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Vile Flesh demos [-complevel 9]

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Note: the original Vile Flesh demopack thread is here.

Did map06 in 5:33 yesterday (sending to Opulent), working on map07. Sent the first 5 maps to Opulent a few months back for the SDA.
This is my favorite wad and as I have time to play Doom again I'll be working on this. I wanted to record -fast demos ever since we did the UV Max pack but couldn't because of time or other things I did.

/edit: Finished map07 in 8:11. I need to figure out a faster method to progress in the main room. So far, everything I tried met a quick death.

Edited by Maribo

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did map09 in 7:42. No matter how many runs I recorded, in every one of them I did a some stupid things I didn't really like. Oh well, moving forward for now, maybe I'll try this again some other time.

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  • 9 months later...

Four separate easy glides:

Vile Flesh map15 -nomonsters Speed in 1:15.

[BTW, sorry about all the impersonations of Sammy Smalls ("he runs into walls") in this demo. I have recently changed my mouse settings - lower sensitivity and much more acceleration - so I am even clumsier than normal.]


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Grazza said:
Alone in the dark:

When you were sliding through those shadowy nooks at the end, yeah, but beforehand some things growled.

This reminds me I've been meaning to play this megawad...

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Yes, that comment probably applied rather better to my other attempts (and the recording session as a whole), where more than 75% of the demo was spent attempting that final glide.

Vile Flesh is warmly recommended. If you are intending to play it with Doom2+, note that some maps require Boom behaviour (not Boom specials though) in terms of things like stairbuilding, floor motion and linedef trigger model. I don't have a list of which maps are affected, but 17 and 28 definitely don't work correctly with vanilla behaviour. Also 22 according to DeDo.

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myk said:

This reminds me I've been meaning to play this megawad...

You should! I'm playing it again for the thrid time. Great maps in here. Keep the demos coming Grazza.

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  • 1 year later...

Today I recorded a few demos for the third map of Vile Flesh. We have..
vf03 UV-Max 2:48 (previous record was 2:51)
vf03 UV-Speed 1:30 (previous record was 2:48 or similar)

I was considering doing nightmare demos of vf02 and vf03, but vf02 seems practically impossible, and vf03 is very tricky as well, particularly early on. The starting area is sheer murder, and you have to cross it thrice. Are there any NM demos for Vile Flesh?

I'd also like to repeat my earlier request for a UV-Max and UV-Speed for Phocas Island 1. The map is extremely challenging and I imagine a successful demo could be quite spectacular (also long in the case of the maxdemo). I'd do it myself but I'm simply not good enough. I'm interested to see if it can even be done. It's a bit of a slaughter map, and resources are extremely scarce.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have two more Vile Flesh demos today. There's a maxdemo of vf04 in 1:57 (faster than the current record by less than a second I think :)) and a speedrun of vf05 in 4:10.
Keep up the good work, people, there are a lot of impressive demos being posted at the moment.


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  • 1 month later...

Another Vile Flesh demo from me. This time I have a speedrun of map 13, "Subterranea".

This was quite a bit more difficult than any of the previous VF maps, since, as the name suggests, this is a map filled with cramped underground areas where there isn't much room for evasion. There are more than a few nasty close quarters encounters with barons, revenants and mancubi.

Time was 5:55.


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  • 1 year later...

Nevan said:
I randomly picked on a map from Vile Flesh - Map03.

Finally, a new Vile Flesh demo! A funny ending (for the watcher, don't know if for the player, too). Just wanted to add your WOS MAP04 demos have excellent times. There is 99% probability I will never be able to get anything below your fastest one.

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  • 4 months later...

Old Vile Flesh shit.

Here are some old Maxes that I recorded over 3 months ago for VF. I didn't want to release these, since the timetables on DSDA are more than adequate, and I recorded these just for some UV-Max practice and to pimp my meager skillz. However, now that I'm too busy to record anything for the near future, figured I might as well as clean house on my hard drive. These demos are from my pre-door blazing phase, and they are mostly second or third exits featuring some shitty movement.


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  • 2 months later...

That HMP demo on map04 reminded me of some vague idea from years ago.

Introducing an amazing new non-trick - the non-glide. :)

Vile Flesh map04 HNTR (skill 2) Pacifist in 0:43.


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Grazza said:

Introducing an amazing new non-trick - the non-glide. :)

Vile Flesh map04 HNTR (skill 2) Pacifist in 0:43.

That's hilarious. Well, it's not that I laughed, but I did say "That's hilarious" while watching.

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Hey Grazza, so you finally started to work on Never_Again's list? I'm happy!
And nice find with that glide. :))

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  • 3 weeks later...

a few demos of varying quality

map01 uv-pacifist in 0:22
map01 uv-max in 0:55
map02 TAS uv-speed in 0:55
map03 uv-speed in 1:24
map04 uv-speed in 0:39


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whoops, i didn't realize i should be using boom compat.. the first episode doesn't seem to mind doom2+ behaviour.

map05 uv-speed in 2:27
map07 uv-speed in 2:24
map08 uv-max in 2:11
map08 uv-pacifist in 0:35 :P
map09 uv-speed in 1:49


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Would be cool to see you guys take the Max records of this great wad to the next level. Some of the later demos are really unoptimized, and even the recent ones are rather uninspired and lackluster by today's standards.

A shame TOD isn't too active anymore, as I would love to see him tackle some of the later "Eternal-esque" levels.

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heh... i doubt it will be me. i'm at map13 and already getting fed up by the switch orgies and room-by-room progression. jario however... :)

oh and here's a cute exploit for map12, uv-speed in 2:12


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If the amount of monsters-per-square-inch is rather low, I prefer just fist/saw/pistol-ing through them without the need to rush nor to clip through map searching for secrets. Regular maxes are quite boring, at least for me, so I'll probably leave it for futuristical standarts. :P

map 1 tyson in 2:43


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