimized the audible map marker system, Area Scanner System, optimized targeting system, & snap-to-target system. ZikShadow - For map marker scripts and inspiration. Tekish - For the Hit marker system. AlChestbreach - Project support. Karl G. - For suggesting the snap-turn feature for the compass system. Any other visually impaired players who offered helpful suggestions and insight (from YouTube) ***MAIN PROJECT THREAD ON ZDOOM.ORG*** https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=71349 **NEW MAP PACK! - OPERATION: MDK** **TOBY ACCESSIBILITY MOD VERSION 7.0 - RELEASED** **DOWNLOAD** Toby Accessibility Mod V7.0: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ERtaGPBrfvEMGc_zgo0i_DmrQTEMwDOb/view?usp=sharing Toby Accessibility Mod V7.0 Audio Manual: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-eS-LaOdflIYH11gRotuFVkEsSQ25W2N/view?usp=sharing **WHAT'S INCLUDED** - Updated Narrated Main Menu - Updated Narrated Save/Load Game Menu - Updated and optimized pre-existing accessibility features - Added new sounds to Shotgunner, Chaingunner, & Imp - Added new keyed-door beacon sounds for specific locked doors (i.e.: Skull Key Only, 3 Keys, 6 Keys, Any Key) - Updated Stat-Checker System (Now gives you exact numbers) - Added Armor Stats to Stat-Checker System - Snap-To-Target System - Map Announcement System - Area Scanner System - Multiplayer friendly - New Deathmatch Map Pack for Multiplayer play **TOBY ACCESSIBILITY MOD VERSION 6.1** **DOWNLOAD** Toby Accessibility Mod V6.1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uf01fx3vydua6zx/TobyAccessibilityMod_Version6-1.zip?dl=0 Toby Accessibility Mod V6.0 Audio Manual (Still can be used with Version 6.1): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yxz59il2f9mjclg/TobyAccessibilityModV6-0_AudioManual.zip?dl=0 **WHAT'S INCLUDED** - Toby Accessibility Mod V6.1 - Toby Doom Mega Deluxe Map Pack (Combines Toby Doom 1 and Toby Doom 2) - Quick play shortcuts - Updated Audio Manual - Updated features such as a new sound for the impact detections system, expanded accessible menu, powerup wear-off sounds, hit marker feedback sounds, and more! ***TOBY ACCESSIBILITY MOD V5.1 UPDATE*** Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsswh6m8hhjwp7g/Toby%20Acc%20Mod%20V5-1%20Update%20Fix.zip?dl=0 **Important Notice** - If you have already downloaded Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0, you can place the TobyAccModV5-1.pk3 and TobyDeluxeMapPack_V5-1.pk3 into the Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0 folder. - Before you play with Version 5.1, remove the current gzdoom.ini file you have in the Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0 folder! After you have removed the old gzdoom.ini, replace it with the new gzdoom.ini packaged with Version 5.1. This new configuration file has the updated key controls for the updated compass system. - When playing with the Toby Accessibility Mod, please use the preconfigured version of GZDoom 4.7.1. If you already have the Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0, the preconfigured version of GZDoom 4.7.1 comes packaged with it. What's included in the The Toby Accessibility Mod V5.1 Update zip file: 1. The Toby Accessibility Mod V5.1 - Has updated Compass System 2. The Toby Doom Deluxe Map Pack (with updated V5.1 accessibility mod already built in) 3. Audio file describing the new key controls for the updated compass system. ***TOBY ACCESSIBILITY MOD V5.0*** What's included in the The Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0 zip file: 1. A preconfigured version of GZDoom 4.7.1 2. The Toby Accessibility Mod V5.0 3. The Toby Doom Deluxe Map Pack (with updated accessibility mod already built in) TOBY DOOM DELUXE MAP PACKS: ***TOBY DOOM DELUXE EDITION!*** Contains blind-player-friendly Doom 1 inspired levels Main: (Includes updated accessibility mod) **(Replaced by the Toby Doom Mega Deluxe Map Pack)** ***TOBY DOOM 2 DELUXE!*** Contains blind-player-friendly Doom 2 inspired levels Main: (Includes updated accessibility mod) **(Replaced by the Toby Doom Mega Deluxe Map Pack)** GAMING THROUGH NEW EYES DOCUMENTARY: Meet Toby!
