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Post your Doom picture! [post in Part 2 instead]


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Note: The forums' image-posting rules are here. NB: 800x600 Max, and no more than 200K. Thumbnails are a good idea if you want to link to a bigger image.

Note by Grazza on using thumbnails:
Most of the main image-uploading sites provide thumbnails that have a similar file-name to the image itself. For tinypic.com, the thumbnail image has "_th" added before the file extension. For imageshack, you add ".th" (so a jpg filename would end ".th.jpg"), and for imgur.com, you add "s" for a small thumbnail or "m" for it to be medium sized. For photobucket, add "th_" at the start of the file-name. For minus.com, add "_e" before the file extension.

Topic is simple, if you have any interesting pictures of Doom simply post it here. You may post picture of wads in progress of course if you wish.

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Just tried to summon a few foe and when u type summonfriend fatso in this wad it makes spawn this enemy

The demon lord

WAD name: Strain

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A while ago I was working on a gunflash type thing, never really turned out right, but looks cool when standing still.


(Images are too big to post, and freewebs doesnt do auto-thumbs)

EDIT: Also, I almost forgot about this 4th of July wad I made last year.


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When I played through Cyb's Helm's Deep level (also don't forget the essential bonus music WAD), the friendly marines concentrated their fire on a single monster at one point. I thought it looked funny, and took the above screenshot. I think this was back in 2003.

EDIT: Here's another one. I just remembered this and couldn't resist.

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I doubt that WWII picture is an actual .wad. I'd be amazed if someone could get photo quality such as that in a doom .wad. I'd love to see if it could be done though.

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Coopersville said:


What, are those midget Cyberdemons replacing the Imps?


All Doom 1 monsters:

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printz said:

What, are those midget Cyberdemons replacing the Imps?

No, just a lot of regular Cyberdemons. I don't think the tiny ones make an appearance in cooperbuildlm.wad?

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Coopersville said:

No, just a lot of regular Cyberdemons.

Then that's gotta be a hell. Funny what a subtle illusion. You posted that screenshot just for that.

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Sorry my screenshots aren't the best **. Im not very good at capturing good moments.

A couple of screens of Biowar, my favorite partial conversion, if not my favorite wad (Maybe its the nostalgia):



BTW, does anyone know where that hudface came from? The text file isn't very descriptive about where they got all of their resources, and that character looks pretty cool.

Here is something I decided to try today, I wanted to play my Community Chest 3 map, but with the mutiny mod by Woolie Wool. Here is what it looked like:




And now for the lulz. The below screen was taken in whatdafuck.wad. If you can't tell, its a clash against Ronald Mcdonald. At the time I took the screen I had two buddies that were cowering in a balcony overlooking the arena, but I showed huevos and confronted it :). Of course, I was splattered only two seconds later :o.


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I don't think I'm a fan of scaled sprites. They make it look so wrong and multidimensional. Too detailed for the background. Better if the little Cyberdemons were rescaled before Decorate.

Wonderful skies in most screenshots, though.

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More stuff I recently did, this one involving a flying mech (crappy sprite, need a new one).

I was messing around with effects and just how much is too much, and I made this type of thing (taken with fly mode on).


Also, in a couple, you can see my new weapon, the Sonic BFG (makes distortion rings :P)

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Heh guys nice picture posted so far...sry i haven't been posting much i am kinda busy these days...but tomorrow ill throw a couple of screenies.

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Why do you people use so high Gamma Correction? That will make your screenshots look simply awful, when the contrast is low and the black color isn't really black. If you think your Doom is too dark, try to adjust your monitor, but keeping the Gamma Correction as low as possible.

Seems that I am not the only one, who thinks that rescaled monsters or any sprites look awful in Doom too. :D

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Sinfis said:

Why do you people use so high Gamma Correction? That will make your screenshots look simply awful, when the contrast is low and the black color isn't really black. If you think your Doom is too dark, try to adjust your monitor, but keeping the Gamma Correction as low as possible.

Not all monitors are equal. What looks terrible on yours probably looks fine on others'.

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I always have to re-adjust gamma correction whenever I switch between playing on my laptop's own screen, to my CRT. really, I can play with no correction on my laptop screen, whereas the similar experience would be gamma correction 3 on my CRT (which would look completely washed out on the laptop....)

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My CRT is maxed out on its little Bright/Cont dials on the front, yet everything is pitch dark on default settings in games.

The funny thing is, even though, to make Doom look right, I have to turn up the Gamma correction, my screens looked washed out even to me after Doom is ended, the same happens with any Id game really.

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Doom Marine, while those were all awesome pictures, I have to say, one long post would've sufficed...

And I have to ask, what exactly were those wads?

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