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Heroes' Tales Demos [-complevel 4]

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Heroes' Tales Map06 UV Max 3:07 (K:100 I:100 S:100)

A few more optimizations popped into my thoughts last night while trying to go to sleep. I didn't think I'd post it since I was only going for a sub 3:20 run but for a run that is 24 seconds faster... I thought, why not.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Another whack at Heroes' Tales on Map05 this time. UV Max 4:04 (K:100 I:100 S:100).

I Could probably do a little better if I kept at it. meh.

@ Andy Olivera

Since you are keeping my 3:31 demo of map06 you may want to note that I avoided the lone secret area in that one.


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This thread will be dedicated to demos for the recent, Russian community megawad Heroes' Tales. It's one of the few WADs out there that requires the TNT: Evilution IWAD to run, so keep that in mind when recording.

I'll start off by posting four speed demos, one of which is -nomonsters, that I recorded on the first four levels in PrBoom+ with -complevel 4 (Final Doom compatibility.) All of have at least one trick or two, and I hope you enjoy them in spite of the rather ugly endings a few of them have.

ht01o034.lmp - UV -nomonsters on MAP01: Ancient Valley by Lainos in 0:34
ht02-146.lmp - UV speed on MAP02: Ruins by Shadowman in 1:46
ht03-138.lmp - UV speed on MAP03: Aquapark by Wraith in 1:38
ht04-028.lmp - UV speed on MAP04: Survival by Lainos in 0:28


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Nice timings here, TGH.

I`ve done some practice runs on HT before. None of demos are optimal and have been done in few attempts, except for 24&25 speeds which took a while.

Map01 in 2:41
Map02 in 7:01
Map04 in 2:46
Map05 in 3:26
Map06 in 2:56
Map24 in 3:35

Speed Demos:
Map01 Pacifist in 0:28
Map05 UV-speed in 0:55
Map20 UV-speed in 0:45
Map24 UV-speed in 0:07
Map25 Pacifist in 0:04


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The Green Herring said:
ht04-028.lmp - UV speed on MAP04: Survival by Lainos in 0:28

Well, it looks like you didn't survive :p

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Been a little on the busy side as of late, but took a bit of time this morning to do a UV-Max of map 10, "Mudrun". Originally, I had done a demo almost a month back on this level in 12:12, but never sent it off because of being lazy about it.

This new demo though is 24 seconds quicker at 11:48. Not bad since I was thinking under 12 minutes for a nice time here, but I had a brain fart at the RK. I blame the fact I just woke up when I did this demo.

Should be able to get this at least 10-15 seconds faster if you don't screw up and have a bit of luck.

Recorded with GLBoom-Plus -complevel 2. Perhaps I should have used -complevel 4 here, but I didn't see any notable differences or problems here.


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myk said:

Well, it looks like you didn't survive :p

I was going to make a joke about that in the text file, but I didn't really feel like it. ;)

Anyway, I improved my times on MAP02 and MAP03, and I recorded new demos for MAP05 and MAP06. Same port and -complevel as before. Check them out.

ht02-104.lmp - UV speed on MAP02: Ruins by Shadowman in 1:04
ht03-058.lmp - UV speed on MAP03: Aquapark by Wraith in 0:58
ht05-047.lmp - UV speed on MAP05: Canyon by 3EPHOEd in 0:47
ht06-042.lmp - UV speed on MAP06: Nemesis by Archi in 0:42


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Did a quick UV-Max before I get off for the day here. It's for map 15, "Impocalypse". Nifty name, ok level. Time for the demo is 5:52. Not bad for under 5 attempts needed to get this run. The final enemy room could have been cleared out a bit better though.

Also switched to -complevel 4 for this recording and will likely keep it that way for any future HT demos I do.


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Pair of demos today, both for map 16, "Dark Cave". Did a UV-Max in 3:28 and a UV-Speed in 1:49.

The UV-Max could still see some improvements since I had more cells at the end than usual.

The UV-Speed has a shortcut I found. Tough to pull off, but does save some good time in the process. It too could see some slight improvements.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Plugging one of the two glaring holes in the H'T demo tables:
MAP21 "Hell's Maw" by Shadowman - UV Max in 21:45.
I'm not into slaughtermaps but this map is a work of art, design and gameplay. Why it has had no demos to this day (besides skep's failed FDA) is beyond me. I had quite a lot to say about it, so the TXT is pretty long. ;)

The other hole - on MAP28 - is next on the agenda. I've been picking at it lazily for the past few days, and it turned out to be much easier than MAP21, I just need a little patience for the slaughterfest part at the end. Any day now. ;)

Meanwhile, here are three demos for the boss level.
MAP30 "Call of Cthulhu" by Watchmaker:
- UV Max in 1:42
- NM Speed (there are no secrets) in 1:41
- UV Speed in 1:03

Oh, and a request for Grazza or myk: could you move the four stray H'T posts from the Miscellaneous Demos thread here, please? Here are the links:

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Never_Again said:

Plugging one of the two glaring holes in the H'T demo tables:
MAP21 "Hell's Maw" by Shadowman - UV Max in 21:45.
I'm not into slaughtermaps but this map is a work of art, design and gameplay. Why it has had no demos to this day (besides skep's failed FDA) is beyond me. I had quite a lot to say about it, so the TXT is pretty long. ;)

Maybe it's because of the music and textures, but that Map21 reminds me a lot of Alexander S. (Eternal)'s mapping style. Although, perhaps it's just that great Russian mappers think alike. Great map and demo. :)

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It is, the architecture is obviously a blatant copycat of EPIC 5, Long Days etc. Never_Again's excessive lavishing of praise suggests he's never played the originals.

Also I would like to think Eternal would not make a map with so much annoying ledge running, platform jumping, and out-of-sight monsters in it. Or at least, if he did, entryway would moan at him until he fixed them ;) Yeah those two key towers pissed me off too and frankly Hell's Maw having no demos was no surprise.

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RjY said:

It is, the architecture is obviously a blatant copycat of EPIC 5

O rly? I had another look at Epic MAP05 and yes, there's a tower like that in there too and no, I don't see any other similarities between the maps. Frankly, the towers in Hell's Maw are done much better than the one in epic05, where it looks about as impressive as an old tree stump. Anyway, the two maps have completely different styles and goals, comparing them makes no sense.

RjY said:

Never_Again's excessive lavishing of praise suggests he's never played the originals.

And the slant of your post suggests you have an agenda of your own, one that has no bearing whatsoever on H'T demos. Sour grapes, rooting for the home team? Whatever that may be, can we keep this thread on topic, please? Thx.

Plugging up the last hole, as promised:
MAP28 "Mount Doom" by Dragon Hunter - UV Max in 21:05. Definitely improvable, but I'm happy with it for now.

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Never_Again said:

O rly? [...]

Hmm, yeah I guess I went a bit over the top here, I just thought it really, really looks like one of Eternal's maps, at least from the outside, and I recall being incredibly annoyed by some of the gameplay inside the key towers so I was a bit surprised that you liked it so much. That doesn't excuse what I posted though, I don't know what I was thinking really. I want to apologize to you and everyone else who read that post.

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Coolio. No apologies, I don't think anyone has been offended. ;)

I admit I wasn't really happy with 21:05 on MAP28, the handling of the slaughterfest part left much to be desired and generally there were a lot of slow bits here and there. A few recording sessions and I got another exit - 19:24. Third time is the charm! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Map12 UV Speed/Pacifist in 0:19

Easy run; anyone who feels like will be able to improve the time. BTW, I used the naming convention hl instead of ht, which conflicts with the standard naming for Hell Revealed Tyson demos. Although, with Extended Format, it doesn't matter too much either way.

BTW, map13 should make for a fairly interesting violent UV Speed thanks to two tricks. You only need the yellow and blue keys (and to press the blue and yellow switches), and you can get the yellow key at the start using a thing-wobble-glide off a former human in the start room (you can also get it without that, by accurate running). You'd need to glide through the gap where the three bars block your way (not having pressed the red key switch), and there would need to be some monster-fighting along the way. But it could be a nice-looking demo for someone willing to put some work into it. Edit: the route would also feature a further glide near the exit - it's an obvious one and not difficult. (So obvious that I forgot even to mention it at first!) Edit2: Oops, the reason I didn't mention the "third glide" is that it is on the next map! Something got scrambled there!


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  • 3 months later...
Grazza said:

Map12 UV Speed/Pacifist in 0:19

Hmmm. After watching this demo I figured I`d try out some gliding. I had never done it before until now. I tried it out a little, and on my first REAL speed/pacifist try I got 00:17 :)
Well, thats not the point. I figured I`d record a demo, but I have NO CHANCE in hell to do the gliding when I`m recording. Its like the mouse is laggy and very unprecice when I`m recording compared to when I`m not. Is this something known, or is it just my computer that fucks with me? Its a noticeable difference!

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Oh :( And I thought I found something I could be good at finally. LOL

Edit: I dont get it. Seems like the exact angle I need to be at to get through cant be obtained while recording haha. Its really easy when not recording. I just got 00:13. I`ve tried like 50 times while recording, but I cannot get through. WTF

edit2: This is even WTF`ier; If I move my mouse very slowly, I can move it all over my mousepad without getting any movement in Doom (prboom+) at all. Is it like...speed sensitive?? Sorry, but I`m a noob at this.

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Once you get used to the way recording works, gliding (and especially hard glides, which these aren't) should be easier when recording than when not.

Response to your "edit2": if you don't move your mouse enough in a tic to register as one full "unit" of turning, then yes, it is as if you haven't moved it at all. This is actually very useful in situations where you don't want to turn (e.g. you are already correctly aligned).

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