  17. PSX Doom/Final Doom maps ripped from With fire sky ripped from All credits go to authors of aforementioned mods. https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/downloads/doom-metal-soundtrack-mod-volume-5 is recommended to have full set of music tracks. PSX_Final_Doom_Maps_10.zip PSX_Doom_Maps_10.zip
  18. After being spoiled by games like Dark Souls with complex, resource-based save systems, I have started to find "save anywhere" systems more and more imbalanced over time. As my Doom skill level has increased, I have also found maps in general much easier, and free saving has been part of the reason why - if I do particularly badly in a fight, I can usually reload, and within another 1-2 tries, I can usually crack it with a decent amount of health remaining. I find this often leads to an overabundance of health and ammo on maps, and I am trying to break the muscle memory that I (and I assume a lot of others) have surrounding mashing the quicksave/quickload keys as a get out of jail free card. The entire Doom community seems to have had this realisation as well, with many modern mapsets containing hundreds of enemies per map and generally being very hard - as the skill level increases, so does the incentive to save repeatedly, which undermines the difficulty of the harder mapsets, resulting in even harder maps over time. One day, to try and get around this, I simply unbound my quicksave key and tried to limit myself with saving. But having only one autosave at the start of a given level was a bit too punishing and I was still very tempted to save from the menu when I was in particularly dire situations. With some mapsets containing 200+ enemies per map, it was very tedious and frustrating to lose up to an hour of play after dying towards the end of a map. This was a solution, but it was very rough and wasn't a good option for larger maps. As a result, I decided to make my own mod. Judging by this absolute shitshow of a thread, the ZDoom developers seem pretty averse to the idea, to the point of actively refusing to allow such a feature, so I had to hack my way around the (frankly unreasonable) limitations of the engine. As a result, there's currently no way to actually disable saving in gzdoom. However, there are ways to limit the most obvious save abuse. This mod removes the main menu save game option, and provides an alternate quicksave key, which will create a save, but only if you have the prerequisite item, which drops from enemies. It's a little bit hacky, and requires you to rebind your quicksave key to the save function of this mod, because the original quicksave key behaviour can't be disabled. This is likely something that will never change, and there's nothing I can do about it. Saving via the console and through some other means is still possible, and some scripted maps that use the ACS Autosave function will still be able to save the game. If you are willing to go to that length to cheat the system, there's nothing I can do about it. The mod is very configurable, and you can control the number of save items that drop per map, as well as which maps the item should drop on. The default settings should be pretty good, but you're free to tweak the difficulty for your own skill level. For larger maps or TC's like Ashes, I recommend increasing the number of saves per map to 5, to prevent losing lots of progress while still requiring you to play through your mistakes. For the intended experience, please go to the mod menu (Options->Simple Saving) and bind the mods quicksave key to the key you would normally use to quicksave. You should also change "autosave mode" to "scripts only" if you wish to not autosave at the start of every level. Do not set autosave to "disabled" as this mod requires script saving for it's quicksave key to work. You can download the mod here on github. An optional Brutal Doom patch is also available, which will fix the missing "Brutal Doom Options" menu item, and should be used alongside the mod. Do not use the Brutal Doom patch if you're not playing Brutal Doom! Please report any issues in this thread or on the issues page. This mod should be loaded after any other mods. It's likely to be compatible with everything Including other gameplay mods, except mods that extensively change the main menu (graphical menu changes are okay), which will require patches. It has been extensively tested with Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and Ashes: Enriched/Afterglow. It should work with any megawad for any of these games as well.
