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Jenesis demos [-complevel 9]

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Final version has come out so I can actually start recording some demos here.

Did a UV-Max for map 7 in 2:49. Considering I'm a good deal under the par time of 3 minutes for this level, I'll take that as a good sign considering this was only my 2nd attempt.


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j4rio said:

Not sure if anybody watches this sort of thing anyway. Well, whatever.

Well, I certainly will. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

In a possible attempt to revive this thread and hopefully get some demo action going on this wad again, I did a UV-Max for map 11 in 7:16. Not bad, but still improvable in spots. Under 7 minutes could be possible here with a few changes to the strategy and not having any goof ups or close calls.


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Funny thing actually, I was working on some demos for this WAD for the past couple of weeks. This is what I've got so far:

Map 14 UV Max in 6:05
Map 22 UV Max in 8:40
Map 25 UV Max in 6:40
Map 31 UV Max in 9:33


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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 5 months later...

It's a shame this wad hasn't received too much attention from speedrunners as I think it's a great quality wad. I think it needs more loving care.

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I dunno, I tried to play through it a few times but the gameplay just feels so filler-ish (i.e. the monsters are just filling the space and usually there is little challenge) that I always give up very soon. Nowadays I'm more interested in dynamic and truly challenging maps. That latest Darkwave0000 wad was awesome, for example.

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Fair point I guess - I do have some maps from this I do really like however, but at the same time I know your feeling. Now that I thought about it, I should challenge myself to some more HR2 maps.

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Why does this game not have more attention? It's fucking awesome.

Map15 "Alchemy"
UV-Max in 7:13

This does make use of jenefix.wad so you'll need to get it to go with this demo. You can find it a little bit ahead in the thread, linked by Jimmy himself.


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