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Congestion 1024 demos [-complevel 9]

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You guys can start on 1024 demos if you want. It should now work correctly in PrBoom 2.02.

Edit by Grazza: Be sure to use the version of the wad dated 2005-12-14 21:32:34 and with file-size 11469954 bytes. This is the version now in the archive.

Please record with Boom 2.02, Prboom 2.02, Prboom 2.2.6 (with -complevel 5) or Prboom-plus (with -complevel 5). Or -complevel 9 if using the current Prboom-plus or Prboom 2.4.1.

Edited by Maribo

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Lutrov71 said:

You guys can start on 1024 demos if you want. It should now work correctly in PrBoom 2.02.

One more thing: is it likely that any changes to the levels will be done? Because anything can prevent demos from working.

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Surely I do plan to record something for this excellent project ... so I hope that we can rely that the prboom compatible version is the final one. (I already found an obvious speed trick in map 02 there :)

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Btw. I just wonder how will we name the demos for this wad, for example 1001-100.lmp? Eh that sounds horrible, any ideas?

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Donce said:

is it likely that any changes to the levels will be done? Because anything can prevent demos from working.

It's very unlikely.

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Gusta said:

Btw. I just wonder how will we name the demos for this wad, for example 1001-100.lmp? Eh that sounds horrible, any ideas?

How about 24 as the first two characters? e.g. 2401-005, etc.

Note: in Prboom 2.2.6 and Prboom-plus, the complevel for Boom compatibility is 5. e.g.: Edit: it's now -complevel 9 in the current versions (April 2006).
glboom -complevel 5 -file 1024.wad -warp 01 -skill 5 -record 2401nxxx
etc. Or use Boom 2.02 or Prboom 2.02, of course.

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Thought I'd toss out a couple demos I just did quickly here.

Map01 UV-Pacifist in 0:06. This was the demo I took the most time on. Started with a 0:10, then lowered it slowly down to 0:09, 0:08, 0:07 (which was was a 0% Kills/Items/Secrets run too ^_^), then finally my 0:06. I wonder if a 0:05 is possible (my exact time was 0:06.37). 5th exit.

Map01 UV-Max in 0:42. Tougher than the UV-Pacifist cause I kept getting wrecked by the enemies. I just took the first exit I got here, so it's quite possible to shave off another couple seconds or so.

Both demos are packaged up in one zipfile and will be sent to Ops now.

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I wouldve used "C1" instead of "24" but whatever :)

2407-115 map07 "dead small" UV max with prboom 226 complevel 5, in one and a quarter minutes.

(I hope I've got the right version of the wad. Its 11484967 bytes, dated 2005-12-03 12:38:36 GMT and has md5sum 0c324eb09ae5603cc53cdc63ea71824b)

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I don't think that that is the last version. IMO the final vesion was released 11.12.2005. But maybe this map stayed without changes...

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I've just redownloaded the one Lutrov linked to here, and it's identical to the one in the archive. Both have the date and size given by RjY and 32-bit CRC value 0x3376304c. Where did you get this newer version?

RjY said:

I wouldve used "C1" instead of "24" but whatever :)

I felt there was some danger of confusion with Cchest1 or Classic episode then.

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Anima Zero said:

I wonder if a 0:05 is possible (my exact time was 0:06.37).

I can answer that question...

2401p005 (map01 UV Pacifist in 0:05)

I imagine Kristian will pop up with a 0:04 soon enough though.

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Did a speed for map02 in 15 secs, 5th try so still not serious hard recording. I hope I will have a free time to do some maxdemos there.

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How do you do that speed-trick in Map01 Grazza? I spent some time last night and was happy with my 14 seconds and then I login to see you do it in 5! I tried to replicate what you did but only fluked it once.

Anyway here is a 0:38 ultraviolent max run of Map01. It isn't perfect but then again I only spent 10 minutes on it.

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I didn't investigate the trick too closely - I just noticed that it worked, and was happy to use it.

I presume it is a west->east wallrun along a two-sided linedef. Only part of the wall is of that type (the bits with the scrolling textures), but it is enough to give you a speed boost.

So, make sure you are pressed well up against the wall and straferunning at the correct angle. I used strafe-50 (not strictly necessary, but why not?), so that was 45 degrees. Try it at first with nomonsters, and take your time to get at the correct angle and get a good run-up. After a while you should achieve a good success rate (in itself it isn't a hard jump). Then try to do it more fluidly and quickly, and with a shorter run-up. Your success rate will probably drop a bit then, but should remain acceptable.

BTW, there's no need for a "u" in the file-name (2401-038 would be fine). A run will be assumed to be UV (and Speed or Max) unless indicated otherwise (by an n, s, p, t or whatever). (Though the text-file should of course clarify it beyond all doubt - the file-name is just a quick indication of content.)

Regarding the map01 Max, you could grab the magarmour through the door right at the start. It hardly costs you any time, and means that health shouldn't be a problem from then on. You still have to return to visit the (then empty!) secret of course. This grab would be particularly useful in a Tyson as you don't have to get 100% secrets in that category, and heath is likely to be a bigger issue too.

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Heh IMO the worst playable map from those I just played from scratch already has a maxdemo: Yesterday I recorded map08 in 2:40. (3rd exit - dont expect something perfect:)

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A few observations:

1. Map16 seems to be begging for a trick jump to the exit... perhaps an enemy boost?

2. Map27: the blue key is not needed at all, since the switch it was intended for can be activated immediately. Offers nohing except a slight speed advantage for not having to pick up the key before hitting that switch, though it does remind one to be on the lookout for doors/switches that don't require their respective keys.

Map27 can also easily be done pacifist style by not firing at all, which will leave five monsters (the four masterminds and the imp) that you'll ever encounter. I wouldn't even bother recording it though... it'd just be several minutes of waiting around.

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Btw Would it be a pacifist run if I press that switches in map27 which crushes the spiders? I have no idea what more to do there while long waiting for an exit.

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I don't think so, for the same reason that shooting a barrel to damage an enemy is not allowed.

I changed that map27 point to remove the false information about the max strategy, but added a disclaimer.

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thought that didnt sound right. in the text file i'm credited with map27, mine's map26. that is "marbelous" is map26, what i made. though map27 does look a bit marbelly so i can see where some confusion might have arised

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sorry, i would have noticed sooner because i'm itching to play the wad, but my computer at home is off the net and this one at work is, well, at work!

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That's ok, it isn't your fault. I think I may have changed it on the beta version I released, and then used a slightly older version of the txt file for the new one. :( It isn't that big a problem though.

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Lutrov71 said:

That's ok, it isn't your fault. I think I may have changed it on the beta version I released, and then used a slightly older version of the txt file for the new one. :( It isn't that big a problem though.

Yeah, map 26 and 27 were swapped around in the final release, but the text file has stayed like the old version.

That not-needing the blue key thing is a complete mistake on my behalf though, oh well :P

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Lutrov71 said:

Please record with Boom 2.02, Prboom 2.02, Prboom 2.2.6 (with -complevel 5) or Prboom-plus (with -complevel 5).

What about prBoom 2.2.4. and which complevel would that be ?
Great wad btw, looking forward to see some nice demos :)

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gravitar said:

What about prBoom 2.2.4. and which complevel would that be ?

Also -complevel 5 (the documentation in the 2.2.4 package is wrong in this respect).

I don't see a reason to use 2.2.4 rather than 2.2.6 or plus though, which both feature better compatibility and some bug fixes.

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