  19. This mod is heavily inspired by both "Supercharge" by @Tango and "Astral Abstraction" by @The Final Event. I modified Astral Abstraction because I loved the idea of a Supercharge fork which acts like a little bit "Minicharge" but uses Decorate instead of MBF-DeHacked. Sorry for the size but I unfortunately don't know how to implement a setting to choose a desired BFG. I would like give my thanks to @Tango and @The Final Event to give me the chance to exprience the super awesome Supercharge and Astral Abstraction. You guys have given a different aspect to vanilla DooM. Thank you very much. Get it here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ByYWckggPT1DgwK69Pckaa7IclLGEe9u?usp=drive_link Credits: The Final Event - Astral Abstraction Tango - Supercharge Jimmy (Eviternity) - Fonts Freesound - Various sound samples ID (Doom, Doom II, Doom 2016) - Base Game, Base Sprites for some edits, various sound samples David Szymanski (Dusk) - Various sound samples Realm667 - Various sprites Mike12, Doom RL Laser Rifle, zrrion the insect - Base sprite for the SMG, taken from Final Doomer by Sgt Shivers and Yholl Midway (Doom 64) - SMG Muzzle flash Gifty (Smooth Doom) - various monster sprites
  20. This is a mod I released back in 2017. I don't expect to make any further updates to it, but figured it was worth reposting here to better diversify the places my mods are available. This is the (overly wanky) original description: This is the trailer. I used to be good at editing. What happened? And this is an old gameplay video by the late Slax. And this... this is reasonable. Download! It's compatible with all of the Doom games, as well as Heretic.
  21. WELCOME TO BYOC. This Zandronum* mod made by creators from a private community contains a ton of classes based on OC's and well known characters (From Peppino Spagghetti from pizza tower to the most obscure characters Dr.Doomguy from Dr.Doom) each of the characters have their own arsenals and Gimmicks, Most of them are mostly tested with Multiplayer but they are playable on singleplayer! *This mod will only work with zandronum, GZdoom will not work and most classes will break in some cases. Screenshots: Download: HERE! CHANGELOG CREDITS?
  22. A simple HUD config I made for DSDA-Doom source port. Goal was to make a simple HUD with no clutter in the middle of the screen. Obviously only works with DSDA-Doom and no other source port. Tested with 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios but should work with any aspect ratio in theory. Health/Armor and Current ammo is shown in big text on the bottom left. Kills secrets and map time is shown above them. I wasn't sure if I wanted to add items in this HUD cause personally I barely ever care about getting full items in any run. If people want to I might make a version with items. Keys, Total ammo and acquired weapons are compact together in the bottom right. How to Use: Screenshots: (The altered colors are from using my custom palette mod) Grab the HUD config Here
  23. I was in a bit of a conflict one day, I never liked how doom looked in high bitdepth rendering/ Hardware rendering, but also with software rendering, the limited color palette gave it a charm but I didn't like some of the aesthetic choices made. So, wanted to make my own palette. Which lead to making many different palettes. soon. I plan on making a wide collection of creative but practical palettes. These are available as either a mod to swap the palette or modder resource for WADs or maps, but if you are using these in your project Remember to Credit. This should work in any sourceport (maybe except OpenGL ones that doesn't use palettes). Even works on GZdoom with limited support (only uses the first palette, item and damage flashes are hardcoded values). I personally tested with Prboom+, GZDoom and DSDA Doom. Let me know any issues are things that you dislike about these palettes, I will take a look at them and update. I also do palette requests, you can ask in this thread or take it up to DMs. If it is for a commercial/paid project, it will have to be a paid comission, otherwise, Free! [ Changelog ]
  24. No Freelook aiming This GZDoom zscript mod disables freelook aiming from all Doom weapons. It is meant to be played with both freelook and autoaim enabled. It allows you to use freelook, but still restrict your aiming as if you were playing vanilla Doom without freelook. So even if you aim straight down, the weapon will still shoot either according to auto-aim or straight ahead if there are no auto-aim targets. Note: This mod is only compatible with the Doom games, and is not compatible with mods that change the weapons or the player classes. Download: nofreelookaim.pk3 Other versions: nofreelookaim_Eviternity.pk3 (for Eviternity) Troubleshooting info: GIFs: Technical details:
  25. A few days ago I started this new side project, a not-so-faithful adaptation of DUSK for GZDoom and Zandronum that aims to have a more classic 2D sprite look (the 3D in the name is semi-ironic as well as a nod to Duke3D and Wolf3D, which had sprites and not models), for now some features are sort-of missing like the climbing thing and a more Superhot-like timestop, and I've taken a few creative liberties as well, the mod should also work on Deathmatch gamemodes and multiplayer but that hasn't been fully tested outside of offline skirmishes with bots, future updates will add some cut content and balance the mod more, as well as map editor number stuff for people that may wanna make their own pwads with this as a base. CREDITZ: (please notify me in DMs here on DW if I forgot to credit anyone) Screenshots: (custom palette not included) Download: Dawn3D_v1.2.rar
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