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Eternal Memories 1 demos (-complevel 9)

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TimeOfDeath said:

Eternal Memories 1 map01 max 2:16

Btw Qaatar, you didn't use hud? I think you lost a couple seconds when you checked for monsters in the start room. All of my prboom/+ demos are with hud.

Man, that caco at the end really screwed you. Would have had a 2:0x.

But yeah, I don't have a habit of using the hud, unless I'm watching demos. I'll use it from now on for your wads. :)

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Eternal Memories 1 Map 01 UV Max in 1:54.

Optimally, one should squeeze past the imps immediately after opening the door, so the hitscanners on both sides can start shooting. I didn't want to get trapped and shredded, so this can definitely go faster.

ToD's going to come back with a 1:3x. :)


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Eternal Memories 1 map 01 UV-fast in 1:31. Not going to be easy for me to top this considering how much went right in the run.

Perhaps you might be able to pick up on some ideas for improving your UV-Max from this run too Qaatar.


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Map 01 UV Max in 1:37.

Took ideas from both Anima's -fast and ToD's Max demo.
Didn't need the backpack, but picked it up out of habit.
Looks like the optimal time is around 1:29.

I'm burned out on this map, so it'll be up to you guys to improve. :)


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Good stuff Anima. :)

Map 02 UV Max in 1:46.

As the old adage goes, it's better to be lucky than good.
Aggression in pursuing the two archies as early as possible is pretty much the strat here. Circle strafing and inciting some internecine infights is the rest of the map.


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You guys are crazy to play these maps this way :) Anima's MAP04 & MAP06 -fast demos are particularly impressive.

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map09 -fast 3:54

Anima, I agree with you about map08 being kinda boring. I had originally started remaking the area where the yellow key is, but for some reason I gave up and made the blue key area instead.

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No way can I keep up with Anima at his pace, lol.

Anyways, Map 04 is a pain in the ass. Finally got this decent demo, but I didn't pick up enough rockets this time.

Map 04 UV Max in 6:28.


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I wouldn't worry too much about me getting ahead here :P. Considering what map 11 looks like with -fast, I have a feeling I'll be working on that one for awhile.

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Hehe...stole some more ideas from your -fast demos, Anima. :)

Map 05 UV Max in 1:43
Map 06 UV Max in 3:16

Both can be improved quite easily I think. Especially 6, as I was quite timid after escaping from the pile of revenants and cacos at the beginning.


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Was playing around with Map 08, and you guys are right...it's a terrible anomaly in an otherwise great wad. Not going to bother with recording anything, as it's no fun at all, and ToD already has a great Max demo.

Anyways, here's map 07 UV Max in 2:33. Couple of lucky and slick moments, so I'm pretty happy with it.


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map04 max 5:45

Keep in mind this wad was intended to be played as a movie. Each area was separated into it's own map to help with practising each area, and some of the areas don't really act very well as it's own map. Some idiot forgot to add an exit line to map33, so that map is unplayable for now but I'll upload a separate version of only map33 soon.

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Anima Zero said:

Considering what map 11 looks like with -fast, I have a feeling I'll be working on that one for awhile.

Yeah, I can see what you mean. Even though I'm pretty sure all of ToD's Max times are just first exits, the fact that he has an extensive and thorough knowledge of the layouts and monster placements gives him a big advantage on the later maps.

Coupled with the fact that he's at his very best when there are sniping cybies pumping rockets at him from all angles, it'll be pretty tough for me to optimize any of his times. The fact that I can toil away on a map for 4-5 hours only to achieve a time that's equal to his first exit is hilarious.

I think I'm relatively decent at handling most situations, but doing it at ToD's efficiency level is a whole different story. Looks like it's time for me to go back to the woodshed and practice some more.

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Map 11 UV-fast recorded finally. Took a good hour+ worth of attempts to get one exit. Not an easy -fast level by any means folks.

The archies at the end are annoyances once again. A minute or more could be shaved off if they didn't go on a meat shield revive-a-thon.

On the other hand I survived a nasty encounter on a platform ride.

Map 11 - 12:22


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Maps 12 and 13 UV-fast fall this morning, meaning only 14, 15, and 31 remain.

Map 12 was tough (Not quite as bad as 11 was though), map 13 was a breather compared to 11 and 12.

Of course, if 14 is the one I'm thinking of, then I'm gonna have a blast with that one cause I remember some platforms that I had a hell of a time jumping between for some reason.

Map 12 - 10:52
Map 13 - 2:50


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